• Published 13th Oct 2019
  • 1,193 Views, 47 Comments

The Life and Times of Everypony - Leafdoggy

A collection of short stories set in the same ever-evolving world.

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A Rock and a Shy Place (Fluttershy, Limestone)

“I’m sorry, Chrysalis,” Fluttershy said with a frown. It was early morning, the sun barely risen, when Chrysalis had decided to drop by unannounced. “I’m actually busy today, too.”

Chrysalis groaned. “Is this whole town busy today?” She sighed. “Well, what are you busy with? Perhaps I could help.”

“It isn’t work, I’m afraid,” Fluttershy told her. “I’m spending the day with Limestone. It’s kind of a special occasion.”

“I don’t even know who that is.” She turned away and kicked a rock in frustration. “I- Okay. Yeah. Thanks anyway, Fluttershy.”

“You could try—” Fluttershy started, but before she could finish Chrysalis vanished in a burst of green flames. “Oh. Um, goodbye I guess.” With a shrug, she shut the door and went back to her business.

There was a lot of preparation to get done before Limestone arrived. Fluttershy loved all of Pinkie’s sisters, of course, but they each brought their own unique challenges with them. For Marble she would find ways to pass the time without the need for talking, like games and puzzles, and for Maud she had to find more things to talk about. It took Fluttershy some time to understand Maud, but once she realized that she could spend an entire day talking about a single animal and Maud would listen to every word, things got a lot easier.

For Limestone, she mostly had to prepare for the noise.

More specifically, she had to prepare for the tone. The animals around her house were used to noise, what with Pinkie’s frequent visits, but there’s a stark contrast between Pinkie’s excited bubbliness and Limestone’s unquenchable wrath. Animals may not be able to talk to everypony, but they know anger when they hear it.

So, Fluttershy spent the early hours of the day flitting around her house and making sure they were all ready. Encouraging skittish creatures to spend the day scavenging, directing the house mice into a more insulated wall, giving stern warnings to the animals more prone to fight than flight.

This time, she also had plans extending beyond her humble home. She sought out the most trustworthy forest critter she knew, a squirrel named Heathcliff, and gave him instructions to spread throughout the forest; namely, to prepare for guests.

Heathcliff hopped out an open window just as a heavy knocking started up at the front door. Fluttershy perked up and grinned, then took to the air and floated excitedly towards it.

Limestone had a sour look on her face when the door open, but she lightened up after she saw Fluttershy. Her smile seemed vaguely sinister, but it was still a smile. “Heya, Shy,” she said.

“Hello, Limestone!” Fluttershy flew forward and hugged Limestone as briefly as she could manage. Limestone still winced at the gesture, but her smile returned before long. “Please, come inside,” Fluttershy said as she moved aside to make room.

Limestone trotted inside and hopped onto Fluttershy’s sofa, immediately lying down and getting comfortable. “You know,” she said as she took in the room, “you don’t have to clean up for me.”

“Oh, but I do!” Fluttershy floated into the kitchen, and a moment later emerged with tea for them both. “You may not be bothered by the mess, but it makes me feel better to have a clean house when company arrives,” she said as she settled down into her chair.

Limestone sniffed the tea hesitantly. “Fair enough,” she said, then she took a sip, and then another. “So, how ya been? I noticed the, uh…” She gestured at Fluttershy’s pointed ears. “New look.”

“Oh, right.” Fluttershy chuckled and rubbed one of her ears. “Well, the full story is a little long and complicated, but the short version is that Pinkie convinced me to become a vampire. Or, a half-vampire? I’m not entirely sure.”

“Cool,” Limestone said.

“It was a big change,” Fluttershy continued, “but now that I’m used to it, I really like it! A bolder look for a bolder Fluttershy.”

“Eh, I think you were cuter before,” Limestone said, “but that’s just me. I don’t really go for the whole ‘dangerous girl’ vibe. Not that you can really look dangerous.”

Fluttershy giggled. “That was my biggest fear.”

“Figures.” Limestone gulped down the last of her tea and stretched out lazily on the couch. “Did the get-up come with fangs?”

“Mm-hm.” Fluttershy flashed a toothy grin, and her long, sharp fangs were clear to see. “It took me a while to get used to eating with them.”

Limestone got a sly smile on her face. “You test ‘em out yet?”

Fluttershy blushed. “What? W-Why would I…” Her voice trailed off.

