• Published 2nd Dec 2019
  • 3,059 Views, 49 Comments

Stellar Council - PizzaculousPony

Twilight needs to go on an adventure to get her old council back in order and save her mother from Nightmare Moon.

  • ...

More Old Friends

To say that Twilight's wings ached would be an understatement. Twilight flew next to Pyre, leaving two streaks in the night sky. They were currently flying over Foal Mountains, the snowflakes hit her in the face and her breathe became more and more frigid with every flap. She turned towards Pyre, holding the mouse sized Orion in his claws.

"Pyre, we need to find shelter...I can't keep going for long." Twilight coughed out and looked over to see Lilly who was being dragged by her magical aura. "H-How about you Lilly?"

"I'm pretty cold but my thicker skin allows me to withstand lower temperatures..." She trailed off when she saw Twilight's wingtips trying to freeze over. "We need to glide to lower grounds, we can't let your primal feathers freeze over."

"Well...If we fly any lower we risk getting caught, I wouldn't be surprised if every outpost has our wanted sings on their front doors." Twilight worried.

"Yeah, because that's worse than probably dying frozen or having you loose your ability to fly." Lilly deadpanned.

Twilight looked at her wings and at Pyre, then she looked a the plains down below, she couldn't see much, there was a thick fog. They wouldn't be able to see any outposts but they wouldn't be seen either. Twilight looked back at Lilly and Pyre and nodded, she ceased to power her spell to power her wings and Pyre slowed down to match her pace. Twilight let her grip on Lilly dwindle and they all started to glide down the mountain.

As they lost height, the wind became warmer and it slowly began to melt the frost from Twilight's wings. Twilight was panting heavily from the effort of flying all the way from the Everfree and cold sweat ran down her brow. The fog was now closer and nearing quickly. Twilight turned to Lilly and Pyre, they seemed to be just fine, she was envious of them, they didn't have to cope with fatigue like her.

"Stay close..." Twilight instructed. "We can't see the floor or other buildings and I'm not one to slam myself into any of the-" Twilight was interrupted as she slammed into a metal structure with a 'thunk'. She started sliding down the rounded structure while Pyre and Lilly caught up with her, when they did they helped her regain her baring.

"What were you saying princess?" Lilly taunted. Twilight grunted but didn't say anything.

Then, without warning there was a sound of metal moving, the all turned to the structure and realized it was coming their way. Twilight and Lilly looked at each other before looking at Pyre before attempting to escape the way from where they came from. Unfortunately the structure appeared to be gaining speed, and fast.

Twilight looked back and through the fog she saw as a door opened like a mouth and a orange light came out of it. "Quick!" She screamed "Fly faster!'' The air around them became warmer and Twilight turned her gaze to the right to see the mouth encasing her. "Oh horseapples-"

Nightmare Moon,
Canterlot Castle's Throne Room,

Nightmare sat on her throne, looking out a window to the right at the beautiful Canterhorn Mountain illuminated by her moon and her 'daughter's' stars. She was expecting her new commander for a meeting about Equestria's defences, which by what she saw were inexistent.

The throne room's door were slowly opened by the set of guards posted at the entrance. A dark teal unicorn stallion clad in the purple night guard armor but with golden trimmings, gracefully walked in. He was slightly taller than most stallions, standing about a hoof over most of them. His white mane was elegantly brushed back and spiked slightly at the ends. His silver eyes reflecting the moonlight from the windows.

When he neared the dais he put down his helmet next to him and bowed low to the ground. "Your Majesty.'' He finally spoke.

"Commander Moondrop, I hope you have everything that I requested for?" Nightmare gazed at him expectantly.

"Yes your Majesty, I have received reports of recent pirate activities near the foal mountains. It turns out that they have avoided...um...." He stammered a bit around a word and Nightmare stepped in.

"What is it Commander? You will find that I have no patience for such foolery."

"Of course not your Majesty! I was just wondering how to properly address um...Princess Celestia-."

''Sunscorched Princess." Nightmare quickly told him. "You and all in my presence shall address her as the Sunscorched Princess. Flaming Quill!" She called one of her servants who quickly came to her side. "Be sure all of the diplomats or petitioners that come next court session know of this!" She then turned her attention to Moondrop. "As you were?"

"Yes, of course! Apparently these pirates have avoided the Sunscorched Princess' and her officer's radar for years."

"That is no surprise, I had imagined my sister being soft but this is insane. Have the pirates brought to me, I think we could find benefit in doing so. Now, have your agents located my daughter?"

"We have an idea of where she is, following the trail left behind her and her phoenix's spell, she is near the Foal Mountains..."

"Where she is most at risk. We can't send a platoon of guards to apprehend the pirates because she'll spot them and flee.." Nightmare groaned and glared out the window to the right causing a chill to creep up Moondrop's spine.

"Your Majesty, if I may-"

"Speak freely."

"May suggest sending Captain Nocte?

"Neigh! You may not suggest him. Twice has he failed to fulfill his order and I shall not let that indignity fall upon my Army again! Let us drop this subject and continue later. For now, unto other matters, how are the revolts?"

"Well, they were mostly peasant farmers believing that their crops wouldn't grow with the moon, but with the increased brightness most have been either stopped or were quelled by our forces."

"And the others? You said 'mostly' implying that there are others."

