• Published 19th Oct 2019
  • 2,667 Views, 56 Comments

From Grass to Bedrock - Animatorsnake

Steve is the last Crafter, he’s built many things, he’s defeated many foes, explored as far as he could see… but there’s one thing he hasn’t done – explore another world.

  • ...

Chapter 0/Prologue - They Call Him, Steve

The Overworld, a place that reaches far from all directions, consisting of scorching deserts, tropical jungles, tundras, dense forests, a spiderweb of underground tunnels and ravines, and widespread oceans. Each ecosystem have their various creatures – both friendly and not so friendly – but on a particular grassland, stood a stone wall, made of smooth stone with stone fences on top.

Within said perimeter was a fifty by fifty block area, within said area was a medium-sized house, a decently sized farm, stable and a small four block deep pond. A stone pathway was built to the house to the other structures, and to a gateway to exit outside the walled area.

The house has two floors and three basements, the main floor has a kitchen and some chests to store food and ingredients to cook with on the right side of the house; a kitchen table was stationed on the left side. Above that floor was the bedroom which had some chests full of personal items, and various other things ranging from armor to weapons. The first basement was a storage area, holding various objects and had an indoor garden, the second basement was less of a basement and more of a railway station, as it had four tunnels that headed to different directions, each having their own cart ready to be used. The final basement was a laboratory, holding potion stands, a cauldron, and some other mystical objects, it was also where the owner and person responsible with building everything within the walls was located.

Steve was in the middle of making a potion of healing, the strongest variety he could make, grabbing the required ingredients – first, starting off with a nether wart, cooked from the flames of blaze powder, adding the mixture into bottles of water, then adding a glistening water melon, and finally adding glowstone dust to boost the potion’s properties.

Having made any possible combinations of ingredients, Steve made many different potions, whether it be potions he can consume, potions that he can throw to cause a splash effect, or potions that linger longer than a few moments. This sort of trial and error experimentation also involved collecting and searching deadly locations, like the Nether or the End even.

So much knowledge gathered also involved a lot of books, Steve has enough books that he himself written to fill a small library, at least one or two stories. Done with making his, fourth, fifth potion of healing, Steve gathered up all his ingredients and put them away in a chest to the side.

Turning around, he walked toward a ladder and climbed up before popping up to what appears to be some sort of railway system. Walking over some rails, he climbed up another ladder until reaching a wooden floor that had dozens of chests in it. Opening one of the chests, he placed two of the potions of healing, before keeping the other three on him still.

After done putting away his reserve of potions, he climbed up more steps, this time made of wood, and reached the main floor. Here he approached a cold furnace, before searching through a chest that held food ingredients, and pulled out an uncooked piece of porkchop. Popping it into the stove, he put a piece of coal, and let it cook; the sound of meat popping was heard, as well as the crackling of the fire.

Stepping away, Steve went upstairs, here he scanned the second floor surroundings, there was his three-wide bed, his armor stands that held armor from leather all the way to diamond, and some chests holding some personal items.

The second floor had an interesting carpet and stained glass design both on the ceiling, and on the wall that had the bed facing against it. The design was of three colors – yellow in the middle, light green surrounding the yellow center, and light blue all around both colors. Each of the colors represented four main aspects of the world Steven lives in; yellow for the sun, green for the ground, and blue represented both the sky and the water. The colors themselves represented his world – his home – both the good… and even the bad.

His home wasn’t peaceful or safe, but it was home, he couldn’t ask or have it changed any other way. How long has it been since he’s been in this world? Five? Seven? It’s been almost a decade, with each passing day, each passing month, each passing year, something new comes, something changes, secrets within secrets in the smallest details or simply right in the open.

...He couldn’t forget the number of deaths, he went through, some were impressionable upon his soul, whether they were tragic, heroic, or sometimes were complete epic fails, he came back someway or another. Steven isn’t the religious type, but if there is some all-powerful being… well he must be either really lazy or the idea of death doesn’t exist to him.

