• Published 11th Nov 2019
  • 1,010 Views, 7 Comments

Shedding Her Shell - Flashgen

With Queen Novo's passing, Skystar is prepared to take the throne. However, she's worried that she can never rule while she's herself.

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Shedding Her Shell

"... and the coronation will be set for the end of the month, Princess."

Skystar looked up from the seashell necklace she was making. As she looked around the spacious council room at her mo—her advisors, she saw Coral Atoll standing next to his seat and watching her expectantly. General Seaspray was still busy looking at notes and documents, but the others, Haven Bay and Floral Cove, were looking at her as well, waiting. You promised you'd pay more attention, she admonished herself.

Clearing her throat with a curt cough, Skystar tried to put the awkward moment behind her. "Good, good. Do we know how many will be attending?" She continued to fiddle with the necklace in her talons, the faint clink of beads on seashells like an erratic metronome.

Coral smiled softly and continued, "Yes. We have received notice from several foreign dignitaries, and they will arrive in the days leading up to the coronation. We’ve made arrangements in the palace to accommodate their stay. Princess Twilight Sparkle, Dragon Lord Ember, Prince Rutherford and Thorax will all be in attendance. The former princesses Luna and Celestia will also attend, though Celestia apologizes if their arrival is late, as they are currently two continents away."

Mention of foreign leaders brought back memories of letters, and the funeral. Skystar took a slow breath to calm herself, and then glanced to the side for reassurances from Shelly and Sheldon. Shelly clicked as she shifted a bit to the right. Skystar giggled; they were always helpful. She finished the necklace and set it down on the pile of three that she’d already made that meeting before starting on another.

Coral Atoll pulled out a few pieces of parchment and scanned them for numbers. "In addition to citizens, we believe there will be a number of foreign creatures besides dignitaries in attendance as well. While Mount Aris may not be able to house them all, nearby towns on the mainland should assure that every creature can stay comfortably. Updated estimates are at over seven hundred foreign creatures, along with nearly two thousand hippogriffs."

"It's good that we got these estimates so soon," Haven Bay said, her voice filled with worry. "Any later and the venue change wouldn't have been possible."

Skystar nodded, and looked to Coral. "Are the preparations here going well?" she asked, chipper.

"The banquet is being finalized based on the updated guest list so that all creatures’ diets are accounted for. The cove near the shore is being sequestered to allow for additional space for citizens to attend from Seaquestria. The venue itself is still undergoing construction, but more help has been secured. There are a few hiccups in the schedule due to the change of venue, but I'll be sure they're ironed out." Coral Atoll held a talon across his chest and bowed. “You need not worry, Princess.”

General Seaspary let out a sigh as he tapped a talon against the table. Skystar did her best to keep a smile as she fidgeted in her seat. "I'll try not to. Thank you, Coral. Is there anything else to discuss?" With the question hanging, she looked back down at the necklace, and slid a seashell onto the string. It came to rest against a bead with a satisfying clink.

As Coral sat, Seaspray stood up. "We'll ensure that security is increased with the use of the cove, Your Highness. I believe four ships will suffice to create an effective barrier leading to the ocean. I’ve informed the crews of the Talon, Maelstrom, Plume and Fledge of the detail. Their captains will serve dutifully." His aquamarine eyes looked at her, half-lidded as he kept his head high and his body rigid. The look made her worry that some verbal reprimand would follow soon, but nothing came.

"Thank you, General," Skystar final managed, and he relaxed and took his seat. The moments that followed were silent, and so Skystar tied her necklace off and set it down on the table. "You're dismissed, oh, but don’t go yet." As the four advisors waited, Skystar sifted through the pile of seashell necklaces. She handed one to each of them. Haven Bay, Coral Atoll and Floral Cove all took them with gracious thanks and smiles.

Coral’s matched the colors of his coat and mane: pink, red and blue shells flanked in green and orange beads to make them pop. Haven Bay’s and Floral Cove’s were both simpler, with purple shells that matched the flowers they often wore in their manes, and simple gray beads about them. General Seaspary’s was last, with spiral shells that had faint yellow colors. He simply held out his talon to take it without a word, but he did grunt in recognition of the gift.

Finally, everyone stood up, bowed, and walked out of the room, leaving Skystar alone with her friends. Still, even with Shelly and Sheldon by her side, the room, much like the palace, felt empty. It was a sensation Skystar was familiar with in the winding halls and spacious rooms of the palace when her mother was absent. Now that she was away all of the time…

Skystar cut the train of thought off with a set of slow breaths, in and out. After the third set, she clenched her beak shut and looked down at the last necklace. A myriad of colored beads sat between the three shells she'd found earlier that morning. From left to right they matched the colors of the sunrise, from the gloom of early morning twilight to the radiance of the dawn. It looked nice.

"Do you think I did a good job today?" Skystar asked aloud. The only response she got, aside from the sea breeze wafting in through an open window, was Sheldon's left eye wobbling back and forth and Shelly letting out a gentle clack as she shifted to the right. "I mean, I'm trying, right? I wasn't paying complete attention, but… I remembered some!"

She put the necklace on and gave her two shell friends a smile. "I know Haven Bay was talking about one of the new towns being built. It was Atoll… something. And Seaspray talked about ships like always." The smile she had faded before she let out a sigh, rubbing her shoulder with a talon. "I still paid attention to all the coronation stuff, at least. It's really important too."

She sat down and looked around the room. As the sea breeze filled the air with the scent of salt, the sunlight poured in with it, bathing the room and the council's table in the midday sun. Shells and accents that adorned the walls around the room became even more dazzling in the light, but Skystar was drawn to the wall opposite the windows. The shells and jewels on it formed a frame about a map of Mount Aris and the surrounding islands and coastlines that made up the Hippogriff Kingdom. It had changed much since the hippogriffs returned from Seaquestria, but looking at it now made what was coming all the more daunting.

"It'll all be yours soon, my little star."

"It's mine, n— soon. It will be mine, I mean. And all the hippogriffs will be my subjects, as weird as it feels to call them that." She picked Shelly and Sheldon up from the table in her talons. Rather than go through the halls, she walked to the open window and took flight, soaring out into the air and up towards the balcony of her quarters.

As she did, she got a good look at the ocean surrounding Mount Aris, and then at the capital, Hippogriffia, below. She circled one of the spires of the palace built into the mountain's towering peak, glancing back down each time the city came into view. She could see the faint shapes of creatures in the streets and skies below, going about their days or helping with preparations for the coronation and the festivities that would follow.

