• Published 12th Oct 2019
  • 1,166 Views, 114 Comments

Logan and Carol; The Wolves of Equestria - JNKing

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Siren Arc Pt 1: Back to High School

Author's Note:

Happy Thanksgiving and Black Friday :pinkiesmile:

Sorry for the long delay, but work's been picking up, and I'm getting closer to publishing my first novel. Don't worry too much about Logan's latest adventure though; I'll still try to upload a new chapter every Friday.

So, here, Logan is going to go toe-to-paw with the Sirens he was looking for in Back to the Pack. And they won't be his only challenge in the world of Equestria Girls.

Thank you all again for reading, and I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving, and stay safe on Black Friday. :pinkiehappy::twilightsmile:

“Any luck getting him back here?” Twilight asked.

Carol sighed, watching as the mares lounged around the new Castle of Friendship.

“He hates this castle,” Carol admitted. “I don’t think he’s ever really liked Ponyville, even if you guys earned his trust.”

“Please, Carol,” Twilight begged. “I really need to talk to him.”

“Sorry, Twilight,” Carol replied. “But ever since Tirek…” she shook her head. “Something’s been off about Logan.”

“He hasn’t found anything on Luco, has he?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Yeah,” Applejack agreed. “You’d figure a human would be pretty easy to spot out here. We don’t get em that much anymore.”

“No,” Carol replied. “He just… hunts in circles. I keep finding him tracing over the same territory. He seems more obsessed with making sure his magic is working. He’s barely slept; he hasn’t eaten…” she shuddered. “I’m really getting worried about him.”

“He needs his pack,” Fluttershy said, turning to Twilight. “He needs us.”

Twilight nodded. “Okay,” she said. “We’ll all go out there together. Maybe…”

A knock on the door distracted her. She trotted over to find a mail stallion waiting with a delivery of books.

“Excuse me, Princess,” the delivery pony said, indicating the books. “Where do you want all these books from Princess Celestia?”

Twilight smiled softly. “The library,” she said, indicating down a long hallway. “Third door on the left.”

The delivery pony then lifted a new book; one that had Celestia’s mark on it. Strangely, it was glowing and vibrating.

“Even this one?” the delivery pony asked. “The one that’s glowing and vibrating?”

Twilight tilted her head, seizing the vibrating book with her magic. Setting it on the ground, she merely had to open the cover before the pages flipped themselves to a random page. Yet on the random page, words had appeared, written in purple ink.

“What is it, Twilight?” Fluttershy asked as Twilight read. Slowly, Twilight’s purple fur began to pale.

“It looks like a message to Princess Celestia,” Twilight said. “From my friends at Canterlot High.”

“How is that possible?” Rarity asked, craning her neck to read the message.

“I don’t know,” Twilight admitted, looking up with a glare. “But it sounds like they need my help. And if they need my help… I’m going to need Logan’s help too.”


Logan was trapped. Suffocating. His body… he couldn’t feel his body. The cries of the imprisoned auras echoed around him. No light. No glimpse into the outside world. All he could do was fall… falling… tumbling into darkness…

“Wake up,” Logan tried to growl. “It’s just a dream!” He growled; why had he chosen to lie down? Why hadn’t he kept walking?

Now he wasn’t able to get out. Now he was back in this cursed pit of despair and fear…

“Stop it!” he screamed against the darkness. “Let me out!”

He twisted and turned, yet nothing would let him out. There was no way to grab the auras now! No way to escape. No way to even see the outside. His heart hammered. Blood roared in his ears. He…

Like an angel’s calling, the entire world lit up in white around him. The cursed pit of Tirek’s gut faded away, and in its place…

Logan felt the sun’s warmth on his body. The grass tickled his paws. The smell of Ponyville greeted his nostrils. And yet… something was off. His shoulder blades felt off. So did his paws.

“W-Who is that?” Rainbow Dash’s voice demanded. “I’ve never seen him before!”

“He just appeared out of nowhere,” Rarity’s voice stammered. “Do you think… No, that’s preposterous!”

Logan pulled himself up, his eyes locking on the six mares. He smiled, letting out a soft sigh. Despite that odd feeling in his body, his pack was here. His friends. And yet… why did they look so nervous? Why did they look so much smaller than him? Why were they looking at him… like they didn’t recognize him?

“Fluttershy?” Logan asked, flinching at her apprehension. He looked to Twilight, who almost looked scared. “Sparkle?”

Twilight stepped forward. “Logan?” she asked. “Is that… you?”

“W-Who else would it be?” he asked. He looked down… and promptly wished he hadn’t.

