• Published 18th Nov 2019
  • 13,990 Views, 844 Comments

My Little Pony: Friendships and Magic [Season 1] - Alpha Wolf 4500

The first season of a rewrite of this series that I love. With my first and favorite OC, and the OC of a friend.

  • ...

Pinkie's feeling a Chad Keen

The sun was shining bright over Ponyville and Twilight was out practicing more of her magic spells with Spike, Bandit and Chad. Spike had a rock on his head, Bandit was holding a stick like a cane, and Chad was wearing leaves around his neck.

“Number 24 Twily. It’s all easy.” Bandit encouraged. Spike was looking away from the lavender unicorn as she transformed Chad’s leaves into a tuxedo. Bandit’s stick got transformed into a cane, which he twirled with a smirk. Twilight turned her attention to Spike, who was still looking away.

“Eyes over here, Spike!” She directed.

Spike immediately looked back at her and she began to turn the rock into a top hat. "Uh, sorry," he apologized, but just as the transformation was complete, he looked away again, and the hat turned back into a rock. Chad’s shell shook and he tackled Spike out of the way before the rock could hit him in the head.

“Whoa. Thanks.” Spike said.

“No problem.” Chad said as he helped him up.

"Spike! This magic needs our full attention to make it happen. There's no other way.” Twilight told him.

"I can't help it," said Spike, still watching what grabbed his attention earlier. "Look!”

Bandit, Chad and Twilight all looked in the direction he was looking at and saw Pinkie, wearing an umbrella hat, sneaking around the town, acting stranger then usual.

Twilight Sparkle scoffed before giving off a smirk "Ugh, never mind her. She's just being Pinkie Pie."

“Even by Pinkie Standards, that’s a bit random.” Bandit said.

Pinkie paused near one of the buildings and looked at her tail, which was twitching.

"Hmm… Twitchy twitcha twitcha twitch."

“Hi Pinkie.” Chad said from behind her.

“Hi Chad!” She said as she turned around.

"What are you doing?"

"Hiding from whatever's falling out of the sky." Pinkie answered

"Falling out of the sky?" Chad asked, a little confused.

"Yup, when my tail twitches that means something is gonna fall out of the sky."

"Wow! My shell shakes whenever that happens. But it's usually immediate."

"Really?!" Pinkie asked, looking at his Carapace.

"Yeah, Bandit calls it my Chad sense. I wanted to call it my Arachnymph sense, but it was too much of a mouthful."

“Ooooo.” Pinkie said, intrigued.

"Pinkie Pie?" Twilight asked, walking up to her with Spike and Bandit. "What in the wide, wide world of Equestria are you up to?"

"Oh! It's my tail!" Pinkie gasped, her tail was still twitching. "It's my tail! It's a-twitch a-twitchin'! And you know what that means!"

"What does that mean?" Bandit asked.

"The twitchin' means my Pinkie Sense is telling me that stuff's gonna start falling!" she replied, looking around wildly. "You four better duck for cover."

"Rain or object?" Bandit asked, knowing Chad had a sense just like that.

"Oh, Pinkie, it's not gonna rain. Why, there's barely even a cloud in the-!" Twilight started. Chad’s shell shook and Bandit managed to see this. He ducked his head and a frog that would’ve landed on Bandit, landed on Twilight’s face. The frog let out a croak.

"He said 'nice catch' in frog." Pinkie said. The frog happily croaked again.

My Little Pony,
My Big Changeling too
Ahh, ahh, ahh, ahhh…

(My Little Pony)

We used to wonder what friendship could be
(My Big Changeling too)

[Twilight Sparkle]
Until you all shared its magic with me

[Rainbow Dash]
Big adventure

[Pinkie Pie]
Tons of fun

A beautiful heart

Faithful and strong

Sharing kindness!

[Lightning Sprint]
Motivate the team

Heroics makes it all complete
You have my little ponies
Do you know you're all my very best friends?

"Oh, I'm so, so sorry," Fluttershy apologized from above them, flapping her wings to keep afloat with a wagon, a bag, and a basket filled with frogs that was in her mouth, plus there was a frog on her head. "You okay, Twilight Sparkle? I just couldn't stand to see the pond getting so overpopulated, what with the frogs all hopping into each other and all, so I decided to fly as many as I can on over to Froggy Bottom Bog."

Twilight gave her an unamused look as Chad got into pouncing position. “Of course you did.”