Towards the south, next to a massive cove, was the site of a new building, which would serve as the banquet hall for after the coronation as well as a stage for the event itself. The waters of the cove were filled with seaponies, working to fence off the water.

The wind around Skystar was gentle, and quiet, so she had a chance to talk to her friends without shouting. "I just want to do a good job. I want to make Mom proud. I wan—I need to be a good leader." Skystar looked to Shelly and Sheldon as she reached the balcony of her quarters, just a few levels below the peak of the tower. Setting down gently by the doorway, she paused.

"I just, you know, can't be..." the line of thought drifted off, and the shell friends clicked gently in her talons as she held them tighter. "The hippogriffs need a strong leader, like Mom. Someone who's mature and… stuff." She shifted both of them into one talon and opened the door before flying inside.

Her quarters were decorated with a number of projects she'd completed, before, during and after the Storm King's invasion. Every manner of knick knack, decoration, furniture and wall was either made by her or covered with her creations, made of shells, jewels and anything else that looked “interesting” to her. She walked over to a dresser, the mirror surrounded by colorful shells, and admired the necklace in her reflection. Then, pulling it off, she tossed it into an open jewelry box with a few others.

"And I know, Shelly," she said in response to what may have been an errant click of the shells. "I said I'd work on it, but… the coronation is just so close now. I can't have them put it off again." She finally sat the two down on a nearby desk, beside a picture frame made of shells. Inside was a portrait of her and her mother.

She took a deep breath, eyes focused on the late Queen Novo's regal smile, reserved and calm, before comparing it to the exuberant, child-like glee on her own face inches away. "I can't be…" She clenched her beak a few times, before final squaring her jaw and shutting her eyes to try and force the words out. "I can't be a child anymore. I can't be… I can't be me."

When she opened her eyes, she turned them away quickly from the blurry form of her mother to look at Shelly and Sheldon. "It's time for drastic measures, Sheldon. I know I can do this. I can… grow up." She held a talon close to her chest, resolute in her vow.

What she had to do was clear, as it always had been in Skystar's mind after news of her mother's condition came to light, but she had always struggled with the how. She'd done everything she could to observe how her mother ruled in those final few months, sitting in on meetings and court and important functions, even if she'd found it difficult to keep focused. She’d enjoyed those last months, even if she couldn’t spend every waking hour with her mother.

In passing, she’d asked her advisors and the servants what they thought were Queen Novo's strengths, but the answers she'd gotten were always different. It really made picking one thing to focus on a lot harder. Still, one small thing could make a difference; she'd learned that long ago, and so she made a list.

The first piece of advice was from Coral Atoll: "Your mother always knew how to carry herself. A regal presence and demeanor, even when she said very little, made her point in matters quite clear."

Skystar scratched her chin as she looked in the mirror, the early dawn light starting to seep into her room from the windows. "How do you think I can manage that, Shelly?" The shell clicked as it rubbed against Sheldon. "Yeah, Mom did always carry herself a certain way. I can try and do that and just… think before I speak. Yeah, I know I already do that. I'm not that impulsive."

Watching herself in the mirror, Skystar stood and did her best to imitate her mother’s posture. Head held high, back and neck straight, she began to prance about before the mirror. Even without her mother’s jewelry and being much shorter, Skystar could still compare herself to Novo. “Perfect. That’s not so hard to do.”

With a few hours left before the daily council meeting, Skystar decided to leave her room. To focus on her posture, she put Shelly and Sheldon in a saddlebag. Then, holding her new, regal form, she made her way out of her room. She greeted servants that passed with a reserved smile, a wave and a curt hello. By the time she was halfway to the kitchens for breakfast, every muscle she had was aching.

“Now I know why Mother always had those spa treatments,” she mumbled to herself as she entered the dining room. Despite her aches, she soldiered on, keeping her stance as she ate. By the time she was finished, she decided to head straight for the salon and baths, hopeful for relief. While she passed plenty of activity in the halls, she was surprised when she opened the door and found half a dozen hippogriffs flying every which way, being ordered by a slender navy blue hippogriff.

"And ensure the garments are properly washed, we don't wan—" She turned and stopped when she caught sight of Skystar. "Ah, Your Highness. I was not expecting you so soon.” She waved the hippogriff she had been ordering away and bowed. “I am Misty Marches. Coral said you wouldn't be down for a fitting until this evening."

Skystar paused, worried at first that she'd interrupted something important, and then was simply lost for words. You need to try and be more like Coral said: regal. Consider what you say, even if it's very little… Wait, what did she say about a fitting?

The silence hung for a few more moments, until Skystar noticed her stance had relaxed. She straightened up again, the pain returning, and ended up rubbing the back of her neck with a talon. "Ah! Yes…"

Misty blinked a few times, but then smiled and clapped her talons together as she lifted off into the air. "Well, no time like the present then. I heard that the ceremony is moving closer to the water, and we have some lovely fabrics to compliment you and the scenery. Oh, and don’t worry about that salty sea breeze. I brought only the highest quality of my stock, I assure you." Misty, as she was speaking, moved behind Skystar and began to gently guide her deeper into the salon, towards a few changing screens.

Skystar began to walk forward to avoid simply being shoved along, though her regal posture was lost in the effort. I know absolutely nothing about this. She probably knows what's best, right? "Yes…" Skystar said, a bit more meekly, before Misty final stopped.

With a snap of her talons, two more hippogriffs flew over, each with a measuring tape in hand. Misty removed the bag with Shelly and Sheldon, tossing it aside as her assistants began to measure Skystar's legs, chest, torso and neck. All the while, Misty was jotting things down. "Oh, and the dress will flow wonderfully if you do decide to change in the water."

Skystar struggled to breathe for a few moments as both her lungs and throat were restricted by tape, but the sensation passed quickly. Still, she took a deep breath in case of future issues. "Good?" I was thinking about a swim after the banquet. Maybe an after party down in Seaquestria. I wonder if Coral has one of those planned for the other creature visiting… I hope this isn't going to take much longer, though.

Skystar continued to nod along, agreeing with Misty's statements on fabrics, styles and fittings as she was measured, dressed, undressed, remeasured and then dressed again. By the time it was finally over, Skystar's gown for the coronation was finalized. Skystar really did think it was breathtaking, but she was aching even more than when she arrived. That spa treatment was going to be such a relief.

Sadly, that was the moment that Coral Atoll stuck his head into the salon. "Ah, Princess, I had been looking for you. Our meetings are just about to start."

