• Member Since 25th Oct, 2016
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago


"Consequences… Give a person a situation with no consequences and you’ll see the real them… Every time."


Rarity planned this day to be perfect. A ladies-only, Christmas shopping, no guys, no rush, no muss, no fuss. What she didn't plan for was a rebellion of wild burritos in her gut, threatening to exterminate everyone in the shopping mall.

Now, instead of rest and relaxation, she's forced to fighting off the invasion, but it's a losing battle…


Cover based on the image from https://derpibooru.org/2146479

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 32 )

“Cough of booty”
That’s certainly a euphemism.

I felt so bad for Rarity, yet it's not stopping me from laughing! :rainbowlaugh:

What Equestria Girls episode is the cover art from?

I love Rarity fart stories, and I also like that Jason didn't hold it against her.

nice work


Wow! I can see the story is bombing almost as hard as Rarity in the story itself. And here I thought that was a feature box material :duck:

Must be the influence of all those Evictus' stories I read :trollestia:


Of course, it is, along with some others included in the story itself :pinkiecrazy:


Phew! I'm just glad someone got a kick out of it :unsuresweetie:


This one I think (near the end, last minute or two):

Of course, someone 'adjusted' it (take a look at the derpibooru link in the story description for details).


When that happened in real life, the guy who brought back the purse to my co-worker's wife also didn't hold it against her. From what I remember, after the initial awkward moment, they both shared a laugh.

Not that she wanted to repeat the experience :rainbowwild:


I really love how someone is down-voting comments. What a 'brave' thing to do :rainbowdetermined2:


Wow! I can see the story is bombing almost as hard as Rarity in the story itself. And here I thought that was a feature box material :duck:

Haha we’ve all had that happen



This will go into my 'it seemed like a good idea at the time' folder :rainbowwild:

Honestly, though, I realize the story is low-brow, but I'm still surprised by the number of down-votes. And, of course, no feedback on why...

That's just so... uncouth :duck:

I hate when people don’t tell you why they didn’t like a story. It really... stinks. :trollestia:



I see what you did there :trollestia:

I can imagine being with Rarity, Cookie and Sweetie
Also if Saturn had a car it'd be the Kamata Angelus from Ridge Racer 6, or the Zihua Archangel from Ridge Racer Vita
Great story though, I would have made sure Rarity would get her relief with no interruptions ^^

Wonder why it has so many down votes, it was quite funny.

It's just how some ponies are about fetish stories

That's good to hear, and that she was able to laugh it off. I really like it when they're able to do that (same with if they wet themselves), though of course I try not to fetishize such real life stories too much unless they want people to. I think it'd be all right to do so with Rarity in the scenario here, but it seems more played for comedy rather than fetish purposes and I don't want to ruin that. I imagine you added the part about Rarity fainting instead of laughing cause the former was more expected of her in that situation.



Wait, what? Fetish:rainbowhuh:? This story was supposed to be a fun one-shot comedy, not some fetish driven thing. Sure, I used farting, but that's because it happened in real life...

Are you saying that this story seems like one of those dipper/scat/vore/something stories:applejackunsure:? ... well, that would explain why it got two down-votes the 2 minutes after publication (no way anyone can read 2000 words in two minutes).

If you felt it was one of those fetish stories, then can you tell me why? Was it the title, description, cover, promotion, or the story itself, that push you to that conclusion:unsuresweetie:? I'm asking to avoid that in the future.

Well, I have the fetish, but I understand it was played for comedy instead, which is one of the reasons why I'm not fetishizing it real hard. Other people with the fetish might see it as fetish fuel first and not even be able to comprehend finding it funny. Likewise, my fart stories are the opposite; they're written as fetish stories but some people just find them funny and nothing else. Yet others hate it cause they find it disgusting or offensive, hence the downvotes. It all comes down to how people feel about it whether they find it funny, fetishy, or disgusting. To each their own. But it's clear it's played for comedy first, and don't let those of us with the fetish ruin it for those who just find it funny.