"Bye-bye!" said Fluttershy cheerfully and flew off with the frogs.

Pinkie watched her fly off and then looked at Twilight.

"Um… Twilight? You gotta little somethin' on your-” Pinkie was gonna say before seeing Chad snatch the frog off her face and devour it. “Nevermind. I see Chad took care of it.”

"Oh, really? Did your Pinkie Sense tell you that, too?" Twilight asked sarcastically.

“No sense needed, she could just see it.” Chad said after swallowing. Pinkie then bounced off.

"Huh, looks like there's a Chad sense and a Pinkie sense." Bandit commented.

"You believe this?" Twilight asked

"Twilight, I lived with Chad and practically raised him. Whenever that shell shakes, something's coming down. He has other senses too you know."

Twilight shot him a look.

“Oh really? Like what?” Twilight asked him.

“Well, his tail will shoot straight up into the air if mud is about to splash on you. And then there’s-” Bandit stopped talking when Chad’s tail shot straight up. He back trekked immediately, just in time for a cart being pulled by a pony raced past, splashing her in mud.

“Probably should have warned you that you’ve only got about 3 seconds to react when these senses go off.” Bandit said.

Later, Bandit was washing Twilight in Pinkie's house, since it was closer.

“So, to put it bluntly, certain things will happen to Chad if something is gonna happen in the immediate future. Shaky shell, something’s falling. Straight up tail, incoming mud. Fluttering wing, discarded money is nearby. Curling tail, whatever you’re about to eat is poisonous.” Bandit said as he scrubbed her mane. “Seems like Pinkie has senses just like that.”

Pinkie came in with bubble soap on her head.

“Ooh! I have other senses too! Like, if my back is itchy, it means it's my lucky day. And, when my knee gets pinchy, that means something scary's about to happen."

"Is your knee pinchy now?" Twilight asked, annoyed.

Pinkie shook her head. "No, but my shoulder's achy," she replied. "That means there's an alligator in the tub." She then reached into the tub and pulled out a small green alligator, setting him on the floor.

Twilight Sparkle screamed and jumped into the air, Clinging onto Bandit. "How come your knee didn't get pinchy?!" she yelped. "That isn't just scary, it's downright dangerous!"

"No, it's not, silly!" said Pinkie Pie cheerfully. "This is my pet alligator, Gummy. He's got no teeth. See? Haha!" And she laughed as Gummy demonstrated by trying to bite her hoof, mane, and tail with no ill effects.

"Okay, okay… I get it." Twilight said as she let go of Bandit as he pet the small alligator, who flopped over playfully.

After finishing washing up, Bandit was walking Twilight back to the library with Pinkie bouncing along side them.

"Well, I still don't believe all this… ‘special power’ stuff. It’s just a bunch of Mumbo Jumbo." Twilight told her.

“Twilight, You, Chad and I all use magic all the time, what’s the difference?” Bandit asked her.

"Huge! For one thing," Twilight cleared off a crate, climbed on top and cleared her throat, "magic is something you study and practice. It only happens when you decide to do it, and it's meant to make something specific that you choose to happen, happen. With Pinkie and Chad, uh, it makes no sense at all!" Bandit was gonna respond, but Pinkie spoke up.

“That's so not true, Twilight! Sometimes it's a bunch of random things happening to my body at random times that supposedly predict the future. I call 'em "combos".” Pinkie told them.

“Combos?” Bandit and Twilight asked.

Pinkie Pie nodded. "Sure! You know, like, ear flop, then knee twitch, then eye flutter. That means the sky is about to be graced with a beautiful rainbow!" She announced happily.

“Why would you need a sense for that?” Bandit asked.

“Have you ever seen how beautiful a Rainbow is?” Pinkie asked him.

“I mean….I guess.” Bandit said.

“Yeah, sure.” Twilight said, still not believing any of this.

Pinkie Pie suddenly stopped. "Uh-oh, I feel a combo coming on. Ear flop, eye flutter, knee twitch!" she yelped.

“Wait, wasn’t it knee twitch then eye flut-” Before Bandit could ask, the door of the library slammed into Twilight as Spike walked out, carrying a stack of books.

"Ugh!" she groaned as the door shut while making the beeping noises of a truck backing up. She then flopped to the ground. "Ughhh… You said that combo meant "beautiful rainbow"." she grumbled.

