• Published 19th Nov 2019
  • 3,607 Views, 149 Comments

Mother Moon, Cousin Love - ShadowStar_IMHP

Princess Luna, and Nightmare Moon was saved by the Elements of Harmony. Now Nightmare moon is her own pony a filly just a year old, when the Changelings attack Canterlot. Nightshade has only one thing to say to them... "MINE!"

  • ...

Chapter Three

Morning there was a time Nightmare Moon hated the idea of mornings. A thousand years ago she would have blasted the maid mare who woke her up. Now a year of life in the body of a foal has changed the former villain. Having forgotten about the nightmare she gladly sat up and lifted her front hooves to Rosewater the maid.

“Oh want that bath so soon my little princess?” Rosewater sniffs “Oh... need a diaper change and a proper cleaning.

Nightshade watched as Rosewater made a small bubble bath. She thought the maid was going to finish bathing her when a shadow fell over her. Looking up she saw Luna looking down.

“I see you are behaving yourself this morning my daughter. Perhaps I can help bathe you?”

“Of course Princess. She is your daughter after all.” The maid Rosewater leaves as Luna picks up Nightshade and puts her in the water. Then Nightshade saw her eyes turn green cat slit and her form turns hard like an insect’s. The form of Queen Chrysalis Shoves her head down into the water.

Nightshade wakes again from her second nightmare of the night. This time she didn’t yell out. “Chrysalis? Why am I having nightmares about her?”

This time the morning routine was normal a change than a breakfast of oatmeal with brown sugar and cinnamon it was time to be taken to the daycare. Once at the door to the daycare Nightshade spotted a fussy Buster in a stroller being pushed by a guard. ~Must be his father. I wonder what’s wrong.~

“Thank you Gentle Breeze. I don’t know why he’s fussy this morning I hope he’s not getting sick.” Buster’s Father says as he passes the colt over to Gentle Breeze.

“That alright every foal gets fussy from time to time.” She looks over “Ah Princess Luna good morning to you as well.”

“Good morning as well Gentle Breeze, and Sir Guard.”

“Please you Highness, I’m just a private, Private Stonewall.” He turns and looks down the hall. “I’m running late Buster was a hoof full this morning.” Then Stonewall headed down the hall.

“Hmm, he seems nervous.” Luna pushes the stroller into the daycare center when a squeaky voice calls out.

“Morning Princess Luna.” Peach Blossom the peach-colored unicorn filly waves smiling from her table crayons scattered all over it and a blob of rainbow swirls on the paper. “Can Princess Luna read us a story, Ms. Breeze?”

“That’s up to the Princess, I have no problem with a surprise Princess Story.”

“I think I can tell a story for you my little ponies.” She sets Nightshade into the playpen and goes to the story corner sitting down. “What kind of story you like?”

“A story about a princess!” Peach blossom yelled out.

“Peach Blossom no yelling.” “Sorry, Ms. Breeze.”

“A brave hero story.” A colt added.

“I think I have one... but be warned it a scary story, after all a brave hero can’t be brave without something to be scared about. Long ago, even longer then Equestria itself, there was King Bronze and Queen Jade. They loved each other very much but they had no foals of their own...”


Nightshade looks to Buster “What’s the matter?”

“That wasn’t my daddy. He looks like daddy but... he wasn’t daddy.”

Blinking she looked to the door then back to Buster. “How you know that wasn’t your daddy?”

“He... little things. He didn’t do his special kiss when putting me to bed. Smells funny, but doesn’t smell funny. Don’t know it just not daddy.” Buster sniffs and wipes tears off with his hooves.

For a moment Nightshade was about to just dismiss Buster worry but she hears Luna’s voice. Remembering the instinctive drive to find Luna, her instincts knew Luna was her mother even when she didn’t want to admit it. Were Buster instincts doing the same? But what could replace a pony?

Then the memory of the nightmares returned. “Crystalis”

She looks to Luna how can she tell the grown-ups about the changelings?


As Luna left the daycare center she looked back spotting the odd look of worry on Nightshade.

She walks into the grand hall where the wedding was going to take place. Hearing the planning of Princess Cadence as she spoke about her vision. “Okay, I want some flowers here... oh and ribbons going from pillar to pillar guiding the viewer to where we will be standing.”