The first things he noticed were the hooves. They were covered by his normal white fur, but his claws were gone, hooves in their places. Something jutted from his forehead; he lifted one of the hooves, feeling the horn atop his head. From there, he felt a shaggy mane, almost like the one he had as a human, but longer, with him clearly able to see the bleach blonde locks. And when he craned his neck to look behind himself, he realized why his shoulder blades felt so off: he had a new set of wings fluttering behind him.

He was a horse. No, worse: he was an alicorn!

“W-What happened to me?” he demanded, turning back to them. “What did you do to me?!”

They flinched back, and a stab of guilt shot through Logan; these were his friends. Not the Elements. Even if the Elements had used their faces.

A flash emanated behind them. Logan looked up, his eyes narrowing as Princess Celestia appeared, that usual serene smile on her face.

“Princess Celestia?” Twilight asked, racing to her side. “What’s going on?! I don’t understand!”

Celestia just smiled coyly. “I don’t expect that to last long,” Celestia replied.

“But he’s an alicorn now,” Twilight insisted.

“And he looks like a princess,” Rainbow Dash added.

“That’s because he is,” Celestia replied, before her expression turned doubtful. “Wait… are you…?”

Logan bared his teeth, even if those had been changed too.

“I swear by everything sacred…” he snarled before peering between his hind legs. A giant sigh of relief escaped his snout as he looked up, and shook his head.

Celestia’s grin returned, along with her own sight of relief.

“Then, I suppose a better statement would be that Logan looks like a prince because he is.” Celestia beamed at Twilight. “Your prince.”

Logan and Twilight’s jaws dropped.

“Huh-WHAT?!” they both exclaimed.

Celestia smiled at Logan. “Surely you didn’t think that you could handle the magic of an entire species without consequences, did you, Logan?” she asked.

“B-But I turned down the Elements,” Logan insisted. “I…” He shuddered to a stop; what had been the dream, and what had been reality?! He had let an entire species’ magic course through him. How had he kept his wolf form intact through that? This couldn’t be the real world, then? Could it?

“Oh,” Celestia laughed. “As if you had a choice.”

Logan’s teeth bared all the way up to his gums, but Celestia didn’t even seem to notice.

“Now, when Twilight eventually goes on to rule all of Equestria,” Celestia said. “She will have a strong, faithful husband by her side.” She grinned coyly at a stunned Twilight. “One that will likely give her many powerful alicorn foals.”

Logan retched. “I don’t even…” he started to stammer, only for Celestia to wave his protests away.

“Nothing being with a proper mare can’t fix,” she said, turning to him and fixing him with those pink eyes. She strode towards him, wagging her hips in what he supposed was seductive for horses. “The magic did its work well,” she said. “You have become a very handsome stallion. And, since Twilight already adores me, she surely won’t mind if…”

“NOPE!” Logan’s horn flared, and his magic sent Celestia tumbling head over hooves. “No-no-no-no-NO!” Logan bellowed, punctuating each ‘nope’ with a blast of magic. He even formed a 'NO' of magic and pointed at it before throwing it at her. "NOOOO!!!!!"

Nothing stopped him. Celestia scrambled to her hooves and shot away. Logan pursued her, his wings beating behind him as he blasted at her. Yet her coy tone didn’t fade.

“Is this how wolves get into the mood?” she asked. “How kinky!”


“Ah, a hate-based romance is so much sexier. I can feel the weight in your strikes.”


“You should be cautious! Luna will want to join when she sees you. It has been so long since my dear sister has had a proper mate.”


“Would it help if I had another stallion join us? Prince Blueblood, perhaps? He is a handsome one, I’m sure you’d agree.”


Yet even as rage drove Logan on, he slowly started to realize: none of the mares had attacked him. Heck, the mares - Ponyville - were nowhere in sight. Logan was now on a flat stretch of land, the sunset covering Celestia as she coyly pranced away from him. And yet… the sun was oddly silver. Almost like…

A new stab of fury gripped Logan, and he glowered up at the sun… which slowly shifted into the moon. An odd little imprint in the shape of a very familiar mare sat engraved on its surface.

“You’re not funny, Luna!” Logan howled.

The mare in the moon suddenly moved, laughing out loud… before Luna stepped out from the moon, landing before Logan as ‘Celestia’ faded away into stars.

“Oh, are you unsatisfied, Lone Wolf?” she asked with a coy smirk. “I personally think you look quite strapping.” She hummed, her eyes scanning his body like a wolf would scan meat. “Are you sure you won’t change your mind about turning down the Element’s gifts?”

“How do you even know about that?” Logan demanded.

