• Published 12th Nov 2019
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My Little Pony: The Light of Harmonys Hope - kahnac

A great change is coming to Equestria for good, and ill. As mantles are passed down, and alliances are forged, Prince Dusk Shine must cope with all that transpires, realize his destiny, and save the world from coming Darkness. But he won't be alone.

  • ...

Epilogue 1: The Future of Good, and Evil

When the princesses, and the pillars who had aided in holding off Everfree Forest, had ordered every guard who had recovered to gather the ponies in Canterlot together, and provide provisions of comfort, while Mage Meadowbrook was given permission to check over them all. The last thing anypony wanted was anypony hurt during this ordeal. And thankfully, the medical staff had been among those who had been used as canon fodder, and were among the masses, along with any other doctors Sombra enslaved. Under her instruction, they worked together to examine all those who had been enthralled - even the guards who had chased after the fliers. Somnambula remained in order to help ease the feelings of dread from their ordeal any pony may have experienced. She, and even Mistmane had used all of their skills to relax the populace, and put them at ease.

This left the sisters, Rockhoof, and Starswirl free to make their way to the throne room, where they had already guessed the others would be. Sure as can be, they had been proven right when they saw the open doors. But when they got closer, each of them were given quite the surprise in the form of a certain young drake at the side who was........not so young-looking, anymore. In fact, he appeared to be around the age of a teenage dragon, and a feet bigger than the Student Six, who were looking him over at the same time as he. By faust, he was as tall as Luna, herself!

*Ignore the pony base standing next to him*

"This is so weird." Spike said, in a voice that sounded similar, but different to the one he had always possessed. It was older, and more mature than before. It seemed he had well, and truly aged in body, by an unknown factor. "I mean, it's cool because I look awesome......but it's also weird." He then turned to Dusk Shine, and asked, "How did this happen, bro?"

"I have no idea." He admitted. "Maybe it was a side-effect of whatever Sombra did to you." He grimaced. "He didn't just grow you into a larger version of yourself, Spike. I could sense it in the air around you: he used some kind of corruption to alter your very being. Our harmony powers could only cleanse you of the darkness that had you under his control. But I don't think you'll ever be the same again."

Spike seemed to grow nervous at this notion. "That's not.......bad, is it?"

"Well, from where I stand, it only looks like you went through a growth spurt." Smolder said, trying to help ease Spike's worries. "Dragons can go through it, too, and it's no different from Stone Scale. Despite everything, that Sombra creep might've actually done you a favor." Spike raised a finger to his chin in thought, and considered the notion. Thankfully, he had no disagreement to the idea. "Yeah, I guess you're right. And it shouldn't be TOO bad: i mean, if I can get used to these babies," he flaps his wings briefly, "then being a little bigger, and walking on all fours shouldn't be too hard."

"I've been wondering about that, actually." Gallus asked. "Ever since you got turned back into.......well, YOU, you've been moving around all quadrupedal like me, Silver, and the equine-based creatures. What's up with that? Didn't you used to walk on two legs like other dragons?" Spike looked down at his arms, and hummed. "Not sure. It just feels right, for some reason." Then, he got up on his hind legs, and was up to Celestia's chin. "But I can still walk on twos if I want, by the look of things, so it's not so bad." He then got back on his fore-leg-arms. "I guess i'm some special case of dragon, and whatever Sombra, and the rainbow magic did to me brought it out. Either way, i'm not complaining." He then looked over to a rather large pile of pillows where a certain draconequus was laying down. "Especially not when we've got someone worse off than I could actually be."

All turned over to Discord, as Fluttershy was fluffing one of his pillows, while the others in the mane six minus Dusk were tending to make him comfortable. "Aw. Do you want more juice?" Fluttershy asked sweetly. "Only if it's not too much trouble." Discord replied in a less than weak voice, though still he held his usual need to act like a drama queen. "And it's red. And the cup has one of those...those little umbrellas. Oh, and two cherries! No, no, actually. Make it three. And maybe, eeeeeeeeeh, some donuts to go with it?" He asked nicely while tapping his index fingers together. The company gathered around their ally, happy to see him alright, and still his rather silly self. Celestia, Luna, Starswirl, and Rockhoof, who had decided to stand guard outside the doors given the guards were all occupied, found the sight endearing, and the former said, "I see you've all made yourselves at home."

"Starswirl! Rockhoof!" Both Stygian and Flash Magnus called out, with the latter adding. "Glad to see you two still in one piece."

"HAH!" Rockhoof exclaimed just outside. "As if a bunch of overgrown weeds could outdo the likes of us! Why, we had 'em beggin', and pleadin' for mercy before they went away! It was great!"

"It's just good to see you are alright." Stygian said. "And the others?"

"They are fine, as well." Starswirl said. "As I am glad you two, and the others are." His expression soured slightly at the sight of the injured Discord. "For the most part."

