• Published 26th Jun 2020
  • 1,316 Views, 44 Comments

My Little Mages: The Shadows' Revenge - Foxhelm

With Cozy, Tirek and Chrysalis sealed in stone, things seem to be at peace. However the rogue's galley of Twilight and her friends still have a few members and a couple more moves. The king has returned.

  • ...

Tolling Bells

Author's Note:

I had intended this to be for Christmas/Hearth's Warming... but I got it before New Years.

The next morning, still a couple days from Hearths Warming, Twilight was pacing around the atrium of the Castle of Friendship, her current home. Seated on the stairs was Flash and Spike, the two were playing War and Spike was in the lead in card count, but Flash still had a few ‘aces’ in his deck. “Do you think they missed the train?” Twilight asked.

“Twilight, you do know that they all know teleportation?” Spike asked as he placed a card down, only for Flash to respond with an ace.

As Twilight groaned in response. “You’ve known her your whole life,” Flash said as he collected the cards after Spike failed to make a match, a sandwich, or answer the ‘challenge’. “Why are you asking her that?” he asked before he placed a king down. Spike gave a huff as he placed his card down. Flash collected the two cards and placed his next card, a queen down.

Twilight gave a sigh before she turned to face the two, “I know I shouldn’t be so nervous, but still…” she was silenced with the knocking of the front door and it’s opening to reveal Twilight Velvet, Night Light, Shining Armor, a slightly, but still noticeably, pregnant Cadance and a…

“B.A.E.!!!” Flurry Heart shouted as the little girl tackled her aunt in flight. “Happy Hearths Warming!” she cheered. “So will we have Puddinghead’s Hearthwarming Pudding again? Will Aunt Fluttershy tame another Winterzilla?” she started to ask.

“Now, now, Flurry,” Cadance softly scolded her child. “We’re here for Auntie Twilie’s wedding.”

Flurry then gasped as her eyes grew and pupils dilated in excitement, “You mean we can see B.A.E. go Twily-nanas?” she asked. “Can we? Can we?” She stopped as every single adult and the dragon just looked at her in silent bemusement. “Okay. No Twily-nanas.” she said somewhat sadden. She then lightened up as she flew over to the luggage that they all brought. “I found the perfect Hearths Warming gift for you B.A.E.. Daddy said I am too young to get it but Mommy let me.” She then pulled out a present that looked like a wrapped book and flew it over to Twilight. The little girl all but forced it into her aunt’s arms.

“Oh thank you Flurry,” Twilight smiled as she looked at the gift. She was tempted to open it, but then she thought back to what Flurry just said about her parent’s take on the gift. Her eyes widened as she concluded what her gift was. “I’ll open it later.” her voice shook a little as her face flushed red slightly and turned from her niece and her family as the other adults in the room started to snicker, as Flurry looked about with an innocent smile.

“B.A.E., why is everyone laughing?” the little girl asked.

Before Twilight answered, the little girl was picked up by her soon to be uncle, “Come on pipsqueak, let’s help your folks and grandfolks settle in.” Flash then handed her off to Cadance before taking a bag and leading the guests to their rooms.

Twilight was about to join them when, “And a big bowl of ravioli!” sang and shouted Luna and Celestia together as they stepped into the castle. The two were out of their royal gowns, each were wearing frankly ugly Hearth’s Warming sweaters over a fairly casual white dress for Celestia and black dress for Luna and both without their tiaras. The two then started to laugh.

“We love these new Hearth’s Warming songs, they are so much more jovial.” Luna said as the two shut the castle door. The two turned and hugged Twilight, “Congratulations are in order.”

Twilight smiled as she returned the hug, “Thank you,” she said with a smile. However, the frown slowly dampened as the hug ended and Twilight looked Luna in the face. “I know it must be hard on you, with Tanzanite…” She trailed off as she was not sure what else to say.

Luna's smile didn’t waiver, “It is what it is. We are certain that We shall reunite with him.” the lunar demigod stated. Before Twilight could question farther, “Besides this is not Our moment.” Twilight gave a knowing but sad smile.

“Alright, either get in or thep athide.” came the slightly slurred voice of a long unheard hedgehog.

The sisters stepped into the castle’s entry hall to show, “Tempest!” Twilight shouted as she hugged the scarred forsaker.

