• Published 21st Oct 2019
  • 1,508 Views, 4 Comments

Something Of A Tender Moment - TheWingman

A soldier is prepared for a lot of things. When it comes to his family, it's a different story.

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Small Gestures Have Impacts

Night had fallen upon the land of Equestria as it always had. However, it was no longer the responsibility of Celestia and Luna. Now, that duty belongs to their protege, Twilight Sparkle. For the last seventeen years, she ruled Equestria with a fair and just hoof. Wherever there was strife, she brought the magic of friendship with her. She learned much from her days when she first became an alicorn princess, then became the Princess of Friendship. Still, she knew there was a need for those who’ll guard the lands and protect all who dwell within.

Azure Glide, the adopted son of her predecessor, had been Captain of the Canterlot Royal Guard for years. Three years into his cousin’s reign, he became her first Minister of Defense, allowing him to spend more time with his family. Yet, stories of his valor became widely known throughout Equestria. His son, Iron Wingheart, took comfort in those stories during times of stress and strife. Even as he grew up, his personal unease would only increase for a particular reason, a personal one.

Throughout the afternoon and night, Azure Glide had hosted a birthday party for one of his lieutenants, Holiday, while her house underwent renovations. His private villa was bustling with activity from both friends, family, and fellow guards, as the party was very much alive. Cheering and laughing, much joy permeated the air around them. However, the only one who didn’t feel the same level of happiness was Iron. He kept to himself for the entire time, doing much to avoid his father.

“Brother,” Gale Bitzwing, Iron’s sister, said, “come join the party! We’re going to have the cake soon!” Her words fell on deaf ears as Iron drank his from his cup of punch by the window, “Brother, what’s wrong?” Again, no response. It alarmed Gale as he was usually more talkative when compared to her normally reserved nature. In her mind, it was a red flag, “Brother, you’ve been acting like this for the past week. Something must be bothering you.”

“S-sorry, sis.” Iron broke the silence, taking another sip, “It’s just that… a lot of things are on my mind right now.”

“Like what? Brother, this attitude isn’t like you. I mean, there has to be a reason why you’re acting the way you are.”

She was right and there was a good reason as to why Iron Wingheart had been acting like a recluse. It wasn’t just the ongoing party but it was at a dinner two weeks prior that he’d been reluctant to talk with his family, especially his parents. Celaeno and Azure Glide took notice but hoped it was just the change in weather that caused his behavior to turn the other way. Still, he still displayed a ‘decline of spirits’ as Twilight termed it. His sister’s persistence was starting to get at him.

“Sister, I’m fine.” Iron replied with a tinge of frustration, “Now please, leave me be about this!” Gale wasn’t going to have any of it but she knew to play it cool.

“Brother, listen,” She placed a claw on her brother’s shoulder for reassurance, “I’m just trying to help you. Mother and father are deeply concerned about you. Please, just tell me what’s bothering you.” Though she had a feeling as to what had been the case, she still wasn’t completely sure. Iron didn’t want to answer out of fear and it tore him up inside. Jerking his shoulder away, Iron got up and started toward the back door. “Brother, Where are you going?”

“I told you that I don’t want to talk!” Iron raised his voice, "How many times must I say it?!” Iron turned the doorknob, “Now, I need to get some fresh air. Just... leave me alone.” Seeing the door shut behind him, Gale frowned that she couldn’t help her brother with whatever was eating him. She loved him and took great joy in meeting him when he was first born and knew she would be a good big sister. She wanted to see Iron happy but there was only so much she could do.

Seeing her parents talk with Holiday, she only knew they could help. Peering out of the kitchen, she gestured for them to come in and talk with her privately. When they came in, Gale let out a sigh as she nodded. “Mom, Dad, something is very wrong with Iron.”

“Yeah, I honestly don’t know what’s up with him,” Azure mused. “There’s something that he’s reluctant to tell us.”

“Yes, honey.” Celaeno agreed, “I wonder what’s happening to my colt. Gale, did you try talking to him.”

“I did but he got frustrated and walked out the back door. He’s probably somewhere in the hills north of here.” Gale sighed again with worry, “This is not like him.”

“He’s been acting like this for weeks.” Celaeno turned to her husband, “Dear, do you know what’s happening?”

“I’m just as much in the dark as both of you are.” Azure pondered for a moment. During his time in active duty, he always entered any battle with a plan of action. For things on the civilian front, he saw not much difference for planning. However, this was a matter involving his son and he had to take things lightly, “Celaeno, can you hold down the fort? I’m going to go find him.”

“Yes, I can. I’ll just tell the guests that you had to attend to a private matter.” Celaeno gave Azure a quick peck on his lips to Gale’s discomfort, “Try to reason with him if you can.”

“I will, dear.”

Walking out the back door, Azure took flight to get a good view of the area that was cloaked by the night. The moon provided him with barely enough light to scan the hills for his son. He knew that trees were commonplace and Iron could be hiding under one of them. It was proven correct as Azure spotted a blue feathery tail peeking out from underneath one of the trees. He found him and he knew his son was unaware of him.