"Celestia, Luna, I know what you're going to say, and you're right." Dusk said when he finally worked the nerve to speak up. He was afraid to speak at first, but after waiting for the pillars to converse, he felt ready to own up to his failures as he approached his fellow rulers with an expression of shame. "I let all of Equestria down because of my arrogance, and hubris. A good leader knows when to ask for help. I should have asked for your help when this all began, but I didn't. I wanted to badly to prove I was good enough to rule on my own without help." His voice staggered. "And because of me, The Tree of Harmony was destroyed, and Laurana is gone. We were able to use the power she gave us when we opened the chest, but........i'm not sure if we still can call on it, or not without her here. Now, the Balance has been broken, and the Elements of Harmony are gone. Equestria deserves someone far more suitable than me to lead it."

A brief silence passed between the alicorns, before Celestia said, "You are right, Prince Dusk.", shocking the alicorn stallion, and his friends. But what she said next surprised them further. "About one thing: a good leader knows when to ask for help. But an even greater leader knows when to own up to their mistakes, and realize when they were made. Then aims to make them right." She smiled warmly as she placed a hoof on her former protege's shoulder. "You've proven to me beyond any doubt that you will be a great leader when the time comes."

That part got Dusk curious. "'will be'? What do you mean?"

Celestia gained a sheepish expression as she explained, "Luna and I have decided that.....it may have been unfair of us to thrust this responsibility upon you so suddenly - without giving you the time needed to prepare. That is why we have decided to postpone the coronation. At least until more training can be implemented.

Dusk released a humongous sigh of relief as he said, "Thank goodness, because I really was NOT ready yet!"

This didn't seem to sit well with Discord, and he actually jumped off of his pillow pile like he was right as rain - which apparently he was with the way he exclaimed, "NOT READY?!" He then walked over to the shocked group and went on a rant. "You've gotta be kidding me! So Dusk's not taking over?! After everything this stallion, and these mares have gone through?! After what I went through to help them?! This was all for nothing?! I allowed myself to get hurt, and the provided one f the most inspiring speeches ever-"

"Allowed?!" The fifteen creatures exclaimed simultaneously.

Discord merely rolled his eyes as he scoffed. "Of course! I admit I wasn't at my peak during that whole fight, but you didn't actually think I would let an ego-maniac like Sombra get the drop on me so easily without a fight, did you? Now, as I was saying: I let myself get hurt, and provided one of the most inspiring speeches of all time to tell Dusk Shine that he IS ready to be the leader Equestria needs, in order to give him the confidence needed to be the new ruler - and now, it's not even happening?!?" he all but screamed in Celestia's face. Yet despite his lack of respect for personal space, and his abrasive attitude, Celestia's smile remained as she gently pushed him backwards, and said, "It is: but when he is ready."

"Uuuugh, come on! How can he NOT be ready?!" he groaned. "What a waste of a perfectly good, and epic speech!" Then grumpily made his way over to one of the closest windows, and slipped it open for him to pass through. "Honestly, I don't even know why I even bother with any of you!" And then he closed it, leaving the group alone with their thoughts.

Rarity made a noise of shock. "So he could have ended the whole Sombra ordeal before it even got the point that it did at any time? Maybe even after?"

Fluttershy then sweetly said, "But he didn't because he cares."

"In his own weird way, of course." Rainbow retorted.

"Assuming he wasn't making that whole bit up, and was pretending to be hurt." Smolder added. "Meaning he could have just been making us go through all that for laughs."

"Now, now, young dragon," Starswirl interjected, "Do not forget he is a Spirit who embodies Chaos. Yet one who has been tempered by friendship, and mellowed down from his more devious ways. I believe he had good intentions, and was indeed hindered during the ordeal. He simply used it to further aid our cause in his own, unpredictable way. For spirits work in mysterious ways, and none can ever fully understand them."

"EIther way, he sure has an odd way of being supportive." Applejack said.

"Super odd dude!" Pinkie said

"I heard that!" Discord said, briefly appearing as a stain-glass picture of himself, before flashing out of the room for good. This little act got everyone laughing in good nature now that they were free to do so. Once everyone had calmed down, Luna spoke. "Truth be told, Celestia and I really had fun today putting the dangers aside: fighting side by side with Starswirl, and the Pillars of Equestria for the safety of our home. It's been years since we've gotten to do what you six do. You all make it look so easy."

"Well, we are kind of an awesome team." Rainbow Dash lightly bragged.

Fluttershy admitted, "Every adventure is heart-pounding, but so rewarding."

"I'm up for anything, as long as it's with all of you!" Pinkie Pie happily said.

Rarity giggled as she said, "Life certainly hasn't been dull since we met."

"Nowhere else I'd rather be." Applejack proudly said.

Finally, Dusk Shine said, "We are pretty incredible together. And we would do anything for Equestria. I guess I know, when the time comes, as long as we're together, we probably—" Everypony, and creature cleared their throats, and gave their friend corrective glances to help him realize his brief verbal mistake. Which he was quick to catch up on. "We definitely got this." The group exclaimed in sweetness as all seven of them got together in a group hug - though Spike was draping his now large wings around the group. They were, however, soon joined by the six other heroes in the room who had been watching, and heeding with open hearts, and open minds. "And you'll have us to help you guys keep our home safe." Sandbar said for him and his friends, who all made sounds of agreement. "With all of us together, everything's gonna be just fine."