With a groan, Skystar followed along, picking up Shelly and Sheldon on the way to the door. She made a compromise, relaxing her stance when there weren’t any eyes on her. Of course, that made straightening up again quickly even more painful. Just keep it up, Skystar. You can do it...

It was harder than normal to follow the meeting. Skystar was aching and tired, but without her usual supply of shells and beads to busy herself with a project, she did her best to focus on what was being discussed. Haven Bay was in the process of discussing the new township, Atoll Aviary, being founded to the north.

"... and the wood for construction has been sourced, but transportation fees will still need to be levied for Equestria to complete delivery in the coming days While it might lead to a momentary deficit alongside the upcoming festivities, I believe we'll see more than enough returns following the coronation." She turned to Skystar, making a light bow. "Your Highness, I'd recommend we expedite construction of the settlement as soon as work is done here in the capital."

Coral slammed his talon against the table. "I must disagree. We've been working those crews ragged for weeks with the change in venue. The least we owe them is a break and a chance to enjoy the festivities. This is an event that won't be seen for a generation." Floral Cove nodded in agreement.

Haven Bay scoffed, waving a talon at the map on the wall, where the planned site for the town had been marked. "This settlement is going to be home to dozens of families. We cannot leave them without proper shelter for so long, especially with the monsoon season approaching."

Skystar looked back and forth between the two, looking to her for an answer, though she also saw General Seaspray glancing in her direction as well. Coral's advice echoed in her head, though it was quickly drowned out by the frenzied rambling of her thoughts. Okay, this is super important. Have to think, can't act quickly. Both sides are important. Short answer. Okay, really, just say something!

She once again looked at Shelly and Sheldon, resting on the table in front of her. Slowly, she leaned down, muttering to them for help, though all she heard was Seaspray's heavy sigh. Skystar cleared her throat, pulling the two shells into her lap as she straightened her back again. "How… long until it needs to be decided?"

Coral spoke first, "Construction on the coronation hall won't be completed for four days."

"And the supplies won't arrive for two," Haven added, sitting back down.

"I'll… consider it, then," Skystar said, fiddling with her friends in her lap.

The rest of the meeting continued with little incident, though Skystar fidgeted under every glance and look, especially when the advisors stood to leave the room. Coral and Seaspray, however, lingered behind.

While Coral approached Skystar, General Seaspray sat in his seat, holding out a talon in silence. The Princess glanced between the two of them, and then finally spoke up. “Yes, Seaspray?”

He blinked, and finally turned to look at Skystar, then his open talon. He pulled the talon towards his beak and coughed. “N-nothing, Your Highness. Have a pleasant evening.” He lifted out of his seat and left the room, leaving Skystar with her friends and Coral.

"Your Highness," he said, bowing deeply with talon held to breast. "I apologize for my outburst, and putting you on the spot for a decision."

Skystar was quiet, but gave him a nod.

"I know the coronation and its preparations will be taxing for you. Even afterwards, things may still be daunting. I just want you to know that you can rely on us to help, even if we do bicker over some issues."

Skystar nodded again. Because I can't handle it myself, she thought.

"Very well. I hope that your fitting with Misty Marches went swimmingly. The gown certainly looked marvelous when I walked in. Have a pleasant evening, Your Highness." Coral finished with another bow and then left Skystar alone.

She finally relaxed into a heap in her seat, groaning as pain radiated from every muscle. After a few minutes in silence, she lifted up Shelly and Sheldon. "Maybe this royal poise and presence thing can wait, at least until it’s quiet enough to get a spa day to myself…” She decided to walk up to her quarters, rather than fly, but didn’t take the effort to emulate her mother on the way.

“Do you think the rest went well? I mean, the whole being quiet and thoughtful thing.” There were a few clacks back as she turned a corner. “Yeah, I know I should have said something down there, but… It’s in the past now. I can’t just let anyone talk over me in the future is all. Not that she was talking over me, I just need to speak up, I mean!” As Skystar pushed open the door to her quarters, she winced in pain.

“Ow, and maybe I should sleep in a bit tomorrow, if I can even move in the morning.”

The next afternoon, Skystar went back to her list, and looked at the next piece of advice, which had been a simple and curt response from General Seaspray as he was heading to the docks one evening: "Queen Novo makes sure her will is done, as it should be. We aid her, but her word is final."

Skystar puffed her cheeks out as she kept her beak shut, before letting out a sigh. Seaspray's demeanor around her in meetings had always worried Skystar; he seemed more dismissive of her than anyone else. Maybe he was just waiting for her to take charge, like he said.

"Okay… be the boss. Be the leader, right, Sheldon?" He clicked, and Shelly gave a follow-up clack as Skystar held the two up. "Hey, you're the one who agreed when I said I should help Twilight and her friends, and that worked out fine. Not all my ideas are bad. Yes, yes, I know the shell wastebaskets didn't look great, but I was running out of things to decorate the room with then."

Skystar walked to the balcony and looked out over the capital. Construction of the coronation hall had gone quickly, now taking shape as a three-story building that mimicked the design of the royal palace at a glance. The cove it faced was properly fenced off a few miles from the shore, with four ships stationed around it.

"Maybe I can make sure all the work is going well, right? A talons-on approach to being a leader. Coral and everyone else have their workloads full enough, so it’ll be like taking some of it for them." Shelly and Sheldon gave gentle clicks as they rocked back and forth amidst the breeze. "Yes, I remember what the plans were. Coral asked for my approval on them. Was that the day I was making bracelets or…?"

Scratching at her beak, Skystar lost her train of thought for a few moments, but soon shook her head. "I'll just go ask for them… uhh, demand them. Yeah." She lifted off and headed for the lower levels of the palace. As she glided past windows and smaller balconies, she glanced inside to try and spot the familiar colors of Coral's coat and mane. She didn’t see them until she passed the kitchens.

Inside, amidst a dozen chefs working busily, she caught a glimpse of Coral’s pink coat. Skystar found an ajar window on the same floor, ducking inside and making her way to the kitchen. With Shelly and Sheldon in one talon, she pushed the door open with the other, a bit forcefully.

The sudden swinging door surprised a nearby assistant, who dropped a tray full of freshly cut vegetables. It announced Skystar's entrance with a thud and the clang of metal on the tile floor. She froze, muttering an apology before Coral spoke up.

"Your Highness? Is there something I can help you with?" he asked after waving off a chef he had been talking with. As he made his way closer to Skystar, he leaned down to the assistant, whispering something. They nodded and scooped up the spilled vegetables before flying to a nearby trash bin.