“Hopefully, he’ll talk to me.” Azure thought to himself as he landed, “Just remember your negotiating skills and you should be fine.” Azure walked over to the tree where his son was sitting. Apart from a sigh, there was nothing but silence. Breathing internally, Azure prepared to confront his son, “Hey, uhhh… Iron? Do you want to talk?”

“No, dad.” Iron muttered as his father got closer, “Why do you and sis like to get on my flank about everything?”

“I’m your father and I’m supposed to know what’s troubling you.” Azure sat next to his son, “We all saw you acting like this for the past two weeks and it’s starting to trouble us.”

“Father, I assure you that everything is fine!” The hesitation in Iron’s tone betrayed his words. Azure grew increasingly concerned, never once drifting to frustration. Being in the military taught him a great deal about restraint.

“Iron, my son, if there was one thing I’ve learned in the military is that it’s better to take care of a problem before it becomes too burdensome.” Azure sighed, “Take action and resolve a problem ASAP.”

In Iron’s mind, his father’s words had a point. Yet, what he wanted to say made him worry about the potential reactions. Would they see him differently? That crippling fear made him unwilling to say his piece.

“Son, if you’re worried about what you look like, you shouldn’t feel ashamed about being a child of two worlds.” Azure placed a wing on Iron’s back, “Every creature out there has no issue about that nowadays. Ponies, dragons, diamond dogs, all live in harmony. Racial matters should be a non-issue for you.” Azure noticed his words did little to calm his son. Something else besides race ate away at him, “Is there something else bothering you?”

“N-no! Nothing is!” Iron began to panic as his father began to suspect his secret he kept hidden for a year. Fidgeting in place, Iron began to move away from father but the strength of Azure’s wings was able to keep him from going anywhere. Fear gripped him immensely.

“Iron,” Azure sighed as he closed his eyes, “It’s no secret to me that whatever you’re wanting to say, it’s made you afraid of me and your mother. Understand this, you’re my son and nothing will ever change that.”

“It’s just that I-”

“Please, just tell me. I promise that I won’t judge you.”

“Are you sure?”

“Positive, my son.” Seeing that reassuring smile from on his father’s face and the firm grip of his wing, Iron couldn’t go anywhere. His back was against the proverbial wall. He had no choice but to swallow his fears and brace himself.

“Dad, I… IPREFERSTALLIONS!” Iron said in a rushed tone.

“What?” Azure said with confusion, “Can you say that again slowly?”

“I. Prefer. Stallions. I love the company of stallions! Happy?!” As Iron hung his head in shame, his father sat there in surprise over the reason for his son’s distress.

“Iron,” Azure’s eyes blinked, “are you saying what I think you mean?”

“Yes, dad. Yes, I am.” Iron sat in silence with tears running down his face, turning away from his father. Azure had no idea of what to say as his son’s admittance of his homosexuality left him without words. Now, Iron felt worse after spilling his guts to his father and just wanted to disappear, “Dad, I know I’m probably not the son you want. If so, then I understand. I hate me too.”

Azure wasn’t one for seeing his family filled with sorrow, especially his children. If Iron’s words were anything to go by, Azure felt he might outright run away. He was once without parents for years until Celestia took him in and he saw the same isolation developing in his son. When he left the orphanage for good, he vowed that if he had any children, he would love them no matter what. Iron was no exception to the rule, regardless of his sexual preference.

Reaching over with his wings and hooves, Azure pulled Iron in for a hug that was met with no resistance. Iron was surprised by the gesture and part of him still doubted the sincerity of his father’s intent.

“Why?” Iron stuttered, “Why do you still love me?”

“Because you’re my son.” Azure said, “Why would you say that about yourself?”

“I thought that... you’d hate me for-”

“No. No, I don’t hate you and never will.” Azure brushed the back of Iron’s head with a hoof, “It doesn’t matter which way your sexuality goes, all that matters is what is in your heart, not whom it desires.”

“But, why aren’t you mad at me?”

“My son, the world isn’t as cold hearted as you may think. I’ve never told you and your sister this but… I was an orphan once. For nearly nine years, I didn’t have a family until your grandmother brought me in and treated as kin, even though we weren’t. The point is that family is important and the way I see you going, I don’t want you to despair in the same way I once did. When I left the orphanage, I vowed to love my children no matter what and you’re no exception.”

As his father’s words warmed his heart, Iron began to do away with the walls he built around himself for a year. Seeing his father’s caring nature gave him the strength to return the hug he so hoped for. His frown soon gave way to a smile as nerves calmed through the warmth of the wings.

"Remember, you’re loved no matter what." Azure said as Iron calmed down, wiping a tear from his cheek, “Don’t let others tell you different.” As Iron mouthed a silent ‘Thank you’, another thought drifted through the stallion’s mind, one of curiosity, “So, son, uhhhh… who else knows?”

“So far, only you, dad.” Iron answered as Azure broke the hug.

“Well, why don’t we go back home and you can tell your mom and sister.” Azure said as he got up.

“Would they, you know…”

“I’m sure they’ll understand as much as I do. Now come, they’ll be waiting for us.”

