• Published 2nd Nov 2019
  • 1,728 Views, 18 Comments

Home For The Holidays - pabrony

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"She still hasn't returned your last message?" Twi asked me as we began the second hour in the waiting room of the doctor's office for the girls' six-month checkup. "It's been nearly two months since you last wrote to Twilight to find out how things are going."

"I know and it's beginning to worry me," I said as Solaria tried wiggling out of my grip. "Come here you." I returned my attention to my wife. "I know she's been overworked with the school and all but she's never gone this long without replying."

Twi tapped her chin as she usually does when she starts thinking. "Maybe you should send her another message in case she missed the last one," Twi suggested after a minute or so. "It happens here with texts sometimes."


"Point taken," I replied. "I'll shoot her another one when we get home."

"Sounds like a...Gleaming, no!"

"Brrrr," I said as Twi and I entered the kitchen with the girls. "So much for the weatherman's prediction of upper forties today."

Twi set Solaria's carrier on the floor and proceeded to unbundle her while I did the same with Gleaming. After a quick change of clothes, we set them free inside the playpen to cause whatever mischief they desired. I, meanwhile, went to fetch a certain book from the nightstand. By the time I returned, Twi had set up shop on the couch with a pair of mugs filled with hot cocoa, her feet on the coffee table, and her cane beside her on the couch as though she was saving the seat for somebody.

"So what are you gonna write to her?" Twi asked.

I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know. 'Hey how is everything?' 'Whatcha been up to?' Maybe 'Answer your dang messages'," I said with a slight growl.

Twi put her arm around my shoulders. "Sunny, calm down. We don't need an interdimensional incident just because your friend is probably busy."

I gave her a small kiss and put the pen to the paper.

Dear Princess Twilight,
I haven’t heard anything from you in a while and was wondering if everything was okay in Equestria. Please write back as soon as you get this.
Your friend,
Sunset Shimmer

Roughly an hour passed before the journal began glowing and buzzing. To my surprise, it wasn't Twilight's writing that answered.

"Well? What did she say?" Twi asked me as I read the response.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" I shouted, causing the babies to start crying. "Sorry, girls," I cooed as I picked up Solaria and handed her to Twi and then got settled in with Gleaming.

"Sunny, we really need to work on your temper," said Twi. She popped a pacifier into Solaria's mouth in an attempt to settle her down. "Now...what did Twilight say?"

In an attempt to calm Gleaming down i rocked her back and forth in my arms. "She didn't say anything," I replied.

"So what has you so ticked off?"

"It was Starlight that replied to my message!" I said as Gleaming began chewing on her hand.

"Starlight? Why did she answer?"

I took a deep breath and slowly exhaled so I could keep my temper in check. "Because Starlight is now the headmare of the School of Friendship and the Friendship Castle is now hers."


"Yeah. Twilight moved back to Canterlot."

Twi gave me a puzzled look and asked if Starlight elaborated on why she did that. I told her that if she levitated the journal over to me, I would read the entire message to her.

Once the book was in my possession, I flipped to the last page with writing, cleared my throat, and read Starlight's response.

"Dear Sunset,

Sorry it's been quiet from this end but between Tirek, Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow attempting to take over Equestria and Celestia and Luna’s retirement, we've had our hooves full. The reason I'm answering and not Twilight is because I'm now the headmare of Twilight's Friendship School and I'm in charge of keeping the Friendship Castle kept up to standards (translation...it's my house now. Haha). But I was given these responsibilities because Twilight is now the ruler of Equestria and has moved into Celestia's former castle in Canterlot. The mirror is still in Ponyville in case you decide to visit, in case you're wondering.

Anyway, I have to get back to the school in a few minutes so I'll write again later.

Your friend,
Starlight Glimmer

P.S. Did you happen to make it to the coronation? I don't recall seeing you there.

I closed the journal and angrily tossed it to the floor. Twi sat beside me with her mouth agape while she bounced Solaria on her right knee.

Following another growl, I began to vent about the b.s. from my mentor. "She's been my best friend for nearly three years-"

"Ahem!" Twi interrupted, clearing her throat.

"Okay, she's been a close friend for the past three years. Better?" Twi nodded her head. "Anyway, something this major, you would think she would want me to be there a join in the celebration. Don't get me wrong, I'm proud of her, but it still ticks me off that she never once mentioned that she was going to take Celestia's place."

"Maybe she figured that we wouldn't be able to make it because of the girls," Twi said, playing devil's advocate.

Gleaming finally got settled and began to squirm so I set her floor with her sister. "Bull crap," I grumbled. "She knows that one of the girls would be willing to watch them if we went. The fact that I consider her one of my best friends and she shut me out of something this big, it breaks my heart just as much as it makes my blood boil."

Twi held my hands as my temper slowly ebbed. "Sunny, how about we go to Equestria this weekend? I mean, it's Hearth's Warming over there, after all. We could stay with your parents and then make a surprise visit to the princess."

I smiled at her suggestion and as I leaned in to give her a kiss, something fell between me and Twi's face. I reached down and picked up the object in question.

"Don't look at me," said Twi as I showed her the mistletoe. Both of us then looked toward the floor where both Gleaming and Solaria were looking back at us with huge grins on their faces.

After a quick chuckle, Twi levitated the journal and pen back to me. I opened it to the first blank page and began a different greeting.

Dear Starlight Glimmer…

Author's Note:

I will reveal what Gleaming did in the doctor’s office in the next chapter.