Also for this reason I didn't even add it to the "My Little Fetish" group, because I know this isn't meant to be fetish-based. Only people with a fart fetish can see it as a fetish story.

People aren't downvoting it because they see it as a fetish story, they downvote it for the fart itself cause they dislike that kind of content, whether it was played for comedy or fetish fuel. Which is rude, if they know based on the description what a story will be about, the polite thing to do is just ignore it.



People aren't downvoting it because they see it as a fetish story, they downvote it for the fart itself cause they dislike that kind of content, whether it was played for comedy or fetish fuel.

You may be right. That would explain the initial down-votes minutes after publication...

I must say, I'm really surprised by all this. I would have never thought anyone could view this story like that.

Oh, well. Experience for the future :unsuresweetie:

Don't let that ruin it for you. There are three ways people look at it: Finding it funny, fetish fuel, and hating it. Each and every person here has their opinion. To those who find it funny (like Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie), it serves the intended purpose. Fart jokes played for comedy are intended for those who find it funny. Not everyone does, but they are there. There will always be those who dislike this kind of thing (like Rarity, Fluttershy, and Twilight) and will downvote stories based on that alone, when they should only be downvoting stories they actually read and disliked, and just ignoring stories they know have content they dislike. You've done nothing wrong.

Compare all the buttplay we get with the ponies in the actual show. Even the Equestria Girls (except Rainbow Dash and Applejack, I think).

Again, I've written fart stories for fetish purposes and a few users here found them funny instead. So they probably would for this one too since it had no fetishy intentions behind it. And a lot of people do find it funnier with Rarity than, say, Rainbow Dash or Pinkie Pie because it's less expected of her. Maybe that's why pony Rarity was shown farting in the comics, and Fluttershy some time after.



[...] Maybe that's why pony Rarity was shown farting in the comics, and Fluttershy some time after.

Wait, what :rainbowlaugh:?! Which issues exactly?

In Issue 7 (Part 3 of Nightmare Rarity), Rarity is possessed by Nightmare Moon and Pinkie tries to get her to return to her senses by reminding her of a time she farted in the tub at the spa from laughing too hard at one of her jokes (she words it "Poof! There were bubbles!"), and mentions Rarity was so embarrassed she made her swear never to tell. In Issue 8, when Twilight tells them to remember something they love about her, Pinkie immediately thinks of this same moment, and we actually see an image of it in her thought balloon, with Pinkie laughing beside Rarity, while Rarity's eyes are open wide as the bubbles appear around her.

Then in Issue 73, Fluttershy is under the spell of an amulet and imitates several animals. One of them is a skunk, and it's implied she farted in Rarity's face walking by her (though some think it might have just been the skunk and Fluttershy was just walking like one). Rarity's disgusted by the smell, but doesn't hold it against Fluttershy and forgets it quickly, brushing it off like it's no big deal based on the next time they appear together, and she doesn't even refer to that moment when she finds out Fluttershy was under a spell.



Thanks, will have to check those out :rainbowlaugh:

I suspect uncouthness is the problem, here. One of the main demographics for grossout humour is not allowed on FImfiction, after all. And Rarity fans perhaps tend a bit more towards heightened senses of disgust.



I picked Rarity for this exact reason - I imagined she wouldn't want to do it in public, because that would be 'uncouth.'

If that's the case for the down-votes then that's a beautiful irony :duck:

Booty coughing so great, it ruptures your spine.

i shidded and ferded

i shidded and ferded

10/10, I pizzed, n shid mine pant a lil. Possibly farded and cumm'd.

I shidded and farded. :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:


I unironically enjoyed this... written perfectly competently, you have a good understanding of humour and command of language... don't know why this has so many downvotes.

I also came.

I shidded, I fardded, and I saw a hwite horse.



When you suddenly see multiple people leaving comments on one of your old stories that bombed badly:


But, don't get me wrong, I'm very pleased about it - practically farting in joy :trixieshiftright:

This was inspiring. Thank you for writing. I shall now bequeath this queef upon thine family's wreath and hope to spread it like a mighty heath.

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