“We bore the Elements same as your friends,” Luna replied, as if he was a child. “Surely, you’d assume we’d be aware of their plans.” She sighed again, stretching her hoof towards his face. “And what a plan it was; we princesses have been without true males for quite some time.”

He slapped her hoof away.

“Get out of my head,” he snapped. “Get out of my dreams RIGHT NOW!”

Luna considered it, rubbing her chin.

“No,” she declared, flapping around him, drinking in his alicorn body. “The dreamscape is mine to command, Lone Wolf, not you. I can keep you here as long as I want. Maybe I could even go down to that lovely castle Twilight has, and show them your dreams.”

Logan fumed up at her, before pausing. He glanced down at his hooves, and stared down at them with a grimace. They shifted from hooves to claws.

Luna laughed again. “Those won’t work on me, Logan Wolfe,” she warned. “This is my territory.”

“They aren’t for you,” Logan replied ominously, grinning maliciously up at her. “But they will be soon enough.”

Luna tilted her head… before Logan seized his own throat in his claws.

“Wait…” Luna stammered, her smirk fading. “LOGAN, NO!”

But the Royal Canterlot Voice only sped up the process, and in seconds, Logan lay on his side, his throat torn cruelly open by his own claws. Yet no blood bubbled out of his throat. Instead, only shadowy magic drifted from his wound, covering him and slowly causing him to fade into starlight.


Back in the Castle of Friendship, Luna opened her eyes, her horn slowly losing a silver glow.

“Did you find him?” Twilight asked, watching Luna warily.

Luna breathed and nodded. “Yes. However,” she warned. “I believe I should probably vacate the castle. For fear that…”

BOOM went the doors to the Castle of Friendship.

“Uh-oh,” Pinkie whispered. “Too late!”

Logan stood in the doorway, his silver eyes locked on Luna’s. He rubbed his thankfully still intact neck with a grimace, before storming over to her. Applejack and Rainbow Dash quickly blocked his way.

“Alright, Logan, look,” Twilight said, jumping in between them. “I get that Luna wasn’t supposed to go near your dreams, okay? But we really needed to…”


Every pony ducked as a flash of lightning lit the room up in white. A crash emanated from the far right, and as the ponies looked up, they saw Princess Luna sprawled upside down against the wall, her fur ashen and her eyes spinning in her head. Logan was bearing down on her again, his ears still flat and his fur spiked like a porcupine.

“Whoa, Logan, hey!” Applejack roared, jumping in his way and scraping her hooves ominously while Rainbow Dash hovered above her, preparing to kick as well. “Now, you listen here, fella; I ain’t afraid to give you a whooping, you try that again!”

“Easy, now,” Carol said, trying to get between the group. Logan, on the other hand, said nothing, trying to push past Carol and Applejack, his eyes set venomously on Luna.

“I mean it!” Applejack whinnied, spinning and readying a kick. “Get back! Or I’ll…”

“No, Applejack, wait!” Luna yelled, drawing their attention. She pulled herself up, and shook off the ash. “In all fairness, I… may have deserved that.”

“That’s not even half of what you deserve!” Logan snapped at her. Twilight jumped in between him and Applejack.

“Listen, Logan, please,” she begged. “It’s not Luna’s fault; it’s mine!”

Logan locked on her, and Rainbow Dash quickly went to Twilight’s side, though the purple alicorn motioned for her friend to stay back. Rainbow Dash still shuddered at the look of utter rage on Logan’s face, even if it seemed to die down to a simmering boil rather than a raging fire.

Twilight sighed. “Look, we…” she paused. “I… saw what happened. With the Elements.”

Logan’s eyes narrowed, and he started to turn away. Twilight tried to go after him.

“Wait, please!” she said. “I’m not going to lecture you! I know you did what you thought was right.”

Logan paused at that, and glanced back at her, his ears pricking up.

Twilight took a breath, shivering as his silver eyes seemed to analyze her very soul.

“B-But the thing is,” Twilight continued. “I’ve really come to rely on you, Logan. When Tirek… well…” Twilight rubbed her mane, her eyes darting away.

Logan turned around, his ears lifting in concern.

“I didn’t know what to do without you at first,” Twilight admitted. “You’ve helped me through so many problems… I consider you just as much a friend as I do… well…” she indicated her other friends.

“All of us,” Fluttershy whispered.

“Right,” Twilight said. “Now, the Elements said that their gift would have allowed us to rule Ponyville together, which – honestly – I’m a little uncomfortable with. And I can assume you feel the same way.”

“You think?” Logan asked, though a lot of the anger in his voice had faded. Behind him, Carol was shooting a very icy glare at Twilight, making her stammer before Logan dissuaded Carol with a growl.