“So Pinkie has kept her promise.” Tempest mused only loud enough for her to hear. Grubber had by this time walked around the two, dragging his and Tempest’s luggage. He was joined by Spike, once he was in the hall. The two assistants nodded in silence as they greeted the drake. They didn’t need words. Spike then led them and Grubber to the rooms they and Tempest would use, while taking one of the bags.

Back between Tempest and Twilight, the latter released her hug, “I am so glad you made it. Rarity has just the brides-”

Tempest placed her right hand on Twilight’s mouth, silencing the princess “Sorry Princess, but I am not here as your guest.”

Twilight looked confused before Flash’s voice was heard as he flew to the doorway, “Tempest, how’s my best woman? Glad you made it. Come inside, we shouldn’t let all the heat out.” he flew above the two and pushed them inside before shutting the door. “Now Grubber and Spike-” Flash started to say as he was now pushing Tempest away from Twilight and towards the room she’d be staying in.

“Flash,” Twilight cut him off as she flew to be in front of the two, “I thought we discussed who would be my maids and your groomsmen?” she asked while she crossed her arms in front and a slight scowl formed on her face, as if she was about to lecture Spike.

Flash sighed, “Listen, Babe,”

“Oh, that’th not good.” came Grubber’s voice as the hedgehog and Spike came across the scene, “Yay know thhe’th not gonna like thith.”

Flash rolled his eyes and continued, “I know you want Spike to be my Best …” Flash looked from Twilight to Spike, “I’m not gonna offend you if I say man, right?” The dragon just shrugged his shoulders. Flash turned back to Twilight, “But the role of the best man is to protect the bridegroom, and to be the champion of the wedding should someone challenge it.”

“I am well aware of the role of the best man, but what could be better than a dragon?”

“A forsaker that owned my namesake’s ass, my superior officer’s ass, captured three of the four princesses, forced the fourth on the run…” Flash started to list off some of the things that everyone there knew Tempest had accomplished, albeit while she was still a foe of Mystica. “And she survived a Stellar Ursine attack as a child. And that’s not addressing all she accomplished to rise to the rank of The Storm King’s right hand man. She’s perfect to defend the wedding.”

Twilight squinted at Flash, “Okay,” she reluctantly considered. “Tempest is the person to fill the original role of the best man,” she paused as she recalled Flash’s two closest friends, “What about Microchips and Sandalwood? Wouldn’t they want the honor?” she asked, as she saw a way around the argument.

Flash broke into a laugh, “Who do you think gave me the idea to ask Fizzy to be my best man?” The question was both rhetorical and most likely meant in jest, but even Flash knew there was a bitter sting to it.

Before Twilight could say anything, “If I may say something,” Tempest started to offer, getting the two to turn their focus on her, “I never actually said yes to being Colonel Sentry’s best man. So I still have to give the formal answer.”

“So you’ll consider being one of my bridesmaids?” Twilight asked with massively dilated eyes and hands clenched together as if in prayer.

Tempest held her chin for a solid minute in silence before she spoke. “I am honoured with the offer to be one of your bridesmaids, however I must decline.” Tempest then turned to Flash, “Colonel Sentry, I am honoured with the offer to be your best man-”

Flash was about to smile at what he expected to be Tempest accepting his offer, but he saw as his bride-to-be looking down with a sad frown, “How about you at least try on the bridesmaid dress, before you turn it down?”

Tempest just glared at Flash, and if looks could kill, Flash knew he would be converted into energy, “Thhe doethn’t do dreththethth.” Grubber chimed in.

Tempest shifted her glare towards her assistant and softened it, just lightly. “No.” she said while calm in tone, a coldness could be felt in the room. She then turned back to Flash, “As I was saying, I humbly accept the honour to be your best man.”

Twilight shook her head but with an understanding smile, “Rarity isn’t going to like this, but perhaps it’s for the best.”

“I am certain she will understand.” Spike chimed in trying to smooth things a little farther, “I’ll show you to your room,” the dragon added as an offer. Tempest shrugged her shoulders and followed the wyrmling as he and Grubber directed her to the room she and her assistant would be staying in.

Once the three were out of earshot, Flash was the first to speak, “Okay, we got your parents, your brother, sister-in-law, niece, mentor, Luna, my best woman and her assistant staying here.” he listed off, “Did I miss anyone?”