Before going downstairs to check the porkchop, Steve grabbed an empty book and quill. Not hearing the sound of meat cooking anymore looking inside, the porkchop was done cooking; grabbing the cooked porkchop, Steve ate it as he walked to the exit of the house.

Outside, the sun was at it’s highest, the farm was brimming with various produce from wheat, carrots, potatoes, and more. In the stable was some farm animals like four chickens and a pair for each, cows, pigs and sheep in their own pen. Another pen had a horse, a mule, and a donkey, each had a name of course; the horse was called Strider, it was black with white splotches. The donkey was gray and called Carl, while the mule was brown called Dern.

The stable held some hay bales on a loft for storage; the stable had fence gates that lead within the walled area and outside. Outside was a village that bordered the wall, the ones living there was adequately called Villagers. They don’t speak much or rather they don’t speak in a way he can understand, though some simple gestures seemed to work for them.

Life was simple for Steven the Crafter – the Last Crafter – he hasn’t seen hair or hide of any sign of anyone or anything like him. Sure there have been abandoned structures, but none of them showed clues his kind made them. The only theory he had was that he was a one-of-a-kind being, considering he comes back from death… though he’s pretty certain that isn’t normal, considering when he kills an animal or monster, the same one doesn’t pop up.

Speaking of monsters, there was a reason he had this area walled-up, it protected him from the creatures of the night. He built a redstone system powered by lunar panels – similar to solar panels, but powered by the moon – which lights up every dark area within the walled zone.

Monsters that appear at night or in the darkest corner range from rotting hordes of zombies, bow-wielding skeletons, spiders that climb up any obstacle and even variations that inflict poison, and even green four-legged things called creepers, that sneakily approach you before exploding. There are more monsters, and there appeared to be more and more variations with each passing moment.

Steve sighed to himself, after finishing his porkchop, he popped open his empty journal, and wrote down what has occurred for the past week. Mined for ore, found some gold and two diamonds, need more iron to build the altar. Searched south of home, found nothing new or interesting as of yet, will continue to go that way. Need to make potions of water breathing to search that underwater temple, should also find some sponges to soak up water.

After done reading, Steve closed it, but kept it in a writable state so he could put down more logs for future dates. Steve didn’t speak… he wasn’t sure he could; taking a deep inhale, Steve try to release a sound, a breath… nothing.

Shrugging to himself, speaking didn’t bother Steve, he didn’t need to talk, the Villagers could understand him by just gestures or facial signs. It didn’t change his life, and he liked it, anything new was a happy surprise – though some new changes weren’t helpful at the slightest.

Life was fine, and I’m happy with that, whatever may come won’t change anything.

At that moment, something changed; without warning, a whirlpool of colors appear before him, a portal. Unlike the End portal or even the Nether portal, this one was swirl of bright colors, it actually hurt to look at it. What caught even more by surprise was the sudden pull he felt, unable to run or stand still, like a powerful stream of water, he was sucked into the portal with an audible pop.

The spot he was left no sign he was there, nothing, Steve’s companion and ride, Strider blinked with surprise before looking left and right. Without much of a neigh, the horse snorted and went back to grazing the grass within it’s pen.

Elsewhere – Equestria, Ponyville

Discord sat atop his throne of chaos, Ponyville was a menagerie of floating buildings, streets made of soap, rabbits as big as giraffes, buffalo wearing tutus. It was beautiful, complete and utter chaos, and Discord loved it, holding a glass of chocolate milk, he could see the group of mares who call themselves the current wielders of the Elements of Harmony.

Oh this is going to be fun. Drinking from the glass, instead of the milk being drunk, the glass itself vanished. Left with nothing but a chunk of chocolate milk, Discord tossed it behind him, exploding loudly as smoke filtered up to the sky.

“Discord! We are here to stop you, with the powers of the Elements of Harmony, you will return to stone for the next thousand years!” shouted Twilight. Looking at her friends, they prepared to ready the elements and soon be done with this whole fiasco.