“Apparently that’s Ear flop, knee twitch, then eye flutter.” Bandit said as he walked over and helped her up. “I guess the ladder means, Look out for an open door.”

Chad walked out of the library and saw Twilight.

“Are you okay Twilight?” Chad asked.

"I don't believe this," Twilight complained.

Pinkie Pie giggled. "You don't believe because you don't understand."

Twilight considered this and got an idea. "Hmm…"

Not too long later, Twilight had Chad and Pinkie hooked up to a machine to monitor their brain activity. Bandit plugged everything in and the machine got to work.

"Now when either of you get another twitch, we'll have all kinds of scientific information." Twilight told them

"Okie-dokie-lokie!" Pinkie said cheerfully.

“This feels weird.” Chad said as he took a seat.

“Don’t worry Chad, it’s harmless. I promise.” Bandit told him, patting his back. The monitor started to beep as Chad wagged his tail, and Twilight zipped over.

“Chad’s experiencing an increased level of dopamine.” Twilight said before sighing in disappointment. Pinkie was intrigued.

“Ooo! What does that sense mean?” Pinkie asked.

“He’s happy.” Bandit told her.

Twilight began to pace back and forth, waiting for something to happen. "Now? Anything?" she inquired.

Pinkie Pie cocked her head. "Wait! Hold on! Uhh, no."

“Are you kidding me?! After a whole day of nonstop twitching and shell shaking, now that I've got you both all hooked up, you're not getting a single one?”

“I can’t control it.” Chad told her.

“Yeah, feelings like that just come and go.” Pinkie told her.

"That makes no sense!" Twilight exclaimed.

“Twilight, you’re scaring me.” Chad told her.

“Twily, sometimes you just gotta believe in these things. Even if they don’t make sense.” Bandit told her.

"I will not believe in anything I cannot explain.”

“Chad sense, Pinkie sense; A phenomenon in which Chad and/or Pinkie’s bodies give off signals that something is gonna happen in the immediate future. There’s your explanation.” Bandit told her.

“I mean how it happens smart-flank.” Twilight glared.

“Can you also explain how our magic is capable of doing things like, transfiguring objects into other things? Or teleport ourselves?” Bandit asked.

“Rearranging atoms to construct something different.” Twilight said back.

“Oh how convenient that there’s just enough atoms to make something bigger than what it was originally.” Bandit said in a condescending tone. “Better yet, reduce the amount of them without blowing something up.”

“You two argue like an old married couple.” Pinkie said with a giggle.

“WE ARE NOT A COUPLE!” Bandit and Twilight exclaimed to her.

“Um… I’m starting to feel-” Chad started, Twilight zipped over.

"Oh my gosh, what? What is it?!" She asked eagerly.

“My stomach. I’m hungry.” Chad told her. Pinkie’s stomach rumbled too.

“I’m hungry too, let’s eat.” Pinkie said with a smile on her face. Bandit began to undo the straps and clamps.

"Just forget it! I don't need to know if this is real or not. I don't need to understand it! I don't even care!" Twilight snapped as she stomped off.

Pinkie Pie looked at her forelegs, which she easily removed from the clamps, and she followed Twilight up the stairs.

"Okie-dokie-lokie." She followed her friend along the landing toward the doors when she suddenly stopped and gasped as parts of her body began reacting. Her ears flopped, her eyes fluttered and then her knees twitched. In addition to this, Chad’s ear twitched.

Before Twilight or Bandit could ask what was wrong, Twilight was smashed into the wall by the door being slammed open, and Spike stepped inside.

"Chad? Have you seen Twilight?" He asked.

“She’s behind the door.” Chad told him. Spike looked behind the door.

“What are you doing back there?” Spike asked.

“You crushed her with the door.” Bandit said as he walked over and peeled her off.

“Cool! So your ear twitches to warn you of opening doors?!” Pinkie asked Chad.

“Um, no. My ear twitched because I heard Spike coming.” Chad answered.

"Urgh! This is ridiculous." she grumbled, getting up. "This can't be happening. This makes no sense. I have to figure this out."

Bandit and Chad looked at each other and then back at Twilight as she stormed out.

While all of this was going on, Fluttershy was still flying toward Froggy Bottom Bog with the frogs in tow. One of the frogs that was on her head, pointing out the location, which she followed.