“But,” Twilight managed to continue. “It doesn’t change the fact that you are an invaluable… um…” she rubbed at her hooves nervously.

Logan rolled his eyes. “Just say it,” he prompted.

“Pack,” Twilight finally admitted. “You’ve been an invaluable pack mate to me. A-And it’s why… and you can say no…” she took a deep breath, and got out in a rush. “If you don’t want to be a Prince of Ponyville, I’d like you to be the Captain of my Royal Guard instead.”

Silence stretched between them. Logan glanced over at Luna, who had long since teleported away. He sighed.

“The first time I attacked one of your princesses, you tried to beat me up,” he noted with a grin. “Now, I attack another princess… and you try to give me a royal title.”

Carol grinned. “I’m sensing that you don’t like Luna as much as you like Celestia,” she teased.

“What?!” Twilight stammered. “No! That wasn’t…”

“We ain’t saying that it was right to attack Princess Luna like that,” Applejack said sternly.

“Or turning down the Elements that protect this place and were offering you a gift,” Rainbow Dash grumped.

Before anyone else could continue, Logan snorted at the cyan mare and stormed out the door. Twilight moaned in horror, sharing a brief glare with Rainbow Dash before racing out after him.

“Logan, please!” she begged. “I really-really-really need your help! You see things that no pony else sees. You motivate us when we’re down! You’re an integral part of this pack, and you’d be perfect for the job! Can’t you help us?”

But Logan didn’t reply. Instead, his nostrils started twitching. He turned his head, heading into the third door on the left. Inside, surrounded by books, he gazed up at the Mirror to Canterlot High, now hooked up to several mechanical parts that led from the mirror to the book holding the message from the Humane Six.

He turned his head to Twilight as she entered in after him.

“What exactly do you need help with?” he asked.

Twilight brought the book forward, showing Logan the message.

“According to Princess Celestia,” she explained. “This was a way for Sunset Shimmer to contact her if she ever needed the Princess. Sunset has a book just like it, and if she writes in it, we receive the message here.”

Logan’s brow furrowed as he read the message. “New students at Canterlot High…” he murmured as he read. “Magical in origin… songs…” he gasped, his back spiking. “Sirens!” he snarled.

Pinkie gasped. “Oh, didn’t you have to go after Sirens while you were getting back to the pack?” she asked, before donning a white kimono. “Gotta get back, back to the pack…”

“PINKIE!” Logan and Twilight snapped at her, before Logan glared down at the floor.

“She is right, though,” Logan admitted. “These must be the same Sirens that got shot to another dimension.”

“They are,” Twilight confirmed. “But something’s allowed them to retain their powers from here, and they’re threatening the friends we made back there.” Twilight made Logan look at her. “Logan, you have more experience with sirens than any pony here. These three may be more dangerous than the ones you encountered…” she looked away with a grimace. “And your methods over there were rather unorthodox…” she added in a grumble.

“But, you need us to go back to the human world,” Carol deadpanned.

Twilight sighed. “Exactly,” she said.

“One problem,” Logan said, indicating the mirror. “This thing was supposed to be closed. Our magic jacked it up, or something like that.”

Twilight smiled. “I believe I have a solution to that…”


As Twilight began to explain her process, none of the mares or wolves were aware of a familiar dragon peering in through the windows of the castle.

“Sirens?” Luco pondered, poking his head over Blazy’s. “You heard her, right Blazy? She said Sirens?”

Blazy nodded eagerly. Luco clapped his hands together.

“The mythical beauties of the sea,” Luco purred. He grinned down at Blazy. “You know we have to see that for ourselves.”

Blazy nodded before a thought made her perk up. She glanced further away. Luco waved his hand.

“Oh, Tempest and Chrissy will be fine for now,” he said. “Besides,” he grinned down at Logan, who’s eyes were slowly glazing over from Twilight’s lecture. “I don’t need them to make that wolf’s day miserable.”


“…and the interval between the two points,” Twilight continued. “Is defined as the square root of the squares of the separation between the points along three spatial dimensions.” She beamed eagerly at Logan, only to find him passed out snoring.

“Logan!” Twilight chastised.

He looked up, yawning.

“Absolutely none of that made sense to me,” he said. “Just say that it works now, and let’s call it a day.”

“Seconded,” Spike added.

“Third-ed,” Carol said with a nod.

Twilight grumped at the three of them, before turning back to the portal.

“Just gotta make sure it does work,” Twilight said, placing the book into the device she had built on top of the mirror. With a sputtering, crackling noise like the world’s first electronic coming to life, the portal flared up with a purple energy… and stabilized. Twilight clapped her hooves in glee.