While all laughed in joy, and agreement, Dusk briefly thought about the one, true casualty in this calamity other than Laurana and the Tree. Even though he hadn't known him all that well, it still hurt him to know that Flash Sentry had also been murdered by Sombra. It wasn't HIS Flash, for certain, but it was still Flash. And it pained him to think that he would never see him again in Equestria.

That's why, with the strength of all the elements surrounding him, he would make sure his sacrifice would not be in vain, and would work to make sure everythingwould be just fine.


Meanwhile, at the Lair of Grogar, Cozy Glow had coerced Chrysalis, and Storm King into forming a friendship circle. Though she wisely kept the 'friendship' part out. For her own wellbeing, if for no other reason. She had hoped this would be another step in making them work together. And despite their obvious disinterest, she went ahead with it, confident in its success. "Now i'll say something nice about satyrs. Storm King, you say something nice about Changelings." The satyr in question rolled his eyes in annoyance. "And Chrysalis, you say something nice about ponies."

"NEVER!" The queen roared in the fillies face, making her back down in intimidation. It was at this moment an orange, fiery portal formed, and both Erebus and Lord Tirek emerged. Both of whom held neutral expression as they stood next to the little group, with Chrysalis angrily staring at them in suspicion before demanding, "And where have you two been all this time?"

"Of what concern is it of yours, changeling?" Tirek asked, making the changeling hiss in anger.

"That's something I would like to know myself, Tirek." Came the voice of Emperor Grogar, who came out of the shadows behind the group of five, looking displeased about something. "I gave neither you, nor The Pony of Shadows permission to leave this place. And yet the two of you disappeared for hours. Explain yourselves."

"First of all: you WILL address me as Erebus!" The latter had demanded in anger.

"And secondly, none of us here answer to you, Grogar." Tirek said with ire. "You may have brought us all together, but you are NOT master to me. So speak with respect if you wish to earn any from me."

This actually made the ram growl in aggravation as his eyes glowed in the darkness. "I do not NEED your respect, centaur! Only your obedience! You need me, and my power in order to obtain revenge against your enemies, and if not for me, all of you would either be imprisoned still, or wandering the wilds with no direction." He then sighed as his vision lowered to the ground with disdain. "Let us only hope the five of you will be enough for my plans."

Chrysalis pulled her leg out of Cozy Glows grasp, same as Storm King, and asked, "And what of King Sombra?"

"DId he actually pull it off?" Storm King asked.

Grogar, however, merely scoffed as he approached his round table. Direction was then turned to the Aramaspi eye on the table, which then projected the exact moment of Sombra's demise. Something which seemed to bring a smile to the old goat's face as he spoke. "I'd say he gambled......and lost." He then jumped on the table, and said, "But at least he can serve as a warning, to all those who still doubt my plans!" He then pointed at the group. "Unless any of YOU.....have doubts?"

"N-not me!" Storm King exclaimed nervously.

"Nuh-uh!" Cozy Glow also exclaimed.

"Nope!" Chrysalis yelped.

"I don't care, either way." Erebus made clear. "All that matters is that the power of the Darkness reclaims this world, and its universe. If this alliance can bring that, then I will take part in it."

"Then we shall join forces, and together we will bring Equestria to its knees!" Grogar proclaimed, before he laughed triumphantly in a mad tone, making the first three villains laugh nervously. His laughter continued until he noticed the disinterest in Tirek, as his arms remained crossed. A scowl then appeared on his face. "Is there another issue you have, Tirek?"

"Lord Tirek, ram." the centaur said in a threatening tone, making the ram growl in anger again. "And my issue is in your seemingly desiring to waste valuable resources in our 'quest' of domination." When Grogar gave him a questioning look, Tirek elaborated. "Despite his renegade nature, Sombra has his own wealth of knowledge in the dark arts. Would you truly be foolish as to let that go to waste? And after you made a deal to ensure his loyalty?"

"Silence!" Grogar shouted. "I am your master, and I will NOT be questioned by the likes of you. I made that deal on the grounds he would only keep himself limited to the Crystal Empire. The minute he decided to include Equestria, he made that deal void. I have no room for renegade elements in my alliance, and I care less for Sombra's skills in dark magic. I am the Emperor of Darkness: educated in greater dark powers than that Umbrum wretch could ever know. He was expendable - as are all who dare defy me."

Tirek's eyes narrow, and he speaks in a threatening tone, "Expendable, you say?" He then begins to slowly approach the ram in a stomping motion that shook the lair. The tension growing fierce enough to intimidate all in the room, with the exception of Erebus. "Master, you say?" In time, he was looking eye to eye at the ancient ram, and met his fearsome gaze with his own. "I have only one master, and he is beyond anything you could ever possibly imagine. Do not be so arrogant as to believe you are superior to me, and that my own powers are limited. If you view all of us as expendable tools, then this plan of yours is doomed to fail." He then smirks. "I accept the logic in your plan. However, there can be no victory if this alliance is led by one who does not respect the allies he summons. Rest assured that you will have my aid: but as long as you hold this mentality of yours, I will continue to act as a free agent, Sombra already revealed my hand in his destruction of the Tree of Harmony. Thus, the ponies would be more expectant of me being a sole threat than being aware of an entire menagerie of villains collaborating to bring their end. That is why I nominate myself as the face of this alliance, to keep its existence secret until the time to strike arrives. All I wish is for the freedom to conduct my plans in freedom, and safety without your interference so that it may further our shared goals. That is......if you are not so narrow minded as to cast aside any advantage you can receive."