A short while later, Twilight was looking through some binoculars in Pinkie Pie's direction. Chad walked towards the bush, only to get shoved towards Pinkie. As Chad walked over to Pinkie, Twilight began to document everything she was seeing.

"Was that really necessary?" Bandit asked her from behind, scaring her. She turned to him and pulled him down to the bush’s height.

“You are the size of a building, how do you keep sneaking up on us?” Twilight asked him.

“I still hunt for my food you know. What are you doing and why was shoving Chad part of it?” Bandit asked her as he looked at the journal.

"I'm doing what I must, getting scientific research on Pinkie Pie and Kama Chadwickson. Scientific names: Pinkius Pieicus and Kamacaon Picchad, in their natural habitat."

“Okay Ace Outback. Is this step one of your descent into insanity?” Bandit asked her. Twilight turned to him.

“Ace Outback?” She asked.

“The Cragadile hunter?” Bandit clarified.

“Oh right. Well, there’s something fishy going on with the whole twitchy prediction thing, and I'm getting to the bottom of it." She responded. "So, shh. Come on, Pieicus and Picchad are on the move." She began to move the bush after them. Bandit followed behind her in the stalking position.

Reaching the school, Pinkie Pie was humming happily as she rolled around in the grass. Chad was digging at the ground, stopping to place his ear on the ground, and then started digging again. His wings fluttered making him dive in a bush.

"Fluttering wings." Twilight commented, writing this down in her journal. Chad came out of the bush with two bits in his mouth, smiling and looking like a puppy.

"Aww.” Twilight said before documenting that. “Now he's got money. Okay, now what?"

“Twi, that’s what happens to him when discarded money is nearby.” Bandit reminded. Twilight documented that too. Pinkie stopped to scratch her nose.

"Hm…" Twilight Sparkle mused. "Itchy nose…" She kept watching as Pinkie Pie gasped and duck under a piece of playground equipment, looking around fearfully, especially toward the sky. Chad looked at her confused, but when he sniffed the air, he made a break for a tree and climbed up.

"Aha! That makes no sense." She announced while she took notes. "See? She's hiding like something's about to fall from the sky, but a twitchy tail means something's gonna fall from the sky, not an itchy nose."

“Did Chad’s shell shake?” Bandit asked her.

“No, he sniffed the air and then climbed up a tree.” Twilight answered, Bandit quickly looked towards the sky. “Which doesn’t make sense, if something’s falling from the sky why would you try to take higher ground? Further proving that Chad and Pinkie’s senses are nothing but malarkey.”

Bandit spotted what Pinkie and Chad were hiding from. A swarm of bees were headed their way, and they were moving fast.

“You might wanna run.” Bandit warned her as he ran towards the swarm.

“From what?” She asked. The bees got to the bush and some were stinging Twilight, others were running from Bandit and Chad.

At Sweet Apple Acres, Bandit had placed the last bandaid on Twilight’s bee sting as she was looking at Pinkie sniffing a flower. Chad was playing with Winona.

“Sniffing a flower, playing with Winona. What does that mean?” Twilight asked Bandit.

“The flower smells good, the dog is playful.” Bandit said in an unamused tone. Twilight laughed sheepishly and slowly crossed both of those statements out.

"Wait. I'm getting something from Pinkie. Ear flop, eye flutter, knee twitch." Twilight said. Bandit looked at the barn door and then at Twilight.

“Watch out for opening doors.” Bandit said as he pulled her and the haybales away from the door she was next to. Chad, seeing the combo, began twitching his ears to try and find the door that would be opening.

"Oh-ho. You really, really believe this stuff, don't you?" She teased and she rested a foreleg on the partly open door.

“Well Twilight, the doors are currently winning, 2 to 0 so-”

"Here, let me show you there's nothing to be afraid of." When nothing happened, she removed her foreleg and started walking away. "You see? I promise you there's nothing to fear from that-"

Suddenly a door opened in front of her, and she went screaming down a flight of stairs into the ground. "Wo-o-ah! Ow! Ugh! Ow! Ow!"`

"Twilight!" Applejack exclaimed from inside the cellar that Twilight had fallen into. "You came to visit my new apple cellar, how nice. Twi? You okay? Uh, Twi?" She asked concerned. Bandit peeked down the cellar.

“Doors 3, Twilight 0.” He said as he walked down the stairs.