"Yes Your Majesty...And I must say they are the most worrisome. It appears the noble houses have decided to create a secret underground 'rebellion'. Though many of the houses have refrained from doing so in fear of Your Majesty's wrath."

"I see...I have been refraining from using fear as my way of control of my ponies." Nightmare sighed. "But now it seems I should have a talk with the heads of the noble houses.

''Now, unto the next subject Commander."

"Yes, I was to inform you that the new 'Airforce' is coming along nicely, we will soon name a Chief-"

"Yes of course, I had expected nothing less but I'm afraid our time, and by extension my patience is running low. Commander,"

"Y-Your Majesty." He bowed low and headed out with a swift pace, leaving Nightmare Moon alone with her guards in the throne room.

"You won't find her." Nightmare heard a very familiar, and very annoying, voice in her head.

"And what makes you think that?" Nightmare growled beneath her breath.

"She's too smart for you to find her, I would be surprised if she isn't ready to kill you"

"Grr DON'T YOU-"

The doors shot open once again and a standard white earth pony came rushing in, he took off his helmet and bowed. "Your Majesty! A fleet of pirate aircraft have departed from Water Steam Town!"

"Bring Dimming Sunbeam and have her take over my duties until I return." She said while descending the dais.

"Pardon me, majesty, but what shall we do about the pirates?"

"I implied I would be leaving, didn't I? Do nothing, I shall take care of the pirates that dared invade our land. Where are they heading?"

"Our intelligence suggest they are coming to Canterlot-"

"Say no more." Nightmare gathered her magic, the raw power fizzled around and she disappeared in a flash.

Twilight Sparkle,

Twilight was currently tied up against Orion and Lilly, or at least she hoped it was them, she couldn't see because of the blindfolds. She had already tried using magic but apparently her foalnapers were smart enough to put an inhibitor ring on her horn. She turned to whom she hoped was Orion and whispered.

"Can you use your magic?"

"No, inhibitor ring. I take that you can't either."

"No. Lilly is that you?" Twilight asked as she felt something tickle her. "It's not funny!" She hissed.

"Um...That isn't me..." Was the response Twilight got. She felt a chill travel down her spine and a lump created itself in her throat but she braved it. "Alright...Show yourselves!"

"You seriously don't recognize us? I mean yeah, it has been a while but come ooon!" A male voice replied. The voice didn't ring any bells for Twilight.

"I don't recognize your voice, besides how am I supposed to recognize you if I can't see you?!" Twilight was getting annoyed. "I think you got the wrong pony."

"Yeah, of course you're right how can confuse a pony that I know with an alicorn. Silly me!" He replied sarcastically.

"He's got a point"

''Thanks Orion...great help." Twilight deadpanned.

"Thank you Beast Hunter." Added a female voice that neither recognized.

"Aaah, Captain Rest! Great for you to join us."

"Save it, what I want to know is why our guest are blindfolded. Are you okay?" She asked them.

"Well, we're kinda being held here against here against our will...But aside from that we are quite comfortable." Lilly responded.

"That's good. Listen, I don't like having 'hostages' I prefer having them as guests. So, I'll let you off and give you free roam of our ship IF you answer my riddle." Twilight heard her drag something across the wooden surface of the floor. "I have all day."

"Miss Rest with all due respect but, we don't-" Twilight tried but was interrupted.

"Yes, I understand that, your Highness. I too lost somepony dear to me recently so let's not waste more time."

Twilight took a deep and counted to ten before exhaling. "Alright, what is your riddle?''

"I love February and Mai,
Try as may,
I can't help but have fun in the waves,
I have two parts to me,
That swim around in sync
Who am I?"

"Can I have a moment with my friends to discuss it?...You know without being blindfolds and without being tied up?"

"Let me think about it...No." Replied the male voice.

"Okay..." Twilight murmured to herself.

'Wait...a female that recognized me and Orion...That is polite to her hostages, which means she must be nice to ANYPONY...Apparently likes water, which means she probably isn't a Thestral so the the only way she can know us is if...she...knew us...Pisces' favorite months were February and Mai. '

''Orion...could she be Pisces?" She asked him in a low tone.

"And he could be Aries? I thought so too."

"Then...Pisces, Aries! Is that you?!" Their blind folds were taken off to reveal two pegasi smiling down at them.

The mare had a light blue coat with violet highlights and it appeared to radiate the soft yellow candle light, her mane was a little darker shade of blue and curled up at the end, it also faded into white which made it look like waves breaking. The stallion was orange and his coat sometimes faded into yellow, his mane was black and he wore a brown eye patch on his right eye.

"Care if we join you?" Aries asked them as the rest of the crew untied Twilight, Lilly and Orion.

Author's Note:


Im baaaaack! so, I was wotking on an covid-19 comedy but someone kinda beat me to it... Anyways I finally got around to this.
If any of you are wondering. I'm fine, I don't have the covid-19, and the odds of me contracting it are scarece since the first case of the virus (in my country) was confirmed on Wednesday and I went into quarentine inside my room.
Apart from that nothing has really happened to me exept my clases getting canceled sooo yay!
I hope you guys liked the update and remeber I love you guys!
P.S tell me how you like the cliff-hanger...Your cliff-hanger rage empowers meee! muahhahahahahahaha.