• Published 8th Nov 2019
  • 1,231 Views, 16 Comments

Silent Dawn - Blueelectric

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Ch.5:The Truth Had Been Spoken.

"My my my, what do we have here?" A mocking voice woke Aria the next morning. She slowly open her eyes to find herself curled up protectively around Silent. The girl was still fast asleep in her grasp. She smiled for a moment, looking at the sleeping girl. She slowly turn to the now open door.

Adagio was standing at the doorway with a smirk. Sonata was standing there with her phone pointing straight at them. Aria hopped out of bed with a yelp. "How the heck you two got in here. I thought the door was locked." Sonata held up a screwdriver and a bobby pin, grinning like an idiot. "That one game Pinkie Pie had, taught me wonders." She said. "Oh, and I want to remind you. Pinkie texted me and said that it was Teacher's Workday. So great news, School's close!"

Adagio spoke up, "So what are you doing in Silent's bed?" Aria was blushing madly. "I came in here to use her bathroom. She had a nightmare." Sonata smirked. "Unlikely story," she waved her phone. "Although, you two looked awfully cute." She ran out of the room before Aria did anything.

Aria turned to Adagio with a concern look. "Adagio, I think you need to come over here for a look." Adagio did as she told as the purple skinned siren gently grabbed the hold of Silent's arm and slowly rolled up the sleeve. Adagio's magenta eyes went wide with shock as to what she had seen.

Silent stirred and slowly woke up. Her blue eyes gazed up to the two girls hovering her. She froze when she saw what they were looking at. Aria was holding one of her arms with the sleeve pulled up as Adagio looked on with shock. She then pulled her arm from her grasp and quickly pulled her sleeve down.

Adagio sat beside her resting her hand on her shoulder. "Silent, these scars on your arms aren't definitely from a fall. Someone put them there." Aria sat on her other side. "Tell us Silent. Why exactly did you moved here? And is this the cause of your nightmare?". Silent sat still as she starts to shake.

She walked up to the door and close it. She sat back down and grabbed her notebook. She turned it on a fresh, blank page. She shakily picked up her notebook and wrote, "I'm going to tell you the whole truth. Just promise not to tell anyone." Both sirens nodded.

Silent sighed and continued. "My story begins here in Canterlot. I was born here. I grew up in the outskirts of this city. I was born mute and my father didn't take that very well. He started to yell and beat on my mother. " She paused as tears starting to welled up in her eyes.

Aria wrapped her arm around her and said softly, "Please, continue." Silent nodded. "When I turned five he turned his attention to me. He started to do horrible things to me. Even worst than what he did to my mother. I had cuts and bruises all over. The teachers at school thought I played rough at home, so they think nothing of it."

Both of the sirens had a look of anger in their eyes. Silent continued; "I turned 6 when I met Fluttershy. I was being picked on by bullies and she stood up for me. After the bullies left she sat down and we began to talk." Suddenly the tears began to fall down as she wrote; "Then one weekend after my father left to gamble with his friends, I walked up to my parents' room to find my mother dead. I shook her over and over, but she just wouldn't wake up." She closed her notebook and buried her face in her hands.

Aria and Adagio wrapped the crying girl in their arms and hold her tightly. Sonata open the door with a plate of toaster strudels. "Breakfast!" She paused as she watched the scene in front of her. She set the plate on the nightstand and hopped on the bed beside them. "What's going on?" She asked, eyes on the crying girl with concern. "Why is Silent crying?" Adagio handed her the notebook.

Sonata read it as the others continued to comfort Silent. Sonata finished as she felt her heart ripped in half. She slowly slid over towards her, wrapped her arms around Silent and buried her face into her shoulder. "I'm so sorry Silent." She wept.

Aria was brushing her hair soothingly, as Adagio rest her head on Silent's own. They eventually broke away from the hug as Sonata wiped the tears from her eyes. Aria handed Silent her notebook back. "Why don't you finished, we'll eat after." Silent nodded her head as she continued.

"After the funeral, my father and I moved to Los Pegasus, so he can gambled more. I eventually lost contact with Fluttershy. I always came home from school so hungry. My father always comes home very late and the only time he needs me is to be his ashtray. He always come home drunk. Sometimes he drinks at home. When I turn thirteen, I became his personal slave. He told me even if I can't talk, I can at least be useful for something else. He made me cook and clean. If I did something wrong, I get hit. Sometimes he hit me because he felt like it. I never even have my birthday celebrated."

"The only time I had time to go outside was at night. I always steal a little cash from him and sneak out my bedroom window. I use the money for everything, to buy food, more notebooks, and even a phone. That's how I contacted Fluttershy. She's been trying to help me escape forever. Then one day, he got even worst and smashed a beer bottle against my head. I ran to my room, locked it and told Fluttershy. She called the bus and help me escaped. If it wasn't for her and her family, I would've never escaped. I considered them my only family now."

She closed the notebook and grabbed a toaster strudel. She felt a hand on her own. "It's a good thing you did escaped." She look up at Aria who gave her a sincere smile. "That's right." Adagio agreed. "Then we wouldn't have met the most wonderful person." Sonata chimed in, "Yeah! If we didn't met you, we would've been living on the streets by now."

Aria tuck a hair behind her hair. "Just don't worry about what your father had said to you. It doesn't matter if you can talk or not, your still beautiful and smart. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise." They all gave her a group hug. Silent stayed still in their embrace, her eyes close for a moment.

They then broke apart and ate their breakfast still cuddled up with one another.