Be authoritative. No maybes, just speak your mind. Try and look like Seaspray too… maybe, no, yes-be. I haven't said anything. Skystar cleared her throat, straightened her back and neck, and felt that familiar and odd twinge of pain from when she'd copied her mother's pose. "I wanted to see how construction of the coronation hall is going, to ensure things are… proceeding correctly. I need the blueprints." Her voice was flatter and quicker, despite lacking her usual exuberance.

Coral blinked a few times before looking through the documents he had on him. "O-of course, Princess. I think I have a copy here somewhere. Ah,"—he pulled a stack of prints to the top, and then held them out—"here they are."

Skystar took them quickly, still keeping a tight hold of her friends in the other talon. "Very good… Carry on, then." She turned and made her way out of the kitchen as fast as she could. Her cheeks burned until she left the palace.

"It was an accident, Sheldon! Coral understands. He also knew to give me what I asked for, okay? He knows... stuff. Okay, it was bad! Is that what you want to hear?"

Skystar's ramblings rained down on the streets of the capital as she made her way to the construction site. She noticed a few hippogriffs glancing her way, either from the ground or in the air, but did her best to ignore them. At least the crowds started to thin the closer she got.

"We'll just put it behind us, lesson learned. That's part of growing up too." She landed in front of the incomplete building. From closer, it was certainly more impressive than up in the palace. Away from the cove, where she stood, it had a large arched doorway with two smaller doorways flanking it on the ground and a trio above it. The design, Coral said, allowed for many different creatures to enter at once. Walking inside, the arches opened up into a massive two-story atrium. Several coral and crystal chandeliers hung from the ceilings, casting the room in a dazzling glow that reflected off of tiled floors and shell-decorated walls.

On the opposite end of the atrium were a series of hallways that led deeper, once again of varying sizes. Skystar entered a smaller one, its length lit by fluorescent coral that cast it in an eerily warm glow. There was no sign of anyone still working on this part of the building, but she could hear the faint sound of work and tools coming from deeper inside. Finally, the hallway opened up into a gargantuan banquet hall.

The ceiling was lower than the atrium at this end, but the room was much larger, and the roof angled upwards in the direction of the shore. Hundreds of tables and chairs were either sitting at the edges of the room, or were already laid out on the floor. Doorways covered the outer walls, leading out to the shoreline, and at the top of the room was a balcony, which Skystar could see was facing the water. A few workers were still placing windows, decorations and the like on the walls above.

She was pulled out of her amazement when a tall, burly-looking hippogriff swooped down and landed in front of her. His coat was a dark grey, but his mane was fiery red, peeking out underneath a hard hat and coming down over protective goggles. From the sound of his voice, the coat suited him; it was gravely and rough. "Miss, you can’t be in h—Oh, Your Highness.” He pulled the goggles up and then bowed. “My apologies, I didn’t expect to see you until we’d finished our work. Name’s Birch Flotsam.”

He held out a talon, which Skystar was quick to take and shake, though it required some angling of her other forearm to keep the blueprints close to herself. Shelly and Sheldon stayed clutched in her other talon. “A pleasure to meet you, Birch,” she said in that flatter tone. “I wanted to ensure that things were going to plan.”

“Oh? Well, I’d be happy to show you around, though…” He reached into a bag at his side, pulling out an extra hard hat and a pair of goggles. “Need you wearing these. Don’t want an accident, even if most of the dangerous work’s already done.”

Skystar put them on and followed Birch. He showed her where there was construction still on-going, mostly on the exterior and the interior decorations of the banquet hall and balcony. There were still uncovered portions on the outside being filled in, but all in all, she was happy to see that construction was going well. Not only did she get to look responsible, but it meant there wasn’t really all that much for Coral to worry about either. She was content, and happy that she could report something nice to him. Then, she took the time to look over some of the prints.

Everything in the building looked accurate to how it was on the prints, but there was a small disconnect: one of her suggestions wasn't on it. She'd made a number of them when Coral and her other advisors discussed moving the coronation from the palace to accommodate more guests. A few of them had been, truly, silly. She giggled for a moment at the thought of the pool that tunneled down under the island to Seaquestria.

However, one rang sensible in her memory. Even Shelly and Sheldon had agreed with her. "Where's the reef?" she asked, looking over at Birch, who was in the process of giving two of his workers some strongly worded feedback about nearly dropping a window pane.

"Huh? What was that, Princess?" he asked as he looked over his shoulder at her.

"The reef. I wanted to have—" Be authoritative. Mother didn't talk about wants. She gave orders. "I asked for a reef, one from Seaquestria, to be placed here in the banquet hall. Where is it?"

Birch rubbed his chin for a moment before scanning over the plans laid out before Skystar. "I'm sorry, Your Highness. We didn't see anything about a reef in the plans."

Coral said it would be here. It was mom's favorite. We… Skystar took a slow breath and clenched her jaw, looking to her shell friends as her vision got blurry. A few blinks, however, and it was clear. She stood up and turned towards the exterior portion of the balcony. "I demand it be brought here, at once."

As Skystar made her way back to the palace with her friends and the corrected plans, she did her best to stay calm. After all, she'd fixed the issue: she described the reef to Birch, circled a map to show him where it was, and spouted off something about a "royal decree" in response to his objections. Still, she heard him grumbling as she flew away, and saw the stares from other workers.

"Coral promised," Skystar muttered to herself, over and over, even when she entered the palace and made her way from room to room, searching for him. Along the way, she ignored the greetings and confused looks she got from the palace staff. She didn't find Coral until she reached the council room, where General Seaspray was in the middle of giving a report.

"... thirty-five on the Talon and forty-five on th—Ah, Princess Skystar." He stopped and bowed, the other advisors standing from their seats and doing the same.

"I was worried you wouldn't make it in time," Coral said, lifting up a few papers and a quill. "Not to worry, I’ve taken detailed notes"

Skystar stood there for a moment, head held high. Then, despite the faint ache in her neck, she held the pose as she walked over to her seat at the end of the table. Putting Shelly and Sheldon down, she took her seat and then two slow breaths to prepare herself.

"I've made sure that my requests are followed to the letter, as they should be," she stated simply, looking at Coral. He looked confused, as did Haven Bay and Floral Cove.

Coral cleared his throat. "Apologies, but what do you mean, Princess?" he asked.

Skystar put the plans out on the table, but only pushed one sheet over to him. It was a diagram of the banquet hall floor plan, with a few crude drawings made on it. A number of tables in the center of the room had been drawn over with a circle and the words "Novo's Reef."