Before Discord spoke… he felt it, a change in the world, a tiny flicker of chaotic energy… but not his chaotic energy. Well well, seems he’s playing his move now… This should be interesting.

“Oh I don’t think so, I may be back to my stony jail cell, but sooner or later, chaos will rain upon your peaceful home… Sooner than you think I believe.”

Ignoring his statement, they unleashed the elements at Discord, a beam of rainbow-harmony magic descending on the chortling draconequus. As he slowly turned to stone, his remaining words echoed for any to hear nearby.

“Things are about to get crafty,” said Discord, a permanent smirk plastered on his face.

With the deed done, the girls stared at the now petrified Discord, he was standing tall, both arms angled to point against his hips. He was smirking as if he accomplished something, but what was really off putting about all of this was he didn’t react at the slightest when he struck with the elements.

The girls still stared at Discord, with only Applejack looking at Twilight with a tired smile. “So… what do we do now?” asked Applejack.

Twilight still stared at the ‘statue’, but with a sigh she glanced at all her friends, making her way back to the library. “We wait for Princess Celestia to come pick up Discord, for now let’s rest and wait.”

Meanwhile – Equestria, Canterlot; Canterlot Castle

Noticing the sudden disappearance of Discord’s magical power, and the bright flash of rainbow colors from her balcony, Celestia sighed. She knew her student would send a letter about the incident, but told one of her guards to prepare a small dispatch to Ponyville to check for injured and damages to the town.

Hearing several knocks, she shouted to however was at the door to enter, but before she could, the door swung open quietly to reveal a familiar face. Luna was back to her usual self, her mane and fur now darker than the light blue she was first seen to appear, after she was freed of the Nightmare influence by the elements.

“Lulu, is something the matter?” asked Celestia.

“No, nothing dear sister… we hath heard that he was back… we assume thou used the elements on him, like thou self-”

“Luna, remember we discussed before, no using the old speech… it’s somewhat difficult for both our ponies and yourself to understand what you’re trying to say.”

Pouting, Luna focused before speaking out in a proper modern tone. “Sorry… As I was trying to convey earlier; you used the elements on him, so with him back in stone, what do you plan next?”

“Plan? I don’t have any sort of plans.” This surprised Luna, she assumed her sister who say her own return, planned for the aftermath of what was to come next. “Luna, I understand your worry, but we can’t worry about the past, so for now until whatever may come, comes, we need to focus on the now. I already have guards posted near the gate to Tartarus and even several outposts stationed all over the Frozen North… we’ll be ready, but until then...”

Celestia approached her sister, wrapping a wing around her, this calmed down Luna who let out the breath she was holding in. “Let’s go visit Twilight and her friends, I assume they must be exhausted after this tiresome dilemma.”

The two sisters left, but what both fail to notice, was the other flash of bright monochromatic light within the depths of a certain forest.

Equestria, Ponyville; Golden Oaks Library

Everybody was relaxing right now or specifically, the girls were, Spike was preparing some snacks and tea. Pinkie laid down splayed on the floor, Rarity lay down on the couch, Applejack was slumped on the armchair, Fluttershy form sunk into the soft comfy beanie chair, which left Rainbow the only one still active… well, that and the other mare who was busy looking through some books.

Now where is that book, I swear I had it shelved here? “Spike, where’s the book on magical anomalies, and their locations? I can’t seem to find it under M!”

“It’s in your room remember, you were reading the night before,” said Spike.

Oh now I remember. “Thank you Spike!”

At that very same moment, everypony heard a loud burp come from the kitchen, Spike soon came out with a scroll with the royal seal on it. Twilight quickly used her magic to receive the scroll, opening it to read its contents. With a quick scan and mutter from Twilight, she looked at her friends with a reassuring smile.

“The princess is bringing a small dispatch with her, and Princess Luna is coming too, they said they should be coming soon,” said Twilight. At that moment, they all heard the sound of trotting and carriages landing; stepping outside, the group saw at least twenty or so guards have landed within two to three carriages being lifted by a pair of pegasi each carriage. A fourth carriage which was the royal carriage came around a corner and landed with four pegasi strapped to the carriage.

