• Published 9th Jun 2021
  • 1,442 Views, 23 Comments

The Bonds of Love and Fire - Whooves235

Fame and glory, these things are all Spitfire has ever needed she was the Captain of the Wonderbolts. However with the Wonderbolts putting in new requirements and the appearance of an old friend. how will it affect her career as a Wonderbolt?

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Chapter 13: Now or Never

Wonderbolt HQ

The Wonderbolts’ locker room was heavy with steam and regret. Rainbow and Soarin sat on benches, awkwardly not meeting Spitfire’s gaze. She understood completely.

“Look, I get it,” Rainbow muttered. “I want to punch them sometimes too. Especially Yellowjacket”

“Yeah,” Soarin rubbed the back of his head with one hoof. “It’s not like they haven’t pissed all of us off on occasion.”

“You don’t have to make me feel any better, either of you,” Spitfire muttered. She walked over to her locker and ripped it open with a growl, making the other two flinch. She paused, taking a few deep breaths. “You didn’t screw things up for the entire team.”

“Hay you two deserve privacy. Just like anypony else.” Rainbow stomped her hoof on the floor of the locker room angrily. "What that asshole did, stalking you two and then taking photos of an intimate moment? I would wanna hit him too"

Spitfire snagged her saddlebags out of her locker and closed it, a bit more gently this time. She paused, resting a hoof against the cold metal as she leaned against the locker. After finding out Yellowjacket had a photo of her and Orion at the park, the mare had decided to take a long hot shower to think things over. Of course that was interrupted by Rainbow and Soarin' walking in, curious as to why they hadn't seen Spitfire since she came back.

“So what happens then?” Soarin asked, his voice nervous.

“I have no clue Soarin'. Until we figure this out I'm afraid Yellowjacket has the upper hoof”

Rainbow cringed. “That’s bucked up.”

A ghost of her usual confident smirk dusted across her muzzle. “Hay look on the bright side, if I end up being canned, you know what that means? Soarin’s in charge.”

The two looked at each other, and Spitfire watched as the horror slid over both their expressions.

“Oh goddess I'm going to have to deal with Thunderlane and Soarin flirting all the time now!” Rainbow protested. Spitfire laughed.

“Eh, most of the organizational stuff is done anyway. Soarin’s just going to have to run practice. Shouldn’t be too much more work than he was already putting in.” She smirked.

“So what are you gonna do now?” Rainbow asked. Spitfire shrugged.

“Like I said, no clue” Spitfire said simply, before Soarin could stammer something awkward. Rainbow flushed, and Spitfire felt a little guilty. “I’d rather not talk about it right now.”

Rainbow’s wings twitched with agitation. “S-sorry! I didn’t mean to…”

“It’s fine.” Spitfire cut her off. She sighed, and flipped her bags onto her back. “I should get going. Let you all get on with your day.”

"Come on Spit...I'm sure things will get better. Knowing Orion once he figures out what happened he will do everything he can to help you" Soarin said.

"What if I don't want him to help Soarin?" Spitfire said "Orion is the sweetest guy ever and what he has done to help us is amazing, but I can't do this to him! I can't just dump all my problems onto him, especially when he has to deal with his own life and problems as well!"

"So what are you going to do then Spit? Just take it? Let Yellowjacket walk over you again?" Soarin said brows furrowed "I can't continue to see you stress yourself out like this."

"I will do whatever it takes, The Wonderbolts are like family to me. You are all like family to me, and I refuse to let it suffer" Spitfire said, eyes watering up slightly.

"Spitfire..." Rainbow said walking up to her "Let me tell you something ok? I know this is hard on you, but you can't do this to yourself...my wife did something similar a while back. She tried to do all of her family's chores by herself as well as help out anypony who needed it. She put the entire town and her family before her own health and it made her really sick." Rainbow said sighing softly "Don't let the burden of others come before your own wellbeing Spit, and most importantly let ponies help you...even if you think you don't need or want it"

Spitfire sat for a moment, listening to Rainbow's words and taking them in. She was putting a lot of pressure on herself to fix all this, and even she had to admit that she was putting her own health aside for others. Perhaps it was time to let others in, maybe even take a breather. "Yea...yea I think I understand what you're saying."

"Then let us and Orion help" Soarin' said "You need it."

"Ok...I'll ask for help" She said, softly smiling "Thank you both...you two really have changed since you first started here"

"Hay, anything for you Captain" Soarin said smiling softly.

"I'm tellin' ya, Rapid" Thunderlane said between mouthfuls of apple pie. "I've nearly been killed by a full-grown dragon, a power-hungry centaur, and many other creatures, and I never thought that a pissed-off Princess Cadance would be the scariest!"

