• Published 19th Nov 2019
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Child of Mine - Starscribe

After discovering a strange animal abandoned in the forest, Kyle is in for far more than he could've bargained for.

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Chapter 21: Checking Up

Kyle tried to sleep in the room they had cleared for her. Taking the time to expose the side door for her use, to clean enough that she could walk through without being smeared with so much dirt she trailed it behind her. She didn’t want to live out in the stable—that was somewhere for animals, not a person.

But when she finally put Fay down that night, having a baby monitor with her just didn’t feel like enough. Could she really be sure that the occasional breath that made it through the mic would warn her in time if something went wrong? She walked into the bedroom, then flopped onto an old mattress smelling like it had been sitting in the dust for a decade now.

Nightmare-scenarios ran through her mind, where the baby escaped and went on a mad rampage with her magic, transforming anything that got too close into unrecognizable forms. Some secret government team would be called in, and ultimately all of them would be killed. But now all their neighbors would be caught in the crossfire too.

But even if her paranoia went nowhere and nothing so insane happened, it was still possible she’d sleep soundly, then wake before Kyle could get to her. The baby demanded attention, and even a mad rush to her bedside might not be fast enough to stop her from causing a disaster.

After stressing about her for a few more minutes, Kyle snuck back outside, and carefully slipped into the stable. The nursing couch might not be a bed, but there were blankets, and that would have to be enough. As soon as she was back inside, she slept soundly.

The next morning came, and its usual routine. She poked at the dwindling supply of diapers suited to Fay’s body, already half gone. Could they get more of something that shouldn’t exist so soon? Maybe she could look up a few naturalist mommy blogs and see what cloth diapers were about.

She wanted to get some practice with the spell she’d been sent, progress that was her only faint hope at finding a cure for her condition. But the baby had only just started amusing herself with the stuffed toys when her phone buzzed, and Kyle levitated it over. It wasn’t exactly surprising to see it was her mom messaging her. “Yeah?”

“We looked all over for you. Guess you’re outside with the baby?”

Of course, I am, it’s like eight. There’s no way she’d still be asleep this late into the morning. She bit back the instinct to argue the point. She would have to confront her mom about how absurd it was to keep Fay outside before the end of the day. “Yes. What is it? My homeschool stuff is ready?”

“No…” She could sense her mom’s hesitation before she’d even admitted it. Whatever this was, she wasn’t excited to share it. “We told you the family was sending someone. They’re in the house now, waiting for you. Please come in right away.”

Right, the doctor. Can’t wait to be told that this is impossible, I can’t be a horse, oh wait it’s real and there’s nothing they can do. “Do I really have to do this?” she asked weakly. “There’s no point. There’s nothing they can do for me.”

Her mom made a frustrated, noncommittal sound. “There’s… look, I know it might feel silly, but you can’t dismiss their help when you’re in a situation as desperate as yours. Everyone who looks at you might have something no one else has ever thought of. The only other choice we have is giving up, and my family doesn’t do that.” She hung up.

Kyle stared down at the phone for a few moments more, then lifted Fay gently up off the ground. “Sorry kiddo, looks like we are not in for the relaxing day I was expecting.”

Fay tilted her head slightly to one side, before sticking her tongue out and cooing. She seemed happy, yet a weight seemed to follow her. What did persistent sadness look like in a baby? Could Fay feel depressed? Or was that as far beyond her as any other kind of advanced reasoning? “Hopefully this doesn’t last too long, Fay. Just… try not to freak out around somebody new, okay?”

She carried the baby on her back, since that would mean she wouldn’t walk in using magic. One less thing to shock and terrify whatever doctor was waiting inside. Kyle stopped at the door to the side of the house, hesitating for a few more moments. She’d never actually let someone who wasn’t in the family see her before.

I need some pants. Kara, when you get home from school, I’m asking for pants.

She levitated the door open, then stepped inside. At least the strangeness of it was novel enough to keep Fay calm on her back. But how long could that keep her entertained?

The inside was brightly lit, with every window open to let in the light. On the far side of the room, a woman in a plain uniform scrubbed busily at the floor with a mop. She glanced up, jerked visibly at the sight of Kyle, then looked away without saying anything.

Who the hell are you?

“Hey bro,” called a voice from the kitchen. Kara perched on one cabinet in her pajamas, working on a bowl of cereal. “Wondered when you were going to show up. Was the new bedroom too dusty or whatever?”

“No, just… too far from her.” She nodded slightly towards Fay. “You’ve seen how much chaos she created. I didn’t want to find out what she would do if I left her out there all night.”

“Oh.” Kara set the bowl aside, then hopped down. She lowered her voice, resting one hand on Kyle’s shoulder. “These people, bro. I don’t know where Grandpa finds them, but I’m not a fan. Just get your test over with so we can get them out of here quick, yeah?”

“Shouldn’t you be at school?”

