• Published 17th Aug 2012
  • 1,087 Views, 8 Comments

Not Just a Mare - Mitslits

I was there for you. But then you abandoned me.

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It took many hours for you to quiet down, for calm to finally overtake panic. And throughout it all, I sat with you, offering my silent comfort. When you stopped feeling only grief you began to talk to me. You asked no questions, and you showed no fear, just pain and anger. You told me of your planet, of the palace you had grown up in. You told me of your sister and of my sisters, your mother and aunt. You told me of your father and of your job of raising the moon and the stars. You spoke of the ponies you had met and the things you had done.

And through all of this I listened. I loved listening to your sweet voice describing the things, places, and ponies you loved best. You painted pictures with your words and it was as if the moon was as bright as the sun for a moment, shining with it's own light. And that light was you, Luna. You were the first since my sisters to speak to me, and it was beautiful. I could have stayed in that moment forever. It was not meant to be. You made me break my silence. It had been so long since I had last spoken that I had forgotten the sound of my own voice, and I could not remember how to form words as elegantly as you did.

You asked me questions. You asked me my name, where I had come from, who my mother and father were. I told you only who my parents were. I told you that the moon and the stars and the sun had formed me, and you believed me, trusting little filly that you were. But I could not tell you my name. For if I did, you might have recalled the Ancient Legends, and then you would run from me in terror. I knew my sisters had impressed those Legends upon you for I watched you as you studied them.

It was not long before you began to tire and be weary. You lay down next to me, and I was surprised at your gesture for I was not used to contact with anything but the surface of the moon. And you were so much warmer, Luna. Your eyes closed and you slid into sleep, but I stayed awake and I watched you. I watched the soft rise and fall of your ribs as you drew breath and I watched your eyes flicker behind closed lids. I recalled that it had been long since I had tasted the air you were partaking of. And because of you, Luna, I began to breathe once more.

Air slid into my mouth and my lungs expanded as they tasted the life giving oxygen. It felt as if I had been transformed from a dead creature into a living one. And I had been changed, Luna. But it was not the air that had done that. It was you. You had rekindled the tiny spark of life that had still smoldered in my heart and I felt a sensation I had not felt in a very long time. Love. For so long it had been hate and anger and pain. Watching you from afar I had thought I loved you. But it was not until I felt you next to me that I realized how much I did love you.

As you slept I kissed your mane, your eyes, your cheek. I kissed away the tears still drying on your face and I kissed all of my love into you. I was scared for you. I was frightened the moon would take away anything you had left to give, so I promised myself I would do whatever it took to keep your emotions alive. I would fan the flame of happiness, rekindle desire, and help you discover love. You might have thought you had known love before but I would teach you what the word really meant. I would teach you the subtle nuances of it for I was the Master of the Night. And love was always meant to be for the night and the night alone. It is one of the many things given to the cloak and concealment of darkness.

When you awoke, I noticed a change in you. Your eyes were no longer dull with grief and instead shone with a light of inner peace and contentment. And then you looked around you and the pain and sorrow came back into your eyes, obscuring any hopes you had had of it being all a dream. I wept for you, Luna. I did not wish this level of grief and I recalled my promise to keep you happy. So I told you that I loved you. You looked so surprised as if you had thought you were beyond ever being loved again. You asked how I knew that when I had only known you for such a short amount of time. I told you that I was the night and the night was the master of love. Love takes only a second to fall into, but I had known that I had loved you since your birth.

Again, you looked surprised as if I had said something you did not expect. But how, dear Luna, could you not expect me to love you? You were the most beautiful and lovely pony I had ever known and I watched your race since it began. You surpassed them all, leaving them in a cloud of stardust. And then I kissed you and it was more than I had ever known or will know. You and your whole being swept through me in that instant and my mind opened up to you, letting you see my past, my loneliness, my pain. As I kissed you, I knew I was begging your acceptance. I had accepted you and was asking you to do the same. I was laying my soul, my being out for you, knowing I could be rejected.

But you embraced me and you kissed me back. You accepted me.