• Published 2nd Nov 2019
  • 248 Views, 2 Comments

Goranger: One-shot Story: Nightmare Night Speical - Saphirus92

Two short stories featuring members of the Gorangers in some frightening and spooky adventures.

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Count Jo vs Black Satan

Nightmare Night, Ponyville. After a night of fright-filled festivities, the Goranger team returns to the Jo mano, home to Count Takumi Jo, Damien Runner’s Godfather.

“Man, what I night! Look at this haul!” Rainbow Dash said while carrying her sack of candy.

“I gots a ton load!” Jiro happily shouted while dragging a bag larger than himself.

“Speak for yourself, All I got was rocks!” Blaster complained.

“I told you not to go near the rock farms.” Hyde deadpanned.

"Well, for the first time, I've had fun this Nightmare Night. I didn't get scared once." Fluttershy happily said, while also hanging to Damien’s arm for dear life.

“uh, Flutters…” Damien calmly said,

This caught Fluttershy’s attention as she noticed her grip on Damien. She slowly let go while sheepishly smiling as Aiya giggled next to her.

Twilight smiled at her group of friends, “Ok everyone, we hand a pretty eventful. How about we close it with something worthwhile, any ideas?”

“Charades?” Kyle suggestion.

“CANDY EATING CONTEST!!!” Pinkie pie shouted while popping out of her sack of candy with her cheeks filled with treats.

"How about bed? I'm beat…" Reilly suggested while slumping onto the sofa.

“STORY!” Jiro cheered.

"Indeed," Rarity agreed, "what better way to close a Nightmare Night with a good scary story."

“N-nothing too scary I hope…” Fluttershy shivered.

"D, you're pretty good with stories, why don't you tell us one," Ed suggested.

“What do you want to hear?” Damien asked.

“Night of the Headless Pony!” Rainbow Dash suggested.

“Terror of the Yamata no Orochi!” Blaster suggested as well.

“The God Marvel vs the Gashadokuro.” Samantha demanded.

“How about a story that doesn’t involve blood and gore Sam.” Applejack scolded

“where’s the fun in that?” Samantha smirked.

“Father vs Black Satan!” Jiro shouted gaining everyone’s attention.

"Jiro, you've heard that story about a hundred times now…" Damien sighed.

“Wait! A story about Jo?! This I gonna hear!” Riley said as he perked up.

“Yea, We hardly know anything about Jo, so why not?” Rainbow Dash commented.

Soon enough, everyone was suddenly interested in hearing the story about the elusive Count, much to Damien's grimace,

“Ugh, alright, alright. IF you want to, fine.” Damien shrugged.

“YAY!” Jiro cheered as he quickly sat onto Applejack’s lap while everyone else got relaxed and leaned in to hear Damien’s story.

“Many can say that The Story of our Count Jo's victory over the Great Black Satan is a tale of a single person overcoming incredible odds to reach a grand Goal. But really…it's a story about a guy who had nothing better to do." Damien explained before going into his story.

“Heh, How heroic.” Reilly quipped before being elbowed by Twilight, allowed by a small collection of giggles and chuckles.

Damien rolled his eyes before continuing;

“Our story beings about hundred years ago, With the Court of Bats. Now the Court of Bats was a ruling council of all Bat Pones in Equestria. It’s not as big as it is today but back then it was a big deal to all Bat Pones. It was pretty much the Court's job to make sure all Bat Pones obeyed certain guidelines so that they won't get into trouble with regular Equestrians, Like don't draw too much attention to yourselves, only drink blood in private, stuff like that. However, there was one Bat Pone who didn't take too kindly to the Court and their rules…His name was Black Satan."

“Now if you couldn’t tell from the name alone, Black Satan was a nasty piece of work. He killed for sport instead of killing just to survive and he generally thought he was better than everyone else, especially non-bat pones. Finally one day, his ego went overboard. He went on to create a fortress in the countryside and filled it with unspeakable evil, demons and other hell-spawn with ambitions of talking over all Equestria. And there was no one to stop him too.”

“For Pete’s sake D, Tis is the kinda story y’all tell Jiro? It's a wonder he doesn't have night terrors!" Applejack complained to her cousin.

“I-it does sound…a-alil intense….” Fluttershy shivered while clinging on to Aiya.

“I don’t mind it.” Jiro innocently smiled.

“Hey you guys wanted to hear it, and now I’m telling ya.” Damien replied, “now where was I, Oh yea. Anyway;”

“The Court knew if Black Satan ran among, it won’t be long before Equestrians blamed all of bat pone kind for Black his actions. So they decided to do something about him. While the simple solution would be to kill him off, that was easier said than done. You see, Black Satan had this hyperactive healing factor to which unless his whole body was destroyed, he could recover from anything, thus making him Immortal."

