• Published 14th Nov 2019
  • 1,357 Views, 20 Comments

My Little Mages: The Ultimate Obstacle - Foxhelm

All seems well for Princess Twilight, until she meets a student just like her. Can she show her pupil the light? A My Little Mages' retelling of The Last Problem

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Not as they appear

The city of Chantalot was a buzz as not only the human Mysticans of the three founding tribes, but Orks, young dragons, harpies, aasimars, and others were engaged in various business. Most notable of them was a slightly larger than human size purple dragon, with green spines, that walked towards the castle. Around his neck was an amulet that had on it a purple six-pointed star surrounded by five smaller symbols, one was a set of three apples, one a set of three sapphires cut in the shape of kites, one a set of three butterflies, another a set of three-party balloons, and the final symbol was cloud with a lightning bolt of three colors. Behind the purple star was a merger of the sun and the moon. As the dragon walked he smiled at all the going-on's and what seemed to be peaceful interactions.

After about half an hour he arrived at the door to the castle’s throne room, the door was opened by a male harpy who seemed to be in his mid-thirties with blue feathers who’s crown feathers was a lighter blue with amber tips dressed in the golden armor of the ESM. The dragon nodded to the harpy and the door was opened. As the dragon entered, “I got here as soon as I could, but ambassador et large is a full-time job these days. Getting an armistice signed between the Abyssinians and the Diamond Dogs makes sitting Winoa and Opal a cakewalk.” the dragon groaned as he entered as he walked a small group of royal staff started to exit.

This left in the throne room a woman that stood almost seven feet with long hair has not been easy. She had dark sapphire hair with two streaks, one was rose and the other was violet which floated effortlessly, with violet eyes, and metallic wings purple and gold in color which seemed to float behind her and yet also come from her back with two amethyst six-pointed stars functioning for the wings like her arm's shoulder balls. She wore a headband with a horn-like amethyst focusing gem on her forehead, also on her head was a tiara that seemed to be a merger of black colored metal and a golden crown. She was dressed in a long purple gown. She giggled, “If it was easy, I wouldn’t need to send for you, Spike.” She did, however, hug the dragon, “But, all the same, I’m happy that you’re here.

The dragon rolled his eyes as he got to the thrones and laid down on his belly, with the throne itself fitting in the space between his left front and rear legs. “So, Twilight, what’s the emergency?” he asked, getting to the point.

Twilight sighed as she sat down in her throne, “Ever since I took the throne, one of my duties was to take over Celestia's School.” She then sighed again, “And had to include teaching magic to my duties.” She then looked down as she paused again. “But now it seems my top student has missed the most important lesson of all.”

Spike squinted one eye at Twilight, “What do you mean?” the dragon asked getting to the point.

Twilight looked the dragon, “Let's just say it'll be good to have my royal advisor and closest friend by my side.”

Once she finished speaking to Spike, the harpy guard at the door opened it, “Your Majesty, she's here.” he informed.

Twilight smiled and nodded, “Send her in, Gallus.” she ordered. The recently identified guard nodded and opened the other door to reveal a young woman nearing the end of her teenage years, just on the crust of legally recognized womanhood. The young woman had hair that shifted from yellow to red like the rising sun at dawn with a couple of stripes of solid yellow. Her eyes were dawn yellow-orange and she wore a long light pink dress with long sleeves, with a focus gem on her forehead with the gem itself was orange and was shaped to look like a rising sun.

After the young woman walked into the throne room and approach Twilight’s throne, Gallus shut the doors as he left. The young woman bowed to Twilight, “Your Majesty,” she started.

Twilight got up from her throne and walked towards the girl, “Luster Dawn, I may be the ruler of Mystica, but I'm still just your teacher.” she pointed out.

The recently identified Luster Dawn rose up to face Twilight, “ And you've been wonderful. I've enjoyed every moment at the School For the Gifted, even though my mother is the other woman in your marriage… well technically both my mothers are the other women…” she trailed off.

Twilight giggled a little, “Luster, part of Princess Celestia’s School for the Gifted application process is that the board is not given any personal information of yours until after the entrance exams. And you proved yourself to be the best. It doesn’t matter that Sunset and Flash are your parents.”

Luster gave a weak laugh and cleared her throat, “But back to my point, I'm just not sure it's the right place for me.” as she looked down slightly ashamed.

Twilight nodded, “I see.” the monarch admitted.

