• Published 26th Nov 2019
  • 1,151 Views, 12 Comments

Reformation for a bug - secury

Starlight Glimmer gives Chrysalis second chance for redemption.

  • ...

Chapter 1

"There is no fitting punishment for your crimes," Celestia said, her eyes filled with anger. Villains looked both helplessly and scared as they knew they were not escaping from Celestia's rage.

"Hmm, that seems fitting," both Celestia and Luna said as they nodded in agreement with Discord's idea.

"Oh, this is gonna suck for us, right?" whispered Cozy Glow.

"Big time," Chrysalis and Tirek gulped at the same time just before they all hit by the white beam. The big cupcake was shattered to pieces and before villains could do anything a gray spots start appearing on their bodies. A few moments later they were sealed to stone.

Nearby a whole scene stood Starlight ready approach the villains.

Now they are at our mercy, it will be far more easer to convince them to accept the power of friendship. I wonder if is there some kind of rehabilitation program for Tartarus prisoners. Wait...what is Celestia doing?

Ok, maybe not Tartarus right now. I guess it will be better left them like a statue for a while. We will check out on them a later and maybe offer if the friendship will not look so bad after living a couple of days as a statue.

"Forever together. I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy," Discord said flicking Chrysalis horn.

"FOREVER ?!", Starlight almost yelled as she was shocked by that statement, "Isn't that little bit much?".

============================== Several weeks later ==============================

"So let me get this straight," Twilight asked with a raised eyebrow. "You want to release Chrysalis from her prison, put her on probation and try to reform her?"

"Exactly," Starlight nodded cheerfully. Starlight was actually thinking about this reformation plan for some time and is now excited about putting her plan into motion.

"Why would you do that?" Twilight asked. She was still processing the idea.

"Well, I could use any excuse to avoid fulfilling your friendship lessons for some time." Starlight smirked.


"Just kidding...hehe"

"Now seriously. Petrification is gross overkill," Starlight continued. "Slapping magic inhibitor on them horn a throwing them into a dungeon would be enough to keep her from doing troubles. Another issue that is bothering me is that what happens to Chrysalis and the rest of them is that 'Shadow Pony' thing all over again. Blasting to Limbo first. Ask questions later. Or turn to stone first in this matter."

"And again everypony is perfectly fine with that. And that is not fair...," Starlight then took a small pause and sighed, "Because it could be easily me. I could get turned into stone for my crimes.

Twilight opened her mouth to say something, but Starlight interrupted her with hoof and continue.

"And maybe, just maybe I'm a little guilty that I wasn't able to help Chrysalis. You know, when she foalnapped you and princesses. Maybe if I was more persuasive I could change her mind a prevent her from trying conquering Equestria for the third time. I could prevent a lot of suffering. Especially for Chrysalis."

"And finally, don't tell me that you don't feel at least a bit little of sympathy or pity for her," Starlight finished her argument.

Twilight took a deep breath. "Yeah. You are right. I would be happy for Chrysalis realizing her mistakes. Did I tell you about that one time when we visited Chrysalis at the prison?"

"Yes," Starlight nodded.

"Chrysalis did ask me to give her a book. It was, of course, a trick so she could escape. She knew exactly which buttons to push so I would believe her," Twilight admitted her mistake. "But regardless I felt genuinely excited by the prospect that Chrysalis showed signs of reformation. I wanted Chrysalis to accept friendship. I did. But now I fear that Chrysalis will abuse every attempt of kindness and help for her advantage. I'm not sure that you will be able to help Chrysalis at all."

"Well, the thing is...," Starlight pause to formulate her point. "I think I'm better at reforming villains then you," said Starlight smugly.

"And what do you mean by that?" Twilight said. She glared at Starlight.

"Well, I have a higher score than you. I have Stygian. And also whole changeling hive, but I will count that as one".

"Pfff," Twilight scoffed. "What about Trixie ?"

"Trixie was never a real villain. She was just a little jealous."

"Jealous of what? "

"Huups. I will tell you some other time. Who else?"

"Well, what about you?"

"Yeah sure, but you did that because you weren't able to stop me on your own. You needed to reform me because you couldn't stop me on your own."

"Starlight! How could you say? I wouldn't turn you to the stone even if I couldn't stop you."

"Oh, sorry," Starlight beeped realizing that she said a little too much. There was a moment of awkward silence before Starlight broke it.

"But if it was ... say Celestia ... then I would be screwed!" Starlight said.

"She wouldn't do that either!"

"Well she banished her sister to the moon so I wouldn't keep my hopes high."

"She is a ruler and ruler has to do tough decisions sometimes."

"I bet that makes the life of living statue a lot of better."

"Anyway," said Twilight. She really wanted to avoid discussing this topic. "What do you want from me?"

"I want from you what you do best. Make a list," Starlight said.

"List of what?"

"List of reasons why should Chrysalis deserve a chance for parole. Then send the list to Celestia."