A round of muffled chuckles sounded from around the large table in the center of the cafe. Most seemed amused at the Wonderbolt second-in-command's anecdote, though one stallion chose to go against the flow.

"Tch." Rapid sounded. After partaking in his own slice of apple pie, he continued. "You're exaggerating. Again."

"Yeah, I can see why you would say that." Thunderlane conceded, shooting the pegasus a look that proclaimed otherwise. "Then again, I was the only one holding her back after you made that crack about her flank."

"Pffft." Was Rapidfire's only response. Fire Streak and Lightning Streak exchanged grins while Misty Flare shook his head disapprovingly. A few Wonderbolt cadets glanced nervously between their present superior officers, praying that the current atmosphere of the Wonderbolts as of lately would change soon.

Thunderlane just smiled and got up beginning to put away the empty plates. It was nice being able to finally relax after the stressful holidays, but even with the stuff with Yellowjacket still going on. He was appreciating the moment for however long it would last. Then the doors from the hallway swung open and Spitfire, Soarin' and Rainbow Dash walked through.

“Alright ‘Bolts, time for the newsflash.” Spitfire said, looking over the clipboard held in her wing as she waited for the team to turn their attention to her. “I know many of you are probably aware of the situation with Yellowjacket, so I will be frank with all of you. I have been asked to hand in my resignation effective immediately” Most of the bolts looked pissed, some shocked, others sad. Overall the atmosphere was sour, not to the surprise of anypony of course.

"So what are we going to do then?" Thunderlane shouted.

"I'm not sure...however I'm going to speak with Orion when I get home and we can talk things over" Spitfire said "Until then I'm going to recommend that everypony here be careful with whom you talk to and where you go. You never know if Yellowjacket has somepony following you"

"Yes Ma'am!" All of the bolts shouted, the group splitting up as they went to their separate duties. Spitfire sighed as she looked at the clock, she somewhat dreaded going home, even if she liked to see Orion's face after a long day. However she knew that it would be a while before that.

Spitfire's house

Spitfire arrived back at her house, shortly after midnight. After work most of the bolts had decided to go to the bar for some drinks. They had great fun discussing one another's embarrassing moments from the past as well as enjoying each other's company. She headed straight upstairs upon entering. She opened the door to her bedroom. It was empty.

"He must be late" Spitfire thought to herself. She took her jacket off and threw it on the chair. She sat down in her bed. A few moments later she heard the door opening downstairs. The door to her bedroom opened. Orion stepped inside.

"Sorry I'm a bit late. The guard had me booked today. We caught a huge blackmail deal going on and it ended up getting ugly" the stallion said.

"It's fine." Spitfire said. The stallion took off his blazer and proceeded to get undressed. As he was doing so Spitfire talked to him. "I was talking to the bolts today, and we-...I wanted to ask for your help Orion. Things have gotten worse and I have no idea what to do." Spitfire said, Orion stopped and turned to look at her.

"I know" He said softly, sighing as he put a hoof into his pocket and pulled out the photo he got from the crime scene handing it to Spitfire, which caused her to blush and also go slightly pale.

"...Orion...I don't know what to say I-"

"Stop." Orion said, putting his hoof up "Spitfire I have had a long time to think about this, thinking about what I would say, how we could get through this, I have run a million scenarios in my head" He said walking up to her and taking her hoof "The only thing I know for certain right now...is whatever happens...we will do it together."

Spitfire blushed, her eyes tearing up slightly. "O-orion I-...I just don't know what to do...Im scared..." She said, the mare ashamed of herself. She was Spitfire, the fearless wonderbolt captain who led her team to victory.

"Hay...its ok I know" Orion said "This entire thing is stupid...Yellowjacket is stupid, and we are in a really bad spot."

"So what do we do then?" Spitfire asked.

"The only thing we can do...make sure he can't hurt anypony else like he has with the Bolts."

"And how do you propose we do that?" Spitfire asked, raising a brow.

"We go to him with the tape, and tell him to destroy all of the evidence he has...or we give it to the Princess's" Orion said firmly.

Spitfire sat there for a moment, contemplating his words, she softly wiped her tears away. "I'll clear my schedule." the mare said.

"This ends tomorrow...I promise" He said crawling into the bed beside her. "Goodnight." he said he hesitated for a moment before he leaned in, giving the mare a kiss.

Spitfire blushed softly "Goodnight." she said quietly, and she would slowly return the kiss as the stallion reached over and turned off the lights.


Spitfire took a deep breath as she and Orion flew towards Yellowjacket's mansion. She had made sure that the other Bolts knew where she was going, and Orion had apparently told some of his guard friends as well. Today this was all going to end. The two ponies had agreed to fly over to Yellowjackets place, and take the day off work so they had enough time.

