• Published 30th Oct 2019
  • 278 Views, 6 Comments

The nightmare before the Drake - spike the lone wanderer

After one hell of a night Spike Drake, the unhappiest man alive got sent to a spooky version of Ponyville, and this time, no candy for him.

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3.Spooky scary Ponyween Spirit.3

'' SHIIIIIIIIITTTTTTT-SPLASH!'' Spike, in his fall, plunged into a sort of underground river spared by the Smooze. Although harmless, the Smooze degrades everything it touches.

''Sweet! Now I'm wet and lost underground, I'm living the dream!'' Spike came out of the water and discovered an old abandoned tunnel, ''Nope! I'm pretty sure that if I go inside I'll be killed by a psychopath wearing a gas mask and armed with a pickaxe!'' Spike said, wringing his jacket.

Several planks of wood fell behind him into the water, frightening him, forcing him to flee into the tunnel, '' Psychopath here I come!'' Spike was walking in total darkness with no way of knowing how deep the tunnel was. He continued to walk to the very end of the tunnel which turned out to be a Dead end.

'' Well, it's official, I'm going to die here!'' Spike sat down in distress at his imminent end when suddenly he noticed relief on the dead-end, '' The hell is that ?! '' Spike put his right hand on the dead-end and the reliefs began to glow, triggering a hidden mechanism thus opening the dead-end in two.

''Nice!'' Spike entered the secret room and discovered that it was actually a sort of base for a secret organization as in spy movies. Inside this room, there were sketches, diagrams, prototypes of complex weapons like a sword that became a hammer or a saw that became a bigger saw or a sword that became a bigger sword. Training dummies in the form of monsters, as well as a wall covered with names including his, and some of them were stripped. Spike went to the wall and read several names, '' Garble, Button, Lyra...Ember!'' Spike was silent in front of the names of people he knows, but who in this world were no more. Spike stepped back and,


This crackle-glazed his blood, he looked down and spotted bones, human bones gnawed by rats and time, those bones belonged to his former friends. He watched the bones in terror as he heard another crack, he looked up, and saw himself standing in front of him, '' The Tartarus?''

Evil Spike unsheathed his blunderbuss and fired at Spike who barely dodged it, "FUCK!" Evil Spike threw his blunderbuss on the ground and unsheathed his silver sword that caught fire in his hands, "I want the same!"

Evil Spike swung his sword toward Spike, creating blades of fire which were just as fatal as the blade itself. Spike could not defend himself against Such a weapon so he stepped back until he stumbled on a bone, making him fall And crash against a dresser, knocking a bottle of holy water down beside him. Evil Spike seeing his helpless enemy, stabbed him in the shoulder to stabilize him. '' ARGGHHHH!!! '' Once stable, he went to get his blunderbuss to finish with Spike. He picked it up, reloaded it with the bones of his old comrades and black powder before arming the hammer. He turned to Spike, who threw him a bottle of holy water in his face, "you looked thirsty!"

The holy water melted the right side of Evil Spike's face, revealing a skeleton, '' You're one ugly motherfucker! '' Evil Spike locked Spike with his blunderbuss, but before he could fire, Spike pulled the sword from his shoulder and sank it into the blunderbuss's cannon, Evil Spike fired right after, causing the blunderbuss to explode, projecting them both back.

'' Cough-Cough, I must stop playing the hero!'' Spike got up and moving towards himself, Evil Spike was motionless, his right arm was missing an arm, and a piece of his sword had lodged near his heart. Spike approached his face close to his to see if he was still breathing when suddenly Evil Spike grabbed him by the throat, '' SHIIIIIITTTTT!!!''

Evil Spike was looking at him with his red eyes when suddenly they became green again, '' Tell me, hunter, did I succeed? Did I avenged them?'' Hunter Spike turned his head to see the many bones on the ground, ''Oh I see... I wasn't alone, we were many...(deep breath)...We've fought them...we were friends....but now...we are foes. Tell me, young man...Did...did the spirit come? Did it destroy her wand? Did it saved Ponyween?''

''Sorry, but I'm new here,'' Spike replied.

''I see...Do you believe in the spirit of Ponyweenl?'' Hunter Spike asked.

'' Sorry, but I'm not very fond of Ponyween!''

'' What? Why?''

''I don't remember the cause, but I can tell you that for me, Ponyween and its spirit are nothing more than words and fake ass costumes! Nothing in this celebration is sacred for me anymore!'' Hunter Spike squeezed Spike harder,

You must believe in Ponyween! I've failed to bring it back...(deep breath)...But...but you must succeed where I failed! You must save Ponyween...say the words of Ponyween with all your soul and the evil will be broken forever ... You must not let your past haunt you all your life ... You must break the curse ...You must break her wand...The spirit must come back .. .deep breath ... Ponyween must live... Promise me ... promise me that you will save this world for me! Promise me! " Hunter Spike begged, his eyes filled with tears.