Grogar's eyes narrowed further into slits as he bared his teeth in anger. THis cursed centaur dared to make demands of him? When it was he who provided him the opportunity for true victory against his sworn enemies? The sheer gall of his unwillingness to submit to his will like the others was angering. And yet............it brought a smile to the old goats face. "I knew there was a reason I wanted you on my side........Lord Tirek. Unlike these fools, you are not a submissive cow who bends his knee at the first sign of intimidation." He placed a hoof on the armored centaur's shoulder. "You are strong-willed and ambitious: something I admire that. You remind me of when I was in my younger years, in the prime of my youth, and in the pinnacle of strength. I see that same potential in you, my demonic friend, and it is something I cannot ignore." He then got off the table as he spoke. "I accept your terms, Lord Tirek. Do whatever you wish to further the ends of our alliance. But only so long as it benefits us all. Do this, and you will be allowed to keep the new position as my second in command." While he left the others surprised, he then began to leave the room. "Perhaps you can find ways to teach the others to put aside their differences, and work together. You of all know that that is key to our victory."

Tirek smiled as he said, "You honor me, great emperor. Consider ourselves in an accord." His eyes narrowed as Grogars form began to disappear down one of the empty tunnels. "I will ensure our victory is assured.........by any means necessary." Once Grogar was gone, Tirek turned to the other villains, who were all now giving him mixed expressions. Chrysalis certainly wasn't happy with this arrangement. "You have alot of nerve, thinking you can lord over us, Tirek! Nopony rules Queen Chrysalis, do you hear me?! And I-!" Before she could continue, she was put in a crushing, telekinetic hold of Tirek's magic. As he slowly squeezed his hand, she felt great pressure building in her body. "That's enough out of you, insect." Tirek said in annoyance, and amusement. "Who you were does not matter to me in the slightest, nor do your vendettas. Though I have enemies I wish to see destroyed, I have far greater plans than mere vengeance, and rulership in mind." He then knocks her into a wall, nearly putting her into unconsciousness. "Plans that will ensure that The Balance is returned to the power of Darkness, and Anarchy. Help me, or not, it makes no difference. Any who interfere will be swiftly punished for their foolishness." He then glared at the four villains, and said in a threatening voice, "And I have less patience for fools than anyone here. Test me, and you shall see the truth in my words."

He then conjured another portal, and passed on through it. Erebus was quick to take on a shadow form, and pass on through before it closed. This left three very stunned, or very angry villains behind. All of them thinking different things. But Storm King stated what was the most obvious.

"I might have already said this before.........but that centaur scares me."


Tirek had returned to the Well of Shades, where he had decided to make temporary respite. Until he could find what he had been looking for in the many texts, and scrolls he had gathered from the secret study beneath the Crystal Empire. All of them already laid out on stone slabs, and tables for examination, and research. The Red Crystal hovering in front of a mural of a dark, wraith-like alicorn carved in the stone. Oh, yes, despite the events that occured here, this place was still strong in The Dark Side of the Source, or The Vashtar. After being directed here by Erebus when the centaur explained the powerful need for a nexus of darkness, Tirek had brought the crystal here as he began making preparations for his own ambitions. And like it, or not, King Sombra still had a role to play in those schemes. He, Erebus, and the other four had roles to play in returning the True Darkness. He then remembered his conversation with Sombra in the frozen North prior to his attack on the empire well.


Sombra hummed with interest. "Is that so?"

"Indeed. And before you set out for the Crystal Empire, allow me to share my newfound wisdom with you." He opened his hand, and a golden flame enveloped it. A sight that intrigued the Shadow King, and Erebus to no end. But it was what Tirek said next that proved more interesting. "And the true way to achieve our ultimate goals: destroying the source of harmony and light, and returning anarchy, and darkness to Equestria." He then stretched out his hand, and offered it to the unicorn for a firm shake.

"That is, if you are interested."

King Sombra took a few moments to consider the offer. And with a shrug, he decided, "Very well. It's not quite as though i've anything to lose." He then took Tirek's hand in his hoof, and the two shook. When their appendages met, the golden fire erupted out of their crevices, and swirled around their hand and hoof. Sombra could almost swear he saw the golden flames form linked chains for a moment, before they turned into yellow smoke, and swirled into non-existence. At that moment, a flood of knowledge entered his mind, and he became aware of what Tirek had shared: the existence of Laurana, and The Tree of Harmony. The true sources of the existence of the Elements of Harmony, and the one thing holding the balance of Harmony and Light. Realization hit him like a truck, and he laughed in amusement. "So that's what it's all about! How interesting!"

"Yes, I was quite surprised myself when I learned of it." Tirek admitted. "But I imagine you know what to do with this information?"

Sombra grinned. "Indeed. I already expect Celestia to send her subject to challenge me, like he always will do. She IS a coward, after all. But if they try to use those trinkets on me, then i'll make good use of that instance to my advantage." He then grimaced. "Just as long as the old goat's word is true, and his magic protects me from the Crystal heart."