“Starlight, Sunburst and Trixie should be arriving any minute now.” Twilight informed. Flash raised an eyebrow in confuddlement. “Well the school’s closed for the winter break and everyone is heading home for their respective solstice celebration.” she continued. Before Flash could question farther, “And we should be expecting Sunset and Sci-Twi via the mirror soon.” Flash could help but laugh, but it was a joyial one. This was not lost on Twilight. “What’s so funny?”.

Flash stopped and shook his head first, “The bride has invited the mistresses to the wedding.” he muttered barely audible, but still Twilight heard it. Once he heard her give an ‘ahem’, Flash snapped his attention to his wife to be. “Don’t you find it odd that at our weddings, the two women that all four of us agreed to be the other women in our relationships.”

Twilight gave a snorty laugh as she raised her left hand pointing to the ceiling with her index finger and twirled it as she spoke, “You might want to remember that when you’re wrapped around your daughter’s finger as soon as you learn that she is a girl.” she smirked as she left Flash at the door as he was utterly dumbfounded.

After making sure all their current guests were settled, including the later arrived Starlight, Trixie and Sunburst, Twilight and Flash headed into the library as the mirror that connect The Castle of Friendship to Midnight Castle transmuted into the portal and within a second Sunset and SciTwi emerged and within a few seconds was closed, “Sunset! SciTwi!” Twilight cheered as she flew up to the two and hugged them in her greeting.

“Good to see you too, Twilight.” Sunset said as she returned the hug. “So your big day is coming, are you still sure you want us there?” the pyromancer asked after the hugs broke.

Twilight groaned, “Flash just asked about that.” she retorted. “It’s not like it’s some sort of hex that is a result of one inviting an ex to one’s wedding.” she added with an eye roll. There was a solid moment of silence as the three others tried to connect the dots of Twilight’s logic. Twilight sighed, “It was a joke. Seriously, we may live in a world of magic, dragons, fairies and unicorns, but come on.” She dismissed any possible concerns the three could voice before anyone could reply, “Let’s show you to your room.” she started as she began to guide the two with Flash, leading the way.

“Since Flash is going to marry Sunset and me as well wouldn’t we be staying in your room?” SciTwi asked before Twilight opened the door out. The three others looked at each other in bewilderment for about a second.”Of course not on the same day as you.” she added with a weak teehee in response.

Sunset stepped to be right next to SciTwi, “Babe, as Applejack would say, ‘Bless yahr heart, Sugarcube’, but there is a time and place, and while this castle might be the place...”

“Cut her some slack,” Flash said as he got in between the two and prodded Sunset away, “she what? Two? Three years old tops?” Flash asked, as he pointed out how many years of life SciTwi actually had experienced. There were two seconds of awkward silence as everyone thought about what Flash just said. Both Sunset and Flash had to bury their faces in their hands as SciTwi was left utterly agape.

Twilight was the first to recover with a cough, “Okay, so to the room you two will be staying in.” She tried to hide her own embarrassment.

“Yes.” The other three agreed almost too quickly for the four exited the library after Twilight shut the mirror portal.

As Twilight’s guests had settled and night had come, a thick black smoke-like cloud barely the size of a forearm whisked itself to the base of Mt. Philistine. Once it arrived near the center, Sombra manifested himself and his allies. “A heads up would have been nice.” Svengali bemoaned as he adjusted his glasses after landing. However, he soon fell silent as everyone watched as Sombra casted a flame wheel on the snow covered ground revealing the ruins and rubble of the Grandhendge.

“I destroyed these pillars when Twilight and her friends childishly set me free with the Pillars.” Grindale elaborated as his face appeared over Sombra’s left shoulder. “There is no way we can use this place of power.” he scolded his host.

Sombra chuckled as he pulled from his cloak a familiar bell. “We don’t need this place.” He then rang the bell pointing towards the center of the stone circle and rang it. "All we need is the power". The power was pulled out of the place and went into the bell. The process however was mind numbing long as the sun was rising just as the bell finished collecting the power. Sombra smirked before he turned to see his associates were either sleeping or playing a game of poker. He growled, and the others granted him their attention. "Now onto the next phase." The king spoke as he pointed the bell towards the rest of his band. They then all tried to shield themselves and run away in fright. “Happy Hearth's Warming,” he whispered as a tiny smirk formed on his lips and rang the bell.