Luster looked back up and waved her hands, “It's not the work. I could spend weeks in the library doing research.” she started to explain before she lowered her hand and rubbed the back of her head, “It's just that there's a lot of focus on making friends.”

Spike smiled as he hovered and placed his left front talon on his chest and closed his eyes, “If that's your problem, you've come to the right place.”

Luster gave a weak smile as lifted the heel of her left foot and spun her ankle with her toe still on the ground, “But that's just it. I don't want to make friends.” Luster confessed.

“WHAT?!” Spike shouted in confusion. He then looked to Twilight in confusion.

Twilight raised an eyebrow at Spike in slight annoyance before she turned back to Luster and gave a small smile as she seemed to be in thought, “So you'd rather leave the School of Magic than make friends?”

Luster, however, pulled out a collection of scrolls, “I was thinking something more akin to an independent course of study.” She said as she prepared to present them to her teacher, “I want to accomplish as much as you have someday.” she said as Twilight looked at the scrolls.

Spike spied the content of the scrolls from over Twilight’s shoulders. He then looked over Twilight to Luster, “It'll be hard to do that without friends.” the dragon pointed out.

As Twilight returned the scrolls to Luster, “I'm not so sure.” the younger woman countered, “Friendship looks like more of a distraction than anything else and ultimately a waste of time.” she concluded. Spike was left agape as his jaw hung open. This was not left unnoticed by Luster but her focus was on her mentor, not the familiar. “I know you and your friends accomplished a lot together, but that was so long ago, and as far as I can see, you rule by yourself now.” Luster pointed out how she saw things with regards to Twilight’s rule. Spike’s jaw hit the floor and brought his right talon to the medal he on his neck. If Luster noticed, she showed no signs and continued, “And I don't think there's anything wrong with that. I think it's better. Plus, if friendships ultimately fade, why even make them in the first place?”

Spike looked to Twilight his mouth still hanging open and blinking. He couldn’t believe any of this. Twilight looked to Luster with and understanding smile, “You’re right, Luster.” the princess informed before she started to walk towards the windows of the throne room. Spike fainted as he couldn’t comprehend what had happened. Twilight patted Spike and shook her head. She then turned back to Luster and gestured to one of the windows. This showed Twilight’s coronation, as a crown was lowered onto Twilight’s head by a golden light from the sun and a silver light from the moon, with renderings of Alfs, Harpies, Aasimars, Dragons, and Orks alongside Earthborn, Skyborn and Magicborn cheering. “Friendships take work, and there's no guarantee they'll last. They can be complicated. They can be messy. And they never go the way you plan. Friendship is a hard thing to navigate. I remember the first time I realized it might not last forever.” she said as she looked at the window as if almost lost in memory as Luster joined her. Twilight then turned to face Luster, “Have I ever told you the story of my coronation?” she asked.

Luster shook her head, “I can’t say you have.” the student answered. Twilight smiled as she turned back to the window.

Approximately twenty years ago, Twilight was flying around the Castle of Friends in a panic as she panted and yelped. All the while Spike, once again in his winged iguana state, was looking over the last couple of packed boxes and checking off a list. Spike raised his head from the list. “Twilight?” he asked. “Uh, I'm pretty sure that's everything,” he said as he pointed to the few boxes that were there.

Twilight, however, continued to go from room to room, “I'm just doing a final check, Spike.” she shouted before she went to what was Spike’s old room. Spike just shook his head as he jotted down that Twilight went into each room that Twilight and Spike lived in and her private library thrice. Twilight shouted, “Ah-ha!” she then came out of Spike’s room holding a comic book. On the cover of it showed Mistress Marvelous throwing one of her boomerangs. “See?” Twilight asked as she flew up to Spike and showed him the comic, “An issue of Mistress Marvelous’ solo run.” she then gave it to Spike. “Now, aren't you glad we triple-checked?” the demigod asked with a smile.

Spike was about to say that he didn’t need that issue, but he stopped and took a breath, “This is about us moving back to Chantalot and everything changing as we’re about to leave Magiville?” Spike asked with a slight scowl as he decided to get to the heart of the matter.

Twilight sighed as she sat down, “It’s all happening so quickly.” she said as she looked at the floor. She then raised her head to face Spike, “Sure my friends are willing to help, but they all have lives here. Rarity plans to open a shop in every city in Mystica and now our allied nations, Rainbow’s a Wonderbolt, Fluttershy’s sanctuary isn’t gonna manage itself, Applejack has Sweet Apple Temple and for Pinkie… well, she’s Pinkie.” She then sighed again. “We’re moving away and they’re not, what if we just drift apart?” she asked before she buried her face in her hands.