Limestone laughed. “Come on, I know Pinkie Pie. That girl would get herself sent to the moon just to know what it’s like up there. Has she tempted you yet?”

“N-No, of course not,” Fluttershy mumbled as her cheeks became more and more flushed.

“Uh-huh,” Limestone said.

“Um, how’s the rock farm?” Fluttershy asked, desperate to change the subject.

Limestone groaned. “Exhausting. Seriously, either you guys or Maud need to start havin kids soon, otherwise I’m gonna keel over before any of them get old enough to take over.”

“Well, I really don’t think Maud is liable to any time soon,” Fluttershy said.

Limestone eyed her. “Why? You know somethin I don’t?”

Fluttershy coughed and laughed nervously. “Oh, no reason. Uhh, what about you or Marble?”

“Unless somepony falls outta the rocks, I don’t think I’m gonna meet anypony anytime soon. As for Marble...” Limestone sighed. “I’m willing to push her into a lot, but I don’t see any way that me trying to interfere with her love life isn’t gonna break bad.”

“Don’t worry,” Fluttershy assured her, “Marble will be alright. You know better than anypony how strong she is.”

“Yeah, I know.” Limestone grumbled and flipped over to rest her head on her hooves. “It just sucks. I mean, here I am, the pony who’s supposed to look out for her, and I just have to let her be alone because I know I’d just mess it up! It’s so frustrating!”

“I know the feeling,” Fluttershy said. “How powerless it makes you feel when the best option is to do nothing. I’m sorry you’re struggling with it.”

“I’ll live,” Limestone grumbled. “I’m sick of talking about it. How’s Pinkie? I’d ask her, but well, you know how she is.”

Fluttershy nodded. “Pinkie’s doing well. She’s been a little fixated on her job at the bakery lately, but it doesn’t seem to be bothering her too much.”


“Mm-hm. She keeps worrying about being fired over this or that. She said she’s scared she isn’t going ‘by the book’ enough.” Fluttershy pursed her lips anxiously.

“She’s Pinkie Pie,” Limestone said. “She isn’t capable of doing things by the books.”

“I know,” Fluttershy agreed. “I think something else must be on her mind, but she hasn’t brought anything up.”

“Maybe it’s somethin she’s scared to talk to you about,” Limestone suggested.

“Maybe…” Fluttershy frowned. “I guess I had hoped we’d gotten past her feeling like she needs to hold things back around me.”

Limestone laughed. “Trust me, she does not hold back around you. Honestly, seeing her with you kinda makes me worry that she’s holding back with me.”

Fluttershy sighed. “You’re right. I’m just being a worrywart.”

“Must be something big if she is scared to tell you, though,” Limestone said. “I can’t imagine she’d hide it if she just felt bad about something.”

“Big?” Fluttershy’s eyes went wide. “What do you mean?”

“No clue,” Limestone said, not looking at Fluttershy. “Something to do with you, probably.”

“Y-You don’t think she’s… Going to…” Fluttershy started breathing faster as her mind raced. “She- It’s- I-” she stuttered.

Limestone looked over at Fluttershy and jumped with shock at how worked up she had gotten. “Woah, there, bucko,” she said. “If it was something worth freaking out over, I’m sure she would’ve talked to her sisters about it.”

Fluttershy clutched her chest and took deep, strained breaths as she calmed herself. It took a few minutes, but eventually she managed to get to a state where she could talk again. “S-Sorry,” she muttered. “I thought you meant she was going to- to…”

“What, propose?” Limestone scoffed. “Fluttershy, I hate to break it to you, but I think that one might be on you. Pinkie Pie’s just gonna get stuck planning hers for the rest of your lives if you wait on that.”

Fluttershy took a few more heavy breaths. “Oh.” She chuckled. “Yeah, you might be right. I’ll have to keep that in mind.”

“She probably just wants to move in with ya.”

It was at that point that the emotional rollercoaster finally became too much for Fluttershy, and the world went black as she fainted.

The next thing Fluttershy felt was a splash of water landing on her face.

She coughed and sputtered as she came back to the waking world. Her vision was blurry at first, and she had to take several deep breaths before she could even begin to process what had happened.

Slowly, though, it all came back to her. She realized she was in her living room, and that Angel was standing on top of her holding an empty cup. Then she saw Limestone standing nearby, looking tense. Finally, she remembered what had made her faint in the first place.