'' You have my word, Sweet prince of the hunt!'' Hunter Spike shed tears of joy before raising his arm. "I'm coming, my friends!" Hunter Spike then disintegrated into dust, leaving his coat behind. Spike put it on him as a souvenir and in an inside pocket, found a photograph and a key. He looked at the picture and saw Hunter Spike surrounded by his friends, '' Rest in peace, the hunt is over! '' He put the picture away, returned to the wall of the dead, took a stone and scratched his name from the wall. Subsequently, he searched deeper and found a safe with the initials SHD near a ladder, '' You must be her boyfriend! '' He opened the chest with the key, and in the trunk was the most powerful weapon of the hunters: The Monster Slayer, a massive double-barreled shotgun firing hollow bullets filled with holy water, perfect for eradicating an evil queen.

''GROOVY!'' Spike then climbed the ladder, which led to the well next to the church, '' Finally, some fresh air! ''

'' Move faster, you dumb Jell-O blob!'' Spike was surprised to see the skeleton wonderbolt Rainbow riding a little green Smooze, '' The fuck! ''

''BLUUUUU!''' The Smooze got scared of Spike so the Smooze slipped away, dropping Rainbow's skull, '' Come back here you shitty-


Spike crushed Rainbow's skull which exploded like an overripe watermelon.

''Language! You Spooky Scary Skelecunt!'' Spike then looked at the flying castle, ''how am I going to enter the castle? Waiting for it to land? Not too long! I can not fly at least not yet and I'm pretty sure the rifle is not powerful enough to make it crash. HMMMMM HMMMMMMMM I'm in quite a pickle! ''

That's wh en Spike notices the little Smooze was at his feet, ''The fuck you want?'' The Smooze moved his body as if to say follow me asshole, '' 'Kay,''

Spike followed the little Smooze into the surrounding forest and that's how he noticed that more and more little Smooze was following him, "I hope you know where you're going, little one!" The Smooze stopped in front of a big green lake, "A green lake, I do not see how it will help me kill the queen bitch!"


A loud roar was heard, forcing Spike to unsheathe The Monster Slayer, '' WHO' S THERE ?! '' All of a sudden, the lake stirred and a gigantic gelatinous mass appeared in front of Spike, '' It can not be! '' The mass was no ordinary gelatine, it was the one and only SMOOZE!

''Smooze!'' The Smooze created a top hat in jelly.

''Smooze? Why are so giant? Do not tell me that little blobs are your children?'' Spike asked.

''Smooze!'' Smooze nodded.

''Okay! Smooze I need your help! I must get into the castle of the queen but I do not know how to do? You think you can- ''

Smooze swallowed Spike and spat him towards the castle, ''HEEEEELP MEEEEE-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH!!!''

Spike approached the castle at full speed before crashing against a stained glass window, but fortunatly for him, he landed in Twilight's room, more precisely on her bed, "I knew she had a room at the castle!" Spike got out of bed and saw that the walls of Twilight's room were covered with photos of Celestia, "She really has a problem!"

''La lala lalalala lala!'' Twilight came out of her personal bathroom and saw spike trying her hat, '' WHAT THE-''


Spike fired a cartridge which exploded Twilight's head, killing her ... duh. She took a few steps before falling to the ground, letting her blood spill onto the floor. Spike was shocked to see the effectiveness of The Monster Slayer in action, he looked at her body while still wearing her hat and gave her the finger, '' That's for telling all your friends I was adopted! Now, where I can find the Queen?''


''SON OF A-'' The queen blasted him with her wand, knocking him down. The queen looked at him with a grin then glaced at her student's body, ''What a shame! You won't be with us for the party of Ponyween! AAHAHAHAAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAAHHA!!!''

''BITCH!'' Spike woke up in the middle of the ballroom where all the monsters looked at him with disgust, mischief, but also with fear because they knew what they were capable of, '' The fuck you lookin 'at!''

''HISSSSSSSS!'' Fluttershy hissed in front of Spike as a bully, but you can not be afraid when the enemy has Rabbit ears.

''I can do it too! HISSSSSSSS!!''

''AAAHHHH!'' Fluttershy hid behind WereTimberwolf Applejack.

''Pussy!'' Spike insulted.

''Stop it, girls! Don't be rude to my very special guest!'' The queen ordered.