Coral's beak hung open, moving silently as he tried to search for words. "I… Princess, I had to consider the cost and time, and th-the number of guests!"

"It's been dealt with," Skystar said, her tone regaining a bit of its natural energy. "Please don't make promises that cannot be kept, Coral."

Silently, Coral bowed and took his seat before the meeting continued. Seaspray smiled throughout the rest of it. No one stayed to talk with Skystar when it was done, but she was fine with it.

As she made her way back to her room, she reflected on her actions aloud to her friends. They said nothing back.

"I did what was necessary. I… what if it weren't my advisors? What if the ponies or griffons or yaks went back on a promise? They'd… I'd be weak if I just tried to remind them. Wouldn’t I? I did the right thing. I did the strong thing, the mature thing!"

When she landed and shut the door to the balcony, she simply tossed Shelly and Sheldon toward her bed. They bounced on the mattress, and Skystar turned just in time to see them falling to the hard floor below. With a gasp, she dashed through the air, barely catching them inches from the ground.

She held them close, rocking back and forth. "I'm sorry. I…" Her vision was growing blurry, but it didn't matter when she shut her eyes tight. "I almost hurt you both. I’m sorry. I’m sorry."

They clacked gently in her grip from the rocking motion. Skystar slept on the floor with them.

The next day, Skystar didn't feel like leaving her room. Instead, she kept the windows and doors shut tight, busying herself with making necklaces and bracelets while talking to her friends and herself.

"Coral knew how important it was. Part of me thought it was maybe a surprise, but he really didn't plan to do it at all, did he? Why didn't he just say no?" Skystar slid a few black beads onto the thread of the necklace, and then dug around in her box of shells for a smaller one. "I would have been fine if… No, I wouldn't have. I would have been upset." She looked down at a small blue shell in her talon. “I probably would have thrown a tantrum. I practically did yesterday.”

She dropped the necklace, beads rattling against the wood when they came free. She tried to breathe slowly, but the breaths came sharply and quickly. "I'm still acting like a child. No wonder they all try to handle things without me."

There was a soft knock at the door, and Skystar turned to face it. She didn’t speak up. It was followed by a louder knock and then, after a few moments, Coral's voice. "Princess Skystar? None of the servants have seen you downstairs today. I just wanted to check to make sure you're alright."

Skystar glanced at her friends on the desk, eyes wobbling gently despite their bodies being stationary. Her throat felt dry, and she stayed quiet.

"If you are there, I'd also like to apologize. May I come in, please?"

Skystar opened her beak, but no sound came out. She held a talon tightly against her chest.

"I'll inform the other advisors of your absence today. Rest easy, Your Highness." She heard Coral start to walk away, and then Skystar was left alone again.

She let out a breath, shaky and shallow, before turning back to the necklace. Slowly, she put the beads and shells that had come free back on. "It's not who I am, is it?" she said after a few more moments. "I can't be bossy like that. Not to them. Even if that was the first time Seaspray smiled in a year…" She let out a short giggle, and then wiped the corners of her eyes.

"Maybe just a little now and then, instead. Or if times are dire." Shelly gave a click, followed shortly by Sheldon. "Yeah, like that argument between Haven Bay and Coral. There's still time to fix that though. Maybe I should ask them to decide for me. They seem to know the consequences."

She slid a midnight blue shell onto the necklace, flanked by darr purple beads, and then started searching for a purple shell, preferably one with a spiral shape. She thought about a whirlpool she couldn't get away from, sucking her in. There wasn’t a way out without tossing something overboard.

The next day, Skystar felt refreshed when she woke up. As she got herself ready for the day, she looked at the list of advice. Haven Bay had mentioned things similar to Coral Atoll, and Floral Cove didn't really have much to add either. Already a few days in and she was running out of maturity advice. Not that she’d fully taken any of it to heart yet.

"Half a heart is better than none, right? This is hopeless," she mumbled, slamming her head into the desk. As she turned to look at the window, she thought back to the previous few days. With the reactions to her new behaviour not an immediate thought, she searched for anything else that she could improve on.

Of course, she'd already thought of what she needed to do. Ever since it started, she'd known, somehow, where it would lead. She straightened up in her seat and closed her eyes.

"I can't invite you to the coronation," Skystar said, her back turned to her friends. "It wouldn't be proper." She twiddled her talons against one another, her wings lifting her out of her seat "It's not that I don't want you there, because I do, but…" It was difficult to find the words.

Suddenly, she turned around, facing the two seashells resting on her bed. They looked back at her in silence and trepidation.

"I have to change." The words stung her, likely more than it did her friends. "In front of all those creatures, my subjects—I still can't get used to calling them that—I have to be… presentable. Mature, regal, dignified… like Mom was. That’s not just about how you look and talk, it’s who you are."

Shelly clicked lightly as her top shell fell to the side.

"I don't mean it like that. I just… what would they all say—" What had they always said? "—if they saw me give two front row seats to you, or that you sat with me at the banquet? They'd think we're all weak or foolish or worse! You know what I mean, right?"

Sheldon was surprisingly quiet, but his stare said more than Shelly's clicking could.

"I'd have to keep you away from court too, and meetings, walking around the palace and… maybe it's best if we just…” The words became difficult to get out, a knot forming in her chest "Not. See. Each other. Anymore!" She blurted the last word out and turned away. She held her talons over her ears and eyes as she dropped to the floor. Her wings formed an aegis against the impending doom that would follow, but nothing came.

Slowly, Skystar lowered her guard and looked behind her. Shelly and Sheldon were unmoved, still staring blankly ahead. One of Shelly's eyes wobbled and fell. Skystar let out a breath she had been holding and walked towards them. With a nervous laugh, she picked them up. "I… thank you, for all these years. For everything. I couldn't have asked for better friends."

Skystar started to walk towards a chest in the corner of her room, but she stopped when she heard a tap at the window. Her ears perked up and she turned around. There was nothing outside the window, and for a moment she thought it had been the wind or a stray pebble. Then, the balcony doorway was blown open in an explosion of confetti.

Skystar screamed. Shelly and Sheldon flew out of her grip. The veritable cloud of confetti obscured her vision, but began to clear. A pink shape stood in the doorway. Shelly landed on a desk, and Sheldon on the bed. Skystar gasped in recognition, even if the confetti had actually given them away. "Pinkie!"

She soared through the air, arms outstretched, and grabbed the pink party mare into a hug. “Whoa!” shouted Pinkie as the two tumbled and rolled for a few inches. After a few seconds of giggles, they separated and stood up.

Skystar looked past Pinkie to the balcony. “Wait… how did you get up here?”