As they flew towards the house her anger started to rise. She had been trying her hardest to be there for her team, and for Orion. She knew that Yellowjacket was to blame, and after everything he had done. She knew that the time to act is now or never

The two ponies came in for a landing outside the building and pushed the door open. As they walked inside they were greeted by a butler.

"Good afternoon, how may I assist you?" He asked, the unicorn in question dressed in a rather fancy-looking attire.

"We are here to see the Council Pony. Is he here?" Orion spoke, flashing his guard badge. The stallion had chosen to dress in a more casual attire, as he didn't want to bring any unnecessary attention.

"Yes...I shall go see to it that he is told of your arrival" The butler said as he trotted off.

Spitfire and Orion stood at the entrance, both of them taking in the atmosphere of the place. Yellowjacket's mansion was at a premium in Canterlot, which made its luxurious and immaculately maintained lawn and gardens an even clearer statement of wealth and power. The manor’s facade, columns and pillars were all made of flawless marble, carved in traditional Roaman fashion. quite large and full of expensive things, mostly trophies and some expensive-looking decorations. It came with all of the amenities that money and magic could provide. Including an excellent selection of muffling and silencing spells.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say he was compensating for something" Spitfire mumbled, smerking softly

"Well given his personality, I wouldn't be surprised" Orion chuckled.

The sound of a door opening and closing would be heard in the hallway as Yellowjacket would begin to walk down the staircase in front of them. The stallion looked rather unphased by the two of them showing up. Upon reaching the bottom of the steps he would walk up to the two of them, wings folded to his sides "Captain Spitfire, I was surprised to hear you had shown up...I didn't expect it" He said, looking to Orion as he raised his brow "And who might you be?"

"Orion Snow" He said "Captian of the Royal Guard."

"My my...two captains in one room. Not every day something like this happens" Yellowjacket said, smirking as he looked to Spitfire. “Is there something I can help you with?” he asked with a very business-like tone.

Orion would look to Spitfire, and then Spitfire would look back to Orion. The two of them know each other's facial expressions well enough. "Is there somewhere we can talk?" Spitfire asked.

Yellowjacket squinted slightly as he turned "Yes follow me...we can go to my study." He said, leading the two ponies around the mansion. They walked for a few moments and entered a large study with books and papers. Yellowjacket walked to his desk and sat down, as Orion and Spitfire stood before him. "Now...what do you two want..."

"We are here to simply state facts Councilpony Yellowjacket" Orion said sternly "We know you have been using your influence and money to gather sensitive information on ponies, and that you have been using that information to your advantage" He said, then grabbing a small tape recorder and showing it to Yellowjacket "This is a recording of the meeting you and Spitfire had the day of the Wonderbolt Holiday Party."

Yellowjacket stared at the two of them, leaning back as he put his two hoofs together "I see...getting bold now Spitfire? I must say I'm surprised..." He said "So...what do you want then..."

"It's simple" Spitfire said "You stop your Underground Blackmail Business and you start to actually do your job properly. If you don't? We will show this recording to the Princess and have you impeached from your position and arrested for your crimes."

Yellowjacket sat there for a few moments, the stallion taking in the words of the two ponies "Well...I guess I have no choice then hm?" He spoke. He would get up and begin to walk. "You know I have been doing this job for a long time...in those times I have gained a reputation in the underworld...ponies pay me a good amount of money to keep their secrets safe, as well as keep the secrets of others safe too. Of course they all end up submitting to me in the end...but you Spitfire? You have been quite the challenge. From day one I have never been able to crack you, to get you to bend over and submit....until now it seems." He said as he made it to the door, closing it as he then locked it, which caused Orion's guard instincts to kick in, walking in front of Spitfire slightly and puffing out his chest.

"I have to say, when I first saw this photograph I thought it was Zipper playing a joke with me...I knew he hated you so it was only natural to assume he faked the photo...but then you brought Orion here....to me..." He said "And then I found out that it was real...you have a coltfriend..."

"H-he isn't my-"

"Oh shut up...you can't deny there is something between you two, even the photo shows it." He said getting closer to the two of them "And now, after all this time, who would have guessed a simple stallion would make you go off the edge, and now? Well...I assume you know."

“Well, oh soothsayer, since you clearly seem to know why don’t you enlighten us!” Spitfire challenged, her lips curled into a snarl.

"It's simple...you two know to much... you're a liability...and I need to get rid of said liabilities" He said, pulling out a small knife from his pockets "Permanently."

"Councilor Yellowjacket as Captian of the Royal Guard I order you to drop the weapon and surrender" Orion said sternly.

"I'm afraid I won't be doing that Captain..."

"So what?! You're just going to kill us?! Over a stupid tape? Is that really all it takes to ruin your entire career?"