After a trip to the hospital, Twilight and Bandit located Pinkie and Chad in the park. This time, Pinkie and Chad were joined by Spike, who was riding on Chad’s back.

Bandit used his magic to lift the binoculars to Twilight, since she couldn’t do so herself due to her forehooves being bandaged up.

“There you go.” Bandit said. Twilight looked through the binoculars.

“Okay, take this down: twitchy tail.” She said. Bandit looked at the notes.

“Something’s about to fall from the sky.” Bandit said.

“Then why isn’t Chad’s shell shake-” At that moment, Chad’s shell shook, vibrating Spike. “It just shook.”

Bandit rolled Twilight out of harms way as a flower pot landed on his head.

“I’m okay-” He was interrupted by an anvil hitting his Head. “Still o-” Followed by a hay cart. “I’m fi-” Then finally a piano. There was silence. “I’m still okay!”

Up above, Derpy and another pegasus named Raindrops looked sheepish at what just happened.

Meanwhile, Pinkie Pie was humming and Chad was trying to buck Spike off his back when Applejack walked up, carrying a basket of apples on her back. "Hey, Applejack. Whatcha doin'?" Pinkie asked cheerfully.

"Takin' more apples to my new apple cellar," Applejack answered. "How 'bout you two? Whatchu doin'?"

“We’re letting Bandit and Twilight follow us around town.” Pinkie said.

"You mean you knew all along?!" She asked as she walked over, followed by Bandit, who had a bandaid on his forehead. "Why didn't you tell me?"

“Chad told me not to.” Pinkie answered. Twilight looked at Chad.

“What? You looked like you didn’t want us to know.” Chad told her.

“You did shove him towards her.” Bandit told her, she gritted her teeth angrily. Then, Chad went stiff, his nose shivering and the shiver went from his nose, to his forehead, along his back, all the way to the tip of his tail. Pinkie’s entire body shuddered.

"What does that mean?!" Spike asked.

“I-I-I don’t know. That’s never happened before. What was that supposed to do?” Chad asked fearfully. It happened again.

"Guys... I'm scared."

"We'll get to the bottom of this." Bandit said.

"Do you know if this feeling leads anywhere?" Spike asked.

“This is my first body shudder too. Whatever happens, it must be a doozy. Something you’d least expect.” Pinkie told him. She shook again. “Hu-bu-bu-bu-bu hu-bu-bu-bu! And it's gonna happen… at Froggy Bottom Bogg!" she yelped when she stopped shaking.

“Wait a minute.” Bandit started.

“That’s where fluttershy is headed!” Applejack exclaimed.

"Oh no! Is it about her?" Spike asked, worried.

"Uh, I'm not sure," Pinkie Pie admitted, making Bandit grow concerned.

"We better go and make sure she's okay." Bandit insisted, concerned for his more timid friend.

Twilight Sparkle rolled her eyes. "Calm down, everypony, and everyling." she said reassuringly. "All we know right now is that Pinkie and Chad just got a case of the shivers. That's all." She then realized that the others had run off and, sighing, gave chase.

She moved her legs faster to catch up to Bandit, who was carrying Chad and Spike. Spike turned to look at the purple unicorn.

“Hey! I thought you didn't believe in this stuff?" He asked, surprised.

"I don't," Twilight responded. "I just want to be there to see the look on Pinkie's face when we find out nothing's wrong." And as she said this last part, she glanced over at Pinkie Pie.

"Okie-dokie!" Pinkie said cheerfully.

“Seriously Twilight. You’re starting to worry me.” Bandit told her.

Meanwhile, Fluttershy reached Froggy Bottom Bog, where she was busy letting the frogs, who were croaking happily, out into the water. Unbeknownst to her, something large and scaly was swimming through the water around the small island she was standing on.

In the woods nearby, the ponies plus Changeling kept running. Pinkie had to stop as she started shivering yet again. Chad went stiff and shivered too, almost falling off Bandit.

"Cold?" Twilight Sparkle asked sarcastically. "Need a jacket or something?"

"No thanks, I'm fine," said Pinkie Pie, shivering once again. "Hu-bu-bu-bu-bu-bu!"

“I have a hoodie on al-” Chad tried to say.

“Not you.” Twilight told him. Spike looked at Bandit.

“What do you think happened to Fluttershy?” Spike asked. Bandit began thinking.

“She’s probably fighting a bear.” Bandit said.


