• Published 31st Oct 2019
  • 8,247 Views, 222 Comments

Growth - Mister E

Twilight Sparkle re-emerges from her seclusion. Her studies of the powers Discord forced upon her complete. Now as a newly formed creature of Chaos, how will she contend with daily life in Equestria.

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Chapter-3 Tired Starlings

Castle of Friendship, the throne room. Twenty minutes ago.

“Is she coming out today?” Applejack asks, sliding into her chair, the last to arrive.

“Um, well, we haven’t heard anything.” Fluttershy says, her eyes downcast.

“Of course you haven’t heard anything.” Rainbow Dash huffs in frustration. “All she ever does anymore is stay holed up in her little ‘White Room’. I say we smash our way in and just drag her out. She’s never gonna get any better by avoiding the problem.”

“Well, if you ask me,” Pinkie interjects, “there’s only one thing we can do that will set her straight.”

“Let me guess,” Spike says, rolling his eyes, “a party?”

{Gasp!} “How did you know?” Pinkie says in shock.

“Darling really.” Rarity says looking skyward, “despite what you may believe, there are times when a party just isn’t the best idea.”

“HERSHEY!” Pinkie shouts, pointing a hoof accusingly at Rarity.

“Um, Pinkie, I think you mean ‘heresy’,” Spike says.

“Yeah! That! Sorry, I was thinking about chocolate.”

“Girls, I hate to interrupt this diatribe, but I think we are getting a little off track.” Starlight says from Twilight’s long vacant chair. “The reason I called you all over today is because I’m worried that something is happening to Twilight. She’s been… different lately. Surely you have all been noticing it?”

“Oh, well you know she doesn’t come out to see us very often anymore.” Fluttershy begins softly. “But the last time I spoke with her, she did seem to be behaving differently.”

“How so?” Starlight asks leaning forward.

“Well, we were just talking, not about anything important, I was just catching her up on how my animals were doing. She started to say something back, and then she just… trailed off. A few seconds later she started giggling, as if she had heard something funny. Then she just resumed speaking to me from where she left off, just like nothing had ever happened.”

“Oh dear, you don’t suppose her condition is worsening do you?” Rarity says.

“Well, I don’t reckon it’s getting any better,” Applejack says tilting back her stetson. “She had me come by a week or so ago. Asked me if I would drop off some potatoes. GREEN potatoes. The kind of green ya get from digging them up way early, an letting them sit in the sun for awhile.”

“Well, that doesn’t sound so bad.” Rainbow says. “Maybe she just likes them a little under done now.”

“Rainbow, I’m gonna ignore that, on account of I’m sure it’s just cause you don’t know anything about farming. The thing is green potatoes are full of solanine.”

“What’s solanine?” Rainbow asks. “Like some kind of distilled sunlight?”

“No you flying feather duster! Solanine is a deadly poison! Potatoes come from the nightshade family, just like tomatoes. You should NEVER eat a green potato. Even if you try to cook it, a green potato can still be full of poison. Now Twilight asked me for a bushel of ‘em. An I know she’s too smart not ta know about solanine. So I figured they was for some kind of experiment or another. But as soon as I hoof ‘em over, she pulls one out, takes a good unfiltered wiff of it, and proceeds ta eat the whole darn thing right in front of me. Then she gets this big ole smile on her muzzle, giggles a bit, and starts in on the next one. So here I sat in front of her with my mouth hung open, expectin her ta keel over in front of me any second, as she just goes on, happily munching potatoes, and chatting about the weather an such. Then after a bit, she tells me that she really enjoyed our visit, but she felt like retiring to her room. She thanked me for the potatoes, said goodbye, an that was that.”

Starlight looked shocked.

“And this was a week ago?” Starlight asks. “I spent some time with her just yesterday, and she didn’t seem to show any signs of illness. Well, any signs of PHYSICAL illness. Actually, that’s why I called you all here.”

Starlight hesitates, dreading to broach the subject. Finally after a deep breath, she begins.

“I think that Twilight might be… well, she might be losing it.” Starlight admits.

“Ooo, ooh, Not to worry Starlight,” Pinkie says excitedly, “I’m great at finding things! Just tell me what she lost and the last place she had it, and I’m sure I can find it for her!”

“No, Pinkie, no. That’s not what I meant. What I’m trying to say is that I think that Twilight might be… might be-”


All eyes glance upwards toward the second floor at the sound of the explosion, toward where the white room is located. Then they look at each other, concern mirrored on every face.

Finally, one mare breaks the silence.

“Off her rocker? Crazy as a bedbug? Two pickles short of a sandwich? Cuckoo? Cracked? Bonkers? Insane in the membrane? Am I getting close?” A voice says, as a pony comes into view.

“Trixie please!” Starlight says, rubbing her temples.

“Indeed!” Rarity exclaims. “I realize that Twilight may not be your favorite person, but that’s no excuse for you to be so crass about it.”

“Sheesh, sorry okay? The great and powerful Trixie was simply trying to lighten the mood. Soften the blow so to speak. Trixie would never even consider kicking a pony when she is down,” she says, attempting a look of contrition.

“Keep up that kinda talk, an you won’t be able to,” Applejack says menacingly.

“Girls please!” Starlight says in exasperation, “None of this is helping. We need to come together on this, for Twilight’s sake. It’s obvious that she needs us now, more than ever. We need to find some way to help her. And right now, I think that the best thing we can do for her is-”

“Throw her a party!”

All eyes turn angrily toward Pinkie Pie.

“Don’t look at me, I didn’t say it. HE did!” She says pointing a hoof overhead.

All eyes turn upwards.

Starlight drops her head into both hooves, and let’s out a long suffering sigh. “Hello Discord.”