"Why only Chrysalis?"

"Well, I am not gonna reform than all three at once. They are far more dangerous together. Far better to reform them one after one. Also if I reform Chrysalis then the rest of them will be a piece of cake."

"Are you sure you can handle Chrysalis on your own?"

"Oh please. I manage to reform whole changeling army on my own. While facing Chrysalis herself and without any backup. Maybe Thorax technically reforms them, but the idea was mine! I am sure I can manage power-hungry, selfish and greedy queen," Starlight said.

"She devoted her life to get revenge on you," Twilight pointed out.

"And how that worked out for her?"

"Not great...," Twilight agreed. "Well, are you sure about this?"

"Yeah absolutely. Chrysalis deserves a second chance," Starlight said. "Look I am not saying Chrysalis doesn't deserve punishment. She does, but at the same time, she deserves the same chance you gave me. I didn't do it correctly on the first try either."

"Alright, Starlight I am gonna help you."

"So are you gonna send a letter to Celestia about releasing Chrysalis from stone."

"Sure, but why not you?"

"Well, you are Celestia favorite pupil and student and yadda yadda yadda. I think you have a better chance to persuade Celestia then me," Starlight responded. "Also, Celestia may not be the biggest fan of my approach to solving problems."

"You mean like the time when you switched Celestia and Luna cutie marks so they would understand each other?"

"Yep. For a second I thought Celestia would banish me to a moon for that one," Starlight giggled. "But it worked, right?"

"Alright, but you own me big time for this."

"You will not regret this." Starlight almost jumps as she was excited with success.

"I know Starlight. You are a great pony".

Starlight was ready to leave the room before Twilight expressed her last concern. "Starlight. Are you gonna be alright? After all, Chrysalis is a dangerous criminal."

"Oh, don't worry. We are old pals."

============================== Later in Canterlot gardens ==============================

There was a strong crack as the spell hit the statue and began to undo the petrification spell. A few moments later, Chrysalis's body slammed on the grass with a thump.

Starlight horn starts to glow and suddenly a small blue soundproof barrier. Barrier surrounded both pony and changeling. Starlight wanted privacy for the following conversation. She was afraid that Celestia would cancel parole hearing just because Chrysalis would say something really stupid. Which she almost certainly will.

"What? What is going on? Is my punishment over," Chrysalis groaned as her eyes adjusted to the outside world.

When she finally saw who stood in front of her there was deadly silence. Nope not over. If stares could kill then Starlight would be struck down instantly. There would be probably only a pile of ash left of her.

Starlight looked at the former Changeling Queen. Maybe after a couple of weeks of being petrified, she will be more willing to listen to reasons.

"STARLIGHT GLIMMER! You! You! You insufferable worm!" Chrysalis shriek without warning.

Or maybe not. There goes a therapeutic value of stone imprisonment. None whatsoever.

Chrysalis barred her fangs and attacks Starlight. Or she would do that if she could be able a move her body. Apparently a couple of weeks in stone left will not do any favor for your body. She could barely lift her head.

"How dare you to show your face in front of me?" Chrysalis shriek again. "I am going to rip off your horn and shove it to-" Starlight closed her muzzle with a magical grip.

"Yeah, yeah. Good day to you too," Starlight sighed. "Did you missed me?"

Starlight released her magic grip. Starlight wasn't particularly proud of herself of using magic on defenseless Chrysalis, but she needs Chrysalis to listen for now.

"I missed you," Chrysalis said more calmly. "As much as having a brain tumor."

"I am glad that you kept your charming personality Chrysalis. You always say the nicest things."

Chrysalis huffed. "So Celestia finale grew a spine and she is going to execute me?"

"What?" Starlight was shocked by that Chrysalis suggested something like this. Starlight maybe was a jerk in the past but she never even think about murdering somepony. That was utterly terrifying for her. "Absolutely not. There will be no killing. Actually this is a parole hearing where I offer you a chance an accept rehabilitation program under my hooves. We will deal with details later."

Chrysalis just stared at Starlight with open eyes. She didn't expect that.

"I have no interest in being part of this joke. I AM QUEEN," Chrysalis raised her voice. "I'm strong. I not gonna admit any weakness by accepting your mercy. Choke on your parole and jump of the cliff." She turned her head away from the Starlight's glare.

"I'm sorry, I didn't quite catch that Speak again," Starlight deadpanned and raised her hoof her ear.

"You heard me well the first time, worm," Chrysalis hissed.

"No, I think not. I think what I heard was: 'Oh sweet Celestia. Thank you, Starlight! Thank you for this once-a-lifetime opportunity to see the error of my ways and do something about it." Starlight said sarcastically. "I am so grateful for this that I will accept your offer because I want to have a normal life. Also, I don't want to spend the rest of my existence as a garden statue because I am not a complete idiot." Starlight snapped irritated by the changeling's stubbornness.

