• Published 11th Dec 2019
  • 9,899 Views, 673 Comments

Equestria: The Afterlife - Timzocker201

What would you do, if you found yourself in an unknown location and couldn't move? That's the situation Markus finds himself in, after suffering a horrible fate.

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CH49: True Neutral

“Ok, now swing those big black appendages of yours! Oh yes, that’s it, now push deeper! Yeah, that’s what I’m talking about! Come on, we’re almost there!”

Just as she had promised, Luna took it upon herself to teach Markus how to fly with his wings and so, after her therapy had healed them, they began their first lessons. It was a difficult start for both of them, given that Markus’s wings were excessively large, yet seemed to have mostly the same characteristics as Luna’s wings, making him slower in return, when flying.

Setting that aside, Markus was a fast learner and so, it wasn’t long before they went on actual flight tours through the Canterlot Mountains and the surrounding area, of course always careful not to be spotted by anypony else.

“I am glad that you show so much enthusiasm, Luna, but I would be grateful if you’d watch your phrasing a little.” Said Markus, as he set down beside Luna, his voice since having returned to normal through the therapy. “I mean, I am glad that your illusion spell works this well, but having me be your personal accountant definitely sparked some envy especially among the lunar guard and I’d like this envy not to be spiced with some cheers gone wrong, heard by the wrong pony.”

Luna smirked at that. “Oh, don’t you tell me that you of all ponies are afraid of a little gossip? Really, you wouldn’t believe what sister and I had done even before the… incident.

Markus paused for a moment, tensing up at the implications, before looking over to Luna with his eyes and giving her a very disturbed look. “No and I don’t think I want to know…”

Luna chuckled, before looking ahead again. They were at the bottom of a steep cliff that was surrounded by lands, long left uninhabited. The few trees that grew there had died long since and whatever animals had lived there had fled eons ago. This was Tartarus, the place, where the most evil of villains were brought, to be imprisoned for eternity.

“Anyways, we have arrived. Now, do tell: why did you want me to show you Tartarus?” Luna asked, looking back at Markus, who was studying the gate in front of him.

“Because, as much as I would like to avoid this place, the fact remains that I am the alicorn of death and as such, most of the villains that are powerful enough to be a threat to my realm are either already here or will end up here.” Markus answered her, keeping his gaze fixated on the gates. “And you are certain that nothing in there will ever come out?”

“Why, of course! Sister and I have proofed this gate against everything we know and we are still renewing the spell every year at the summer sun celebration!” Luna proclaimed. “After all, the safety of our ponies is what we, Celestia in particular, hold most dear!”

“Ah, in that case excuse me for worrying too much. Of course, I never intended to insult your skills.” Markus apologized with a bow. “In any case, thank you for bringing me here. Nothing is better than a wonderful day with a wonderful mare.”

“Oh cut the flirting, Markus. You already have two ‘wonderful mares’ to worry about, I doubt you could handle a third.” Luna chided playfully, before launching back into the air with Markus following close behind.

A droplet. And another. And another yet. Droplets of water falling in regular intervals, surrounded by the otherwise complete darkness that was Tartarus. That was what Tirek had to face day in and day out. Sometimes, he wondered how and why he had ended up in here. Sometimes, he wished that things had played out better, but in the end, the truth stayed the same: he was here, counting water droplets.

A few meters in front of his cage sat one of the many reasons he had yet to flee: Cerberus. The guardian dog of this damned prison was the sole thing that seemed unaffected by his magic drain and thus was the ultimate hurdle to overcome, if he ever wanted to get free. The question was: how could he get rid of him?

If one would have told Tirek at the start of the day that this question would soon answer itself, he would have just thought it to be a cruel joke, meant to give him futile hope of salvation. Thus, when the gates opened, he definitely wasn’t expecting Cerberus to growl and bark, only to then suddenly flee while whimpering pathetically.

He heard something that sounded like a sword being thrown to the side, then hoof steps, which were coming closer. Lights flickered to life around him, as whoever just defeated the guardian was approaching him. He had to hold his hand out in front of him, as his eyes weren’t used to be exposed to light anymore.

While he was trying to regain his sight, the steps were continuously growing louder, until they were right in front of him. Tentatively, he opened an eye, not only to test out the light, but to also get a glimpse of what had come for him. He opened both eyes wide, when he saw that he was looking at a male alicorn. His coat was blood-red and his wings, horn, mane, tail and eyes were completely black.