'' Yeah, she's right! Show me some res-oh my Faust you're hot!'' Spike's gaze dipped on the queen who was wearing a black dress highlighting her most sensual curves, in other words, she was extra thick!

'' Why did I promise to myself that I was going to tear you off your fucking head and then shit in your neck ?!'' Spike lamented.

''My monstrous subjects, I present to you today the vestige of the past, a weak being believing in a stupid idea of formerly, a person not being able to think by itself, feeling obliged to fulfill the dreams of a hunter having failed to kill me! And yes, you probably thought I did not have an eye on my beast? I must admit that It was a good fight and then the way you arrived at my castle with the Smooze was fantastic! I must admit that you impress me, little one! But now your time is up and-''

The black queen was speaking to Spike but he wasn't listening, he was focused on one thing; a clown giving away candy to children, except to a child who was with his parents, the child seemed to be afraid of him, the Clown, seeing that, approached the boy with a lollipop in the shape of a pumpkin. The boy hesitated to take it, he looked at his parents who smiled affectionately, he took the lollipop, and the clown pressed his nose, making a noise that made the child laugh.


''HEY! Are you listening to me? How rude of you!'' The queen pointed out.

''The clown,''

''What do you mean by ''the clown''?'' The queen asked.

''why do you give treats to children? Why do you give them treats while you gave me tricks!''

It was the electroshock for Spike who finally understood the hunter's words, but for that, he had to relive his first Ponyween.


Ponyween, 1999

The streets were full of children dressed as vampires, zombies, ninjas, and not in Fortnite skin. But among all these children, a group interposes us, there were six young girls all dressed as princess except one wearing a wonderbolt jacket and a small boy of 4 wearing a conquistador costume.

The girls went faster than the little boys because of his tiny legs but also because of his bag full of sweets.

'' Wait for me, girls! '' Said the little boys in a weak voice.

But the girls left without him, leaving him alone in the dark night.

''Girls...where are you?'' The little boy was alone, with no way to defend himself against possible aggressors. That when the devil appeared.

''Well, well, well! What have we here? Hola Pepsi cola!'' Asked a dark voice,

Spike turned and saw the most terrifying being of all time, a clown, '' Why are you doing here all alone, little boy!'' The clown said with a funny voice.

''Today's Ponyween! I have a lot of candy in my bag!'' Spike replied, opening his bag and revealing a shit tone of treats.

''WOUAH!!! You must have your weight in candy? But tell me, it's not too heavy for such a small boy as you?'' The clown asked

''You think?'' Spike added.

''Yes! It would be an honor to help you get rid of your bag! Give it to me! Give your bag to Funzo the Clown!'' Funzo tried to take the bag away from Spike's hands but the little boy stepped back.

''NO! Those are my sweets! You can't have them!'' Spike stick his tongue at the clown, which annoyed him.

"GIVE ME YOUR TREATS!'' Funzo yelled with a darker voice.

''NOOOOO!!!'' Spike cried.

'' Have it your way!'' The clown took out a frying pan from one of his pockets and hit it on the head with it, knocking him down.

''Thanks for the sweets HOHOHOHOHOH!!!'' The Clown went away laughing.

1 hours later

Spike slowly woke up from his micro-coma, he searched for his candy bag and could not find it. He rolled his eyes and saw that the moon was above him and that it must be very late then.

He got up and went back home where his parents were waiting for him, they asked him for an explanation, but he could not say anything because he had forgotten everything. His parents had no choice but to punish him, they deprived him of childhood, joy, laughter, memories, they deprived him of Ponyween.

They then made him go up to his room without him being able to taste the sweet taste of a piece of candy. Before his parents closed the door of his room, the last image of the outside world he saw was Twilight being covered with sweets by his big brother Shining Armor in a regimental costume of the Royal Guard.

Tears ran down on Spike's cheek while he was cursing that day, he never wanted to hear about that unjust day again. That day for him was nothing but misfortune, sadness, and hatred, he abandoned childhood and entered the cold and cruel world of adulthood, '' I HATE PONYWEEEEEEENNNNNNNN! ''

End of the flashback

Tears ran down on Spike's cheeks, who finally remembered the origin of his hatred of Ponyween.

''You cry? Why are you crying?'' The dark queen asked Spike.

'' The clown...the clown...the clown tricked me by stealing my treats and...'' The queen interrupted him by laughing at him.

'' So you're crying because you didn't eat sweets on Ponyween! This is hilarious!''

All the monsters laughed at Spike's woes, who had his regard on a piece of candy at his feet. He picked it up and looked at it puzzled, "The clown tricked him by stealing my-" He remembered the hunter's words which were now clear in his mind.

