• Published 12th Oct 2019
  • 451 Views, 126 Comments

Let's write a story. - TheMajorTechie

We won't know where we'll start, nor where we'll end, so long as we write. A heavily comment-driven story.

  • ...

The spiral continues,

Author's Note:

I have no idea what I'm doing anymore. Nearly all of my writing has gone into two or three stories as of late, and I haven't exactly been paying any attention to this story... or any other stories, for that matter. I think following this chapter, I'm going to take the story on its own path for a time to build up a bit more lore and consistency across chapters before reopening it to suggestions. :twilightsmile:

Zapper frost - When voidtrotter appears back in the war-torn Equestria he ends up in the air and he somehow manages to do a triple flip and lands doing a handstand in between Discord's horns... then promptly falls down into Discord's arms, bridal style

Howzdozit - Then their edgy counterpart falls on top of them, also somehow bridal style. Love it.

Howzdozit - Ooh... maybe Voidtrotter could end up going to the EQG world.

The Voidtrotter landed with an anticlimactic thud. Where were they again? They had never noticed Celestia charging her horn, or really even a transportation spell, for that matter.

"I say, Voidtrotter," Discord's voice snaked, "You do look rather dashing in that pose. Would you like to be my hat?"


Discord caught the Voidtrotter in his arms. Rather surprisingly, the now-solidified form of their counterpart from before also landed in the draconequus' arms, bridal-style.

"My, you two are quite the handful," he smirked, snapping a claw. The world around them began to warp, transforming from the barren wasteland of a warzone they'd become acquainted with to a quiet suburb in the middle of the day. "Anyhow, I've got tea time with Fluttershy now. Toodles!"

And with that, the draconequus vanished, leaving the Voidtrotter and their counterpart alone on the road. A strange, metallic vehicle approached, growing ever larger as it drew closer and closer to the two.

The Voidtrotter yelped, bounding away as the strange vehicle crashed through their counterpart. Not so surprisingly, however, said counterpart appeared unharmed. Even in their current form of some kind of solidified mist, they appeared to be impervious to harm.

"What're you lookin' at?" the Voidtrotter's counterpart scoffed. They dusted themselves off, watching the Voidtrotter sit on their haunches.

A stray twig peeled away from the Voidtrotter's body and onto the strange stonework lining the streets.

"Momma, momma, look, it's a doggy!"

The Voidtrotter froze. That was a child's voice. What would the locals of this realm think of them? Would they be seen as a beast to be scorned and driven away? Or perhaps they'd be seen as a pet, and be taken in by benevolent caretakers. The Voidtrotter bristled at a final thought, however.

"Food," their counterpart echoed their thoughts. "You think they must see us as food. Aye, 'tis a shame if they indeed do. Blood shall be spilt for our own survival it if is the case."

"Mommy," the child's voice continued, "Why is the scary smoke doggy talking? Is it mad at the stick doggy?"

"Shh, let's not get too close, honey," the mother's voice assured the child, "They might be fighting. Come on, let's go."

The Voidtrotter caught a glimpse of two bipedal figures passing by-- the mother and the child, they assumed. If they were the native lifeform in this realm, then it'd be a little more logical to take on such a native form. Nevertheless, such a task remained beyond their ability. This body of wood and leaves remained firmly anchored to their being by the strange magicks of the timberwolves, and it didn't appear that such a construct was going to be shed anytime soon.

Another strange vehicle rumbled past. The Voidtrotter felt a tap on their shoulder and turned to face their counterpart.

"I desire a butter knife," the counterpart wavered under the bright sunlight. "'Tis a strange desire, but a desire nonetheless."

And so, we leave this chapter as it is; at the beginning of a quest for a butter knife. I will not be considering any suggestions for the time being, as I wish to bring some more consistency to this story first before continuing with comment-driven chapters.