• Published 8th Dec 2019
  • 840 Views, 11 Comments

Wallflower’s Favorite Time of Year - BlackWater

Wallflower goes out for an Eve date with her two girlfriends, Sunset and Twilight. Before they can have the perfect evening, however, they run into some unexpected old friends.

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Happy Polydays~!

Cold air. She could see her breath.

The haze of warm air escaping her mouth drifted about and parted around her glove-covered hands and the cup of hot cocoa held within. The mix of sweet warm liquid and cold ambiance of the evening was familiar enough, but this year was different in so many ways.

Holiday music was ringing across the plaza and had been doing so for the last ten minutes that she had been sitting here on the lip of the plaza fountain. Shops surrounding the circular marketplace center were all dressed in festive decorations. Wreaths and bows everywhere. Rainbow colored lights breaking the darkness of the winter evening. It made her smile.

Even when she had nothing but her own loneliness there had still been this. Memories of those days were hardly on her list, though. Holiday music playing over the plaza speakers was more in tune with her mood even if it was a bit scratchy – like it was being played from an old record. The songs sounded different this year than previous one too. Maybe it was because her reality was finally a bright one.

She hummed along with the current tune as her legs kicked back and forth. The fountain edge she sat on was just high enough for her feet not to touch the marbled ground of the plaza. Even with her heeled boots.

Her smile doubled.

Sunset had been the one to talk her into getting them. She had said she looked so good in them that she just wanted to sweep her off her feet. A blush added to her present smile and it had nothing to do with the chill. It wasn’t just the boots either. Sunset had been something of a point of pressure when it came to fashion. She said she had to fill in for Rarity now that they weren’t always together in school.

Green and red striped tights, a rich-colored skirt of matching holiday plaid, and a red “wife” sweater. Whatever that meant. Sunset had called it that for some reason...in any case, if Sunset said she looked breath-taking in it then she was going to wear this outfit as much as possible.

She took a sip of hot cocoa. Then looked to the side when she heard a coo.

“Oh my gosh. You’re soooo cute!” came the familiar voice of one glasses-wearing CHS alumni.

That’s right. Wallflower hadn’t seen her today yet since she had left before her or Sunset were awake.

“I could just eat you up~!” Twilight continued to fawn over the girl as she stepped up and joined her on the fountain edge for a generous hug.

“You’re starting to sound like her, you know,” Wallflower giggled.

Twilight stuck out her pouty lips. A classic that always worked with Sunset. “And here I was going to share these holiday chocolates with my favorite girl...”

“Favorite?” Wallflower fought her urge to begin fidgeting. “I thought Sunny was your favorite.”

“Pfft,” Twilight blurted. Her signature distorted chuckle bringing Wallflower back to their high school days. “I think we both know she’s less a ‘girl’ and more a succubus.”

Wallflower almost spilled her cocoa. Glad she hadn’t just taken a drink as a fit of her own chuckles came on.

“We – the two innocent maidens – have clearly been the victims here,” Twilight continued in a dramatic tone. She pushed up her glasses, giving Wallflower the mixed image of her younger nerdier side and her older more refined side. (Clearly too many coffee meetups with Rarity and Fluttershy on the weekends.)

“Oh, I don’t mind,” Wallflower continued to blush. She welcomed the warmth to her face, even if her girlfriends teased her about her namesake. “I really liked that costum-”

“Eeek,” Twilight gave a squeak of surprise and hurriedly covered Wallflower’s mouth with her purple-gloved hand. She looked quickly around the plaza then whispered into Wallflower’s ear. “If Pinkie ever hears about that, we’ll never hear the end of it until she gets a taste.”

The muffled sound that came in response beneath Twilight’s hand was less words, though.

It was a moan.

Twilight only then realized she had come right up to Wallflower’s ear to whisper. One of the girl’s major weak points. The science-wiz gulped after another quick glance around the plaza. Nobody was paying them particular mind. The place was busy and everyone was going about their shopping and/or dates.

She gave a brief breath of hot air against Wallflower’s ear.

“Mmmm...” Wallflower struggled to keep her cocoa from spilling and her composure from dropping so much that it would garner attention.

Twilight gained a slight but rather sadistic grin and continued leaning against her girlfriend to whisper. “I have to admit, though. Our bewitching Sunny succubus might have rubbed off on me a bit...”

She gave another breath and Wallflower’s face started to glow nearly as red as the holiday lights strung about the plaza.

Then she gave the edge of her ear a loving lick.

“Mmmph!” Wallflower felt lightning race up her spine.

Twilight giggled but finally leaned back and resumed talking cheerfully as opposed to seductively. “Why don’t we enjoy some of these chocolates? I had to stand in line forever to get some, you know.”

“Hey!” another voice called over from a table set along with a spread of others behind a low railing of one of the inner plaza’s restaurants.

The girls both looked over to the caller. It was a redhead with an attractive wavy style one might find on an ad for shampoo. In spite of the weather, she was wearing a cropped jacket. Though, the wine-colored long sleeve beneath it was probably warm enough on its own. Although she was beckoning them over, her expression looked like one who was disappointed.

Twilight hopped off the edge and held Wallflower’s cocoa-free hand to guide her off as well. She kept hold of it as they walked over and through the rail’s gate marked “seated customers only.” But when they arrived at the redhead’s table, the person continued her pout even as she scooted the chairs out for them. “I was going to text when I noticed you two ended up over there somehow.”

“I discovered a wild Wallflower on my errands,” Twilight joked once seated. “And I thought we were getting an inside table?”

“Apparently they messed up the reservation,” Sunset shrugged and seated herself again. “They gave us a discount for it though, so I figured we’d just take it.”

“You look...classier today,” Wallflower commented with a hum of thought. Admiring her second girlfriend’s outfit as much as her first’s. The black skirt was subtly patterned with snowflakes and, rather than clashing with the rest of her attire, it matched the dark long sleeve and old black jacket rather well.

“It’s our first Eve date,” Sunset blushed for once. Usually not the one with any reservation or shame. “Had to mix it up somehow.”

“You’re really pretty...” Wallflower finally did fidget, the drink previously helping her not to do so now placed upon their table.

“I could just ea-”

“Don’t reuse lines on me,” Sunset gave Twilight a dead stare.

The glasses girl felt a cold sweat coming on. “H-how...”

“I saw it written all over Flower’s face,” Sunset said nonchalant as she took up the menu placed before her. “Now, are we sharing any appetizers or going right to entrees?”

“Drinks first, right?” Wallflower suggested, looking around to see if the waiter was going to jump them before they could check the options.

Sunset’s gaze, now turned to Wallflower, softened to an almost sultry grin. “A cup of hot cocoa and yet still thinking of drinks, Flower? You are quite the thirsty woman.”

“Girls!” Twilight objected.

“I wasn’t-” Wallflower began.

“Oh, so Thirsty Woman B has objections?” Sunset nearly laughed at her other girlfriend.

“I wasn’t-” Twilight suddenly started copying Wallflower.

“And what would you lovely ladies like to drink today?” the waiter’s voice suddenly cut in.

All three turned to the person who had blindsided them. All three quickly attempting to compose themselves. And then all three quickly having the composure stricken from them when they saw the face that went with the strangely familiar voice.

“What?!” they all exclaimed in confused shock.

“Oh please,” the waiter rolled her eyes. “Don’t give me that look. I just needed some extra cash for the holidays. No job is too difficult for the Great and Customer-Friendly Trixie~!”