''AHAHAHHAHA! Ooooh, the last time I laughed this hard was when I killed my sister by pushing her from her broom when she was young. Anyway! "Celestia picked up her wand and pointed it on Spike's forehead," Any last words? "

'' Yes, my queen! Trick or treat?!'' After saying it's 3 words, the queen's smile faded to give way to fear in her eyes.

'' What did you say?! You mere mortal!''' The queen asked with fear in her voice.

'' Oh I'm sorry! I'll say it louder; Trick or treat?!'' The castle began to shake, the walls started to crack, and the queen stepped back and her subjects did not understand why she was backing away from a being at her mercy.

'' Silence! Say no more! You have no right to say those forbidden words!'' The Queen threatened Spike with her wand but her hands were shaking in fear.


''SILENCE!!!'' The queen then cast a spell that mused Spike, who then tossed his sweets to the little ghost pirate.

''TREAT!'' The pirate took the candy and showed it to the queen, '' Is it for me? ''

Angry, the queen took the candy and crushed it between her fingers, "NEVER! NO TRICK OR TREAT FOR YOU AND-'' The queen then put both hands on her mouth to stop but it was too late, she had just pronounced the forbidden words, "Oh shit!"

There was a great silence then the roof of the castle was torn off by a giant, headless scarecrow.

'' I'M A MUFFi-SPLAH'' Muffin Derpy was crushed under a fragment of the roof, spilling blueberry juice on Spike.

"DERPY NO!'' Spike shouted.

The headless scarecrow stood in front of the white moon which turned orange with big sharp black eyes and a sharp Machiavellian smile.


'' Her'' Spike pointed the queen who was paralyzed by fear

'' GRRRR And who are ya to question us!'' WereTimberwolfApplejack borked.


'' HOLY SHIT YOU'RE REAL!!!'' Spike shouted.

''DAMN STRAIGHT I'M REAL! NOW LET ME ASK YOU A TINY LITTLE QUESTION, FAKE QUEEN!'' The spirit of Ponyween brought his pumpkin head closer to one of the queen, '' TRICK OR TREAT?''

'' T- t- tr-'' The queen could no longer speak, all she had left was fear in her.

''WELL? I'M LISTENING!'' The spirit looked at the queen in her eyes and saw the fear in it then he noticed the candy fragments at his feet, '' TRICK IT IS! ''

''NO WAIT!''

'' BRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!'' The spirit spits green flames on the queen who used Vampire Rabbit Fluttershy as a monster shield but the flames burned them both.

'' AAAAAAARRRRRRGHRRRRRRRRR!!!'' The queen and Vampire Rabbit Fluttershy screamed in pain in front of her subjects who didn't help her. The queen And her Shields then collapsed on the floor, leaving nothing but hot ashes.

''Holy fuck!'' Spike said traumatized.

The spirit looked at the remaining monsters, and removed the top of its skull, releasing an infernal tornado, sucking the monsters for eternal rest, '' TIME TO SAY GOODBYE! ''

''NO I DON'T WANT TO GO!'' Shouted succubus Rarity who tried to fly away but only to get caught by the spirit, ''ARGH!''

''TIME TO DIG IN!'' The spirit swallowed her before spitting back her wings.

All the monsters tried to flee but it was hardly lost, the tornado sucked them all and those trying to defend it, were pierced by chains before being pulled by force in its skull.

''NOOOOOO AAAAAARRRRGGGGHHHHHHH!!'' WereTimberwolfApplejack tried to resist the chains by gripping the ground with all her strengths, but in the end, only half of her was free of judgment.

''I'M FLYING!!!'' Pipsqueak changed into a will-o'-the-wisp before disappearing into the tornado that had sucked in the whole castle and all its inhabitants except Spike.

The Spirit looked at Spike with a smile on its pumpkin face and said with sadness, ''THANK YOU FOR BELIEVING IN ME! BUT NOW, I HAVE TO GO! SEE YOU NEXT PONYWEEN!''

''NOOOOO!!'' The spirit took its head and threw it on Spike, which exploded in a blinding light.

'' NOOOOO!'' Spike woke up at his house, covers in sweat, "It was just a dream, Spike. It was just a dream! I need a drink''

Spike went to the kitchen to satisfy his liquid needs when he saw a smiling Jack-o'-lantern on the worktop with a strange long bundle next to it, he opened it, revealing a leather coat and a double-barreled shot-gun, '' it can not be! '' Spike searched the coat and found a picture, the picture of the hunter with this time a strange scarecrow with a pumpkin head, he looked at the scarecrow and had the impression that the scarecrow winked at him, '' I did it, my friend, I did it! But now, it's my turn to face my own evil queen! " Spike then put on the coat, took the rifle, and went to the party.