• Published 1st Oct 2019
  • 404 Views, 0 Comments

So Much More To Me - Split Scimitar

Fluttershy‘s new hobby involves studying an area’s native species and ways to protect them. Up next on her list of ecosystems: the flora, fauna, and merry weather of… Hawaii!

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I Don’t Need My Name In Lights

Thankful for a lower than usual headwind, we end up touching down in Kailua-Kona almost 20 minutes early, so once we get parked, I check fuel loads and run fuel numbers. Though I have enough to get to Maui, I order a couple hundred gallons mostly out of courtesy.

Fortunately for us, we get our ramp approvals without problem. After the four cars cross to the land side, I consult with each of the drivers just to see what their plans are. I undoubtedly trust them, but it is nice to know where they’re going.

Soon after I let them go, I send a text to Rosalina.

“Landed. You at home or work?”

Not expecting an immediate reply, I head for one of my properties on the island. Naturally, I get settled and find myself bored quite quickly. The natural instinct for me then is of course go for a drive or something, but I also know that within the next… few hours, I need to meet my wife so we can begin the paperwork.

About 40 minutes later, I get a reply.

“Sorry. Was doing a check flight. Come to the office, we’ll do everything after we close.”

“No problem. You want/need anything?”

“No, I’m okay. Thank you.”

“No problem. Be there soon.”

When I arrive, the only cars left in the lot are Rosalina’s and who I assume are the maintenance staff. Nevertheless, I head in and find Rosalina on the computer, inputting times into spreadsheets for what I can only assume are for the aircraft logbooks.

“Hello.” She responds without turning her head.

“Hi.” I respond in kind.

“How was the journey over?”

“Not bad actually. SeaTac’s still in runway construction, but at least they can do simultaneous close parallel now.”

“They finally get the spacing right?”


“Glad they’re making progress.”

“Is what I said.”

A few minutes of further data entry precede a cheerful but seemingly forced, “Okay!” “Everything we need is right here. Nothing unusual: crossing t’s, dotting i’s, initialing, signature-ing, and then finalizing. Unfortunately, there are a lot of steps beyond just that, but we’ll have to take it One Step At A Time.”

“Naturally. So, where do I start?”

“Well, I have most of the papers ready. What I need from you however is your share of the paperwork filled out.”

“What reasoning are you going to file?”

“Irretrievable breakdown due to extramarital affair still sound good?”

“I suppose.”

“You aren’t actually, are you?”

Rendered speechless, I go paler than a bucket as I tell her “no.”

“Be honest with me. I won’t hold it against you.”

“I didn’t, I haven’t, and I’m not.”

“Very well. If you were however, the burden of proof is on me as the petitioner, but I trust you on that.”

“Okay. Um, is there anything that needs to be divvied up?”

“Well, we ought to go through our things and find out if and what needs to be contested as it were.”

“Well, let’s start with the obvious. The three houses.”

“Will it bother you if you keep them under your name?”

“No. I must ask, why not take them?”

“I would not ask that of you. You gave me the opportunity to have them when I first began here. I would not feel right just taking them from you.”

“You’re so kind, I almost wish we didn’t have to do this.”

“I will not lie, I kind of feel the same way, but do know that this is for both our betterment. Nothing will change between us, except our marital status.”

“I understand, but I still can’t help but feel some guilt about this. It was my idea for us to get married, so I guess in a really roundabout way, ‘I’m sorry I have to put you through all this.’”

“Don’t apologize. Yes, this is inconvenient. Yes, I knew what I was getting into. Yes, this is not what I had envisioned when I pictured marrying the man I love. But despite that, I want you to know that no matter what happens, you are one of the best things that ever happened to me.”

Holding back a tear or two, I sigh and respond, “I’m speechless. If I had any less machismo in me right now, I’d be in tears” with a chuckle.

Rosalina blushes as she takes out the papers. Handing me the first set, already tabbed out for initials and signatures, I sign and initial as necessary, making sure to read the fine print just for my sake.

By the time we finish, it sure didn’t feel like a long time, but having carefully reviewed all the papers and making sure everything is in agreement, we both decide to head for dinner. However, upon failing to reach an agreement for what to eat, we decide to eat at home instead.