Further opportunity appeared before Tirek. "It may perhaps do so, Sombra..........but there may yet be a chance you could face death again." Sombra looked angered for a moment, and was about to argue. But Tirek swiftly said, "I am not saying it WILL happen: i merely suggest the possibility, and would recommend you use your cunning foresight to consider the possibility, as well. Isn't that why you went to great lengths to not only hide the Crystal heart, but erase all knowledge of it from the empire?" This seemed to hit a cord with Sombra, and he hummed in agreement. Tirek went on. "I also am one who likes to take........precaution. Of course, my last venture proved to be that of failure because of a factor I did not even know existed. But I learn from my mistakes, and I intend to work on a way to eliminate the true source of this worlds Harmony, and Light so that defeat will be impossible for us."

Sombra raised an eyebrow. "Is that not what the destruction of this "Tree of Harmony" is for?"

"That is only a way to defang our enemies. The opportunity may arise for them to use a new source of Harmony, and Light to oppose us. But there may yet be secrets to eliminate it once, and for all." He laid a hand on The Red Crystal, and caressed it gently. "But for that to happen, I require more information. More knowledge surrounding the ancient powers that brought Harmony, and Light to power. And legend says you are a keeper of knowledge on the darkness, yourself. Is that true?"

Sombra was a little surprised Tirek knew this.......until he realized Rabia must have revealed this to him. And if so, it must have been to further their cause. Perhaps it would be best to aid him further. "Yes, it's true. Hidden beneath the empire I have a study that holds all the secrets of The Darkness. Records that even go back as far as The First Generation, along with the ancient myths of the Gods of Darkness known as The Djinn. And I might be willing to give you access to it," he smirked, "but only if you have something to offer me in exchange."

Now, it was Tirek's turn to smirk. "The point I was attempting to get to, my dark friend, for I do have something to trade with you."

"Oh? And what is that, if I may?"

"A third chance at life." This got Sombra confused until Tirek began to explain. "I have my suspicions that the one who claims to be Grogar will not bring you back, should the impossible happen, and you die a second time. Why else would he be so willing to let you go? The instant you made it clear you wanted no part of his alliance, you were deemed expendable. He will use you as a patsy to sow chaos, and nothing more. After that, he will cast you aside like the fodder you are to him. We both share a great distrust in him."

"And what?" Sombra questioned. "Are you saying you can return me to life if I should fall?"


"And why should I trust you, when from what little I was able to gather from your mind, you manipulated the Spirit of Chaos himself before betraying him? You did it once before? Why should I expect no less?"

A scowl formed on Tirek's face. "Because Discords uses were limited, and his confliction was obvious. I already knew he would betray me eventually, whether it be for his own incessant games, or because of a change of heart for those filthy nags he considered friends." He lowered himself to one knee, and held Sombra's shoulders. "But you, and I have seen how worthless their kind is. How despised they can be. But WE are better than they are. We are strong. We are the Darkness' champions meant to bring them low. And together, we CAN bring them low. You have far greater value as an ally than Discord ever could. That is why I will not allow you to perish to them again. I swear on the souls of my mother and father that it will be so." He leaned a bit closer. "All I ask for is your trust. Allow me to retrieve all of your hidden knowledge so that we may use it to destroy the children of Harmony and Light." One more thing popped into his head. "I also ask that you preserve, and bring to me a pony. A strong-willed, valiant pony who does not fear death, and is willing to fight to his last breath to win."

This earned him a questioning look from the shadow king. "But why? I thought you hated ponies as much as I do. Why would want to keep one for yourself. Surely not for........."

"Of course not!" Tirek exclaimed, before he hummed. "But perhaps so. It has been quite some time since i've enjoyed both versions of the pleasures of the flesh. But no: I have........much grander designs for thie pony. Plans to make him a worthy weapon to aid in the cause of our alliance. By the time we are finished with him, he will become our agent of anarchy, and servant of evil - but only so long as you choose the right pony for this task. And permit me your study, and your knowledge to make this a reality. Do this thing for me, and I will ensure you live to see the reign of Darkness come true."

For the first time in a long time, King Sombra was truly stunned. He could feel the conviction, and the dedication in the centaur. Somehow, he knew that Tirek would be true to his word, given how much conviction towards the ponies destruction he held. He hated them as much as him. That gave him enough incentive to make his decision. Closing his eyes, Sombra's horn ignited, and after Tirek backed off, the Umbrum unicorn aimed it at the snowy ground. The process created a cavernous opening to a secret stairway leading into the underground. The sheer size of it impressed Tirek and Erebus. The dark of the cavern gave it the impression of stretching on forever. "Follow this stairwell until you reach a doorway. I have already cast the deactivation spell to switch off my traps, so you will be able to access my study. SInce I would rather protect my knowledge, and research from Amore's descendant and her ilk, I bid you to take it. Take it all, and hide it in a place none would e're think to look.
A place where the Vashtar is at its strongest, and where the spells in those tomes will be most beneficial."

Tirek laughed in menacing happiness. "Thank you, King Sombra. I hardly know how I can truly repay you for this grand gesture."