The morning of Hearths Warming Day was extraordinarily different in the year 0 AT (Anno Twilightae (year of Twilight)) in the temple proper of Sweet Apple Temple was full of life in the very death of winter. So many had gathered to bear witness to the union to be officated within. In addition to the bride and groom’s families, their friends and close family of friends, the top six students of Princess Twilight’s School of Friendship (Sandbar, Ocellus, Gallus, Smolder, Silverstream and Yona) and their close kin were there. Also present were the leaders of the allied nations, namely Dragon Lord Ember, King Thorax of the Alfs of Caer Sith and his main advisor Prince Pharynx, Queen Novo of the aasimars and mermaids of Mt. Aris and her daughter and heir Princess Skystar, Prince Rutherford of the Orks of Yakyakistan, and the newly appointed leader of the harpies of Gryphonstone, Gilda. Also among the guests were the heroes of yore better known as the Seven Pillars of Virtue, Discord and his opposite, Amity, just to list a few.

Everyone was in their seats in the pews. Well most everyone, Big Mac stepped from the pulpit to stand in front of the temple's smaller inner altar. He was not alone as on the altar’s left hand side stood Flash Sentry, dressed in his officer uniform. To his left stood Tempest, in the role of the Best Man, in the golden armor of the ESM custom fitted to her and ready to either defend Flash and Twilight or assault any challenger to the proceedings. To her left, and in their own armor, stood Flash’s closest comrades, Sandalwood, Microchips, and the rest of his band, the Flash Drive (save Valhallen) with Spike as the Ring bearer. Valhallen himself was also dressed in his uniform, but he was seated at the temple’s recently installed organ and began to play the Bridal Chorus. While Valhallen played every one turned to watch the procession of Princess Twilight Sparkle and her bridesmaids, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rarity and Sunset, with the latest as her maid of honor. Once Twilight and her maids arrived, Big Mac cleared his throat. “Dearly Beloved…” he began. No one noticed a set of red eyes in the shadows right next to the entrance.

Two hours later in the main hall of The Castle of Friendship, everyone gave the newly wedded couple their congratulations with the occasional gift. After a series of speeches given by the couples closest friends and some advice given by their families, there was ringing of a bell. Here Big Mac stood up and prepared to speak after everyone fell silent. However the beads of sweat betrayed his discomfort as he paused, fortunately for him Sugar Bella stood up and spoke for her spouse, “Given that Princess Twilight is to seceded Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, the consummation of her union with Colonel Sentry must have six witnesses aside from Big Mac, who officiated it and the Best Man.” She then took a notepad and prepared to jot names down.

The room fell into an awkward silence as everyone looked to each other, to what they were eating as part of the reception’s feast and or what they were drinking. After what felt like three forevers, “I’ll bear witness.” came the voice of Cherry Crush as she stood up and finished the last of the cider in her mug. The rest of her table, the other members of Flash Drive, looked to her in utter shock, befuddlement and perplexity, “What?” she asked, “You’re not curious of what could have been Mystery?” she asked the other female member of the band. Mystery just buried her face into her mug. “Names Cherry Crush.” she informs Sugar Belle.

“THE GRRRREEEAATT AND POWERRRFULL TRRRRIXIE LULAMOON” Trixie shouted and then soften her tone to speak normally, “shall testify that the couple’s union is complete.” Trixie said as she stood from her table. “Besides Trixie always wanted to see Twilight finally get -” she was silenced before she could complete that sentence by the hands of the nervously laughing Starlight and Sunburst. Sugar Belle jotted Trixie’s name down.

Twilight and Flash looked at each other, “Can we turn down witnesses?” the two asked.

“Sadly no,” Came the understanding voice of Celestia as she walked behind them. “Word of advice, just focus on each other and imagine you two are alone.” she said before she drank more of her cider.

“How do you…” Flash started to ask.

Celestia rolled her eyes, “I’ve ruled on my own for a millennium, think it through my former sentinel.” she said before she walked off.

“We’ll also witness.” Starlight and Sunburst blurted out together, as Sugar jotted their names down as well.

Everyone remained still uneasy about the matter. “That’s four, we need two more.” Sugar Belle announced.

At the table of Twilight’s friends and their significant others, including Sunset and SciTwi. “So none of us?” SciTwi asked.

“I’ve seen all Flash has to show,” Sunset said, it was clear she was trying to be dismissive, but the faint blush on her face betrayed that on some level she didn’t want to just witness, but actually experience it.