Stepping out was Princesses Celestia and Luna, many of the townsfolk spotted Luna and mutter to themselves, soon a crowd came and saw the royal sisters. Luna while back to her normal self, still shied behind Celestia with a forlorn look on her face.

Soon Twilight and company approached, Celestia spotting her pupil quickly approached, hugging her before stepping back. “I see you stopped Discord from spreading his chaotic hold on this town, where is he by the way?” asked Celestia.

“He’s this way princess.” Twilight led Celestia to where the town hall was, placed in the middle of the town, now surrounded by guards who kept back any curious ponies back. Discord was still in the pose he was before, with the same smirk, all kept still in his statuesque state.

Luna scanned his petrified form, before nodding to her sister; Celestia looked to Twilight and her friends, smiling in congratulations. “Thank you for stopping him, who knows what he could of done if he continued his chaotic plans.”

“Plans? Him? He doesn’t look like somebody with a plan,” said Rainbow, scoffing.

“Don’t be trick by his… childish demeanor, we have faced against similar scenarios that would break any pony to a sobbing pile,” said Luna. “He can be quite clever if you let that snake tongue of his to be heard.”

The girls agreed that out of all the foes they faced… Discord was definitely under the list of oddest; the guards quickly picked him up, ready to put him on a wagon they brought with them back to Canterlot. As they prepared to do so, Celestia did some congratulations for Twilight and her friends here in the middle of town for all to see. Luna watched from the sidelines, trying to make herself as less noticeable as possible, but as she watched the celebration begin… she felt it.

Somebody is asleep… but where? It was odd to find somepony to be asleep at this hour, especially with what’s happened here recently, but the being who was asleep seemed to be asleep for only half an hour.

“Something wrong Luna?” asked Celestia, returning from congratulating Twilight.

Luna faced her sister before facing the direction she assumed where the sleeping denizen was, only for the signs of them to vanish. “Nothing sister… I just thought I felt a nearby sleeper somewhere; are we ready to head back?”

“Yes, but before we go, let’s enjoy some of the festivities here, I heard the cupcakes here are delicious.”

Luna watched her sister head back to the party, but as she would follow too, Luna gazed where she sense that sleeper was… and gazed at the darkened woods of the Everfree. Hmmmm, just who would sleep in the Everfree of all places? A dragon maybe… no, didn’t feel like a dragon… Deciding to investigate a later date, Luna joined her sister, who was trying to introduce her to one of the Elements of Harmony.

Meanwhile – Equestria, Everfree Forest

Steve woke up, he wasn’t certain how long he was asleep for, but the moment he woke up, he did what he usually did when waking up in the middle of nowhere with little to no items on him – he scanned his surroundings in a defensive state.

Steve wouldn’t stay still when in this mind state, from previous lifetimes, it was important to move in a circular manner in the area he was at. He did this to dodge unseen skeletons, preparing to notch their arrows, or to not be surrounded by a horde of zombies and run at the first sign of an escape.

Doing this dance number for several seconds, he paused his pacing, took a 360 look around himself, and relaxed knowing he was safe… well, as safe he could be.

He was somewhere unfamiliar, he stood on a patch of grass with only a bit of sunlight beaming down from an open space that wasn’t blocked by branches or leaves… actually, now he paid attention, there was one other detail.

Everything wasn’t blocky, there was more detail than gazing at a painting, more detail in creating potion or making an enchanted item, more detail in… everything. It was like somebody flipped the switch and made everything surreal. He looked at himself, and he was fine, nothing odd about his form, same blocky appendages and same blocky face… with the same neutral face.

Steve paused to himself, and began to shake, or rather bob in place; this was his way of laughing as he couldn’t speak unless he wanted to sound like some sort of garbled speech. Stopping his laughing, Steve knew immediately what kind of situation he was in – he was in another world.