“Well Pinkie did say something unexpected. Fluttershy fighting anyone is something I wouldn’t expect. Let alone an animal.” Bandit answered.

“What if she exploded!?” Spike asked.

“Just exploded?" Applejack asked skeptically. "For no reason?"

“Spontaneous combustion. It’s a thing.” Bandit said. Twilight slapped him in the back of the head.

“That is not an image I need in my head!” Twilight exclaimed.

“Spike said it, I just gave the term!” Bandit exclaimed back.

"What if… What if she exploded, and then… and then exploded again!?" Pinkie yelped.

“Stop.” The large Changeling begged.

"Can you do that? Can you explode twice?" Spike asked.

"Of course not." Applejack said reassuringly.

"But what if she exploded, and exploded again, and then— ugh!" Spike yelped as Bandit grabbed him and looked him in the eye.

“Can you flarping NOT!?” Bandit exclaimed. “I do not need to have those images in the back of my head!”

“Sorry, sorry.” Spike said. Bandit placed him back on his back. Chad stood on Bandit’s head.

“Look!” Chad pointed out. The others looked in that direction, seeing the swamp.

“There's Froggy Bottom Bogg!" Applejack exclaimed, pointing to the swamp that was directly ahead with dragonflies buzzing, and they began searching for Fluttershy.

"Fluttershy?" They all called. Chad hopped off Bandit’s back and began sniffing the ground. Bandit was doing the same. They both snapped up and looked in the same direction. They ran towards a tree root where they saw the yellow pegasus still letting the frogs out the basket.

“Found her!” Bandit said. Chad jumped and hugged her.

“Fluttershy! You’re okay!” Chad said happily as he latched on.

"Of course." said Fluttershy, surprised to see them there.

"Whew, what a relief." Applejack said with a relieved smile.

Pinkie Pie nodded happily. "I'm so glad everything's all right."

"Sorry, I know it's not nice to gloat but… Aha!" said Twilight Sparkle triumphantly, unaware that a strange green/yellow fog was starting to rise out of the water. "I told you there was nothing to worry about, and I was right. Pinkie Pie said whatever she and Chad were shuddering about was a-[she began coughing]"-doozy, and-" she kept coughing, unaware that something was rising out of the water behind her, "-and the only-[she coughed again]-doozy here is how right I am."

“Twilight. You might want to-” Bandit tried to warn, but Twilight continued talking.

"Pinkie and Chad have made a lot of predictions today but-[she coughed] -ugh, what is that smell? But what we've shown here is that there's no point in believing [she coughed] in anything you can't see for yourself."

“Twilight….You should see what’s behind you.” Chad said as he pointed behind her. Twilight turned around right as the creature growled. She looked up to see towering high above them was a four-headed Hydra.

"I see it… But I don't believe it!" she said fearfully. 3 of the 4 heads roared, startling the 4th head, who also roared to keep up.

“Is that a hydra!?” Pinkie asked as she stared up at it, shocked.

“Yes! It’s also a reason to run!” Bandit exclaimed. Applejack was the first to start running. Bandit, having Spike and Chad on his back, took off right after her. Fluttershy and Twilight ran as well. Pinkie was frozen in fear. Bandit turned back and saw the hydras lick their lips. He tossed Chad and Spike onto the backs of Applejack and Twilight before running over to Pinkie. One of the hydra heads tries to bite down on Pinkie, but Bandit jumps and headbutts the hydra head, stunning it before grabbing Pinkie by the scruff and running to put her with the group.

One of the frogs was also hopping to safety, making Fluttershy regret bringing them here.

“Oh, I’m so sorry.” She apologized.

The hydra head Bandit headbutted did not look happy, and soon the four headed creature began to chase after them. Each of the other heads tried to bite down on the group, only to; hit their head below the water, latch onto a tree, or bit down on a rock. This in turn made the head that Bandit headbutted laugh at them.

They came across a dead end before Twilight spotted a way out.

“Everyone, up that hill!” She said. They began to head up the hill, all except Spike, who had fallen off Applejack’s back and was now stuck in the mud.

“He-e-elp!” Spike begged as he struggles to stay afloat.

Bandit skidded to a stop and ran back down the hill.

“I’m coming Spike!” He exclaimed. He got to Spike and grabbed him by the scruff. When the hydra head Bandit headbutted earlier tried to get payback, he was only greeted with a buck to the chin, which knocked out a tooth that strangely enough, was a different color that what was in his mouth. Bandit hurried up the hill.

