• Published 20th Oct 2019
  • 7,624 Views, 290 Comments

Bizarre Happenings - Art Inspired

Cozy Glow is released from her stony prison only to lose her memory of who she once was.

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Chapter Six: Gallus's Faith

Sunlight shined brightly into the Treehouse of Harmony. Birds were occupying the crystal lined windows outside, but inside was nothing but tranquil silence. No creature occupied the treehouse, and with it being shortly after noon, this was particularly off for the setting because of the Young Six practically always visiting after school. Instead, only one of them would arrive that day, and with his late approach, and the whooshing of the wind from up above, all of the wildlife that kept their eyes on the treehouse scattered away.

Gallus landed, and huffed from his long flight. He looked around, and sighed, feeling odd that he ended up being the only one that was staying in Ponyville that weekend. There had been other times where it would just be himself, and perhaps three of his other friends, or just him and Sandbar. Sometimes, he'd end up being the one to not show up, but this time, Gallus was all alone. He opened the place up, and as he closed the door, he said, "Okay, well..."

As the gryphon turned around, he ruffled his feathers, and then said to nopony in particular, "I've got this whole place... all to myself." He chuckled, and said sarcastically, "I could, uh, catch up on some light reading... I guess? I mean, everypony sure did bring in a lot of books for our classes."

He hated to admit it, but the last thing he wished to do was study. Although Gallus had started to really appreciate studying, and learning at school, the day had dragged on and on for him without his friends, and he was too mentally exhausted to even look at another book let alone try and actually read its contents. As he made his way towards the latter that would bring him to his own part of the treehouse, he said aloud, "Maybe I'll just take a nap."

He reached his bed, and getting in it, Gallus yawned. He was just about to shut his eyes when he noticed a familiar glow coming from down below. He looked down, and saw the one and only Spirit of Friendship. The image of Twilight Sparkle looked around curiously, shimmering lightly, and she then called out, echoing, "Is anypony... here today?"

Gallus hesitated, and listened for a little bit longer.

"Any creature here? I have an important request for the six of you." Again, nopony responded. The treehouse returned to it's tranquil, quiet nature for a few seconds, and the Spirit said, "I suppose... Nopony came by today? They're all separate, too. Otherwise I'd know where they are."

She took another look around, and was just about to wither away when Gallus started making his way down. "Uh, sorry," He said sheepishly, coming up to the Spirit. "It's just me today. The others are all busy doing other things, and couldn't make it." He smirked hopefully, and asked, "What's up?"

The Spirit looked at Gallus curiously, as if she wasn't sure how to even put it herself. She stood there in silence for a few seconds, illuminating the walls with her mesmerizing light. Slowly, she began asking Gallus, "You... know that Twilight Sparkle... The real Twilight decided to release Cozy Glow, right?"

Gallus blinked, and backed up while saying, "Well, psh, yeah! Of course I do, and that, like, she lost her memory... Right? Err, what of it?"

The Spirit stood there, and for some reason, Gallus began to get the impression that she was nervous. "Look," the Spirit said sternly. "Since it's just you that showed up today, I want you to go and try to make friends with her."

Gallus tried hard not to gulp, and instead asked with a quick stutter, "You what m-me to... what?"

"I know how you and your friends will probably feel. In fact... perhaps it'll be better that it's just you for now."

Gallus backed away even more, and said, "I don't... think this is necessary, oh great Spirit... Thingie."

She came up to Gallus, and said, "But, Gallus, you're the leader. Now that I think about it, you're the best one for this task amongst your friends."

Gallus blinked suddenly, and his posture improved while he asked her, "Did you just say... that I'm the leader?"

The Spirit smirked at Gallus's practical confidence, and said, "Well, yes, of course you are. Although each and every one of your friends possess unique traits and abilities, you have leadership. You just haven't realized your potential yet."

Gallus backed away, and said, "Oh, whoa... Uh, Spirit? If you don't mind? I think I... need a moment to take all of that in."

The Spirit smiled blissfully, the same way she usually does, and said, "Very well, but seek her out soon."

Gallus grimaced at that, and said, "Right... Uh, about that, Spirit?"


"Look," He offered, trying his best to level with her. "I don't mean to be the one to point out the big elephant in the room here, but... this could be a trap, and I think that..." He watched as the Spirit's gaze wavered. Her smile then disappeared, and Gallus resumed, "I think that you know that... Don't you?"

The Spirit looked back at Gallus, but now, she showed her true emotions. She showed him her worry, and her concern for such a leap of faith. "Gallus," the Spirit tried to say, but the knowledgeable gryphon shook his head.

"No," he voiced. His mind flared as he came to the realization that they were both thinking the same thing. "You know what she was, don't you?"