“Party planner trade secret,” Pinkie said, before reaching into her mane and tossing a cupcake towards the balcony. A stark white hippogriff soared down, picked it up, and then took off with a wave. “I hope you don’t mind me dropping in like this. I just couldn’t wait to see you, especially not until the big fancy coronation party!”

Skystar smiled and laughed. “Not at all. I always have time for a friend.” She started to look back towards the desk and bed where her shell friends had landed, but stopped herself. “I didn’t know that you were going to be coming. I heard about Twilight’s reply, but—“

“But what? You thought I’d miss a super duper big day for one of my friends? I mean, Twilight asked all of the girls to come, but even if she was a no show, I wouldn’t miss it for all the cupcakes in Equestria.” Pinkie slid up beside Skystar and wrapped a foreleg around her neck. The grip was soft, and Pinkie’s hair deflated for a moment. “I ummm, I’m sorry about your mom.”

Skystar’s smile faded, and she took a deep breath. “Thank you, Pinkie. I… I still miss her.” She put one of her arms around Pinkie, and the two hugged gently. A brief silence followed after they let each other go. “Where are you staying?”

“Oh, just a hotel with the other girls. Twilight didn’t want to ask for a whole bunch of guest rooms in the palace. Oh, I almost forgot!” Pinkie zipped past Skystar to the bed. “Hi, Shell—Oh, Sheldon“—she turned towards the desk—“and Shelly!”

Skystar’s cheeks flushed, but she moved up behind Pinkie quickly. “They’re glad to see you too. Why don’t I give you a tour of the palace, Pinkie? There aren’t any new additions, but…” She fiddled with her necklace for a moment.

“Oh, sure!” Pinkie said, bounding towards the door.

“I just need to do something real quick. I’ll meet you outside,” Skystar added, and she was alone. She quickly gathered up Shelly and Sheldon, and walked over to a chest in the corner. Without another goodbye, she put them away and closed it tight.

The two spent the day around the palace, and Skystar felt a weight lifted off of her shoulders. She showed Pinkie around, talked about recent events—like Silverstream becoming a teacher at Twilight’s school and some minor political squabble Pinkie solved with a party—and even stopped down in the kitchens to sample some of the cuisine made for the coronation banquet. That last detour took a bit longer after Pinkie had several words on the quality of sweets being made.

As the afternoon approached, they were headed out of the salons when Skystar saw Coral come around a nearby corner. For a moment, Skystar froze, remembering that she had never given Coral the chance to apologize. She took a breath, swallowing a lump in her throat before she began to move forward. It was then that she noticed Pinkie already bounding ahead.

“Hiya, Coral!” she said, voice sugary sweet.

Coral looked up from a clipboard and smiled softly. “Ah, Miss Pie. Good to see that you’ve arrived safe and sound. Will Princess Twilight be here soon then?”

“Nah,” Pinkie began, waving her hoof, “she had some last minute things to take care of. She’ll be here next week.”

“I’m sorry to hear that, but we’ll keep her quarters prepared in case it clears up.” Coral glanced to Skystar and nodded. “Good to see you out and about, Princess. Feeling better?”

Pinkie raised an eyebrow, and both ears, and her mane.

Skystar blushed, but kept the impulse to fidget under control. “Oh, yes. I’m… I’m sorry for my tone, the other day.”

Coral shook his head. “I understand how you felt. I shouldn’t have done what I did without consulting you. That said… Please do refrain from ‘royal decrees’ so suddenly. That was quite the conversation I had with Birch yesterday.” Despite how Skystar felt, Coral laughed. “Not to worry. The reef will be there. However, it will take the crews an extra day. Have you thought about my request related to Atoll Aviary?”

Skystar glanced at Pinkie, who was still looking at her with a mix of curiosity and worry. “Uhhh, a little. I’d like a bit more of a say from you and Haven Bay during our meeting today, if possible?”

“Certainly. I’ll see you there, Princess. Have a pleasant stay, Miss Pie.” Coral bowed and continued on his way.

Pinkie managed to wait until he was out of earshot. “You weren’t feeling well?”

Skystar rubbed the back of her neck, trying to phrase what had happened in a sensible way, and one that hopefully didn’t lead to talking about it more than necessary. “I… had a disagreement. It’s past though, and Coral understood.”

Pinkie hmmed for several seconds, and then smiled. “Okie dokie! So, did you wanna show me anything else?”

Skystar breathed a sigh of relief. “I’d love to, but I don’t think I have the time, Pinkie. I should get ready for that meeting.”

Pinkie nodded, the two hugged, and they went their separate ways.

Skystar heard Haven Bay and Coral’s proposals that evening, and after a bit of consideration, she agreed that the workers deserved a chance to enjoy the festivities. She asked that General Seaspray send a ship to the settlement to watch over them. If the monsoons did pick up, it would at least ensure they had some shelter.

That night, however, she felt more exhausted than when she’d spent all day mimicking her mother’s poise. As she drifted off to an early night’s sleep, she told herself that she’d done a good job. She’d finally taken an entire meeting seriously, after all. She could even put one or two solved issues under her belt.

The days passed, and Skystar always felt worn out at the end of the day. In fact, all the energy around her seemed gone. The servants and her advisors were happy to see her, but there was something missing. She just couldn’t put a talon on what it was. Shelly and Sheldon were locked away, but with them had gone a few other things. She never tried to work on her projects during meetings, or even her spare time. She didn’t make trips out of the palace, instead trying to focus on meetings and important goings ons, especially when the dignitaries started to arrive.

However, whenever Pinkie or one of her friends stopped by, it always brightened up Skystar’s day, even if it was only for an hour. If only she could feel that energy when she had to be serious. Everything has to be serious now, right? she thought.

Soon, the coronation was three days away, the banquet hall was finished, and the final checks were being made.

In the council room, Coral was going over the schedule. Skystar struggled to keep her eyes open. “There are some festivities planned throughout the capital on the day of the coronation. We’ll have the banquet hall prepared by the early afternoon, which gives about three more hours until the ceremony itself begins. By the time the sun has set, it’ll be finished and the banquet will commence.”

Skystar nodded, a talon tapping against the table. Her eyes drifted towards the window. In the distance, she could see storm clouds, far in the distance. “Will the weather be a problem?” she asked, the thought having escaped her beak.

Coral looked towards the window as well. “Oh, certainly not. Princess Twilight Sparkle was kind enough to offer a flight of pegasi to assist in keeping any potential storms at bay.”