"Oh please...you two are not the first ponies who I have had to dispose of for getting too close..." He said in an unforgiving monotone voice. "What do you think happened with Commander Hurricane hm? Why your graduation year of 2001 had to be canceled and delayed to the next year?"

"You killed Commander Hurricane?!" Orion yelled.

"Well...I didn't do it myself, but I did put out the hit on him." He said twirling the knife in his wings "It was truly a lucky day when I found out that you Spitfire... were his top student and that you just so happened to be the Captian when I took charge... it's like poetry...I killed your idol...and now I kill you."

A deafening silence settled between the three ponies as Yellowjackets’s words sank in. A slow-building horror grew in Spitfiret’s gut as she realized what he just said. Spitfire’s face contorted in fury and fear, her right eye twitched in a way Orion had never seen before. Orion’s face fell into a mask of neutrality, cold fury dancing in her eyes.

“I'm not going to let you hurt any more ponies Yellowjacket." Orion spoke "You are going to pay for your crimes."

Orion glared at Yellowjacket a moment longer, his eyes full of anger, then the next thing Orion realized, the blade of Yellowjacket’s knife would be charging at him, he pushed Spitfire out of the way as the two of them got out of the way. Orion would quickly got up and charged at Yellowjacket as he striking him in the jaw, sending him reeling backward.

Before Yellowjacket could recover, an even stronger blow sent him stumbling into his desk. Yellowjacket crumpled to the floor, instinctively curling himself into a defensive posture. Orion circled her like a hungry predator. Yellowjacket would uncurl himself as he heaved, looking up to Orion with anger in his eyes.

"You are not going to get away with this..." He said, spitting some blood onto the floor.

"Trust me when I say...you have no room to talk" Orion said, before Yellowjacket looked to Spitfire, then got up and charged at her before Orion jumped in front of him, he felt a sharp pain in his chest, looking down he then saw Yellowjacket's wing, holding the knife that was currently shoved into him, a loud shriek came from Spitfire as Orion fell back slightly, the knife sliding out of him and Spitfire would zoom over to him and hold onto him.

"Orion!! Fuck fuck!" She said, tears forming "Orion stay with me!"

Orion winced in pain "Ngh...It's ok...this isn't the first time I have gotten stabbed" He said, looking to her.

"Oh but it will be your last..." Yellowjacket said, Slowly, he forced himself up into a sitting position and then standing. His cheek burned and he could taste blood in his mouth.

"NO!" Spitfire yelled as she charged at Yellowjacket, bucking him square in the chest which sent the stallion flying into the wall. The knife dropped onto the ground as Spitfire quickly picked it up, the mare walking up to Yellowjacket and holding up the knife to his throat.

He chuckled softly "Go on...do it...you know you want to." He spoke "But know if you do...you will never get your life back."

Spitfire heaved, huffing deeply as she contemplated it. Suddenly she felt a hoof on her shoulder, looking back to see Orion "Dont... it's not worth it..." He said, holding a hoof to the wound.

She looked to Orion, then back to Yellowjacket. She huffed, dropping the knife onto the ground as Orion quickly pinned Yellowjacket to the wall, going into his pockets he grabbed a small zip tie and tied his hoofs back behind him. "Yellowjacket, you are under arrest for blackmail, conspiracy, attempted murder, association with murder, and attacking a royal guard. You have the right to remain silent, anything you say or do will be held against you in a court of law."

Yellowjacket chuckled softly "Oh...don't worry...I fully plan on that" He said, smirking softly as the door to Yellowjacket's office swung open, with two royal guards busting in with weapons drawn, upon seeing Orion they stood down slightly, then looking at the scene they immediately knew what was going on.

"Make sure Councilpony Yellowjacket is put into a cell and watched 24/7...and someone get me a medic..." Orion said, wincing slightly.

Spitfire watched as Yellowjacket was taken away, the pony smirking softly as he caught her glance. The mare felt a shiver down her spine as she knew that this wasn't the last time she would have to deal with him. She looked at Orion and walked up to him. "Orion...you took a knife for me..."

"Don't...worry about me ok? I had to...you were in danger" Orion said looking at her "I couldn't let him hurt you."

Spitfire looked at him, blushing softly "I'm going to worry about you regardless..." she said softly, taking his hoof "You saved my life...and helped to finally get that bastard."

Orion smiled weakly "Hay...I wasn't gonna let my best friend get abused like this was I?"

Spitfire chuckled "Hay, I'm the one who's supposed to be taking care of you remember?"

He smiled as the medical pony came in, Spitfire stepping back as she let them do their job and heal up Orion's wound. She looked at the window, the sun shining through it as she took everything in. He had finally been caught...Yellowjacket was now finally going down. But in the back of her mind, the question still lingered. What will happen next?