"Just keep your promise, and we will remain even." That was Sombra's final word before he turned to shadow, and flew to reclaim his empire. Whether he would succeed or not was anyone's guess. For now, he simply began his long trek down the corridor of darkness.

There was much to do.


Once it was done, Tirek went up to the crystal, and began the ritual to summon the lost ally of Darkness. Erebus, who had followed after him, materialized out of the shadows, and said, "So you mean to go through with your plan after all." The centaur merely grunted in reply. "And are you truly certain we can trust him not to betray us?"

"That will hardly be a factor, given how he unwittingly signed an unbreakable oath, as you can see." At the same time, a golden contract appeared in front of Erebus, showing King Sombra's signature at the bottom. "All it requires is willful participation: simply left out the fact he was signing an eternally binding contract that compels him to be incapable of betraying me. Once he returns, it will simply be ingrained into his mind, and he will remain none the wiser. I do not waste valuable resources, as I said: but I also will not allow those resources to be used against me, either."

Erebus chuckled in amusement as he said, "Ever the master of manipulation, aren't you?"

"It's how i've learned to survive all these eons.....though I have been lax up until before I met Cozy Glow. Now, I will always work to stay ahead of the game that others play. And the pieces are already moving. Now," he said, raising a bell of silver to the Red Crystal, "let us return our own missing piece." He then rang the bell 3 times with a golden ring, before citing an incantation.

“Cum aescerat argentum
et aurum involare,
(a feather is blown into the crystal)
Postea Sombra ad speculum
Apophis penetrare!”

The crystal glows with ruby light, shimmering like a crimson jewel in the darkness of the cavern. And in the light, the silhouette of a unicorn illuminated in purple and green light came swirling into view, before phasing out of the crystal in a bright flash of red. Tirek, and Erebus shielded their eyes from the flash to keep from being visually stunned. But once it was done, and the villains were able to look, they were a little surprised by what they saw. It was Sombra, to be certain, and he still had some of his armor, and that crown of his in tact.

But it appeared as though he had undergone a complete race chance.

Sombra breathed in the air, sensing the darkness around him, and let out a lasting breath of renewed life. He then noticed the feeling of additional limbs on his body, and looked himself over. "Hmm. Interesting." He then noticed Tirek, and Erebus standing in front of him, with the former crossing his arms. A satisfied smile on his muzzle. "So, you kept your word after all." Sombra bowed his head in respect. "You have my gratitude, Lord Tirek," he said, before opening up the wings he had grown accustomed to, though he hadn't used them, "but I need to ask: why am I in a new form? By all appearances, I am a Thestral Alicorn, now.......which is not unappreciated, I assure you. Still, I am curious about why."

"I am hardly responsible for your metamorphosis, King Sombra." Tirek admitted. "The crystal channeled the Darkness in this place, and granted you this form to make you even more powerful. I merely performed the ritual which summoned you out of the Aether. A task made easy not only by the strength of the Vashtar, with which this land is swelling in, but also thanks to the power of the Heart Stone."

"Heart Stone?" Sombra questioned at first, until he saw Tirek eying the red crystal. "Mother Rabia? Absurd! She is umbrum, like me, encased in red crys-"

Tirek's laughter interrupted the Alicorn Thestral, to his ire. "Even after sharing my mind for a few moments, you still hold onto that idea? No, Sombra, my friend, i am afraid you are mistaken. The crystal is an artifact of far greater significance than you could possibly imagine. Look to your tomes, and records if you want the truth." He put a hand over to where all of Sombra's research stores had been placed. "Though that also depends on whether you are familiar with the Djinn, and their enemies, The Bahamut?"

For a while, Sombra's anger dwelt on Tirek's impudence. But then his curiosity gave in, and overwhelmed those feelings. With a sigh of mild reluctance, Sombra explained what he knew. "I gathered what knowledge I could during my reign..and even before. The Bahamut were the ancient Elder Gods of our universe - before the universe we exist in was even made. They were given life by The Source to craft all of creation, and to protect its conduit, Lignum Harmonia. What that is, i still don't know. But I DO know is that the Bahamut were what it means to be a god. Each embodying the elements themselves. From fire, to water, earth, wind, quintessence, and metal. Even Space, and Time were under their rulership. But the greatest of their race were the Elder Gods of Light: The Archangels. They were the guardians of Lignum Harmonia, and of all reality. In time, they eventually faced war against the Fallen Elder Gods who embody the Darkness/Vashtar, as the Archangels embody the Ashlam/Light. Those dark ones being the Djinn, who rivaled the Bahamut in every way. In time, that war escalated until it had become the cataclysm known in myth, and legend as Ragnarok: Twilight of the Gods." He chuckled lightly as he said, "Ironic that their own destruction is what gave existence to our world. In the end, however, it meant the end of both Bahamut and Djinn. And the worlds have not seen their ilk ever since."