With one final, weak cough, she pushed herself up to a sitting position. “S-Sorry,” she mumbled. “How long has it been?”

“Like, thirty seconds,” Limestone told her. “Your rabbit’s pretty quick on the draw. Which is good, cuz Pinkie would be so mad at me if I killed you.”

Fluttershy laughed quietly. “She’d probably be mad at me, too, dying at just the thought of her—” She swallowed hard as the idea hit her again. “Oh my.”

“You’re not gonna pass out again, are ya?” Limestone asked.

Fluttershy shook her head. “No, I’m okay now. I just… Do you really think so?”

Before responding, Limestone walked over and helped Fluttershy up and back into her chair. Then she went and sprawled out on the sofa again. “To be honest, I’m shocked she’s waited this long.”

“It never even crossed my mind,” Fluttershy said. “I mean, I’ve thought about the future, but I guess I never thought about where we would be living.”

“Well, I kinda doubt you’d wanna move into the bakery,” Limestone said. “There’s always the rock farm. We could bring the Apples down and throw a little house together for you no problem.”

Fluttershy smiled kindly at her. “Sorry, Limestone, I don’t think we’re going to wind up on the farm. Ponyville is our home.”

“Yeah, I know,” Limestone said. “I had to try, though. And don’t think I’m not still gonna try to get your kids to like it out there.”

Fluttershy laughed and blushed lightly. “Come on, we don’t even live together yet! How can you be expecting us to have children?”

“Cuz I know Pinkie,” Limestone said, “and at this point I feel like I know you pretty well too, and I can’t think of a single thing that could happen to tear you two apart. You’re both just so… Forgiving.”

“Well, thank you,” Fluttershy said, “and if we do end up with children, we’ll make sure they get to know the farm well.”

“I’m gonna hold you to that. Limestone Pie does not forget.”

Fluttershy laughed, then perked up as she remembered something. “Oh, right! I had something planned for today.”

Limestone raised an eyebrow. “This is new. You know I’m not into puzzles, right?”

“I assumed as much,” Fluttershy said cheerily. “I thought I would show you around the forest. I don’t think you’ve ever been in there, have you?”

“Nope.” Limestone pursed her lips for a moment. “Yeah, sure, I’ll try it.”

A few minutes later they were behind Fluttershy’s house, pushing past bushes and branches as they made their way into the trees. There was no path to speak of, but Fluttershy knew the forest well and kept them to less dense areas. Limestone walked slightly behind her, looking out blankly at the trees and swatting at the occasional insect.

They walked in relative quiet for a few minutes before Limestone spoke up. “Did I ever mention that I don’t like plants?”

“Oh?” Fluttershy looked at Limestone curiously. “You don’t like any plants?”

Limestone shook her head. “They suck. They’re itchy and in the way and you can’t even tell them off for it.”

“I guess I chose a bad place for a walk, then,” Fluttershy said. “Will you give it a chance, though? You shouldn’t miss the forest for the, um, many many plants inside it.”

“I’m out here, aren’t I?”

“I appreciate it,” Fluttershy told her. “The forest really is a wonderful place. So peaceful and serene, with just enough light trickling down to make you feel warm and cozy inside.”

“I guess,” Limestone said. “Isn’t this the Everfree though?”

“Not exactly. I mean, yes, technically it is, but it’s just a normal forest this far out. The forest’s magic can’t spread, but trees are still trees, and eventually they’re bound to spread.” Fluttershy shrugged. “You’ll know when we hit the scary part.”

“‘When’? Not ‘if?’” Limestone raised an eyebrow at Fluttershy. “Where exactly are you taking me?”

“You’ll see,” Fluttershy said with a smirk. “Don’t worry, I’ll keep you safe.”

Limestone laughed. “Yeah, sure.”

They walked in silence for some time from there. Fluttershy led the way confidently, bringing Limestone deeper and deeper into the woods. Limestone wore a frown for the majority of the walk, but she kept up with Fluttershy well. Every so often she’d get caught up in vines or hit by a branch, and Fluttershy would have to remind her that the plants can’t hear her when she gets mad, but it was otherwise a peaceful journey.

Then things changed. The forest around them grew darker, the plants turned more sinister, strange growls could be heard in the distance. Fluttershy hardly seemed to notice, though. She kept up her cheery smile as she floated through the dense foliage, pulling aside thorny bushes or heavy vines to make a rudimentary path for Limestone. At one point she started to whistle, but a glare from Limestone stopped that.