SciTwi looked to the rest, and the nervous expressions on their faces as they tried to avoid looking SciTwi in the eye pretty much showed that they really didn’t want to see their friend… in that position. SciTwi didn’t really like the idea of seeing it, but if Twilight and Flash didn’t consummate their marriage, Flash can’t marry her and Sunset, and if that doesn’t happen, then SciTwi cannot have the de facto marriage to Sunset she wants. She snorted and brought her mug of cider down on the table as she was about to stand up only to hear the voice of another before she could speak. “I’ll do it.” Sunset froze for a second as she remembered that voice, she then turned to see Timber Spruce stand. “The name’s Timber Spruce.” he informed Sugar Belle. “Kind of stupid to deny a woman’s her day over a technincallity.” he said to justify his decision, however his sister, who sat next to him could only shake her head and cover her face in clear minor embarrassment over Timber’s action.

“That’s five. We need one…” Sugar started only to spot SciTwi, “So will you be the last witness?” she asked SciTwi.

SciTwi paused, she wanted to say yes, but what about her name. After almost a minute of awkward silence, “Radiance Eventide.” she said to be her name. She looked back to Sunset and the rest of her table. “I really can’t say my name is ‘SciTwi’ or ‘Twilight Sparkle’.” she justified almost too quickly.

“And that’s six. Will the witness, the couple, officiate and best man proceed to the…” Sugar Belle stopped to clear her throat. “Culmination camber.” she tried to find a fitting euphemism. Somewhat reluctantly, the decade that was made of the half dozen witnesses, the newlyweds, Big Mac and Tempest left the main hall of the Castle as the rest of the attendants cheered the newlyweds on, shouting their well wishes.

Once they exited everyone returned to the party, a decade of cloaked and hooded figures with instruments had arrived. One walked up to the table were the bride’s and grooms families were seated. “Pardon our late arrival, your graces.” the speaker revealed his sex with his voice, “Our commissioner has sent us to play a tune to honor the wedding of Princess Twilight Sparkle.” Everyone looked at each other somewhat confused. “He’s on his way.” the man explained. He paused and waited.

Twilight Velvet then spoke up for everyone after a couple seconds, “Well what’s the harm?” she asked. Everyone shrugged in agreement. The speaker nodded before he and the rest prepared their instruments. Once they were ready, they started to play. The tune was both foreign and at the same time familiar. After a couple of seconds into the tune, Pinkie’s elbows and wrists were twitching in opposite directions of each other. This caused Cheese to raise an eyebrow, “You okay, Sweetie?” he asked before his right eye started to twitch and spasm and his left hand started to move as if he was playing a phantom organ by itself.

This was mostly unnoticed save by Rainbow Dash who happened to glance at the two, in between swigs of her cider, “Are you two okay?” she asked before she took another drink of her cider.

Pinkie looked to her friend, “No idea, my Pinkie Sense just started to go off, and it’s an Elbow Doozy.”

“Yeah, and soon as I noticed my Cheese sense started to go off. Never had this one before.” Cheese pointed out as he too continued to look on at his hand as he tried to figure out what it meant. Rainbow just shrugged and went for another cider. This was then noticed by Applejack. The paladin raised an eyebrow before muttering something into her mug before she froze solid, like she was exposed to absolute zero.

Just then the doors to the party flung open and slammed against the walls getting everyone’s attention, all the while the tune continued to play. The uninvited guest who flung the doors open was dressed in a similar long black hooded robe as the musicians that still played their tune, however the being towered over everyone there, at about three meters. He walked, almost too silently for a being of his size, up to the table where Celestia, Luna, Cadance, and the rest of Twilight’s and Flash’s family sat, along with the invited foreign guests. He bowed, just as the tune ended. “Hail Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Princess Cadance. Greetings to the families of the bride, Princess Twilight Sparkle, and that of her groom, Colonel Flash Sentry.” he announced before he rose. “I hope you enjoyed the musicians I have sent ahead to play for this occasion. On behalf of the bride and her groom, I pray that you will grant pardon for my absence for the wedding and my late arrival for the reception.”

“We would, but we are unsure as to why you would be in attendance for the wedding?” Luna asked after everyone looked at each other confused at the figure’s request.