"Yes, but-"

"An alicorn!" The Spirit stopped talking for a moment, and just remained silent. "Cozy Glow... was an all powerful princess! You know... You know what she was capable of, and yet... You want me to... to what? Make friends with somepony like that? Do you even remember what she put me and my friends through? What she put all of Equestria through?"

The Spirit gestured with a hoof, and pleaded, "Can't you put that aside?"

Gallus replied, "Don't you see? How can I? She was an alicorn! Couldn't she have... I don't know... Cast a spell on herself to make herself forget?" The Spirit looked down with doubt while Gallus kept going. "She could've even used a dispel enchantment, and that's why Twilight's lie detecting spell isn't working!"

The Spirit shook her head as she tightly closed her eyes, and said, "I... We can't, Gallus."

The gryphon looked at her, and asked, "Huh?"

"We just... can't assume that she learned how to control her magic like that so quickly." She looked up, and said even more sternly than earlier, "You should put your doubt aside, and give her a chance. Gallus, it's because... Well, if she really has lost her memory, then you should forgive her." The Spirit then came quite close to the creature, and said forwardly, "And if it turns out in the end to be nothing more than an act, or some elaborate ruse, then we'll have no choice but to deal with her if that time comes. Until then, Gallus, she deserves a chance at redemption just like so many others before her."

Gallus had been remembering all of the meaningless mischief Cozy Glow had brought to Equestria, and how many grueling challenges she had sent him and his friends through, but despite all of that, he knew the Spirit was right. He looked up at her, and just as a leader should, he said, "I suppose I should go seek her out, then."

The Spirit started to faintly smile once more, and said, "Thank you, and... do you think you'll be able to explain all of this to the others?"

Gallus had begun walking on by where the Spirit was standing, and as he made his way for the entrance, he comfortingly said to her, "Well, since I'm their leader and all..." He looked back at her shining brilliance, and said confidently before leaving, "Don't worry. You can count on me."

Meanwhile, Cozy Glow could be found with Sweetie Belle. The two were just outside of the Carousel Boutique talking about what else they wanted to do that day. Sweetie Belle offered another game, but Cozy was starting to get worn-out, and asked, "Actually, Sweetie Belle? Do you think we could take a break? I'm kind of hungry. Aren't you?"

Sweetie sighed, and admitted, "Just a little."

The two of them headed inside, and as Rarity prepared them something to eat, Cozy Glow also told Sweetie Belle, "I, uh... I think I'm gonna eat... by myself today."

Sweetie looked at her friend oddly at first, but then, she asked, "Why? Just need some time all alone?"

Cozy nodded, and said, "It's not that I don't wanna hang out with you... I just... have a lot to think about."

Sweetie smiled at her friend, and said, "I understand, Cozy. We'll still hang out later on, though, right?"

Cozy nodded happily, and said, "Sure!"

As she got her meal from Rarity, she began headed for the door, and she heard Sweetie say to her, "See you after lunch!"

Cozy went out the door after waving to Sweetie Belle, and she knew just where she was going, too. On the outskirts of Ponyville, where very few ponies went was a lake. It was a bit of a trot for her to make in order to get there, but the view was amazing to her, and worth it.

For as small as the lake was, it glistened so much that the hills behind it almost looked like tall mountains in the right light. Next to the lake stood an impressively large, though twisting tree. It bloomed the most beautiful, pink and red flowers at the ends of its branches which helped make the tree arch towards the ground.

Cozy Glow came up, and sat right underneath it, and laid down her blanket on top of the brownish sand. At that time, Gallus had found her at last, and hid on top of a nearby cloud. He peered at her over the edge of the plush fog, and watched as she ate. She even had some assorted berries with her, and as she munched, she thought about how Rarity always did pack a bit too much for her.

She looked up as she heard Gallus's wing ruffle, and although she failed to see him, she knew there was probably somepony spying on her from that one, single cloud that had drifted so very close towards her. Taking a chance, and flying as quietly as she could, Cozy Glow drifted on up to the cloud. Once she got there, she looked up to see Gallus looking down, and blinking with confusion.

"Where'd she go?" Gallus asked, looking all around the picnic blanket. Cozy Glow laughed silently, and gently placed some berries on the cloud in a tiny pile. Luckily for her, it was dense enough to hold the berries for a while, and she quickly backed away just as Gallus was beginning to turn around. He didn't see the filly, but he did see the berries she had left him. With shaky talons, he brought a berry up to his beak, and before eating it, he said, "What if... it's poisoned?"

He shook his head, and popped the little, round bead into his mouth. As it broke open with his daring bite, he felt his heart begin racing, and he held his breath for a moment, but nothing bad ever happened. It was just a very sweet berry, and so were the others.