Irritated as well, Chrysalis sucked the air into her lungs. How dare Starlight to speak with her like that.

"Let me be clear. I don't want your mercy. I don't want to have to do anything with you Starlight. I would rather hug a bloodthirsty manticore. I am not gonna give you any form of satisfaction. To let you humiliating me like that. Mock me like that !" Chrysalis shouted and then continue with an almost begging tone. "Just put back into stone and let's be done with this comedy."

Starlight took a breath to calm herself and continue. "I was excepting something like that. Luckily for you, I am just so great pony that not only I am not going to turn you into the stone, but also give you someplace to crash overnight."

That pony must be joking.

"Are you that stupid? I don't want anything from you! You stole everything from my life. Everything! You corrupted my subjects, stole my hive-"

"Oh please stop with self-pitying nonsense," Starlight interrupts Chrysalis. "It is not gonna help you anyway. You are coming with me whatever you want or not."

Chrysalis was not happy at all where this is going.

"I won't let you ...," Chrysalis said trying to muster threatening tone as much she can.

"What exactly are you going to do to stop me?"

"Well I am going to-,!" Chrysalis stopped realizing that she can do very little in her situation. "Well, you can't seriously be expecting to me fall over and fall in the line just because you say so!"

"I am very serious about that," Starlight said. "I had a really hard time to pursue Celestia to even consider the possibility of realizing you. It is technically a miracle that she had agreed with that and she is irritated at me because of that. I will need to complete like 10 friendship quests to smooth things over. I am not going to throw all that effort out of a window just because of your ego. I would appreciate it if you could last un-stoned for at least a couple of hours."

"... So I have no choice? Nothing to say about this?"

"Hmm, let me see about that. As far as I am concern, you are completely at my mercy and I can do with you whatever I want. So yeah ... pretty much," Starlight smirked at Chrysalis. "And what I want is you not being turned into stone. Does that answer your question ?"

"Insufferable worm...," Chrysalis replied quietly then take a breath a continue. "You must feel all honor and mighty to gloat like that in front of a defenseless enemy. It must feel really good."

"No, of course not," Starlight responded, trying preserving a serious tone. Just maybe a tiny little bit. Don't sue me. She shot a leaser beam into my back.

"And if this whole 'reformation thingy' goes utterly and completely wrong and I don't change an even little bit?" Chrysalis asked.

"Well, then you are going back to stone. But don't worry that won't happen. After I am done with your gonna be everybody's favorite bug. Or at least convince you to not scheming and planning to make lives of others miserable," Starlight responded.

"So you set me free, force me into listening friendship lessons and then hope I will accept your friendship. And after that, we will all be wonderful friends. Just like that?"

"No! I am not going to force you on listening to friendship lessons. Nopony deserves that. Not even you. But other things? Yeah, totally." Starlight nodded.

"That is not a 'princess' thing to do."

"You are right. Princess thing is to let you being left garden statue for the rest of eternity. It is a good thing that I am around to have second opinions on how to solve problems. That problem is namely you."

"What I ever did that I have to suffer by listening to you?" Chrysalis grinned.

"Ahh, that was a rhetorical question or you want me to make a list ?"

"I am a Queen. I should not be putting up with this crap," Chrysalis snapped.

"Too bad. You should think about before you choose to me like your arch-nemesis."

Chrysalis took a deep breath. "Just for the record: I hate you so much, Starlight Glimmer."

"Well you are not on my Hearth's Warming Eve card list either, but we will work something out."

Chrysalis looked at Starlight for a few moments before she lowered her head and said nothing more. She was tired speaking to the pony she hated the most.

"Well, it is official then. Your rehabilitation begins now."

Starlight departed away satisfied with herself. That went more or less like she excepted. Of course, Chrysalis would refuse her offer. Being released from a stone after a long time is a ... emotional moment.

Chrysalis is a rather impulsive creature. And for her ego would be utterly unacceptable to accept mercy from her enemy. No matter what would she say at this moment, she wouldn't convince Chrysalis to do anything. That is why Starlight gave Chrysalis no choice. What Chrysalis needs right now is at least a couple of hours of free time. So she could move on her own. So she could calm herself down. So she can have time and space to take things more rationally. Only after that can the reformation process further.

============================== Few moments later ==============================

Starlight trotted back to the group of ponies consisting of Celestia, Luna, Mane Six.

"So? What did she say?", asked Twilight.

"She said yes," Starlight replied. "More or less."

"And what is your plan Starlight?" Dash asked. "Are you gonna put mind spell on her and brainwashed her to be a good guy or just spank her until she says 'yes'?"

Starlight rolled her eyes. "Haha. Very funny."

Author's Note:

Yet another Chrysalis redemption fic. Just idea I got after watching season 9 finale.

It is my first fic and there is obviously a lot of room for improvement and editing so please critique. Hope it is not too bad.