• Published 14th Dec 2019
  • 8,640 Views, 86 Comments

Twilight Sparkle the Sleeping Beauty - SamSwordsman123

Twilight pricks her hoof and falls under a sleeping curse at a Canterlot Wedding.

  • ...

Chapter One The Curse Happens

Twilight Sparkle glared madly at her former foalsitter Princess Cadance as she pushed past her friends.

“I’ve got something to say. She’s evil!” Twilight pointed a hoof at Cadence.

This caused all of her friends to exclaim in surprise. Shining Armor put himself in front of Cadence to protect her. But Twilight didn’t step forward. She teleported behind Cadence and Shining Armor, separated them and backed Cadence into a corner as she spoke furiously.

"She's been horrible to my friends, she's obviously done something to her bridesmaids, and if that wasn't enough, I saw her put a spell on my brother that made his eyes go all..." Twilight spun her eyes around in the direction of her brother, friends, and mentor for them to see before glaring back at Cadence.

"Why are you doing this to me?" the princess asked as tears appeared in her eyes and she ran off.

"Because you're evil!” Twilight shouted, teleporting back to the door and repeating, “Evil! And if I don't stop you, you're gonna ruin my brother's life!"

She smiled and turned back with her eyes closed, proud of herself. Suddenly she bumped into something. She looked and gave a small smile at her brother who gave an annoyed expression.

"You want to know why my eyes went all...?" Shining Armor made a motion with his eyes for a moment. "Because ever since I started having to perform my protection spell, I've been getting terrible migraines. Cadance hasn't been casting spells on me. She's been using her magic to heal me! And she decided to replace her bridesmaids because she found out the only reason they wanted to be in the wedding was so that they could meet Canterlot royalty! And if she hasn't been on her best behavior with your friends, it's because with me being so busy, she's had to make all the decisions about the wedding!"

"I was just trying to–" Twilight began to say, her voice starting to sound hurt.

"She's been completely stressed out because it's really important to her that our big day be perfect! Something that obviously wasn't important to you!" Shining Armor yelled in her face.

Twilight narrowed her eyes back at him, then suddenly he recoiled, putting a hoof to his head in pain. Twilight’s anger faded and she reached to help him, but he slapped her hoof away.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go and comfort my bride,” Shining Armor said as he walked past her. Then without looking back he added. “And you can forget about being my best mare. In fact, if I were you, I wouldn't show up to the wedding at all."

Twilight’s heart filled with sadness as she sat down in remorse. Slowly, she turned to her friends who were all wearing shocked and saddened expressions except for Applejack who merely glared at her.

"C'mon y'all. Let's go check on the princess." The cowgirl pony said to Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Spike and Rainbow Dash, who all nodded together.

The Mane 5 trotted out of the room with Spike, and Princess Celestia started to follow after them, giving Twilight a disapproving glare.

“I-uh-“ Twilight tried to say.

"You have a lot to think about." Celestia told her coldly, this caused Twilight’s mouth to drop and tears finally came out.

The doors closed after Celestia, leaving Twilight all alone. The purple unicorn sat down and stared at the floor as tears continued streaming down her face.

"Maybe I was being overprotective,” Twilight said as she turned back in the direction of the altar where her brother was going to be married soon. She crawled up the steps. “I could have gained a sister, but instead, I just lost a brother."

She than sang sadly.
He was my Big Brother Best Friend
And now we'll never do anything

In the shadows, a woman in black and purple robes with the sleeves having a flame-like design, a horned headdress on her head, a black ring on her right index finger, light green skin, yellow eyes, blood red lips, and a gold staff with a pulsing green orb at the top of it in her hand stood, watching Twilight with an evil smirk on her face. Her name was Maleficent, the Mistress of All Evil. She had seen everything, witnessed everypony Twilight trusted abandon her (including her assistant Spike) and watched as Twilight sank into depression.

"Exactly how I predicted all those years ago." She chuckled to herself as she silently chanted her hypnotic spell to put Twilight into a trance. "Now, to put Twilight Sparkle into a trance for her to complete my curse."


It was a week after Twilight's birth. Night Light, Twilight Velvet and Shining Armor all stood over the cradle containing young Twilight when the door suddenly opened up. The startled ponies looked behind them to see Maleficent standing there.

"Maleficent! What are you doing here?" Night Light hissed.

"Why, I am here to grant your daughter a gift." Maleficent replied.

"No way!" Shining Armor exclaimed, jumping between the cradle with his new sister and the evil fairy. "We don't want your gift! You monster!"

"I do not care!" Maleficent snapped at the colt, lightning flashing with her anger; causing Shining Armor to back up. "You shall have it! Or rather, she will."

She put a hand to the top of her staff and began to cast her spell.

"Twilight Sparkle shall indeed grow in beauty and grace. She will be loved by all she meets. However, on the day when she is abandoned by everypony she trusts, she shall prick her hoof on the spindle of a spinning wheel and die!" she laughed.

"No!" Twilight Velvet began to cry. "No! Please! Maleficent!"

"Please don't have my sister die!" Shining Armor pleaded with the evil fairy.

"Too late so sad! Enjoy your time with her while you can ponies!" Maleficent snarled before disappearing in a flash of green fire.

Hours rolled by with the Sparkle family weeping over the future fate of their newest member. Then another knock sounded on the door. Twilight Velvet and Night Light got up, their horns glowing, ready to fire spells at Maleficent. But instead of the evil fairy, it was Princess Celestia who walked in.

"I heard Maleficent was here! Is everypony okay?" Celestia asked.

The family was silent for a moment. Then Twilight Velvet threw herself before the Princess. "Please your highness, you must help us! Maleficent, she's cursed our daughter!"