Bandit got a head of the group and placed Spike down, gesturing everyone else to get up the hill.

“Come on, we can make it!” Bandit said.

“But Pinkie’s still shuddering!” Spike pointed out. Pinkie was shuddering up the hill before it suddenly stopped. "Oh, lookie there, it stopped." she said cheerfully.

As Twilight ran by, she shivered as Chad held on and he still shivered.

“Mine didn’t!” He exclaimed. Then, Pinkie shuddered again. Bandit went back down and grabbed her, taking her up the hill. As the others arrived, they soon realized there was a large gap between their current location, and the trail was on the other side of the gap.

They stared uneasily at the outcrops, which was one of two means of getting across.

“Bandit, can you fly us across?” Spike asked.

“If everyone can get on my back in time. Otherwise, we have to jump.” Bandit said. The group heard the footsteps and turned to see that it would be a bit time consuming, so Fluttershy was the first to begin jumping across. Spike looked at this.

“Wow I wish I could jump like that.” Spike said.

“Wish granted.” Chad was heard saying. Before Spike could turn around, Chad yanked him by his tail and began jumping across. He got halfway there before she shiver made him freeze mid jump. He tossed Spike across before he stopped shivering and then latched onto the outcrop he was on before he made the jump, almost slipping off. He tried to use his wings, but they weren’t strong enough to lift him. Spike jumped back across and helped him up.

“Thanks Spike.” Chad said as the two jumped across.

Pinkie shuddered a little too close to the edge, making Applejack yank her back before she could fall. Bandit turned and saw how close the hydra was.

“He’s too close, I’ll distract him. Go!” Bandit told them. Twilight stepped to him.

“You are not doing that by yourself.” Twilight told him. Bandit looked back at her. Then the hydra roared, which got Applejack to start jumping across with Pinkie’s tail in her mouth.

“I’d throw you across if we had time.” Bandit told her as he looked back at the hydra. Then he got an idea. “Hey Twilight. Remember those Ling the Changeling legends I used to tell Spike and Chad?”

“Roughly.” Twilight answered.

A few seconds later, Bandit and Twilight were running towards the hydra.

“Chaaarge!” They both exclaimed in a battle cry. The hydra lunged their head towards the two, but they ducked under them and went under the body and to the other side. All but one head went after her, resulting in its' whole body flipping onto its back and landing on the head that hadn't moved in time, stunning it.

Twilight and Bandit turned around and raced back to the gap as a still shuddering Pinkie and a still shivering Chad called out to them.

“T-T-T-twilight! B-B-B-bandit!” They both called. Bandit and Twilight got close to the gap, but before they could jump, Bandit’s rival hydra head smashed into the first two outcrops, widening the gap.

“Oh no! What do we do know?!” Twilight exclaimed. Bandit looked at her. She looked back at him before realizing why she was receiving that look.

“Don’t you dare.” She said.

The others see Twilight being thrown to the other side. The others scrambled to catch her, which they semi-succeeded in doing. They looked up and saw Bandit fly into the air and began zipping around the hydra heads as they snapped at him. He kept doing this until they tied themselves in a knot. Bandit started to fly back to the other side, and the head he usually attacked tried to bite him, he was stopped short due to the knot. Bandit landed on the other side and stretched out his wings before smiling at the group.

Everyone began cheering, Chad hugged Bandit tight.

“That was amazing Bandit!” Chad exclaimed. “If that wasn’t the doozy Pinkie and I were feeling, I don’t know what it could be!”

At that very moment, he and Pinkie both began to shiver/shudder.

“Uh oh.” Bandit said.

“What!? How could that not have been it!?” Chad exclaimed.

“What are you talking about Chad?” Applejack asked.

"The hydra wasn't the doozy." Pinkie said. The hydra, having untied itself, blew a raspberry at them before heading back to the bog. "We’re still getting the shudder/shivers.” They both shuddered and shivered. “Oo-o-oh, oo-o-oh. You see? There it is again. Whatever the doozy was at Froggy Bottom Bog, my Pinkie Sense says it still hasn't happened."

“Apparently, my Chad sense says it hasn’t either.” Chad responded. The shiver happened again. Bandit took a step away from Twilight.

