• Published 4th Mar 2020
  • 1,245 Views, 276 Comments

The Little Curiosities - Comma Typer

Everyone's turned into Equestrian creatures and reality's turned magical. The former humans of Canterlot City and beyond try to restart their lives. These are their stories.

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Siren Famous

“Alright.” Adagio rubs her scaly hooves in the middle of a moonlit lake. “I have an idea.”

“We already booked ourselves a spot in the Starswirled Music Festival and decided to do a duet… sorta’… with Dirk Thistleweed a week after,” quips Aria.

“If it’s concert fatigue you’re worried about, it’s meant precisely to solve that.”

And Sonata widens her eyes, nibbling on a piece of dying fish. “What’s that? Are we gonna become streamers… no! Gamers?!

Adagio slaps her own head. “Go professional. I know we did a couple concerts in Manehattan and the other big cities already, but now… now that we have much sway over the world’s population—“

“Because of social media—?”

“Stop interrupting with exposition!” One huff later, “Anyway, it wouldn’t be right to stop at concerts and just have creatures sing our songs from memory… or lyrics unofficially posted online. What we need is that official presence, proof that we’ve arrived!”

“But what do we need all the additional money for?” Aria says, mindlessly inspecting her hoof. “We can travel to any lake or ocean in the world if we want food, we’re too big to fit in any ordinary house in this planet, we can still live in a big cave like back when we were young… and we’re sirens. Even without our gemstones—“

“Who said it was about the money or the living conditions?” Adagio says. “Money has its uses, but we’ve outlived them now that we’re sirens again! Concerts are lucrative enough as they are! And as much as I’d love having a lair in a cave deep in the sea, we must be on the move! Mobile!”

And she rubs her hooves. “We will dominate their minds! Albums, merchandise, licensed songs, convoluted lore across our entire discography—the works!”

Aria blinks. “Wait, that requires actual hard work for something we’re gifted at. We made all our songs so far in our free time… and now you’re gonna put our talents down to a tighter schedule than before?”

“It’s called getting it together,” Adagio says, crossing her legs as her tail splashed around in the lake, disturbing a couple fish. “Now, in the spirit of cooperation, we will have one idea each that we will pursue.” Pointing at herself, “As for me, an album will be nice… a concept album, even! I’ve read them before; they are like the ballads of old but modernized! Musical epics the humans adore for their exquisite storytelling such as Other Side of the Lunar Rock and Quartermania, so why not make our own?”

“Nah, I don’t wanna go all professional like that,” Aria replies with a snort, “but I can see some work in still going on in concerts and the occasional theater show… the scary ones, not the lighthearted musicals. Other than that, why don’t we just do what Sunset’s doing and make our own vlog? That seems easy to maintain compared to having tons of music on a tight schedule.”

And the other two look at Sonata already giggling with delight.

“Sonata, I swear, if it’s tacos—“

...get ready to go loco, and put on your wackos!

It’s time to get some fresh Five-O Tuna Tacos!

The three sirens watch the TackTube ad as they sit on the beach, staring at the horror in the super small screen of a hippogriff’s phone—that hippogriff manning a stall where griffons, changelings, dragons, and other hippogriffs are lining up for the fresh smell of tuna tacos+.

And Adagio’s cheeks burst red. “Seriously?! We’re the Sirens, Equestrian monsters hatched from underwater, sowing discord and disharmony among the land and even among your land… and you just have us do this?! What is wrong with you humans?!”

“Shh!” says the hippogriff making the tacos. “You’re distracting them!”

And Sonata then sits on the sand, blushing a bit. “I mean, you saved my idea for last, but the record labels didn’t like your idea for a bunch of songs about darkness and conquering Equestria back in the old days.”

“And making Sunset go deaf after she beat us up in that Globe of Navies gaming session,” Aria says. “So much for crossing over the vlogs…”

Sonata smiles, taking up her own fair share of tuna tacos. “Hey, at least my idea worked! And I get tunas and tacos! Sweet!”

“Oh hey, look! A cruise ship! Another chance to go viral!”

Despite Aria’s incessant groaning about their Cartdiff fans being put on hold, the trio pause their trip across the Amblantic Ocean and surface in the sea, heads bobbing as they witness the luxurious behemoth of a boat before them.

Already, a crowd forms by the railing.

Taking the cue, Adagio leans forward, taking center stage as the waves crash against her and the ship. “How wonderful it is for your ship to be graced by the Sirens! I’m afraid we don’t have much time here, but, at our merciful discretion, you can request any song for us to serenade you with.”

A colt almost jumps over the railing to make his raised hoof seen. “Ooh, ooh! I know, I’ve got a request!”

Adagio smiles, the sharpness of her teeth dulling the sincerity of her smile even as she gently pats the colt on the head with her humongous hoof. “And what do you request, little one?”

“The taco song!”

And Aria smacks a hoof against her head all while Sonata has a hard time keeping her screams of joy to herself.

That leaves Adagio to deal with the colt. “Young human… former human, ex-human, whatever… I mean a real song. A song that has sense, a song that befits our regal stature as The Sirens!”

And the colt blinks.

Tears forming in his eyes.

“What is it with the creatures of this world?! We’re the Sirens! We are famous, we are massive, and we are dangerous when we need to be even without our gemstones! Ponies feared us back in the day, and now these pathetic excuses for ponies think they can just trot up to us and say, ‘Hey, can I get your autograph?’”


A curtain opens, a technician looking over at them, headphones in and all.

“You know they can hear you outside, right?”

With closed eyes and rubbed temples, Adagio groans, staring madly at her bandmates in the severely cramped backstage. “Why didn’t we just stick to feeding on ponies’ negative energy? That’s much easier than being weird celebrities…”

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