Next morning, I beat Rosalina awake, since I’m still on Pacific time, but thanks to a long shower, I meet her making breakfast. I greet her with a kiss as I look for fruit. My first choice is an apple, followed by a banana, seeing as how I’m quite potassium deficient, which I guess is more or less what causes my high blood pressure. That and the obvious.

“Are you going into the office today?”

“Yes. There’s always some work to be done.”

“Do you not have an office manager?”

“I am the office manager. I only outsource the accounting.”

“Ok then. Well, whenever you want to hop to The Valley Isle, I’m here.”

“Okay. We can get Grandma’s Coffee House.”

“Ooh. That does sound good. And Leoda’s or Paia Fish Market.”

“Sounds like we have a plan.” She says as she smiles brightly at me.

After I decide to drive her, she grabs her spare garage door opener and climbs in as I fire the thing up. When we reach the office, she unlocks the door, turns on all the lights, then she sits down at the computer. I make do in the other office, glad we’re the first ones here.

Booting up the considerably slower computer, I check the files on it and find much of the same kind of stuff I would expect to see on Rosalina’s computer, albeit from the years prior. In fact, some deeper digging reveals the oldest files on this computer date back to only a few years before Rosalina began here.

Quickly closing everything and back to minding my own business, I decide to check some emails. Nothing aside from the usual promo/sale and one or two that I actually have to respond to. Just then, the first pilot of the day shows up. A quick handshake for pleasantries with me, and he heads for his first preflight.

A few minutes later, the dispatcher shows up and logs in. I recognize her from the Maui office, and we do a bit of catching up.

When the pilot returns, he consults Rosalina about some maintenance items, and after she redirects him to me, even though I have no helicopter experience, I try and help out anyway.

“What’s up?”

“Our beacon light is inoperative.”

“Do you have any other types of anti collision lights?”



“This one doesn’t?”

“Well, turn the lights on.”

After he does as told, I watch him check all the switches, and barely making out the sound of an electrical pulse consistent with strobe lights, I check around and find the lower beacon functional.

“Your belly beacon is operative.”

“That’s the problem. One is operative, the other is inoperative. Does that mean it still counts or does that mean we use strobes only?”

“Well, that’s a problem for me because if any one is inop, I squawk it anyway and use the strobes. Since you have two beacon lights, and one of them is operative, I’d just use both beacon and strobes.”

“I’ll probably just do that, but I imagine we’ll get a day VFR restriction.”

“At the least, I imagine. Unfortunately, Rosalina is sending you to the wrong person. I’m all airplane, I have no rotorcraft experience.”

“Fair enough. I appreciate the input.”

“No problem. Just squawk it as “upper beacon inoperative” or something like that.”

“I figured. Thanks again.”

“No problem.”

Just as I return to the building, six people walk in.

“Good morning!” The receptionist greets all of them. “How can I help you?”

“We’re the party of 6 under the name “Dennis.””

“One second, let me verify your reservation.”

I quickly return to the office and resume my inactivity, only interrupted by Rosalina coming in and asking,

“Can you run to Costco and get some more TP?”

“Yeah. Anything else? Pizza, sandwich, chicken bake?”

“Maybe later?”

“No problem.”

“You wanna use my car?”

“Nah. I can fit it in the Lambo.”

“That’ll be funny to see.”

“Pretty first-world right?”


“Hey, we’re all human.” I say as she leaves.

No trouble at all, I head to Costco and go straight for the TP. After debating over which type to get, I make a decision and also pick up a hot turkey sandwich too.

Knowing it won’t fit in the boot, I stuff the big pack in the passenger seat, trying to leave room to see the mirror. With the sandwich in hand, I eventually plunk that in the passenger seat and fire it up. After getting quite a few looks driving a Lamborghini Aventador with a giant pack of toilet paper in the passenger seat, I give a nice shout in first as I head back to the office.

After I walk in, I put the pack in the supply closet and put my sandwich in the break room fridge. Before I return to my computer, I grab a bottle of water to get me through the mid-morning.

By 10:30, I get bored, since Rosalina doesn’t give me any tasks to do. In the end, I ask if I can go home, which she grants, but not before asking me to make sure to pick her up for lunch.

When I return home, I take advantage of her smart fridge to peek in and add to the digital list. Soon after, I toast a couple slices of bread, realizing that I forgot to grab my turkey sandwich.