“You have given this wedding a lot of thought dear niece. I remember my wedding, there was nothing special but a crown of Night Phlox on my head with a veil provided by my handmaiden. I can still remember the scent of those flowers.” Luna says with a slight sigh one of the happiest memories, just a day later she was a widow.

“Well, I kind of been planning my wedding for... oh... hmm years now.” Cadence smiles as she prances in place. “I’m so excited.”

“And so you should,” Celestia speaks up smiling at the two. “I’m honored that you want me to be the pony to perform the ceremony.”

“As I am honored, and a little surprised you asked me to be your matron of honor.” Luna makes a slight bow to Cadence.

“We almost met every day for the last year Luna. You training me in hoof to hoof fighting and me helping you. Why wouldn’t you think we be good friends now.”

“I just expected you to choose one of your friends from school.”

“It wasn’t easy. Lyra went and move in with her marefriend in Ponyville. She could do it, but well you met her she’s a great friend but I’m not sure she can handle the duty of a maid of honor. Minuette lives there as well, but she often comes to Canterlot for her job as a dentist, it also takes a lot of her time. Twinkleshine, well she a bit on the shy side and I don’t want her to put extra stress on her. I guess Minuette could do it if you can’t.” Cadence looked worried for a moment as she mentally compared her friends with Luna.

“It’s fine I did say I’m honored to be asked.”

“PRINCESSES!” A tired and roughed up looking Pegusis guard came charging into the grand hall. “I have dire news!”

“Report Private Thunder Charger,” Celestia spoke ending the conversation about wedding plans.

“We were out near Baltimore when my patrol was attacked. Dark armored figures struck at us during the night. We got away, but there were hiding in the forest and our best guest is near a thousand of them.”

The three princesses look at each other. “What’s going on? Who would even try to form such a group in Equestria.” Cadence asks looking fearful

“We need to send out a scouting force, if not a whole regiment. Captain Shining armor would need to lead it.” Celestia states thinking about it.

“What... but... our wedding.” Cadence ears fall back against her head and her tail droops.

“Fear not niece, you shall have your wedding. I will lead the regiment to challenge this force that threatens us.” Luna looks to Thunder Charger. “Go get Shining Armor he will be in charge of setting up the defense of the city.

Celestia doesn’t say anything not wanting to show any challenge to Luna’s authority.

“Of course your majesty.” Thunder Charger runs out of the grand hall.

“Luna? Are you sure you should lead this mission?” Celestia asks.

“It makes sense Celestia if Cadence still has her wedding to Shining Armor it would calm the Ponies. They will see that we aren’t afraid of this threat to Equestria. The will also see me going into action to defend them. Even today ponies don’t notice how I help during the night. This will aid in their trust of me.”

“Guess I have to ask Minuette to be the Maid of Honor after all.” Now sitting Cadence blinks as she hugged by Luna.

“I will do my very best to be back before you say I do. This I swear, it the least I can do for my family.”

“I love you too Luna. Be careful out there.”

At the barracks, Thunder Charger walks the chamber and closes the door. His form changes in a flash of green.

“Report 78.” 42 aka Nudes aka Mixer the bat pony commanded. Really why did he have to be in charge of leading Luna away he asks himself again. His eyes look to 49 noting her smug look. She’s the queen’s eyes here if I mess up... his thoughts were interrupted as 78 reported.

“The Princesses bought it hook line and sinker. Princess Luna herself offered to lead the attack on our dummy camp.”

“Good, our Queen will be pleased.”

Author's Note:

Happy Thanksgiving to all the U.S. readers!

I have seen the plans my Sisters had for their weddings. Some of the things they planned they had in mind after the first date they had with their husbands. To think Cadence didn't have things thought out ahead of time just seems illogical to me. Really didn't the writers think about how much planning it takes for a wedding, not to mention one taking place in the Castle, with the Royal Princesses being part of it? Some Earth royal wedding takes Years to plan not to mention how much time it takes to get the decorations ready, dresses made, and food prepared. We talking at least two months for a normal wedding. In the show Rarity made dresses for Cadence, Minuette, and the others in at least a day? TIME DOESN'T MAKE SENSE!

Okay, I had a breather and calmed down. Just remember that the show was very fast for a wedding. Poor Rarity all that hard work on rush orders...

Just like I always say, I'm struggling with dyslexia and know there are mistakes somewhere in my work. Report these spelling and grammar errors to the nearest pest exterminators.