“Uh huh,” Skystar mumbled, her talons starting to tap to a beat of some song she remembered. “Anything else?”

“There are the festivities that will follow the week after, but those are still being finalized. One of the providers for the feast on Tuesday won’t be able to meet their quota, but I believe I’ve secured another…”

Skystar lost the flow of conversation at the same time everyone else did, when the door burst open. A cannon was leveled straight towards Skystar. In a moment, she was wide awake, though there was a knot in her chest at the same time. “Pinkie, wai—” was all she got out before the cannon exploded, showering the council table, herself and her advisors in confetti.

A pink blur circled the table before stopping at Skystar’s side. Pinkie had a party hat cover in clamshells atop her head, and she put a matching one on Skystar. Then, a small plate of cupcakes were placed on the table. “Surprise!” Pinkie shouted, pulling out a smaller noisemaker and setting it off. “Sorry, I just had to celebrate our friendiversary together. I know I didn’t get it down to the second, but you would not believe how many places here are out of frosting.”

Skystar was conflicted and worried. She felt happy, joyous really. The meeting, like most since she put her shell friends away, had been difficult to follow, and Pinkie was a breath of fresh air. Still, she had made so much progress. For days she’d kept herself focused in the meetings, working hard and being mature. She was a leader now, it would be official soon, but in her heart she knew she was changing for the better.

She didn’t have the time for this.

“Pinkie, I…” she started, looking down at the tray of cupcakes. She pushed the tray away, and glanced around the room. General Seaspray was trying to get confetti out of his mane. Haven Bay was trying to stifle a giggle. Floral Cove and Coral Atoll were both speechless. I’m not a child anymore. I can’t let all this progress go to waste. I’m different now. Her breathing slowed for a moment as she tried to keep it steady, but that control was quickly lost. Ragged, quick breath escaped her beak.

“I thought it would cheer you up for sure. You’ve seemed really down, lately, and—Oh, don’t worry, there’s enough for everygri—”

“Pinkie!” Skystar shouted, both of her talons slamming on the table, rattling the plate. There was silence, all eyes on her, but she only focused on Pinkie Pie. The mare was quiet, deflated. “This is an important meeting. My coronation is in a few days, and I need to make sure things are going to go off without a hitch! I…” She picked up the plate, her talon shaking. “I don’t need this childish nonsense anymore!”

The plate went flying, spilling cupcakes on the table and breaking the silence as it shattered on the floor. Her chest heaved up and down, and she felt sick. No, she thought to herself, but the damage was done.

Pinkie smiled weakly as she slinked away. “I-I’m sorry, Skystar. I’ll leave you to your business.” She looked around at the others. “Sorry, everyone.” As she made her way to the door, she swept up the shattered bits of the plate with her tail as best she could. The doors closed after she left, tugging the party cannon behind her.

Skystar tried to swallow some unseen lump in her throat, to clear the thing that was choking her. She couldn’t breathe, and her heart attempted to dislodge itself from her chest. Without a word, she bolted from her seat and threw open the closest window, even if there was one already ajar further away. She could barely hear Coral shouting after her as she flew to her quarters.

As soon as she landed, she went inside and locked everything. Her vision started to blur, but as she threw herself at the foot of the bed, she was at least able to breathe. Every single one came out as a wordless sob. How could I say that to her? She just wanted to cheer me up!

Skystar buried her head in one talon as she held the other over her chest. She clenched it to try and calm her heart, to stop it, but nothing would work. I can’t do this. I can’t be this. I can’t…

Through her talons, she opened an eye, catching the faintest glimpse of her mother in the picture frame. “I can’t lead, Mom. Why couldn’t it have been someone else? Auntie Ocean Flow or Coral or Seaspray or Haven or… anyone?!”

She cried for a few minutes, until it was all out. Her heart calmed, her throat ached, and she felt like a mess. She lay there on the floor longer, quietly, not even trying to think about what had happened. Maybe if she hadn’t acted that way, she could talk to Pinkie, but…

Finally, she stood up and walked over to the chest in the corner. Her talon sat on the lid for a few moments longer, but she opened it. Inside, Shelly and Sheldon were resting atop a pile of knick-knacks. They looked up at her, as if they’d been waiting for the moment to come.

She scooped them up and walked back over to her bed. Setting them down near the pillows, she laid in front of them. “I messed up big time. I blew up at Pinkie Pie over her just… being herself. She was trying to help me. You were both helping me too. I shouldn’t have tried to just throw you both away forever. Both of you, the necklaces, the projects, the… everything. It’s who I am.”

Their eyes wobbled, and Shelly clacked gently.

Skystar smiled, tears streaming down her cheeks again. “Yeah… I missed you both too. Can you forgive me?” She lifted them up in her talons, and they gave approving clicks in reply. She held them close in her arms and hugged them tightly. “You’re… are you both still okay with staying up here? It is still a little silly to bring you two to meetings. I mean, you are kind of chatterboxes while everyone is speaking.”

Shelly clicked and clacked.

“Okay, yes, I’ll pay more attention. I have been! I even solved a problem… though I made another one.” She frowned, looking down. “What do I say to Pinkie? Can she ever forgive me? I mean, I apologized to you two, and I locked you in a chest for a week, so...” She giggled and smiled. “How bad can it be?”

She took a deep breath and let it out. She slept with Shelly and Sheldon again, peacefully.

Skystar had an early breakfast the next morning, and then went looking for Pinkie Pie straight away. With Shelly and Sheldon in tow, she flew out into the capital, though by the time she was there she realized that she didn’t know where their hotel was, or that she could have asked Coral about it. Soldiering on, Skystar asked a few citizens if they’d seen ponies staying nearby, and she eventually found the place. A quick conversation with the receptionist at The Roost led her to room 236.

Skystar knocked on the door once, softly. When she heard no reply, she knocked again. “Pinkie Pie,” she said, pressing an ear to the door and listening for anything. After a few moments, she could hear the sound of hoofsteps heading towards the door. It only opened a crack.

“Skystar? I… I’m sorry again for—”

“No, Pinkie. I’m the one who should be sorry. Please, let me come in.”

Pinkie opened the door the rest of the way and Skystar came inside. She only waited for the door to close before continuing. “I shouldn’t have yelled at you like that. I know you only wanted to cheer me up and… and I had been moping.” Skystar stopped to take a deep breath. “I’ve been stressing over the coronation for weeks. I didn’t think I was ready to be a leader or Queen or anything! I thought that I needed to change who I was, so I tried to act more like Mother in a few ways. It was only two, but, I really tried, and then I thought I needed to stop acting childish. So, I put Shelly and Sheldon away, and I started acting like a ruler and it was so exhausting and then I thought you were going to ruin my progress and—“ she breathed out and back in “—I’m sorry.”