“I forgot a hot turkey sandwich in the fridge. Can you grab it when I pick you up?”


“Thank you!”

Since I have about an hour and a half, I watch some Netflix but give up after a few episodes because of issues with the HD. Fortunately, seeing a nice time period where I can gradually make my way up, I decide to pleasure cruise, maintaining a speed of no more than 60, which is mildly annoying, but I quickly get used to it.

When I arrive, Rosalina is just out the door with my sandwich in hand. She then gets in and tells me, “Tommy Bahama good?”

“Why not?” I say as I put the car in gear.

Fortunately for us, a clear path by police radar allows me to put my foot down. Whether Rosalina is in in the car as a reason for me to do it now is more or less irrelevant, considering that she trusts me pretty well. That said, I am surprised she has trusted me this much in the years that we’ve been married, and in fact all the way back to even before we started dating. Even so, I like to think it’s because she knows I’m not so macho as to try anything outside my skill and comfort levels. I also know she’s real quick and yet incredibly kind about pulling me back if I start to descend into T-rage.

Nevertheless, when we sit down for lunch, I keep things simple and order a water and the local catch, which varies depending on the time of year as it is of good ethical practices to respect the kai (sea). Rosalina takes the other local catch on the menu and keeping with our tradition of halfsies, we each eat half one plate and switch for the other half. Sometimes, it’s the little things.

When we return to the office, all the helicopters are gone on tours and two parties are waiting, having arrived rather early.

I then decide to run to the house I’m staying and move to Rosalina’s house, since she does in fact want me to stay with her. Quickly getting comfortable, I race back to the office, where Rosalina, to my surprise, is waiting for me at the front door.

“I finished early. There is absolutely nothing else for me to do.”

“Okay then. What do you want to do now?”

“Well, I know I usually wait until the last day of the month, but let’s head to Maui.”

“Alrighty then.”


“Do you want to leave now?”

“Sure. When does Da Kitchen close?”


“I’m feeling a little loco. You?”

I concur and with a big hearty “Ha” and punch the throttle when we reach Queen Ka’ahumanu highway.

After Rosalina does the rest of the housekeeping, the both of us clean sweep as we normally do, seeing as the house will be unoccupied for the next nine months, before we pack up everything that needs to come with us and head for the airport.

“Kona Clearance, Galaxy 7, IFR to Maui.”

“Galaxy 7, cleared to Kahului–Maui airport via as filed. Maintain 10,000, expect 14,000 passing AMERY. HCF Departure 126.0, squawk 7210.”

“Cleared to Kahului–Maui via as filed, maintain 10,000, expect 14,000 past AMERY. HCF 126.0, squawk 7210, Galaxy 7.”

“Galaxy 7, readback correct. Ground .9.”

Engine start.

“Ellison Onizuka International Airport ATIS information Uniform, 0328Z, wind 040 at 4, visibility 10. Sky clear below 12,000. Temperature 23°C, dewpoint 18°C, altimeter 29.93. Visual runway 35 in use. Landing and departing runway 35. All VFR aircraft contact clearance delivery prior to taxi. Readback of all runway hold short instructions required. Advise on initial contact, you have information Uniform.”

2 alight and stable, Rosalina on the radios. “Nose wheel steering and ABS: verify on.”

“Thank you.”

“Kona Ground, Galaxy 7, Air Service, U, taxi.”

“Galaxy 7, Kona Ground. Runway 35, taxi via Ramp L A.”

“Ramp L A, runway 35, Galaxy 7.” “Straight ahead onto the south ramp entryway, then straight ahead into A, hold short runway 35.”

“Thank you. Taxi check.”

“Flaps: set to 2 for takeoff.
Trim: set for takeoff.
Taxi check complete.”

”Before takeoff check?”

“Trims: set.
Flaps: set.
Auto brakes: RTO.
Before takeoff complete.”

“Thank you.” “Kona tower, Galaxy 7, short 35, ready for departure.”

“Galaxy 7, Kona tower. Runway 35, line up and wait, pending IFR release.”

“Line up and wait 35, Galaxy 7.”

About 15 seconds later, tower calls back, “Galaxy 7, runway 35, cleared for takeoff, fly the AMERY Four.”

“Cleared for takeoff 35, AMERY Four, Galaxy 7.”