Taking flight, Azure and Iron flew back to the house where the party has since ended and the ambient air grew quiet. The only sound present were those from the nearby crickets. As they arrived, Iron’s heart beat ever faster as he saw his mother and sister conversing in the living room. With a deep breath of air, Iron walked into the room where he was greeted with open arms.

“Brother!” Gale cheered as she gave him a quick hug, “How was your little walk?”

“It certainly helped me clear my head.” Iron replied as he sat next to his mother on a couch.

“I’m glad you’re feeling better, dear.” Celaeno added, gingerly ruffling her claws through his hair.

“All it really took was a heart to heart and he was okay.” Azure said as he took a seat, “Now, Iron here has something he would like to say as to why he seemed down lately.”

“Yes, what has been worrying you?” With another deep breath, Iron braced himself. There was no turning back.

“Alright. I would like to begin by apologizing if I was short with everyone here. For the past year, I’ve been having a conflict of identity, who I am and what I want. As time went on, I felt too ashamed to admit it and not only did it hurt me but both of you as well and I’m dearly sorry. I guess it’s time for me to come clean and say… Gale, Mom, I...I’m gay.”

Both Gale and Celaeno stood in shock as they heard Iron’s confession. But for Celaeno, she was able to recover from the surprise much quicker as she drew a smile of approval on her face. With Azure’s nod, she knew her son’s heart was in the right place and whichever colt he loved, he was happy and that’s all that mattered to her. Pulling her son in for an embrace, she hummed a short tune, much to Iron’s relief.

“Iron, no matter what, I’m glad that you’re happy.” Celaeno said with a peck to his forehead, “That was my wish for you when you were born, same with your sister.” Iron had no words to say but the way he hugged his mother was more than enough. He was happy that his family accepted him and Gale couldn’t help but smile brightly.

“So, my baby brother loves colts, huh?” Gale said with a quick hug, “I wonder who your crush is. Is it one of the buckball players from school?”

“Well, uhhh… no.” Iron nervously stuttered with a slight laugh, “But, I do have a coltfriend. Wanna know who he is?”

“Yes, brother.”

“It’s Quasar… and I love him very much.” It didn’t surprise his family as much as he anticipated when he mentioned Quasar’s name. He’d been friends with him since the seventh grade and only acknowledged their affections for one another at the start of their freshman year.

“Heh, my little brother loves the nerdy colts!” Gale teased.

“Gale, can you chill for a bit?” Azure asked with an unamused look.

“That’s alright, dad. I can take a little light-hearted teasing.” Gale gave Iron a hug, “It’s all in good fun.”

“He does have a sense of humor, father.” Gale made her way to the stairs, “Pardon me but I have to tidy up my room. Sorry I’ve delayed that today.”

With Gale out of sight, Iron and his parents enjoyed a few moments of silent contemplation after a pouring of hearts. Despite the revelations about their son’s sexuality, nothing has changed for Azure Glide and Celaeno. Things might be different going forward but the love they have for their son will never change.

“Mom, Dad, I can’t thank you both enough.” Iron said as he have them both a big hug, arms and wings.

“No need, dear.” Celaeno hummed, “If we didn’t, we’d fail in our duty as parents.”

“Yes, Iron.” Azure added, “In this world, you’re your own stallion. You carve out a path for yourself, even if it’s with who you love. Never forget that, my son.”

“I won’t, dad. I won’t.” Iron got up from his seat, “I’m about to hit the hay. See you all tomorrow.” Nodding, Iron walked up the stairs to his room but noticed his sister’s door was slightly open. Seeing her peek her head through it, he walked in before Gale closed the door. “Sis, what did you need?”

“Well, I’m going to let you in on something.” Gale said with a nervous tone, “I sort of got the hint you were… gay.”

“What? How so?” Iron asked back.

“I remembered those times where I’ve seen you looking at Quasar and even holding hooves.”

“I guess I lacked subtlety on that end.” Iron laughed lightly, “But, why didn’t you say anything about it?”

“I see that whole thing as a personal matter. To the point, I wanted you to come out on your own terms. Never once did I say anything.” Relieved, Iron shared a tender moment with his sister, complete with a hug, never letting go for three minutes. Even though she teased him a fair bit in the past, her sincerity could always be noticed, genuine as ever, “I love you too, little brother.”

“Because that’s what big sisters do.”

Author's Note:

Ever since I envisioned an alternate timeline where Azure Glide lived through his "last stand", I thought about what family he'll have and establishing what his children will become. For what his son would be like, I thought about making him gay, giving Azure, a normally hardened soldier, a conflict but reminding him of where he came from while reaffirming the love he has for his children, a display of his caring side.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy this story as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Comments ( 4 )

For those wondering if this story is worth their time, I'm here to say that, while it does need some polishing here and there, this is, overall, a simple, sweet story. And I would recommend giving this a chance.

Thank you. :) I wrote it as a one-shot and I'm happy with how it turned out.

Eh, it's a sweet story but there's still a few issues, as this story is not open to those who don't know who Azure Glide is nor does it explain much about why Celeano is here. This is not a stand-alone story.

I originally intended it to be part of Azure's Last Journey but I felt it would be better as a standalone.

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