Celestia put her hooves to her mouth. "Oh my goodness. Please tell me everything."

When they were done, Celestia took a deep breath.

"This is terrible." Celestia said.

Twilight Velvet sniffed. "Why my daughter?"

Celestia shook her head. "I can only assume it was because she has a great destiny that could threaten Maleficent."

"Princess Celestia, we beg you. Remove the curse, if anypony can do it, it is you!" Night Light asked miserably.

Celestia pondered for a second.

"I'm sorry, but Maleficent's magic is far too powerful, even for me. But I maybe able to weaken it."

Celestia walked up to the cradle and lowered her horn above the infant Twilight's forehead. It began to glow as she performed her magic and spoke.

"Twilight Sparkle, when the spindle pricks your hoof, you shall not die; but fall asleep until awakened by the power of true love." Celestia said.

Hearing this caused the family to feel relief. Twilight Velvet put a hoof on her heart and managed a smile while her husband embraced her.

"What power of true love?" Shining Armor asked as he looked down at his sister.

"True love’s kiss," Celestia replied. "That's what will awaken Twilight up from the curse. But there may also be a way for us to prevent it altogether."

From Twilight, a small bit of dark green magic flew out. Celestia held it on her horn and looked at Shining Armor.

“Come here young colt.”

Shining Armor did so. Celestia lowered her head down to him. The dark magic went onto his horn. He felt a chilling sensation as it did so.

“I’ve rigged a spell to alert you when the curse begins on your sister,” Celestia said. “With luck, perhaps you shall be able to prevent it.”

Shining Armor looked at his sister as she cooed. He smiled and took her in his hooves.

“Don’t worry, little Twily. I won’t let this curse happen.”

And thus, Maleficent's curse was weakened by Celestia and the Sparkle family became hopeful that the curse won't come true.

End flashback:

As Twilight continued to sob, she heard a voice softly calling her name. Twilight raised her tear-stained face to see a glowing ball of green fire. It seemed to dance before her eyes, enchanting her to follow it. Twilight got up to her hooves, her eyes changing from purple to green as the light hypnotized her. The green light shined on Twilight's face as she began to trot towards it. The ball of fire moved over to the doors and, when the light pulsed, they opened. Twilight followed as it began to lead her down the hallway.

Shining Armor searched for Cadance, heading up in the direction of her room, hoping that she was there. Anger still filled his heart as he thought back to Twilight. How could his sister ever think Cadence was evil? She’d loved the youngest alicorn who had been her foalsitter.

Suddenly a cold feeling occurred on his horn, which glowed green. Not his natural lavendee magic. Shining Armor suddenly gasped, he looked behind him and saw Celestia, Spike, and all Twilight’s friends. They’d all left her!

“No!” he screamed, all anger at his sister vanishing as he realized she was in danger. “Twilight!”

Spike and Celestia gasped as they beheld Shining Armor’s horn glowing green. Her friends all looked confused. Shining Armor past them in the direction he came.

“What’s going on?” Applejack wondered.

“Twilight’s in trouble!” Celestia shouted, realizing what they’d done. “Quickly we must get back to her!”

Hearing this shocked the Mane 5. They were mad at Twilight for her ridiculous behavior but they didn’t want her to get hurt as it sounded liked she was going to be by Celestia’s tone. They all galloped after Shining Armor.

“Twily! Twily!” the captain of the guard screamed desperately as he turned a corner.

To his horror, he saw her as she walked into one of the towers after a green ball of light.


He tried to reach her as she began to walk up the stairs, but suddenly he ran into a barrier.

“No! No!” he put his hooves against the invisible wall as he watched his sister vanish from sight.

Twilight’s friends tried to help him, but it was no good.

“Stand aside!” Celestia ordered.

They did so. The Princess sent a wave of powerful alicorn magic at the barrier, which broke. Shining Armor continued his pursuit of his sister with doubled effort.

“Twily, don’t touch anything!” he screamed desperately.

At the top of the tower, Twilight stood in a dark room, her hoof directly over the spindle of a spinning wheel. Her brother’s voice broke Maleficent's hypnotic spell slightly and Twilight pulled her hoof away from the spindle for a moment, her eyes turned back to their normal purple for a second.

"Touch the spindle. Touch it, I say!" Maleficent's dark voice demanded from the shadows.

Under the force of Maleficent's powerful magic, Twilight's eyes turned back to green as she stretched her hoof over the spindle again and brought it down on the spindle's sharp point. It pricked her hoof. Slowly, Twilight felt dizzy as Maleficent's curse became active and she collapsed from the stool onto the floor in a deep sleep. A moment later, Shining Armor and the others arrived on the scene.They gasped at the sight of the evil fairy in the room.

"You poor insignicant foals. Thinking you could defeat me! The mistress of all evil!” she sneered.

Though the Mane 5 and Spike had only heard of Maleficent, they were frozen in fear at the sight of her just the same. Even Celestia shivered slightly at the sight of her enemy whom she had battled with several times but could never defeat.

“Well here is your precious Twilight!”

She raised her cloak and revealed Twilight’s sleeping form. Causing all the ponies and Spike to gasp or cover their mouths.

“What have you done to her!” Rainbow Dash asked, having not been informed of the curse.

“Oh she’s not dead, thanks to Celestia,” Malificent sneered. “But she is out of my way now nonetheless. And without her, you cannot use the elements of harmony to stop me from conquering Canterlot.”

Maleficent then disappeared, laughing triumphantly and leaving them in anguish.

“Twily!” Shining Armor ran over to his sister as the shock faded and took her sleeping form in his hooves as tears appeared in his eyes. “What have I done?”