• Published 26th Nov 2019
  • 317 Views, 8 Comments

In The Beginning - flutterJackdash

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6. Rainbow Dash

Rainbow Dash was mystified. A ring of color had formed around her, it looked like it was in motion, but it was so very still. What was this? It was pretty awesome, even if she had no name for it.

A buzzing and whistling sound caught her attention coming from behind, her ears swiveling to meet it before turning around. She made only a portion of her turn before she found herself being forcefully thrust downward, held by a strong pair of forelegs while powerful wings beat.

“What the hay!?”

“Traitor! You bucking traitor!” she other pony screamed. She hadn’t managed even the slightest look at her attacker, and now she was busy trying to combat the rapid descent. If she couldn’t, it would be very bad for her.

“You call yourself a friend?! A pony!? Buck you!” the other pony screamed, her voice eerily familiar as rage colored every last syllable.

“What the hay are you talking about!? Stop! You’re gonna hurt me!”

“That’s the bucking plan you traitor!” the other pony screamed in return, at this point more to overcome the mad rush of wind as they blasted through more open air toward the ground.

She felt her head vibrate as a hoof made contact with her join, she groaned and forced herself to focus. “Please! What did I do?!” she screamed in terror as she fought pointlessly against her attackers momentum.

The other filly growled, speaking almost too low to hear over the wind. “If I kill you! They won’t have to die!”

Tears streamed from her eyes, taken into the air where they glistened before dissipating. She could feel how her jaw had begun to swell, and the other filly slammed her hoof into a new spot just as she recognized it.

She spit out blood, grunted, and cried. “Please! I didn’t do anything!”

The other filly wasn’t listening to her pleas, made no effort to even acknowledge anything other than the need for he violence. She flapped her wings again, slamming both forehooves into Rainbow’s chest and pouring on the speed. “Die! Die you bucking traitorous bitch!”

The fillies crashed into the ground, cratering and leaving Rainbow gasping for breath as she clutched her barrel and whimpered.

The other filly grunted as she lifted herself back onto her legs, gritting her teeth and moving towards the prone Rainbow. “You… bucking… selfish…,” she said between labored breaths as she closed in on Dash.

Dash squeezed her eyes shut, curling into a ball, crying. She felt the other filly’s hooves grip her and lift her onto her hooves. “You think… it’s okay to just… just walk away!?” she screamed into Dash’s face.

“I… I don’t know… what yo-,” she tried, but before she could finish the thought she heard a crisp snap, and a moment later the pain followed. She gasped, and screamed in pain as she turned teary eyes to look at her broken wing.

“You… You don’t deserve those things on your back, you hear me!?” the other filly screamed angrily as she flew over Dash and gripped her other wing in her teeth. She bit down hard and twisted almost at once, another snap ringing clearly through the air as Dash’s screams cut off, the pain too great to give voice to anymore.

“Equestria… The world… will be better off with you…,” the other filly said angrily and she flapped her own wings and hovered over Rainbow, wrapping her forelegs around Dash’s barrel and hoisting her into the air.

“You wanted to fly so bad? Fine, I’ll get you flying!” the other filly spat. Dash whimpered, the other filly’s forelegs pressing her agonized wings into her barrel and bringing even more pain than she thought possible.

The other filly flapped her wings again, and attained unreal speed as she ascended swiftly back into the sky, moving faster than any filly had a right to. Dash might been impressed, except that she couldn’t really focus on anything but her wings, tears streaming down her cheeks.

“I’m sorry! I don’t know what I did! But I’m sorry! Please!” she cried, pleading for her life.

“No, sorry doesn’t undo what you did. And you don’t get to apologize, either,” said the other filly as she grunted and spread her forelegs, releasing Dash into a free moving arc through the sky at high speed.

“You get to die!” the other filly growled.

Dash howled in pain and fear as she began her descent. She forced her eyes open, staring at the far distant grass and trees, looking like little more than tiny models.

I’m sorry…