He scowled at the sight of his visitor, thinking that he certainly was here per Celestia’s wish. He grabbed the bars of his cage and leaned against it, showing his teeth to the unbidden encounter. However, just as he pushed his weight into the bars, he heard a metallic ‘creak’ and the cage door he was leaning against opened without a problem. This caused Tirek to stumble and fall directly in front of his unlikely saviour.

“Lord Tirek, I presume?” The alicorn asked, as he looked down upon the badly malnourished Centaur.

“Yes, that would be me. May I ask whom I may thank for my freedom?” Tirek asked back.

“My name… is irrelevant. We shall not meet again anyways.”

“I take it then that my servitude is not what you seek?” Tirek asked in slight wonder.

“No. It is merely your hate for Celestia and your thirst for revenge that I need. Consider this a chance to fulfil your desire. You may take the magic of the other prisoners if you want. I don’t particularly care about any of them.” The alicorn answered, before turning around and walking towards the exit.

“Then, I thank you for the chance. I assure you, I will not let it go to waste.” Tirek thanked with another bow.

“Oh, I am sure you won’t.” The alicorn commented, but then suddenly stopped and spoke over his shoulder. “One last thing before I go: Celestia has gotten quite powerful over the past few years, especially now that her sister has returned from her banishment. However, she has a weak point: Her protégé lives in the town of ponyville in the local library. She is quite powerful herself, but also very inexperienced and should thus be a very good source of power for you.”

“I will keep it in mind, my lord.” Tirek confirmed.

Thus, with everything said, the alicorn turned for the exit one last time and vanished beyond the gates into the blinding light of an equestrian summer day.

“So… I’ve really done it, haven’t I?” Markus thought, as he was walking through the Everfree Forest.

After he had freed Tirek, he had to think. He needed to contemplate, what to do next and what better time to do so than during a calm hunting trip in the Everfree?

“Well, it’s not like they are completely defenceless, they’ve got the Elements after all. And even if everything goes to shit, I can still intervene, if necessary.” He told himself, as he was aiming an arrow at a rabbit that he had just spotted. He let go and the arrow hit the rabbit dead-center, killing it instantly.

Satisfied with his performance, Markus walked over to the rabbit and pulled out the arrow. He was just about to gut and skin his prey, when he heard a few familiar voices come closer.

“Oh crap.” He thought, “I can’t let them find me here! I have to hide!”

He quickly jumped into the bushes and watched, as the four mares passed him. Or rather, as three of them passed by, while one suddenly stopped. It was a blue Pegasus with a rainbow-coloured mane, whom he knew only too well… and she was looking directly at him.

“Oh shit, did she see me? Oh no, no, that can’t be, calm down, Markus, calm dooowww-“

After a few unintelligible words were spoken, Rainbow suddenly moved into the clearing, where Markus had just been standing. Tentatively, she made her way towards not the bush, where Markus sat… but the rabbit that lay in front of him.

“Wait… what is she doing?” He asked himself, as Rainbow was inching closer, sniffing and prodding at the dead animal.

“Yes, Rainbow, that’s a dead rabbit. Now ksshh, get on with your life, do stuff, please leave!” He told her in his mind.

Rainbow held up her head and looked around, as if she was checking if anyone was looking. Then, she opened her muzzle and tentatively closed in on the carcass.

“Wait, is she…?”

She bit down close to where the arrow had been sticking just a few moments before and yanked a small piece of fur and meat from it. She almost immediately spat it out again, trying to get the hairs off her tongue, but there also seemed to be something else. In fact, it looked like she liked the taste of the meat, as she went back to the rabbit and ripped another chunk of meat from it, this time even chewing and swallowing it.

This repeated a few times, Markus still sitting in his hideout and watching his prey slowly be devoured by his marefriend. It certainly would have gone on until the rabbit was a mere heap of bones, if it wasn’t for Rainbow being interrupted by a loud:


Applejack was suddenly standing behind Rainbow, who by now was covered in blood from her muzzle down to her front hooves. Applejack definitely didn’t like the sight at all and Rarity and Twilight seemed to agree, when they finally arrived as well.

What followed was a scolding by Applejack, after which Rainbow sped off and the other mares also took their leave. During this whole ordeal, Markus didn’t move a muscle. Being found out by one of them can be dealt with, but four? That would be a problem even he couldn’t fix.

“Well, at least now they’re gone and there might just be enough left of that rabbit to at least have a little snack.”

Just as Markus thought that, the rabbit was suddenly engulfed in a purple aura, before it vanished with a ‘poof’.

“Well, fuck you too, Twilight!”

Author's Note:

I feel like these chapters are growing shorter... ah well, next one will definitely be a longer one again! Most likely... maybe... ok, I can't guarantee, but we'll see.

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