"Ah!" Tirek exclaimed with a finger aimed upwards. "That is where I come in to fill in the gaps in your knowledge." When Sombra, and Erebus gave him questioning looks, he explained. "While you were right on many aspects, there are some things even the history books have not been able to tell. It IS true that the Bahamut and Djinn were offspring of the Ashlam and the Vashtar - the Light and Dark Side of the Source - respectively, the Djinn did not always used to exist this way. They themselves were once Bahamut, and served the interests of The Source: including protecting Lignum Harmonia, The Great Tree of Light, from whose seed it is said the Tree of Harmony was grown." This genuinely surprised Sombra, as he did not expect that bit of info. "In fact, you could say that there are many things in our world from which Lignum Harmonia gave existence to. For it is the conduit by which The Source gives life to our reality. Its greatest gifts being the Sacred Crystals, which i'll talk about another time."

"I hope so, because with all due respect, i'd rather you get to the point of this 'narrative' of yours." Sombra remarked rather crudely.

"Gladly." TIrek replied, surprisingly not being annoyed by Sombra's disrespect. "The point is that, like ponykind, the Bahamut are - or rather were as flawed as can be. Susceptible to the darkness, and to corruption. And there was only ONE true source of corruption in existence that could turn Elder Gods into Archdemons. If Lignum harmonia is the embodiment of Harmony, and Light for The Source.......then it only seems natural that an opposite, who embodies Anarchy and Darkness would exist, as well. A being who one would consider Primordial, as he is the one who embodies the opposite aspect of The Source. And who hated Light and Harmony above all else, and corrupted the Bahamut in order to destroy it, and see Darkness reign over all of creation once again." He then pointed to the crystal, and said, "Gaze into the crystal, and see the TRUE Emperor of Darkness, and All-Father of Monsters, Sombra. See the face that planted the seeds that gave the creatures of darkness life." The crystal itself shined with light as Tirek spoke, earning Sombra's curiosity. Using his wings to float up, he gazed into the Crystal, and saw a most fearsome appearance.

"See Apophis, The Great Serpent of Evil."

"By the inferno!" Sombra exclaimed in shock, before he witnessed the terrifying cobra's form shift, and change into something even more dark, and hellish with power to bring ruin, and end life, which only made his expression widen further with horror.

"Incredible, isn't it?" Tirek asked with an air of pride at the presentation of such evil. "The more Bahamut fell to his influence, the greater his power grew. In time, he grew in strength needed to wage war against the Archangels, who were his one true rivals in power, and destroy Lignum Harmonia. His one, and only goal to bring Anarchy and Darkness to all." But his tone then turned to displeasure as he said, "But he, and his armies were defeated in the clash for The Great Tree of Light. He underestimated the other races, who banded together with the Archangels in defense of their god-creator, and he fell." A smirk then appeared on his muzzle. "Yet not before he fragmented his own soul into seven pieces to ensure his own existence, and then utilized a forbidden power to destroy the universe which preceded ours. Thus, the Twilight of the Elder Gods came, and our universe was born." He then put a hand on the crystal. "But his influence did not die in that cataclysm. Even now it stirs in the growing Darkness of our world. He is alive......and he is awakening to finish his ancient mission: to destroy Harmony and Light, and reign in Anarchy and Darkness for all eternity."

Sombra, who had moved over for the centaur, gave him a shocked, and incredulous look. "How do you know all of this?" He asked in a low, unbelieving voice.

"You could say it all came to me in a single flash of a moment." Tirek said. "This crystal is the Heartstone of Apophis, himself, which holds a fragment of his essence within. My......exposure to the dark magic in your horn, along with my own inner Darkness, allowed me to contact his consciousness when I reunited the two artifact. In that instance, he gave me much knowledge, and power beyond anything I could imagine. Now, not only have my powers escalated beyond their original limits.........but as I said, there are many things I know now that even the most knowledgeable of souls do not know."

"What kind of things, exactly?" Sombra asked, as he landed back down.

"That is mostly for me to know, alone." Tirek said suspiciously. "However, what I DO know is that the one claiming to be Grogar is, in fact, a fraud. A trickster posing as the self-proclaimed father of monsters. Simply using us to further an unknown agenda he hides under honeyed words, and false promises. He sees the alliance he assembled as expendable pawns to be used as he sees fit - and to be disposed of once our use has run its course." Sombra and Erebus simultaneously growled in beastly tones at the implications, before Tirek grinned in wicked glee. "However, he is not above fear, as I saw in his eyes when I openly challenged him. He knows what my abilities are, and knows not to cross me directly without any unneeded risk. As such, though it was to undoubtedly buy my loyalty, I was able to procure a position of strength as his right hand, and to act as the 'open face' of our secret alliance, so that Prince Dusk Shine and his friends remain unaware of the ram's plans, and keep their attention on me - which suits me fine, as it only furthers my own plans."

"And I hope that you at least will indulge in this....plan of yours, Lord Tirek." Erebus said. "You clearly have more trust in us than the other 'villains' that were assembled, so at least grant us the courtesy of knowing what your purpose is."

Tirek raised an eyebrow at the wraith-like shade that stood over him. "Purpose?" he questioned with real curiosity. But then, his questioning expression turned to one of mad, grinning glee. "My purpose........is the total absence of purpose. I only ever desired absolute power over all others. And to see the end of Ponykind so that their power would be mine. That much remains the same. But now, I seek what Apophis himself seeks: to reign this world in Anarchy and Darkness. To see the wretches who depend so greatly on their magic, and harmony, and light wither and decay in the darkness I will bring down upon them. All of us here are kindred spirits of Darkness, who wish to see this world of Light laid low." He then put a hand on the shoulders of both shadow ponies. "And together, we can see this come to fruition. With our combined knowledge of the Vashtar, and our unrivaled might, we can end the established Balance of Equestria, and bring order to the whole world."

