• Published 7th Dec 2019
  • 2,364 Views, 40 Comments

How To Charm A Bug - ShowShine

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Twilight walked around her library, sorting out books. She happily hummed to herself as she organized. The sound of a doorbell rang, making Twilight turn around. Who could that be? She wasn't expecting anyone. Her friends usually just walked in uninvited. Twilight walked out of the library and started to walk down the hallway. The sound in the castle was silent and the only sound was Twilights hooves tapping across the floor.

After several minutes of walking, Twilight finally approached the front door. She swung the door open to see a purple pegasus with fluffy white hair. He looked like he was a few years older than Twilight and had a distressed look on his face. He also looked very sleep-deprived.

"Princess, I'm so sorry that I'm disturbing you, but I have very important news." He said, clearly out of breath. It looked like he had flown all the way to Twilight's castle. "Last week, I saw Queen Chrysalis in Cloudsdale." He explained in a distressed tone. Twilight's eyes widened in surprise.

"Queen Chrysalis? Are you sure?" Twilight asked. The stallion nodded his head. Twilight hadn't heard anything about Queen Chrysalis since Thorax became king.

"She popped out of nowhere and hissed at me. I think she stole my groceries. Since then, I've been having vivid nightmares about her attacking me. I thought it was just a hallucination but it's stuck with me for too long. I think it was really her." He said with a shaky voice. Twilight cocked an eyebrow. Why would Chrysalis need groceries? She still fed off of love. Twilight moved to the side, making space for the stallion to walk in.

"Come in, I need to hear more about this," Twilight said. The stallion shakily walked in and walked past Twilight. She needed to find out more details.

Twilight paced around the throne room, holding a scroll in her magic. Her friends sat in their seats, all of them watching Twilight intently.

"None of this makes sense, why would Chrysalis scare someone just to steal their groceries? She didn't even attack!" Twilight exclaimed. Rarity tapped her head with her hoof.

"Twilight darling, are you sure that this poor stallion wasn't hallucinating?" Rarity asked. Twilight nodded her head.

"I'm positive. I checked his memories with flawless spells and it was Chrysalis. The odd thing is, she didn't seem to have a motive. She didn't chase after him when he ran off." Twilight explained.

"I say that she's doing the long haul. Scaring ponies one by one for something big." Rainbow Dash said with a slight sneer in her voice.

"Whatever she's planning. we need to stop her." Twilight said sternly. "Applejack, search around Appleoosa, Rarity, search Manehatten, Pinkie Pie, search Yayakistan, Rainbow, search Fillydelphia, and Fluttershy, search Cloudsdale. I'll go to Canterlot to talk to the Princess about getting extra security. We can't let Chrysalis get away." Twilight said. Her friends nodded there heads and sprang into action.

Twilight closed her eyes, preparing to teleport away. She needed to get to the Princess right away.

Zephyr Breeze stood in a hair salon, holding a pair of scissors in his mouth and a comb under his wing. He leaned on a cushioned chair with a mare sitting in front of him. He ran his hooves through her long, dark blue mane.

He pulled her mane up and started to snip off the ends of it. A bell rang out across the room, making Zephyr's ears perk up. Someone must have walked in. He didn't turn around, completely in the zone. A familiar soft voice snapped Zephyr out of his trance. He turned around to see his boss and Fluttershy talking about something. It looked like they were having a serious conversation. His boss shook her head and Fluttershy said something in response. He stuck his hoof up into the air and rapidly waved.

"Hey Shy!" Zephyr greeted rather loudly, making the scissors fall out of his mouth. Fluttershy turned around and walked over to her younger brother.

"Zephyr, I didn't know you had a job," Fluttershy said in surprise. Zephyr put his hoof against his chest and leaned on his client's head. His client made a slight noise of discomfort but didn't speak up.

"I've had this job for half a year already and I'm doing great." Zephyr boasted with a smile. Fluttershy looked Zephyr in the eye and put her hoof over his.

"Now Zephyr, I need you to listen to me carefully. Queen Chrysalis is somewhere nearby and I need you to stay safe. She's very dangerous so if you see her, go in the opposite direction. Don't do anything dumb, I know how you are." Fluttershy instructed. Zephyr slowly blinked, clearly spaced out.

"I'll be fine. I'm brave and strong." Zephyr said with a wink. Fluttershy let out a long, annoyed sigh.

"Zephyr, just stay safe," Fluttershy said. Zephyr got off of his client's head and picked the scissors off of the floor with his mouth.

"Will do." He murmured out before turning around and continuing to cut his client's mane. Fluttershy let out another sighed and walked out of the salon. Zephyr had no idea what Fluttershy said, but it couldn't be that big of a deal.

Zephyr walked into his apartment, taking in a breath of fresh air. Well, not really fresh, more mildewy than anything. Chrysalis laid on Zephyr's couch, staring at a single chip. All of her attention was on the chip. Zephyr walked over to her and kissed her on the head.

"Hey Chrissy, what are you doing?" Zephyr asked. Chrysalis looked up at Zephyr. Her cheeks turned green with blush at the sight of him

"I'm trying to eat a chip but the idea of eating is nauseating," Chrysalis said in a disgusted tone. Zephyr let out a chuckle.

"You'll get there eventually." Zephyr encouraged. Chrysalis let out a sigh and placed the chip in the bag.

"How was work today?" Chrysalis asked. Zephyr smiled and laid on the couch next to Chrysalis.

"It was great, I got a lot of tips today. My sister came over and warned me about some 'dangerous villain' but I don't think I hafta worry about that." Zephyr said cockily. Chrysalis let out a chuckle and leaned her chin onto Zephyr's head.

"You won't have to deal with anyone dangerous if I'm around," Chrysalis stated. Zephyr let out a happy hum and nuzzled his head deeper into Chrysalis' chin. Chrysalis closed her eyes, relaxing herself.

They had been living with each other for the past week and everything had been going great. They were like a domestic married couple. Chrysalis loved sleeping on a soft couch and getting fed every single day. She wouldn't admit it, but she was fond of Zephyr. He treated her better than anyone she had ever met. It felt nice to get physical love too. It seemed like Zephyr was enjoying the company too. He was very passionate about Chrysalis.

"Do you want to meet my family?" Zephyr asked. Chrysalis' eyes snapped open and she jolted upwards. She shook her head.

"No no no, that would be a bad idea," Chrysalis said. Zephyr looked up at Chrysalis and frowned.

"Why not?" He asked. Chrysalis looked down at him to answer but saw the sadness in his eyes. She couldn't just tell him who she was now. She had feelings for him and couldn't bear to lose him.

"I've...done bad things in the past. I'm known as a bad changeling around Equestria." Chrysalis explained. Zephyr tapped his chin with his hoof, thinking for a moment.

"How about you only meet my sister. She won't judge you, she's dating a reformed villain right now. You can be yourself around her and it can be a double date!" Zephyr exclaimed happily. Chrysalis thought about that suggestion. It wouldn't be that many ponies there and if anything went wrong, she could wipe their memories.

"Fine, but only if it's somewhere private. Like a house or something." Chrysalis bargained. Zephyr broke out into a wide grin and wrapped his arms around Chrysalis' neck, peppering her face in kisses.

"Thank you so much! This is going to be so much fun!" Zephyr exclaimed, now excited. Chrysalis let out a sigh. Maybe the date won't be so bad.

Author's Note:

Sorry that this chapter isn't the best