80 knots.




Positive rate, gear up.

Flaps up.

“Galaxy 7, contact departure.”

“Galaxy 7, runway 2, cleared to land.”

“Cleared to land runway 2, Galaxy 7.”







Touchdown. Spoilers up, brakes on, 2 in reverse.

50 knots, disengage reverse thrust.

“Galaxy 7, if able, left G, taxi Sunshine via G A B, hold short runway 2.”

“Left G, G A B, short of 2, Galaxy 7.”

“Hawaiian 540, runway 2, cleared to land.”

“Cleared to land, Hawaiian 540.”

“Galaxy 7, behind the Hawaiian 717, cross runway 2, taxi straight ahead to Sunshine.”

“Cross Runway 2 behind the dinosaur, straight ahead to Sunshine, Galaxy 7.”

After they get a pretty smooth touchdown, I blip the throttles to get us going, and parking with the helicopters in consideration, I shut down quickly to decongest the ramp, to which the lineman gives me the lead for the ground power so I can plug us in.

After we leave the airport, we head for Da Kitchen and find ourselves in good company, running into an old friend currently with Hawaiian. In fact, thanks to fate, he was piloting the 717 we had to wait for. After catching up on some company stuff, specifically on things related to the 787, he heads out just as we place our drink orders.

A good meal having split one of their signature loco moco, I cover the bill and make the drive to Lahaina. After I park and head inside, I receive a text from Rarity.

“Darling, can we talk?”

“What’s up?”

A few minutes after I send the text, Rosalina unpacks her small bag and takes mine just as my phone rings.


“Hello darling! Is now a bad time?”

“Uh, no. What’s up?”

“I have some exciting news!”


“I found a space for my new boutique in Manhattan!”

“Oh wow! That’s incredible! Congratulations!”

“Thank you! I’m looking forward to it! Can you make sure that you have a weekend free so you can come to the grand opening?”

“Of course! Do you have a date set?”

“Oh heavens no! I just closed escrow yesterday.”

“Well, you sound awfully optimistic then.”

“Why must you be such a downer?”

“I have trust issues, you know that.”

“That’s still no excuse for you to rain on my parade.”

“I’m sorry I’m not as excited as you are, and I know this is a big step for you, and I’m happy for you. I just don’t like engaging in any grand celebrations about something just because the process has been kicked off. I don’t breathe until clear.”

“Oh alright. But you will be there, right??”


“You are such a star, darling!” She squeals excitedly. “I will get you dates as soon as I can!”

“Please do!”

“I’ll talk later, darling! Toodles!”


“What’s the news?” Rosalina asks stepping out of her bedroom.

“Rarity’s gonna be opening a new boutique in Manhattan!”

“Wow! Congrats to her!”

“I know! I’m happy for her. Hopefully I’ll get dates soon.”

“I’d love to join also! It’ll be nice to head back to New York again.”

“Definitely. You think Mario, Luigi and fam would be able to join us?”

“I hope so.”

While I wait to see when they need to move to the next island, I guess I’m stuck in Hawaii. Yay.

Author's Note:

Simultaneous close parallel (SCP) is a program in use predominantly at San Francisco International Airport (SFO) where two aircraft fly side by side maintaining visual separation and touch down on parallel runways (often at the exact same time). SFO has 2 sets of parallel runways, arranged in a # formation. They can space their traffic in a departure-arrival-departure-arrival sequence, whereby domestic (and some light international) departures depart off the north/south runways while international flights (or heavy domestic) use the east/west runways exclusively (all flights generally land east/west - weather permitting). The system is incredibly intricate and requires a “special Pilot-in-Command (PIC)” endorsement from the airlines to be able to act as a Captain for flights into and out of San Francisco.

Seattle–Tacoma International Airport “SeaTac” (SEA) has 3 parallel runways, but two of the runways are too close together to allow for SCP or even close parallel (CP). It is in their future growth plan to fix the runway spacing to allow for that, but because they cannot operate with CP or SCP, traffic into and out of SeaTac is a huge bottleneck. While there is no scheduled date to introduce it, Seattle’s rapid, exponential growth has been begging for it. Having fallen victim to flight cancellations because of such construction projects, it’s only appropriate that SeaTac be CP/SCP capable.