"The way you talk is as though you intend to wage war." Sombra noted, to which Tirek himself retorted, "Is that not what the pseudo Grogar had in mind when he gathered the six of us together?"

"If that is true, wars require soldiers." Erebus pointed out. "And ponies hardly make the right material for warfare, even under our control. And if the false Grogar learns of our intention, or the other three learn of what we are planning, they will attempt to stop us."

"Not if we convince them to join our cause, and reveal to them the truth." Tirek said. "However, you must keep in mind that the false Grogar may yet provide us with something useful that could be of aid in our campaign. That is why I intend to wait until the opportune moment arises - and then deal with him permanently. By then, we will have BUILT our army, worthy of the Darkness, and of Apophis, himself." He raised a hand to the crystal that showed the previously corrupted Spike from earlier. "Sombra had the right idea when he turned Dusk Shine's pet dragon into a creature of Darkness. The prospect of using 'Tiracians' is a great one, and I intend to use it to its fullest - but our TIracians will not merely be golems of shadows. They will be an endless tide of death, and destruction. The darkest qualities of the beasts of this world made flesh, serving our cause. Abominations who inspire fear, and bring death to all enemies. Once a means to replicate them arises, it will only be a matter of time until our ultimate army is ready. With them, Equestria, and the world beyond will fall to its knees, and submit to our will."

Sombra rubbed his chin with his newfound claws with intrigue. "I have to admit......this idea has great merit."

"I am pleased you agree, Sombra." Tirek said, before using the crystal to project a map of Equestria, with six locations marked with curled horns pointed down. "Because there are things we must also do in addition to crafting our army before we can strike against our enemies: and the first is to gather the fragments of Apophis' essence, stored in seven of his mightiest Djinn, who were protected by his power, and hidden in these locations. Once they are awakened, and made to serve us, we will make plans to gather further strength by calling upon other allies in this rising war." He then chuckled in dark delight. "Even the dead will be made to aid in our cause once we find the resting place of the TRUE Grogar. He will be especially useful once he is ours to command, and the pretender is eliminated."

"It seems you have had quite alot of time to think things through, Lord Tirek." Sombra remarked.

"You could say that I have." He then gave the Thestral Alicorn a knowing look. "Including who our first ally will be - assuming you were able to find the type of pony I requested."

King Sombra almost seemed surprised when he realized what Tirek was talking about. "Oh, of course!" He then grinned maliciously as he said, "Rest assured that I kept my word, and encountered a pony who proved quite strong in the face of my power. Even though he was no match for me, his will, and determination prevented him from surrendering. I recounted our bargain, and thus saw fit to store him away for safe-keeping, in case you kept your end of our arrangement. And since you held up ALL ends........" his horn ignited, and with a thought, he summoned a large, black crystal from out of the rock, and stone: the silhouette of a pegasus visible only to the dark trio inside, "I present you your prize."

Tirek's grin grew wider when he recognized the pony inside. "Well done, King Sombra: you could not have chosen a better pony for what I have in mind. Erebus? If you please?" At his request, Erebus produced tendrils of his own substance that placed broken pieces of broken, blue armor. On the chest plate, the symbol of a crescent could be seen. Sombra's intrigue grew at the sight of this armor. "Is that what I think it is?"

"Indeed. And it will be essential for revitalizing our first, and ultimate weapon of the Darkness. Its power was wasted on Luna, and her bitter jealousy. But when we are finished with this pony.........he will ascend beyond a mere Nightmare of the Moon." He raised up the broken helmet in his magic as his eyes glowed.

"He will bring forth The Terror of the Night in the name of Darkness."

Author's Note:

And done! Man that took a while. But it was certainly worth it.

Apologies if this drags on a bit, but I wanted to get some important things in. The most important being world-building, and foreshadowing of things to come. Remember that this story is the sequel to The Price of Freedom (Mk. 2), and also of the story, The Bahamut, and Djinn of the Harmoniaverse. Read those both if you want the full context of the Djinn and Bahamut, and of Apophis, himself.

But either way, you have yourself the TRUE enemy, who may very well be the combination of Sauron AND Morgoth in this series. Apophis, or Apep, is an underrated devil god in mythology, and I felt he deserved alot more attention than he actually got. So I gave him the role of ultimate evil in the Harmoniaverse. But how he will fit into this story, time will progressively tell. Same goes for these mysterious allies Tirek has in mind aside from the REAL Emperor Grogar, who is entombed somewhere Tirek will find in time.

Speaking of time, how long do you think it'll be before anyone guesses the identity of the "crystal pony", and what Tirek has in mind for him? Who knows? What I do know is that alot is gonna go on in the coming chapters, and I am not gonna skimp out on anyone for this. Or i'll at least try not to, because I am enjoying myself again.

I hope all of you are doing the same, and have a good rest of the day. Goodbye for now.:)