“It works!” she squeed in delight.

“It works?!” a voice proclaimed.

Logan went stock still. “No…” he whimpered.

Up above them, glass shattered into ashes, Blazy Blue the fire dragon tumbling into the room. Her landing knocked the group back, Twilight shrieking and just barely stopping the mirror from falling over. Blazy, oblivious to her near destruction of the portal, struck a pose, fireworks blasting from her back. She caught Spike’s eye, and winked at him.

“W-What in land sakes!?” Applejack muttered, her eyes spinning from the impact.

“I-It’s a phoenix!” Fluttershy squeaked from the corner.

“It’s a dragon!” Rainbow Dash growled, taking to the air.

“Worse,” Logan growled, baring his claws. “It’s…”

Luco leaped off Blazy’s shoulders, landing before them.

The lascivious, ludicrous,” Luco sang, spinning in a circle.


“Loco Luco,” he said, striking a final pose.

The mares shrieked, or in Pinkie’s case, gave an intrigued ‘OOO’; once again, every single stich of clothing on Luco had been burned off by Blazy's fire. Not even a fig leaf had been spared.

“Oh, get over it!” Luco snapped. “You go without clothes all the time!”

“But our stallions don’t…” Rarity whimpered. “’Dangle’ like that?”

Logan grimaced. Luco was dangling, alright; his tail had wrapped around Blazy’s snout, and he dangled upside down with his legs crossed, peeling a banana.

“Oh, come now, good buddies,” Luco proclaimed, leaping off Blazy and racing to the portal. He ran a finger along it and Twilight’s horn. “There’s a brand-new adventure with limitless possibilities.”

Twilight tried to cast a spell at him, but Blazy promptly seized Luco’s banana and shoved it into Twilight’s face.

“Have some food,” Luco offered.

Logan raced at them, just in time for Blazy to dump a bucket of water on him.

“Have some water,” Luco offered again.

Blazy scooped Spike up, eyeing him eagerly.

“Have a good luck kiss!” Luco said with a nod, instantly promptly Blazy to plant a French one right on Spike’s snout.

“Gah!” Rarity snapped in disgust, while Spike hit the ground with a gaping jaw and rapidly blinking eyes.

But as Logan slipped in the soapy water Blazy had dunked him in, Carol, Rainbow Dash and Applejack tried to lunge forward. Luco hopped off all three of them like a video game character in a platform game, sending the females off course or crashing into walls while he jumped back onto Blazy’s back.

“YEAH, BUDDY!” Luco cheered, Blazy roaring along with him and sending a jet of flames into the air. The flames sent the mares running to cover, while Luco made Blazy dance around the room. Logan tried to bite at them, but slipped in the water he had been drenched in.

“Let’s get out there and live life for what it’s worth!” Luco declared, before they pranced by Pinkie. Luco jumped down, landing in her mane and seizing a trumpet from her cotton candy colored head. Leaping back onto Blazy, he played a tune on the trumpet.

“CHARGE!” he declared, before he and Blazy ran right for the portal.

“No, WAIT!” Twilight screamed, but with a flash of both purple and yellow, the dragon and her crazed rider vanished. A slight ripple in the portal was the only sign of where they had gone.

“Did you really expect him to wait?!” Logan growled, struggling out of the puddle of water. “Sirens were bad enough; Sunset’s got no way to handle him!” He charged right after the human, diving inside. Carol wasn’t far behind.

Twilight almost raced after them, before turning back to the others. “Write to the other princesses,” she ordered the others. “Get them to send as many royal guards as they can here and be ready to arrest anyone who comes through this portal; we’ve got to be prepared in case Luco tries to get out this way!”

“You got it, Twilight,” Rainbow Dash said.

Spike quickly got up and dusted himself off. “I need to go with you,” he said.

Rarity scoffed. “Surely, you’re not interested in that barbarian dragon,” she demanded.

“What? NO!” Spike said, turning back to Twilight. “Letting you go alone tore me up inside, Twilight. Please; even if you’ve got Logan… you never know when you might need your trusty assistant.”

Spike batted his eyes pleadingly at Twilight. Her scared expression faded, and she smiled at her dragon.

“Of course, Spike,” she said.
Spike’s face brightened, and he jumped onto Twilight’s back as she turned back to the portal.

“We won’t be gone long,” Twilight promised. “And when we do… we’ll have the Sirens, Luco and his dragon in chains.”

And, with her friends’ cheers backing her up better than any tune Luco could play, Twilight and Spike dove into the portal, chasing after Logan, Carol and the crazed human.