No one could see, but everyone could feel that under the figure’s hood was a wicked grin. “Perhaps, I have been too subtle.” he whispered before he bowed, almost kowtowing. As he rose he threw off his cloak. Before anyone could respond, Sombra had pooled some of his magic into the tip of the pinkie finger of his left hand, blood red in color, and sent it as a beam at Celestia et al. Swiftly, Celestia, Luna and Cadence raised both their own hands and sent a beam in response. Sombra’s beam however started to overpower them until they were joined by the transferring of the magic in the rest of the guests at the table. This caused Sombra to raise an eyebrow as the new beam seemed to start to match his, but this was something that if one blinked and they would miss it. Sombra almost instantly shifted it to have his beam come from his left hand over all.

At the same time, Starswirl and the rest of the Pillars tried to dash from their table to attack Sombra from the other side in order to divide his attention. However as the six other Pillars were transferring their power to Starswirl, The Nightstalker emerged from within Sombra’s armor. “Hello, my old friends.” he hissed as he blasted the Pillars.

This was not lost upon Twilight’s friends, but before any could move the musicians cast aside their instruments and robes showing themselves. Well most of them as Rainbow Dash slammed by what could be described as a human shaped bolt of lightning, leaving a trail of dust behind it. “Sorry, Crash, but we’ve got a score to settle.” the humanoid lightning said in a female voice that was eerily similar to…

“Lightning Dust?” Rainbow asked as she tried to get back up only to be slammed and shocked again by the lightning this time into the farthest wall from the table. Rainbow gagged upon the impact and screamed as she was electrocuted.
“Oh come on Crash,” Lightning mocked as she backed up, “You can do better than that.” only to strike again and again before Soarin tried to tackle her from behind, only to be blown away from Soarin’s attack by a humanoid shaped wind.

“Now this should be fun.” the wind mused with the voice of Wind Ryder.

Back among the musicians, they were revealed to be the rest recruited by Sombra, but they were clearly different. Flim and Flam appear for the most part normal but had green lights that emerged from their foreheads that looked like horns and were both surrounded by potion vials “Well brother, I do believe it’s time to see if an apple a day does keep the doctor away.” Flim said as he prepared to strike Applejack.

“Most definitely, brother mine.” Flam added as they two each sent a potion vial at Applejack. All the while Applejack remained as she did when she muttered into her cider and was barely saved by Dirk pulling her away. “Looks like we have a daring warrior poet to content with.” Flam chuckled only to be joined by his brother and the two renewed their assault upon the functionally comatose Applejack and Dirk as the latter desperately tried to get Applejack out of her state.

“Applejack!” Rarity cried before she wrapped up in fabric. It was then that she was fully focused on Suri. The Earthborn seamstress was floating over the ground with fabrics, ribbons, needles, pins, and string floating around her. “Not good.” Rarity acknowledged. “Um, Ragamuffin, sweetie, could you be a lamb and GET ME OUT OF HERE!” she cried only to realize that Ragamuffin was already carrying her over his shoulder as he tried to dodge Suri’s barrage. “Nevermind, keep up the good work.”

‘A’h’m tryin’!” he said in between breaths and attacks.

Suri could only chuckle, “You took my livelihood, I’ll take you life.”

Meanwhile Pinkie and Cheese were both still experiencing the effects of their respective senses until they noticed Svengali. However Sven was two decades younger and dressed no in his business suit, but in a long sleeved blue shirt with red cuff and red open collar with a white undershirt and on this collar was his aura mark, a black song note in a golden star surrounded rays of light the say colors of a rainbow and an electric guitar on his back. “Tell me, Ms. Pie, do you like balloons?” he asked as he readied to play his guitar.

Pinkie and Cheese looked at each other, “yes.” Pinkie said weakly.

“Here’s a century of them.” Sven whispered as he started to play and sing. “Hast du etwas Zeit für michDann singe ich ein Lied für dichVon neunundneunzig LuftballonsAuf ihrem Weg zum HorizontDenkst du vielleicht grad an michDann singe ich ein Lied für dichVon neunundneunzig LuftballonsUnd, dass so was von so was kommt.” as he paused more and his guitar started to sound like it was playing more that just what a guitar could while red balloons started to manifest around him. Pinkie’s and Cheese’s senses stopped triggering as the two started to count.

“There’s only ninety-nine.” Cheese informed.