Spike nodded before he put the comic into the box he was sitting on and flew over to Twilight, “I think you should talk to them.” Spike said as he placed his right claw on Twilight’s shoulder. “They might be feeling the same way.”

Twilight lowered her hands and raised her head and smiled at Spike before she pulled him into a hug, glad for the comfort he was offering.

A few minutes later in Sweet Apple Temple, Twilight (after teleporting herself and Spike) watched as Applejack and Big Mac prepared three crates, one with cider and marked ‘Cider’, one was full of apples and marked ‘Fresh Apples’ and the third had jars of applesauce and marked as such. Applejack then checked it off a list and handed it to Big Mac. The large cleric nodded and loaded the crates onto a wagon. “So, you're not worried about how things might change with me living in Chantalot?” the princess asked the paladin.

Applejack turned to Twilight and placed a hand on Twilight’s shoulder and smiled, “Change is a part of life,” the paladin said, “There’s no sense in running around like a chicken with its head cut off over it.” Twilight gave a sad but understanding smile. “Besides there’s a lot more work to do for the coronation.” Applejack then hugged Twilight and then turned to help Big Mac load the last of the boxes. Twilight sighed before she and Spike left the farm. Just as Twilight was gone, Big Mac gave a slight glare to Applejack, “She needs her friends to be strong for her.” the paladin countered.

“Nope.” was all the cleric said in response.

After leaving the farm, Twilight teleported herself and Spike into the basement of Sugarcube Corner where was housed Pinkie Pie’ Party Planning Pothole… “Okay, not the best name, but you try to maintain the alliteration?” Pinkie asked as she turned to you the reader. She then turned back to Twilight, “Me worried?” she asked Twilight. “Pfft! No way!” she answered as she went off the list for the post-coronation party. “After everything we've been through? No way.” she continued. “Unless you're talking about the coronation, because then yes. Obviously, the cakes are handled, but there's the whole rest of the party to stay on top of,” she said as she popped around the cave of file cabinets before she was right next to Twilight. She then leaned in to whisper in her friend’s ear, “And honestly, I'm not convinced Gummy really took care of the fireworks.” she said before all three turned to see Pinkie’s toothless alligator holding a sparkler to light off fireworks as it sizzled.

After turning from the gator, “But what about after the coronation?” Twilight asked as pointed out there was much more, “Don't you think things are gonna be different?”

Pinkie took a second to tap her chin in thought, “Well, since I'll be in charge of all the Canterlot galas from now on, I'll have to go there a lot more.” the jester reminded Twilight of the former’s upcoming role now that Twilight was about to be coronated. She shrugged her shoulders, “So I guess that's different, but I don't think I mind.” she said with a smile as she had to get back to her files to get some more information.

Twilight dipped her head with a slight frown, “No. Of course not.” she replied before she and Spike started to fly up the slide into the cave. After the two left Pinkie sighed and wiped the corners of her eyes.

A few minutes later, after Twilight, again teleported herself and Spike, outside of Fluttershy’s cottage, butterflies, hummingbirds, and doves circled around Twilight’s head before they flew off so that two swans could lower a tiara made of sticks and twigs on Twilight’s head as the demigod stood still. Fluttershy applauded as the birds and butterflies flew to land right in front of her. “Wonderful work, everyone!” she said to the animals. “We couldn't be more ready.” she then turned to the doves, “Josephine, if you and the rest of the doves leave now, we should all arrive in Chantalot at the same time,” she said. The doves cooed before they took to the air. Fluttershy then turned to the swans, “Eloise and Hubert, you should go, too. I know it's a long way, but don't worry. I'll bring plenty of snacks to restore your energy before we perform.” she took the swans. They honked before they took off and flew towards Chantalot following the doves.

Fluttershy then opened a small birdcage for the hummingbirds and a terrarium for the butterflies. “Everyone else gets to ride since the trip's too much for your little wings,” she said and the creatures entered their refuge. “We need everyone in tip-top shape for the coronation.” Fluttershy then turned to Twilight and Spike, “I'm glad we got the chance for one last rehearsal. Everyone's so excited.” She said with a closed eye smile. She then opened her eyes again, “But I can't imagine anybody's more excited than you. Moving back to Chantalot. Being crowned. I can't think of a single bad thing about any of it!” the druid declared as she picked up the cage and terrarium.