It was odd really, he been to the Nether and End, so it was obvious he was in another world; two reasons he knew and believed this was so. One, he didn’t remember dying at the slightest and he didn’t come back to where he was like his bed or the place he found himself when he first woke in the Overworld… and secondly…

He saw the portal, the strange monochromatic portal with the weird light… it was pleasant yes, but portals do not lead to good things unless you’re prepared… and Steve is practically – metaphorically – butt-naked. Checking his personal inventory, he likes to call it his storage space as he seemed to be the only being in his world with this ability, and listed what he had.

He only had what he grabbed with him back home; Steve was looking at his inventory in his mind, he could imagine what it looked like. There was a three by nine column and row of space, with the only items there being the three Potions of Healing II he still had on him. Below that inventory was what he called, his tool bar, with the only item there was his journal. He had not armor on, nor did had anything on his other hand.

He was starting from scratch all over again… for some reason, this kind of excited him, something new was here and he was starting as he did before back in the Overworld. This is going to be exciting.

Pulling out his journal, instead of writing down as logs – since he never kept track of the number of days and nights back home – he would now write down in the number days he been in this world… he never knows how long he be in this world and suddenly be back home, just like that.

...He wonders what it be like to really die if he were to be killed in this world…

...Well once it comes to that, he’ll accept what’s to come afterward, it’s not like he’ll see the impossible in this world or anything.

With that settled, Steve did the first thing he would like any other new start, he would punch a tree down.

Author's Note:

I've been reading two particular Minecraft stories - an oldie that's been on this site for long while, another one that's been recently getting some attention this past couple of months. Having read both, I was inspired to write my own Minecraft story - that and with Minecraft getting some love in the Youtube community - I thought it fun to write my own, both as a fellow writer and somebody who played Minecraft during the older days when it first came out.

The story itself will have certain mechanics that aren't in the game, but these are some facts that will stay true toward the story and Steve himself.

One: How Steve manipulates the world of Equestria will be the same as back in the Overworld; if he were to cut down a tree, it won't fall down - I'll explain later why it's like this for him - but if somebody were to cut a tree down, that tree will fall over. So gravity and all the laws of physics, BEWARE, Steve is here!

Two: Now Steve can eat both meat and fruits and vegetables, and because it's not necessary he'll need both food groups, he can technically survive off only non-meat based food - well maybe fish, considering I allow some characters from my stories to eat fish, specifically the pegasi... birds and stuff - so don't worry about him killing off any cute animals in Equestria... he won't make Fluttershy cry.

Three: The mobs of Steve's world will play a role, but not now, he just got to a new world, we don't need those party-crashers to appear... yet.

Four: Steve has a damn good memory, almost photographic, so even though he does write down the recipes for potions, enchantments and other items, he can remember them all, but it'll take a while for him to remember the recipe for some of them.

Five: Steve is ambidextrous, so that means he can wield two swords with zero problems - now I know this you can't do in the game without mods or something, but come on, what's the point of being able to wield something on the left hand and not use it as a story element. So expect him to be more of badass than he would be in the game... oh and yes, while it appears he doesn't have fingers he can hold stuff... Don't give me that look, we have ponies who can hold stuff without fingers and the like, and I'm not just referring to Pinkie only.

Six: Now since this is Equestria, many the items in this world will integrate with Steve's strange abilities, meaning he might be able to make new items for himself in the future.

Finally, Seven: The story isn't Hardcore, so Steve has died before in his world - way too many times - but I'll leave to you the reader to guess what might happen to Steve if he were to die in Equestria.

With that, that's all the possible questions I need to answer, but if you got more PM me, or comment below if you got any further questions... with that, ENJOY THIS MOTHA BLOCKING STORY! WOO!

(Edit): Words in Italics are the character's thoughts.
Words in both Italics and Bold in the text - not the location and time - is Steve writing down in his journal.

(Edit): Colored text for italics and bold words in future chapters:
Twilight Sparkle