“So,” Fluttershy asked after a while, “how are you liking the walk?”

“It’s fine I guess,” Limestone replied. “I still don’t like the plants, but it’s a nice excuse to just be quiet for a bit.”

Fluttershy nodded. “Even Pinkie Pie quiets down sometimes out here. I think a lot of ponies just need a reason to realize it’s okay to be quiet together with another pony.”

“I don’t think that’s Pinkie’s problem,” Limestone said.

“Yeah, she’s different,” Fluttershy said with a happy hum. “I meant for more average ponies.”

“You sayin I’m average?”

Fluttershy giggled. “I mean, compared to your sisters?”

Limestone laughed too. “You got me there.”

“Oh!” Suddenly, Fluttershy zipped ahead. “We’re here!”

Limestone walked over to where she had gone and stepped into a small clearing, no more than ten feet across. Light shone in through the canopy, putting a brilliant spotlight on the massive, brown spire that dominated the space.

“A mound of dirt?” Limestone asked.

Fluttershy chuckled. “Well, I suppose it’s mostly just a way to have a destination for the walk. It’s not just a mound of dirt, though!” She floated over and beckoned Limestone closer.

As she neared, Limestone started to see tiny holes all over the surface of the structure, and as she went closer still she began to see movement. Here and there, just for an instant, something would skitter out of one hole and into another, and once she’d noticed one, Limestone realized that the entire mound was bustling with life.

“It’s a termite mound,” Fluttershy explained. “They don’t usually live in these climates, but the Everfree is weird.” She put a hoof up to one of the holes and let one of the insects crawl onto her leg, then flew over to show it to Limestone. “Eventually I’ll probably come study them to see if they’re different from normal termites, but for now I just appreciate them.”

“So it’s a mound of dirt with bugs in it.”

“Oh, they’re not just in it,” Fluttershy said. “They built it! That’s why I thought you might like seeing this place. They’re really hard working little guys.”

“Huh.” Limestone gazed up at the tower, then looked back at the little creature crawling over Fluttershy. “I guess they are.”

Fluttershy grinned. “See? The forest is more than just plants.”

“Still mostly plants,” Limestone grumbled.

Fluttershy laughed. “I think it’s growing on you.” Then, forgetting about the bug on her, she reached out to playfully boop Limestone’s nose. The termite jumped at the opportunity and leapt from her leg, landing squarely between Limestone’s eyes.

“Gah!” Limestone yelled and stumbled backwards into a tree.

Fluttershy flew in right away and just barely rescued the termite before Limestone swatted it away. She returned it gently to its home before returning to Limestone with a deep frown. “I’m so, so sorry, I really didn’t mean for that to happen.”

Limestone huffed and walked away from her. “Geez, Fluttershy, you about gave me a heart attack!”

Fluttershy followed her soon after. “I’m really so incredibly sorry.”

“Whatever,” Limestone growled, “let’s just… Go back.”

The walk back to Fluttershy’s cottage was long and silent. The air felt tense between them, and Limestone kept her eyes mostly fixed to the forest floor in front of her. Fluttershy flew around nervously, holding back the urge to apologize more as she kept an eye out for wayward foliage to keep it out of Limestone’s way.

Eventually, though, they made it out of the forest. Fluttershy sighed as the afternoon light fell on her, and as they crossed the meadow behind her cottage, she built up the nerve to talk again.

“Um,” she started, “are you alright, Limestone?”

“I’m fine,” Limestone said tersely.

Fluttershy let out a worried hum as she searched for something more to say.

Limestone sighed and stopped, looking up at Fluttershy. “I’m not mad at you,” she said. “I’m just mad. It’s late and I’m tired from talking all day. I just need to go sleep it off.”

“Oh.” Fluttershy nodded slowly. “I understand. It was really nice spending the day together.”

“Yeah,” Limestone said.

“I, um, don’t want to make you feel any worse, so just know that normally this is the part where I’d hug you,” Fluttershy told her.

Limestone groaned. “Just do it.”

Fluttershy grinned and flew in for a quick, tight hug, then backed away just as fast. “I’ll see you soon.”

“Mm-hm,” Limestone said, and she turned and walked in the direction of Ponyville.