“Fascinating," Kyle commented.

“and Freaky!” Rainbow Dash noted.

"Despite this ability, however, Black Satan had to be dealt with. So the court sent word far and wide for help. But not many answered all except for one fellow, Count Takumi Jo."

Jiro got excited upon hearing about his father, causing Applejack to calm him down a bit.

“Now as most of us know, Jo got his start hunting monsters, demons and whatever goes bump in the night, and around this time, he hunted about every creepy crawly there was, and he was death bored. When he heard about Black Satan however, he jumped on the chance to finally getting a challenge worthy of his time. So Jo goes up to the court and takes the offer of taking on Black Satan. The Court, having heard of the Jo and all of his exploits, accept Jo's offer, all except for one…"

“One council member, a duke, takes one look at Jo and goes,

‘Ha! You honestly expect me to believe that this scrawny kid can take on someone like Black Satan? Don't make me laugh!’

And once again, as we all know Jo, he didn’t take too kindly to some old fart badmouthing him. So Jo replies with;

‘Uh excuse me, do you see anyone else lining up to take this guy down? I don’t think so!’

But the duke was all like…

‘Ha! If you somehow manage to take down Black Satan, not only will I give you half your body weight in gold, I’ll also let you marry my only daughter who has a major lady boner for you.’

‘Ugh!! Fine whatever…’

And so with that, Jo sets off to Black Satan’s fortress, with a group of meat shields-I MEAN…uh…volunteers. One of them is Jo's partner, Keisuke Dai."

“That’s me!” Keisuke called out from another room.

“SHUT UP! NO ONE CARES!!” Damien shouts at Keisuke before going back to his story, “Anyway…”

“Jo and his team travel to Black Satan’s fortress, the storm the place and then go on to gun down every demon and monster that was is their way all trying to get to the top where Black Satan was.”

“Groovy” Hyde noted.

Unfortunately, only Jo and Keisuke made it. So there they were, Jo and Keisuke, face to face with Black Satan himself in his throne room. Sitting there…Menacingly.”

“How much Menacing?” Pinkie Pie asked.

“The Kanji symbol for ‘menacing’ physically manifested and floated around him.” Damien Replied.

“Oh yea, that’s Menacing.” Blaster commented.

“Anyway…” Damien said before continuing his story.

“Jo stepped forward towards Black Satan, both staring the other down, with Jo having his shotgun in hand,

“Die monster!” Jo shouted to Black Satan, “You don’t belong in this world!”

However, upon saying that, Black Satan, the egomaniac that he is, goes on a tyrant about how he’s superior and that how men are miserable piles of secrets and whatnot. This goes on for a good few minutes until Jo finally goes on to blow Black Satan's head off with his shotgun"

“But wait,” Rainbow dash interrupted. “you said that Black Satan guy had a hyper healing factor. Won’t he just recover from that?”

“He didn’t do it to kill him,” Damien replied, “He did it to shut him up.”

Upon hearing the reason, the group let out a collective and understanding ‘aww’ as they all knew that was something Count Jo would do.

“Classic Jo.” Blaster commented as Damien when back to his story.

“So anyway, due to Black Satan’s healing factor, he was able to quickly recover from the headshot, and that is where the real fight began. Turning the find, Black Satan would take on several forms. First, a horrible goat monster, then a bat creature, A battlewagon thing that was made from his throne, it was crazy. Until finally Black Satan decided to fight Jo one on one. Now at this point in the fight, Jo started to have some trouble. Not even Keisuke’s added strength was enough. With little ammo left, things started to turn sour for Jo.”

Everyone started to get a little worried from Damien’s words completely invested in the story, except for Jiro who was bouncing from excitement.

“Tell them what father did!” Jiro shouted.

“I’m getting to that Ankle-bitter.” Damien said to his ‘little brother’ before continuing.

"As I said, things weren't going so well for Jo. However, during the fight, Jo noticed something. Despite Black Satan's impressive healing factor, it had one weakness, fire. With little options left, Jo did the unthinkable and rash. He set his hands-on fire and engaged Black Satan in hand to hand combat. Just as Jo expected, Black Satan's healing factor didn't work under fire. In response, Jo goes on to ‘Muda, Muda’ as if he’s never ‘Muda Muda’d” before! Unleashing a barrage of punches that could only be described as a machine gun of fists. Jo didn't stop until everything inch of Black Satan was dose in fiery punches until there was nothing but ashes. Thus ending Black Satan's reign of terror.