He looked downwards at the seemingly kindhearted filly who soon looked back at him, and she smiled innocently. That's when Gallus decided to fly down to her, but as he did, he meant to say something; anything, really, but while he looked at her in the middle of his flight, a few memories rushed back suddenly. Although Gallus was trying hard not to focus on such things, he was still finding it difficult.

He landed, and looked at her from a fair distance. He walked up to her, and as he did, he felt his beak begin to open. No words came out, though. He just kept thinking about what he should be saying.

"You're... a gryphon, right?" Cozy Glow asked. Again, Gallus failed to say anything. His beak simply slowly started to shut while Cozy Glow continued speaking. "You're also probably going to ask me something, like, if I've really lost my memories or not. Most ponies do that." She looked down with a shrug. "I suppose it's okay, because from what I hear... I did some pretty terrible stuff."

She looked up at Gallus, and as he blinked he said sarcastically, "Actually, first, I was gonna ask you what your name was." Cozy Glow blushed. Gallus then said, "Look, Cozy Glow... I think you're the real deal." He chuckled while looking out at the water. "My name's Gallus... See, when I saw you sitting here... I don't really know." He breathed, and said, "It's almost as if... the old Cozy Glow that we all knew was some sort of body snatcher, and somehow, with her being turned to stone, you're suddenly back to normal... not that I ever even knew what a normal Cozy Glow was, all things considered..."

Cozy Glow Frowned, and said, "But, I don't remember... anything, Gallus! I don't remember anything from before coming to Ponyville, either." She shuttered as the wind hit her wings. "Do you... think that I should even bother with asking Twilight to help me recover my memories?"

Gallus scratched the back of his head, and said, "Whatever overall motive you might've had back then, or feelings you were going through, Cozy Glow... I think it might be better to leave all that negativity behind."

Cozy glanced at her new friend, and Gallus made eye contact with her. "No," she said, "I feel it in my heart." She looked back at the hills, and finished, "I think that one day... I'll have to recover my memory, but not right away."

Gallus asked, "Why not right away, Cozy?"

She replied, "Because I... haven't heard from Twilight for a long time. I know that Rarity's been messaging her, but she's probably too busy with being the Princess of Equestria, and forgot about me."

Gallus felt a sinking feeling in his chest, and although he still had his suspicions, he knew that he needed to let go of his paranoia. Slowly, and gracefully, he began holding onto her softly with his claw wrapping around her side. He also extended his wing towards her for comfort, and said, "Twilight hasn't forgotten. Her being busy... That's another matter, but I promise you, Cozy Glow... She hasn't forgotten about you."

The two of them stayed under the tree for a few more minutes while Cozy Glow enjoyed her meal, and Gallus helped her by finishing off her berries. As they got up, Cozy commented, "I sometimes don't eat them anyways."

Gallus began walking, and offered, "Say... now that we're friends, I've got a few pals that I'd like you to meet. They're all away for the time being, but they'll all be back soon enough. Also, I've got this cool clubhouse that you should come and check out."

Cozy Glow asked, "Clubhouse? Is it anything like the one that belongs to the Cutie Mark Crusaders?"

Having already seen the treehouse that Cozy Glow was talking about, Gallus snickered, and admitted, "I, uh, actually think that you might be a bit more impressed with ours."

Cozy Glow had started to follow along, but then stopped, and said, "Oh, wait a minute. I can't today, Gallus."

The gryphon looked back, and asked, "Huh? Why not?"

Cozy looked back towards where the Carousel Boutique should've been, and said, "I need to get back and check in, but what about us going there tomorrow?"

Gallus nodded at Cozy Glow's proposal, and said, "Okay, I don't see any problems with that."

Cozy Glow smiled happily, and said, "I can't wait! I live at the Carousel Boutique with Rarity."

Gallus started to walk off again, and said, "Sounds good. I'll be there in the morning."

Cozy Glow began walking in the other direction, and as she trotted along, she couldn't help herself from feeling all too giddy over making a new friend that day, and the trip she'd be going on with him. The Clubhouse of Friendship would prove to be quite breathtaking for her, and although at first it seemed more like a place for utter relaxation, and napping, Cozy Glow began to find some time throughout that day with Gallus to also start researching Equestria. With the given books she had from the School of Friendship, Cozy Glow had more than enough to learn even more about Equestria.

Just before departing, Gallus told her about how his friends might not be as open towards her as he was, but he also assured her that he'd tell them about her, and about what's happened. For the next few days, Cozy would spent most of her time playing with the crusaders, and researching in Gallus's clubhouse. She'd also spend a lot of time wondering when Twilight was going to visit Rarity's Boutique.