Twilight gave a nervous laugh, “Yeah. Me, neither.” she lied before she and Spike turned from the druid and flew away. After the two had left the druid, she sniffed as before she wiped her nose and eyes.

After flying from Fluttershy’s cottage, Twilight cast another teleportation spell to get herself and Spike to the Wonderbolt training grounds. A couple of minutes after they arrived they spotted Rainbow in her Wonderbolt flight suit with a coach’s hat and whistle, “In three, two, one, and…” and once the elementalist trailed off as two of the other Wonderbolts flew by. They were followed by six others in two groups of three. The six swooped around and flew to meet up in pairs and clap their hands, this was successfully done by four of the six, but the last two, Spitfire and Soarin, missed and smacked each other. Rainbow quickly zoomed to get a cloud and caught the two as they fell.

Spitfire took off her goggles and glared at Rainbow, “Look, Crash, I know this is important to you, and we all want the routine to be special, but are you sure it needs to be this complicated?” she asked the newbie of the lot.

Rainbow grinned, “Of course! And I know we can pull it off!” she declared. Soarin and Spitfire only shook their heads as they got back to attempt the routine again. Rainbow turned back to Twilight and Spike. “Sorry, Twilight. I don't have time to talk. We've got a lot more work to do before the coronation.”

Twilight sighed before she and Spike started to fly off. As the princess and her dragon were out of sight. Rainbow then turned back and gave a sad sigh herself.

Shortly after leaving the Wonderbolts training ground, Twilight had teleported herself and Spike back to Magiville and into Rarity's boutique. There Rarity was sewing Twilight’s coronation dress. “Darling, change is an integral part of fashion.” the enchantress informed Twilight, “I myself am considering opening boutiques for even outside of Mystica. Things must evolve, or they become stale. For example…” she trailed off as she walked over to a terrarium. “I was just struck with a sudden inspiration to change my design for your gown by including the webs of these star spiders,” she said as she showed that there were two of the said types of spiders at small sewing machines. “They glow for a short while after they're spun. They won't have much time to weave the sash, but the effect will be dazzling.” one of the spiders lifted a thread, which Rarity took with her magic to show Twilight and Spike, “You see, darling?” she asked. “Change can be fabulous if you embrace it!” she declared before she returned the thread.

Twilight dipped her head and left with tears starting to form in her eyes, Spike followed her with a concern faced.

About thirty minutes later, back in the Castle of Friendship’s library, Twilight sat on the floor with a few tears in her eyes. Spike then entered the library, “Starlight is gonna be over soon. There’s a little something we wanted to give you before we leave.” The dragon stopped and then flew up to her and hugged her as he rubbed his cheek on hers, knowing what she needed.

A couple of seconds later, “All right, Twilight. Are you ready?” came the voice of Applejack as the paladin and the four other friends entered the library with smiles on their faces as the dragon and Twilight turned to face the four. “We all wanted to see you off, but there's still a lot to do.” the paladin’s smile failed and rubbed the back of her head. “Ah know yah want us tah go with yall, but I gotta make sure the crates get to the right places.”

Rainbow was the next to speak, “And I'm gonna meet the Wonderbolts so we can go over the routine one last time.” the elementalist begrudgingly admitted.

“I'm going with Gummy. He said he knows when the fireworks display should start,” the party planner stated before she appeared to be next to Twilight and started to whisper into Twilight’s ear, “but does anybody really believe that?!” she asked rhetorically.

Fluttershy looked to her bird cages for a second, “And I still need to pick up food for the swans and doves who flew ahead to Canterlot.” she informed. “If I don't get them fed, they'll be too pooped to perform.” she pointed out.

Twilight got up and started to walk, a slight scowl on her face as she looked down to the floor, “Well, I'll be living in Canterlot alone. Might as well take the train alone, too.” she said, “Bye, I guess.” she said in a mix of dejection and frustration.

Rarity dashed to walk beside Twilight, “Oh, you won't be traveling alone, darling.” she pointed out. “I'll have just enough time on the train to weave the star spider sash for your gown. But we should leave now.” Rarity continued as she started to push Twilight out of the library. “There's no time to dawdle if you want the coronation to be perfect.” It was here that everything went too far.

“That's the problem!”Twilight shouted as she turned to face her friends. “You're all so worried about making my coronation perfect,” she started to call out her friends. However, her anger died swiftly as she was overcome with sorrow, “but I'm leaving Magiville and none of you even care!” she shouted in her sorrow. This caused the five to gasp.