Soon after defeating Black Satan, Jo returned to the Court to announce his victory. However, since Jo pretty much annihilated Black Satan and his whole fortress crumbled to dust upon his defeat, He didn't have much proof he defeated Black Satan. So instead, he settled on a few of his belongs. A few of the rings Black Satan use to wear and Black Satan's throne. He even showed off the burn marks on his hands to show as proof.

As you can expect, the Court was extremely impressed by Jo's actions and we're forever grateful for what he did…all except for the douche Duke who was bad-mouthing him before. In a petty attempt to get back at Jo, the Duke has some of his subjects to talk badly about Jo, saying how he probably faked the whole thing. Jo, on the other hand, not being one to take such disrespect likely, did what anyone else would do. Take a deep breath, compose himself…and viciously pummeled every poor soul who dared try to soil his good name.”

“Classic Jo.” Blaster once again noted before Damien could finish.

"So, after that incident, it was soon clear to the court that Jo was a force to be reckoned with and shouldn't be taken lightly. As for the Duke, he was forced to not only pay Jo the amount of gold he ‘promised’ but to also keep his opinions about Jo to himself or suffer Jo’s wraith and for the Duke’s Daughter, oh man, if you thought she wasn't head over heels in love with Jo before all this, she defiantly was now.”

“and that’s how father met mother?” Jiro happily smiled.

Damien smiled back and rubs Jiro’s head, “Yep, that’s how your dad met your mom.” He replied before turning to the others, “and with that, that concludes the story. The End.”

Everyone began clapping, applauding Damien on a well-told story.

"Sweet story D," Reilly says to Damien.

"Yea, Ah admit, it was thrillin'." Applejack commented. "But still alil intense for a Lil feller like Jiro." She noted as Jiro huffed at the comment about his small size.

"Still, it's a good thing we don't have to face that Black Satan guy ourselves…" Spike commented while cowering next to Twilight.

“Yea, a guy with all those powers, not to mention a fortress filled with monsters and demons that killed off half of Jo’s men. Yikes.” Rainbow Dash commented.

“Well…actually…not all the men were killed by Black Satan’s hordes.” Damien explained. “the truth is, only one guy was killed by the demon monsters…the rest…were gunned down by Jo himself.”

“WHAT?! WHY?!” a shocked Twilight asked

“Because they kept getting on my nerves…” a voice suddenly rang out.

The sudden voice caused everyone to jump from their seats and huddle together. The group looks towards the doorway where the voice was heard, only to see Count Jo himself standing there.

“Father!” Jiro happily cheered before running over to his father as Jo picks him up.

“Uh…Jo shooting a bunch of guys all cause they kept bothering him and may have been whinny…Yea I can see that coming.” Hyde said

“Classic Jo.” Blaster once again commented.

“what are you freeloaders doing here at this time of night?” Jo asked.

“We were listening to the story of how you beat Black Satan, father," Jiro replied.

"Black Satan?" Jo asked with a small hint of surprise, "why waste your time listening to that old fairy tale?"

"They wanted to hear a story and they chose that," Damien replied.

"Yea and we gonna say it was an interesting tale." Reilly said to the Count, "but setting your hands on fire? That's kind far fetch, right?"

Jo blankly stared at the group before setting Jiro down and then processes to take off his leather gloves. once his gloves were off, Jo showed off his hands to the group. To their surprise they saw that his hands were completely burnt with barely any heathy skin on them, "They still hurt whenever I make a fist…" Jo told the group.

“whoa…” a speechless Rainbow Dash mumbled.

Spike swallowed hard, realizing the horror story he just listened to was true, “W-well…at least you got him and all of his goons, right?”

"I…wouldn't say that…" Jo replied.

“W-what do you m-mean?” Fluttershy asked with a hint of fear in her voice.

“In our haste to escape to the crumbling fortress, I could have sworn that I saw a small group of figures escaping as well," Jo said to the group of Rangers

“A…small group?” Twilight asked.

Jo nodded to the young princess, "Yes. Didn't get a very good look though, they disappeared into the nearby forest before daybreak. I honestly don't know who they were…they could have been captives of Black Satan…or they could be his followers…"

“F-Followers?” Rainbow Dash shuddered.

"Yes. Followers. Black Satan did have a cult following, who knows, maybe some of them escaped. They could be out there…waiting. Plotting. For the chance to avenge their fallen master." Jo said in a serious tone.

Those words put the group on edge as fear slowly gripped them all. Until

“BOO!!!” Damien yelled making everyone jumped for their lives.

“Doggone it D!” Applejack angrily shouted as Damien laughed.

As everyone was about ready to pounces on Damien for scaring them, Jiro giggled from the scene. Even Jo chuckled from the group’s interaction.

“Happy Nightmare Night.” Jo smiled and winked.