"Huh? But I— WHAT?!” Twilight shrieked. "The hydra wasn't the doozy?! How could it not be the doozy?! What could be doozier than that?!"

“I really don’t know.” Chad answered. Bandit flew off and returned with a bucket of water. Twilight ended up so angered and frustrated that her mane and tail caught fire. Her body turning a bright, firey orange and white, with her eyes turning red. Bandit poured the water on her, which turned her back to normal. She slumped over with a defeated sigh.

"Ooh… I give up…"

"Give what up, Twi?" Spike asked.

"The fight," Twilight confessed. "I can't fight it anymore. I don't understand how, why, or what, but Pinkie Sense somehow… makes sense. I don't see how it does, but it just does. Just because I don't understand doesn't mean it's not true."

"Y-Y-Y-You m-m-mean you b-b-b-believe?" Pinkie asked as she continued to shudder.

Twilight nodded. "Yup, I guess I do."

Chad’s shiver came back, but it started at his tail, went along his back, onto his forehead and ended at the tip of his nose. Pinkie shuddered and took the form of many shapes before turning normal.

“That was it! That was the doozy!” Pinkie exclaimed.

“Wait wait wait. Twilight believing in this was the doozy?” Chad asked. Pinkie nodded. Chad looked at his hooves before looking at Twilight. “You know what…..I believe that.”

“Twilight believing in something she can’t explain really is a bigger doozy than that hydra we just faced.” Bandit admitted. Applejack looked at him confused. “I’ve known her a long time.”

Back at the library, Chad and Spike were racing there before finally arriving.

“Ha ha! Ha!” Spike laughed at him as he made it first.

“Yeah yeah, you win. I’ll get you next time.” Chad nudged him before he walked through the door. They saw Bandit, Twilight and Pinkie in helmet/umbrella hats.

“Spike, Chad. You’re just in time to take a letter.” Bandit said. Twilight nudged him.

“I believe it’s my turn.” She said before she began to talk. Chad began writing it down. “"Dear Princess Celestia, I'm happy to report that-"

“Uh, Spike? You okay there buddy?” Bandit asked. Spike shook his head.

“Uh, yeah. It’s just that.”

“Pinkie’s tail’s a-twitchin’ and you know what that means.” Twilight said as she pointed to Pinkie’s still twitching tail. Chad looked at his carapace, which has yet to be shaking. Implying that whatever’s about to fall hasn’t started falling yet. Twilight continued her letter.

“I am happy to report that I now realize there are wonderful things in this world you just can't explain, but that doesn't necessarily make them any less true. It just means you have to choose to believe in them, and sometimes it takes a friend to show you the way." Twilight said. Bandit booped both mares on the noses with his hooves.

“Boop.” He said with a smile and a blep.

“Boop.” Spike repeated as he wrote that down.

“Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle.” Twilight concluded. As soon as Spike wrote that down, Chad snatched the letter and took off.

“Hey!” Spike exclaimed, running after him. Pinkie and Twilight laughed as they walked out. Bandit followed the egg brothers, to make sure they don’t break anything.

Outside, Pinkie’s tail twitched yet again. "There it goes again."

"I wonder what's gonna drop outta the sky this time?" Twilight wondered, looking up at the sky.

Pinkie Pie grinned. "You never know." And they trotted off while glancing up at the sky.

Chad beat Spike to the window upstairs and was about to send the letter, when Spike pounced on his back. As soon as he did that, Chad’s shell shook, making him and Spike look up.

Celestia came down and landed on the balcony, startling Spike.

“Twitchy shell? I mean, Shaky tail. I mean-”

“Hi mom.” Bandit and Chad said. Chad gave her the letter, and Celestia planted a kiss on his and Bandit’s foreheads before flying off.

“Holy Guacamole!” Spike said as he watched her fly away.

Author's Note:

This episode was fun to write. Fingers crossed you all spot the continuity that I made yet again.

Also, I feel like some of you might be curious as to what Bandit and Chad might sound like.

Chad shares a voice with Spike, Cathy Wesluck.

Bandit will have Donald Glover, but his singing voice is Black Gryph0n inspired. So that'll be his singing voice.

I hope you all like and love this. Please comment and review. I'll try to get the next Chapter done quick. See you all soon.

One last detail. Chad's scientific name, Kamacaon Picchad, is a reference to Lycaon pictus, the scientific name for African Wild Dog, one of many animals inspiring Chad's behaviors.