“Cheesie, dear,” Pinkie squeaked. “RUN!” she shouted as they two bolted with the balloons in hot pursuit as Sven continued to sing and play. With more balloons manifesting as Sven sang, all the while the balloons exploded as they made contact with anything other than another balloon and anyone.

Sven was not the only musically inclined member of the group, as the Dazzling stood in their monstrous fully powered true siren form, their red gems fully restored. “We’ve been waiting for this, Shimmer.” Adagio’s glee for retribution was over her face and her sisters were of equal amusement.

Sunset glop and seeing no other options tried to run. “We got a runner.” Aria chimed.

“Good,” Sonta added before smirking showing her teeth, “running blood is so much sweeter.” the trio laughed and flew after Sunset.

Fluttershy was gasping in panic as she witnessed her friends being attacked. “Fluttershy, Fluttershy, breath deep!” he was at his wits end at what to do. Until they heard an acoustic guitar play. They turned to see Gladmage, but he was much younger dressed in black leather.

Gladmage pointed to Fluttershy and sang “You ain't nothin' but a hound dog!” the former showman started as Fluttershy was transmuted into a….rabbit... as he continued the song.

“Well this can’t get much worse.” Discord chimed as he caught Flutterbunny, thinking that he could reverse this all with a snap of his fingers, only to be struck by a dagger, thrown over hand by Gladmage, that barely missed his heart. He fell to ground and began to spasm as he noticed the dagger’s metal. “That bastard.” he gasped as he tried to control his breathing and body only to notice his hands starting to slowly and painfully shift into a lion's paw and eagle talon and started to turn blue as his limbs began to stretch away from his torso on a cellular level.

“Don’t worry, my friend.” Gladmage said as he pulled out a familiar bell and pointed it at him and Flutterbunny, “You won’t be sufferin’ long.” he rang the bell and it pulled all of Discord’s and Flutterbunny’s magic out of them, leaving the former a normal man, save for his eyes and the latter a bunny. "Let's the party begin." He cheered as he tossed the bell to The Nightstalker who used it on the Pillars. After which he passed it on to the brothers Flim and Flam. The two then used it on Applejack and Dirk. After draining the couple, the brothers then tossed it to Lightning Dust and Wind Ryder who used it on Rainbow and Soarin. After stripping them of their magics, Lightning then passed it on to Suri, who in turned used it on Rarity and Ragamuffin. With Rarity and Ragamuffin left on the ground powerless, Suri then passed it on to Sven. With glee Sven used it on Pinkie and Cheese as they tried to evade the balloons that chased them. He then passed it on to the Dazzlings.

Adagio was the one to catch it, "You took our voices, our true power from us, I think taking your power is fair." she mused as she levitated the bell with in the magic not of her orange focus gem at her pelvis, but her red gem. This was joined with Sonata's coming from Adagio's left and Aria's coming from Adagio's right. The three grinned as they had Sunset cornered. "Sing." Adagio's hissed as they prepared to ring the bell. Sunset shut her eyes and tried to cover her face as she tried to prepared a shielding spell. But before anyone could notice, Sunset felt herself pushed away and out of the range of the bell. It was too late that she saw her rescuer, Gloriosa Daisy, in her form when she channels Gaea Everfree. Gloriosa cried, not only with her own voice but Gaea's, as the bell collected the power of both the host and symbiont. She wanted to rush back to help her only to be knocked out and hidden by Amity. Once the bell had taken Gaea's and Gloriosa's power, the trio turned to their right, in the direction that Gloriosa shaved Sunset. "Where is she?" Adagio asked, her wrath seeping as her revenge and her sister's revenge was denied.

"Sorry but your princess is in another castle." Amity replied as she prepared she sent a beam that knocked the bell out of the trio's magic. "Besides, you're off key." The sirens gritted teeth and began to wail, sending condensed sonic ways at Amity. However Amity was successful with shielding herself for almost a minute before she felt metal pierce her back, narrowly missing her organs. She fell forward as she registered the metal used. "Pandemonium bronze," she whispered.

"Stop screwing around." The Nightstalker said as it then sent some of itself to collect the bell and then pointed it at Amity. "This is what happens when you play with your food." he scolded the trio before he used it to collect Amity's power. It then pulled itself back into Sombra's armor with the bell now in Sombra's right hand pointing it Celestia, et al.

Sombra smirked at the lot in front of him, "Give Twilight my well wishes." he mocked and rang the bell.