• Published 1st Oct 2019
  • 730 Views, 120 Comments

Nightmare Night - Dreadnought

  • ...

Chapter 21: Treehouse of Horror 30.1

Professor Frink stood in the living room. "As you can see, mother, this invention will change the world!" He leaned over to the contraption. Mechanical arms came up to his chest and in a flash its work was done. He stood up and continued his demonstration. "From now on, nerds like myself will never be made fun of because they can't tie a tie."

Mrs. Frink rolled her eyes. "You've got a PhD from MIT, and this is what you spend your time on!? I thought you were trying for a Nobel Prize." She got up and left the room, leaving her son distraught.

Sitting in his office at the Springfield Heights Institute of Technology, Professor Frink mused, "I've got to do something to win the Nobel Prize so my mother will be proud of me." He looked at his scientific notebooks for inspiration. "Hmm.... Lasers for sharks? No. Spray on hair? No. Self-paying parking meters? No."

Five hours later....

"Well, it's either build a time machine or develop a way to increase intelligence. Which one should I work on? I think the drug. The Nobel Prize for Medicine seems to have lower standards, what with the simple biology and molecular science."

"Yes, your research is quite promising," said Dr. Hibbert as he put down the file. "I'd be willing to help you with this project."

"Excellent. Now to proceed with the human testing."

Dr. Hibbert chuckled. "Do I look like Edward Jenner? No, first you must do animal testing." He pulled out a file from his desk, "Here are the prices for testing on chimpanzees."

Looking at the file, Professor Frink exclaimed, "Hoyvin-glavin!"

Once again Dr. Hibbert chuckled, "Yes, it can be very expensive."

"What about other animals?"

"Well, there are dogs and cats. Or you can try for other creatures such as frogs or ponies."

"Ponies! My as-yet-to-be-introduced brother raises ponies. They'll be cheap!"

Dr. Hibbert and Professor Frink stood in the stable. "I gave the drug to this pony two weeks ago. Let's test its intelligence." Turning to the pony, he said, "What do you get when you add two plus two?"

The pony stomped its hoof four times.

"Amazing," exclaimed Dr. Hibbert.

"Yes, let's try again. What is four times two?"

The horse in the next stall stomped its hoof eight times.

"That one is intelligent too," noted Dr. Hibbert.

"I - uh - didn't give it the drug."

"How can this be?"

Professor Frink examined his notes. "Oh, I forgot to carry the one. Let's see, divide this by that and take into account exponential growth. Uh-oh."


"My technique involves the use of gene therapy. It seems that the adenovirus has become airborne."


"All the horses in Springfield have become intelligent."

Mayor Quimby reflected on the presentation. "I don't see a problem here."

"Flavin!" cried Professor Frink. "Intelligent horses could be the end of us! They could overthrow mankind."

"I don't think you understand the magnitude," insisted Dr. Hibbert.

"Intelligent ponies will bring in tourist dollars and raise our school's scores on the state's standardized tests," explained Mayor Quimby.

"But their not just intelligent, they're also talking and registering to vote," replied Professor Frink.

"Registering as Democrats?" asked Quimby.


Mayor Quimby slammed his fist on the desk. "These ponies present a threat and must be eliminated. What do you propose?"

"Well, the animal rights activists won't let us shoot them, but we could conceivable wipe them out with an intense radiation dosage."

Mayor Quimby looked out his window. "How could we create a massive radiation dosage in Springfield?"

"Let me get this straight," said Mr. Burns. "I cause an intentional core breach, and you will absolve me of all liability."

"Yes," assured Quimby.

"And all liability for past accidents?"


"And future accidents?"


"This is a good deal, sir," said Mr. Smithers. "However, given your reputation, perhaps it would be best if someone else were to take the blame."

"Did you have someone in mind?" Mr. Burns asked.

Smithers pointed at the monitor.

"Excellent," said Mr. Burns.

Homer Simpson came back from lunch and sat down in his chair. He looked over the control panel. The "Drain All Coolant" button had been scratched out and written in pencil above it was "Press Here For Free Donut."

"Ooh!" cried Homer, excitedly pushing the button over and over again."

A moment later the Springfield's emergency alarms began broadcasting across town.

After several months...

Mayor Quimby addressed the crowd. "I've been assured that we can return to Springfield."

Lisa spoke up, "But won't radiation levels still be too high?"

"I've been assured by leading scientists hired by Burns Worldwide that it is safe to return, right before they bought private jets to fly to Bora Bora."

The people crested the hill overlooking Springfield and gasped. Instead of a ruined town, Springfield was thriving. The town was populated completely by ponies. Some ponies worked on putting up a building. Another one, a police officer, had pulled over a speeder. Colts and fillies played during school recess. The sign above town that normally read "Springfield" had been changed to "Equestria."

"Oh smagin!" cried Professor Frink. "The radiation dose mutated the ponies. They've turned pastel colors and have enormous eyes."

Dr. Hibbert commented, "And some have evolved into pegasi while others are unicorns."

Princess Twilight Sparkle set aside the book. Looking at the Cutiemark Crusaders, she said, "And that was how Equestria was founded."

Scootaloo said, "That's cool and all, but we asked you 'Where do baby ponies come from?'"

Author's Note:

Last night was the Simpson's "Treehouse of Horror XXX". Thought I'd pay tribute to this Halloween series, the inspiration for this story, with a special chapter. Hope you enjoyed it!

I'd also like to note the milestone I've reached with this chapter. I have now published over 200,000 words! I never thought I'd write enough to reach that, but here I am! And there's still so much more to come!