In answer, Kara held out one arm, complete with compression bandage. “We all got tested too. Something about exposure, guess they wanted to make sure we weren’t going to go all horse too. Just… slower or whatever. Guess it’s probably a good idea to make sure, but…” she twitched once. “Needles.”

“Where are they?”

“Dining room. Yeah, this wing has one of its own. Oh, I guess I’m supposed to hold onto the baby or whatever? Do you think she’d let me babysit her for a few minutes without having a meltdown?”

Kyle stopped, her tail jerking upright as she considered that. Fay was still giggling happily, so maybe she’d overcome any aversion to Kara by now? “We can try,” she said cautiously. “She’s already eaten and been changed, but… she gets bored easily. Even if she lets me, you’ll have to find something to keep her occupied.”

Fay helpfully contributed with a few giggling noises, maybe her attempts at words. Kara smiled out at her. “What do you think, Fay? Ready to spend a few minutes with your aunt while Kyle’s morning gets ruined?”

The baby cheered enthusiastically, or at least made sounds that weren’t unhappy.

This probably is better than bringing her. She wasn’t happy about Mom and Dad, the fewer people she has to be around the better. Kyle lifted her gently off her shoulders, offering her towards Kara. Her sister might not have held an alien baby before, but she had the right instincts, taking her in both arms. She sunk visibly with the weight, though she handled it about as well as Kyle had before being transformed.

She waited for Fay to freak out, to start crying or at least start getting unhappy. The baby only grinned at Kara, excitement apparently undiminished.

“Come right in if anything happens,” Kyle said. “You’ve seen how dangerous she can be. If you think she’s gonna lose it, get me before it’s too late.”

“I will,” Kara said, waving her away. “It won’t be that bad, Kyle. I’m one room away. Save all that worry for how you’re going to keep her calm during her checkup. Even human babies have trouble with doctors.”

Oh God. Kyle hurried away, rushing to the open doorway to the sitting room. She hadn’t even glanced that way while she explored the space her parents had cleared for her. Now she poked her head inside, wings half-extended at her sides. As though… what, was she going to fly away? Nevermind that she didn’t know how to use them, and she was inside.

She’d been half expecting the interior to be entirely transformed into a doctor’s office, with machines everywhere and a horse-sized medical bed for her to use. There was quite a large bag open on the table, with various medical-looking supplies poking out from inside. Not just a stethoscope and some bandages either, but a full field surgery kit, with dozens of little bottles and dangerous-looking cutting tools.

The one to use it all was smaller than Kara, or at least shorter. He wore a white jacket and a set of glasses that magnified his eyes far beyond what seemed normal, though he either didn’t notice or didn’t care. Nor did he seem to care as Kyle walked in. He spun, watching Kyle with each step, before gesturing at a conspicuously empty patch of ground. There were deep scratches in the wood where furniture had once stood, but it was all gone now.

“You’ll be the son then, Kyle?” he asked, as though he was inspecting a piece of merchandise.

“Yes,” she said. “That’s me. Victim of…” She couldn’t even finish, and it didn’t seem like the man particularly cared in any case.

“Sit there, don’t move,” he said. “My nurse is otherwise engaged, so it will just be the two of us this morning.” He secured a surgical mask over his face and gloves on his hands, and made no attempt to shake. “I work for Mr. Harrington,” he continued. “I’ve been instructed to perform a full examination and determine the extent of the damage. I can already guess what that report will look like.”

Kyle moved to the place she’d been told, settling nervously on her haunches. At least being able to sit down meant she could conceal anything she was embarrassed about. There were little blessings to bizarre pony anatomy. “Maybe there’s no point to do the exam?” Kyle suggested. “You can already see how much of a horse I am. What are you going to learn?”

“Nothing you could comprehend,” the doctor said.

You never introduced yourself. Of course, you work for Grandpa, but who are you?

“We’ll start with blood,” he continued. “Then we’ll be taking samples of some other things. I’d like to make some determinations about the extent of this transformation, which you’ll probably find quite unpleasant. The more you cooperate with me, the faster this will go.”

He removed a little electric shaver from the bag, along with a pouch filled with everything she expected a doctor would need to draw blood. This is so pointless, what are you supposed to do to help me?

Nothing, except maybe get Grandpa to pull a few more strings for the family. When Kyle was young, they had listened to all her grandfather’s demands—a day when he’d had private tutors and the house was always filled with staff. Apparently this disaster was finally large enough for them to sacrifice their dignity all over again. And it’s all my fault.

“Shouldn’t you be freaking out about me?” Kyle asked. “You’re talking to a horse who should be a teenage boy.”

The doctor barely shrugged. Even so, it was the closest thing to an emotional reaction Kyle had seen from him yet. Maybe there was something human under there after all? “I’m not employed to ask questions; I’m employed to answer them. Let’s see how many answers we can give Mr. Harrington together.”

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