Pinkie Pie waited, quietly, as if Skystar might have more to say. Instead, the two stared at one another, and Shelly and Sheldon clacked gently in Skystar’s grip. Skystar thought for a moment that it had been for nothing, but Pinkie giggled and then smiled.

“You’re really going through a lot, Skystar. I understand that. I really shouldn’t have done what I did, though. Your meetings are important. I should have tried to do it when you were free, or talked to you.” She put a hoof on Skystar’s shoulder. “I forgive you, and I hope you can forgive me, too.”

Skystar hugged her with one forearm, the other keeping her shell friends between them. “Of course! I have some free time today, at least for a little bit. And it wouldn’t be a party without Shelly and Sheldon, right?”

The two laughed as the shells clicked in Skystar’s grip.

Skystar felt much better after that day. She was still serious in meetings, and when it came to talking to other leaders as they arrived before the coronation, but outside of that, she remained herself. Talking with Shelly and Sheldon about what happened that day was a joy to look forward to, and she even kept them with her when she went about the palace. Her usual chipper attitude returned, and that energy she’d seen vanish from her servants and advisors returned. Even Seaspray was in better spirits after Skystar starting bringing gifts to her meetings again. He even wore one of the necklaces.

Eventually, Skystar found herself on the balcony of the coronation hall. Looking over the interior, she saw a sea of tables below her, all ready for guests. In the center of the room was a marble pedestal, where the reef that she and her mother visited so often sat. In the center was a crystalline statue of Queen Novo. After the coronation passed, Skystar hoped to turn the building into a monument to her.

Trying not to tear up over the thought, Skystar looked down at the gown she was wearing. The fabric, colored in shades of the sunset, made her seem more vibrant than she felt, and a brooch bearing her mother’s colors rested above her heart. She adjusted it slightly, just as Coral landed next to her.

“Your Highness, it’s time,” he said, and Skystar prepared herself.

A chorus of trumpets sounded, and the roar of the crowd began to fill her ears. As she stepped out onto the balcony, the sun had started to set, bathing the scene in reds and oranges. All along the shore, she could see creatures of various types, applauding and cheering, and out in the bay were hundreds of seaponies. They were her subjects, waiting for her.

Coral flew into the air, holding a pendant on his necklace, his voice amplified for the crowd. “Greetings, citizens of Hippogriffia, and lands beyond! It is my great pleasure to present the new Queen of the Hippogriffs. Her Royal Highness, Queen Skystar!”

As Skystar stepped forward, a guard on the side of the doorway followed her. Once she was standing near the edge, he pulled out a feathered crown. Skystar bowed, a practiced motion over the past two days, and waited for the weight to settle. Despite all her fears, it felt nearly weightless. She summoned her mother’s poise, and there wasn’t an ounce of ache in her muscles. It felt right, for once.

It took a minute for the cheering to settle, Skystar waving out at the crowd with a nervous smile. When she spoke, she made no effort to hide how she truly sounded, who she truly was. “Thank you, everyone!” She giggled. “My mother ruled for many years. She helped to make sure that our kingdom prospered, and survived when it came under assault from the Storm King.” Skystar scanned the crowd below for Pinkie Pie. She was near the front, seated with Twilight and her friends; Skystar saw her holding up Shelly and Sheldon, who were clacking with glee.

“Following his defeat, we returned to a world that was more accepting than she could have ever imagined. Equestria, Yakyakistan, the Griffon Empire, the Dragon Lands and the Changeling Hives have all welcomed us with open arms, and with friendship. I hope that I can lead us to a better world not only for my subjects”—she snorted—“Sorry, it still sounds so strange. I hope that all of us can work together, to make a better world.”

She waited for the cheers to stop, waving with a smile. “Please, stay for the festivities that will follow, and enjoy the hospitality—and the food, games, artistry, etcetera—of the Hippogriffs!” She lifted off, holding her arms wide as the sun dipped below the horizon. Her mother’s words echoed again in her mind.

"It'll all be yours soon, my little star."

For the first time, everything she saw and the joy she could hear, felt like hers.

Comments ( 7 )

okay so a few points here, coral was out of line, like way out of line, as in the line is no longer within corals timezone anymore. honestly predominantly coral comes across as less her actual friend and more the 'friend who wants a puppet on the throne' kinda 'friend'. coral already edged close to some pretty bad charges, might want to reign in how much corals willing to say and do a bit. this may be just me but it is a worrying point.

seaspray needs more interaction with skystar, he worked with her mother for countless years from what we know, hell he may have seen her grow up. seems like a scene with him trying to give her some comfort would make sense.

the rest is good, your showing her dealing with grief and depression well and the story has a good flow, one wonders where her family is at this time but otherwise good story.

Flashgen's autumn BOOM of stories continues! :D
Would look at this one when I have free time. :)

Poor Thorax doesn't get a title.

In any case, great tale of Skystar finding the right work-life balance. Which is a rather critical process when you're, you know, about to start ruling a nation. The pacing is a bit ponderous at times, but this was some fantastic drama overall.

But seriously, Pinkie, time and place. Just because the cannon works in the Friendship Council doesn't mean it works in all governmental meetings.

Thank you for this. Best of luck in the judging. Long live Queen Skystar, Friend to Oysters.

Poor Pinkie doesn't get any acknowledge in the character tags? Shameful!

But you know what? I think despite with all of her issues that she has to work through, and probably will be working through in times to come, I think Skystar will make a great ruler.

But Coral... Yeah, I'll have to agree with 9936768 here. Skystar may want to reign the griff in, really. Coral does come across as that kind of person who wants a puppet ruler on the throne just so they can rule from the shadows.

But yeah, this was a... great look into Depression. Like, it was. Take away everything, and in the end? Skystar is just a seapony wanting her mother back.


Pinkie was originally in the tags (along with OC) but seeing some people talk about them in a discord chat, I took a look again and it does say "Main Characters". In the end, I thought it was a story primarily about Skystar, so I removed the other two.

A very nice story. Kind of wish she had made some friends, but hopefully silverstream can help with that.

I swear to god before you mentioned silverstream i thought she was the same character as skystar. All this time, since season 8. Pretty sure there have been other stories where they call her a princess.


They are related, and the hippogriff escorting Silverstream during the season premiere with the school calls her Queen Novo's niece, so it's possible she is a princess and royalty in some capacity.

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