• Published 22nd Nov 2019
  • 2,596 Views, 19 Comments

My Brave Pony: The Knight Who Fell From Space - Scipio Smith

Twilight Sparkle's world is rocked when a knight and his fairy sister drop out of the sky above Ponyville, and before long she cannot help but wonder if there isn't more to this abrasive warrior than meets the eye.

  • ...

I Will Find You

I Will Find You

To His Majesty, the King of Kings and Lord of New Olympia,

You don't know me. My name is Twilight Sparkle, and I have the honour to be the student of Princess Celestia of Equestria, with whom - as I was given to understand - you were very well acquainted once upon a time.

Yes, you read that correctly, I am from Equestria and I am known to Princess Celestia, who is known to me as she was known to you. I also had the privilege of knowing your own son, Prince Lightning Dawn, and his sister Krysta when they came to my world in search of a Prism Stone at your command. You will be recieving this message through the same warp conduit through which, I expect, you will be looking for the return of your son and his sister; alas, your majesty, I write to tell you that that is not to be.

Although Lightning recovered the Prism Stone, given to him as a gift by Princess Celestia herself, shortly thereafter your son sacrificed himself most valiantly to save me. In a battle with something which he called a Shard of Darkness, Lightning and Krysta fell into the void between worlds, dragging the monster with them but also losing the Prism Stone.

It grieved me, it still grieves me, that events have come to pass in such a way because, you see, in the brief span of days in which I knew him I came to like your son a great deal. He was not without his faults, but his virtues did him credit. In the midst of your grief I hope you can take some comfort from the fact that Lightning was brave and honourable to the end. Although I confess that brings me very little comfort.

What does give me some small measure of consolation is the fact that, in the brief moment that she had before she fell into the void, Krysta told me that she and Lightning had ended up there once before. Clearly they had escaped from that, and so it should be possible for them to escape again. That, at least, is what I hope for. That is what I tell myself.

I, for one, refuse to give up hope. I refuse to accept that they have died for me - and for Equestria - and that is an end to it. I would very much like to see them both again, and I will do what I can to see that I do. You may wish to do the same.

Your son deserves it.

I regret that I have no better news than this, but I felt that you deserved to know the truth. What you do with it is up to you.

Princess Celestia's Faithful Student,

Twilight Sparkle

Twilight rolled up the parchment on which she had just finished writing out her note, and sealed it with red ribbon and wax as she waited in the field for the warp tunnel to open.

"There," she said. "I'm ready."

"Do you really believe that he... survived?" Rarity asked delicately. She was the only one who had accompanied Twilight out to this spot, for which Twilight was grateful. She could have done this by herself, but she preferred the company.

"I know what Krysta said," Twilight replied. "They'd been there once before, and they got out. They survived once, they can survive again."

"Perhaps," Rarity murmured. "But... there is no guarantee that they will, is there?"

Twilight fell silent for a moment. "No," she admitted. "No, I suppose there isn't. Just like there was no guarantee that their plan would work, but they tried anyway. I... I asked him to kill me, Rarity."

Rarity went very still, her eyes widening by a barely perceptible amount; the breath seemed to catch in her throat for a moment. "I... I for one am very that he didn't darling," she whispered.

Twilight smiled momentarily. "Me too," she said. "But the point is... they didn't give up on me. And so I can't give up on them either. I have to try."

"And do what?" Rarity asked. "Find out they're safe, or bring them back here?"

"Either," Twilight said. "Both? I don't know yet. I haven't started researching all of this. I don't know what's possible or what isn't. But I have to do something. No matter how long it takes... I can't just write them off."

Rarity smiled. "I hope he appreciates how lucky he is, having such a mare as you in his corner."

Twilight chuckled, a faint blush rising to her cheeks, but before she could say anything else the sky was split by a gigantic thundering crack as the warp portal tore open a hole in the fabric of the world, splitting the sky as a tunnel into darkness opened up above their heads. Rarity let out a gasp of surprise as the wind, tugged upwards and into the tunnel, pulled at her mane and blew dust into her face, but Twilight merely shielded her face with one hoof as, horn flaring, she levitated the scroll that she had just written upwards into the air until it was caught by the currents and sucked up into the tunnel. She lost sight of her missive as it disappeared into the dark. How would it be received? What would the King of Kings do with it? Would he give up on Lightning and Krysta? Would he search? Had he any way of finding them? Would he be more interested in the fact that Twilight was from Equestria?

She hoped not. She hoped that he would put his son first, but... she didn't know. New Olympia had made Lightning Dawn in his virtues but also in his flaws. Whether they would keep faith or give up on him she could not say. All she could say as the portal closed, the hole in the sky stitching itself up again before her eyes until it was every bit as blue and clear and pristine as it had been just a moment ago, was what she would do.

Twilight looked up into the sky and vowed, "I will find you."

Comments ( 3 )
Aburi #1 · Jan 28th, 2021 · · 1 ·

I just finished reading this story, and I am very confused.

The storyline is solid. There are some good plotlines going on, and it doesn't feel like anything is being shoehorned in. The characterizations are spot on, and I love that the voice of the narration matches the character that is being followed.

I am confused because this story has only 1k views and a hand full of likes and comments. This is severely underrated.

I'm looking forward to reading the second part!

I notice that every comment on this has at least one downvote.

Now that's just pretentious, Mykan.

Interesting read.
I do have to say I'm a little miffed at Raven.
Like, I get she acting kinda desperate because, as I understand it, she's from the future where Equestria is doomed, but... Seriously, Raven? Quit with the sneaky, shadowy preventive stuff and give an actual warning to the ponies of the past (or present, I guess). If they are skeptical, and do not heed your warning, then fine, you were heard, and you can say "I told you so". But attacking innocents indirectly? Not cool.

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