• Published 18th Aug 2012
  • 8,469 Views, 299 Comments

A Special Night - Zonfic

Twilight gets a suprise visit from Luna one night. Secrets are soon found out about each other.

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The "Relationship"

“Well that was a nice breakfast with everypony.” Luna said as she and Twilight walked back to the library along the snow covered path. The town looked absolutely beautiful. Luna had seen Canterlot covered with snow before but somehow the peace of the small village glimmering with the tiny white flakes brought a smile to her face.

“I guess…” Twilight said, doing her best to avoid eye contact with Luna. The princess was still busy admiring the scenery and was still remembering the delectable breakfast she had. The golden brown circles everypony called pancakes had given off the most intoxicating aroma. When Pinkie had suggested putting syrup on them Luna could have sworn her tongue was given the most delicious food in existence. She could have let herself slump in the chair and just relish in the feeling of enjoyment. Unfortunately she was still a princess and being such meant she had a certain composure to keep, especially in the presence of her subjects, formal or not. She then decided to try and start a conversation with her unicorn companion. After all she had been nice enough to let her stay with her for the holidays.

“I especially enjoyed the pancakes! I’ll have to remember to tell the chefs at the castle to start making them.” Twilight was still looking away from her. “Um, Twilight, are you alright?”

“Huh? Oh, I’m fine. I’m just… a little stressed.” Luna was a little surprised to hear this. This morning, other than the awkward moment of Twilight’s friends finding them in that position, had been rather good. They had a nice breakfast, and Luna got to meet Twilight’s friends.

Perhaps it is the coming of Hearth’s Warming Eve that has her worrying. Hm, maybe I can offer my assistance. Luna thought to herself. Twilight was being generously nice to her; she might as well try to return the favor.

“Well as a Princess it is my duty to help my subjects wherever and whenever I can. What is wrong?” Twilight just let out a slight sigh and looked at Luna, her lavender eyes met with Luna’s teal ones.

“I just… well…” Luna could tell by her reaction that it wasn’t the holiday that had her in stressed.

“You’re not comfortable with us being in a ‘relationship’, are you?” That caught Twilight off guard.

“N-no, I mean- well…” Twilight struggled to say the right words.

“I understand. I too am not quite… comfortable” Luna admitted.


“It’s been quite some time since I’ve loved or been loved, Twilight. I am not sure if I even remember what a relationship feels like… however, as I said before, it does not need to be a serious relationship”

“I-I guess…” Twilight’s eyes slowly went to look at the snow covered ground again. The snow reflected the morning’s light, making a beautiful sight and it almost seemed to make Ponyville glow. However, the unicorn was too busy trying to make sure that she avoided eye contact with Luna to notice.

“Twilight, you do not need to take part if you do not wish. I will not force you and I am sure your friends will not either”

“Well they certainly were insistent that I get in a relationship…” Luna giggled a bit at that, remembering how everypony was trying to persuade Twilight and herself to get together. It had been quite entertaining.

“They were indeed, determined. However, it seemed to me that they only wanted to help out their friend” Luna slowly gave a small smile. Twilight just let out another sigh and slowly looked into Luna’s eyes once again.

“I guess that’s one way to put it… But, I only agreed to it because I thought you wanted to try it…” Twilight’s voice lowered to a whisper as she ended her sentence. Luna just slowly raised her eyebrows.

“What do you mean?” A small blush placed itself on Twilight’s face.

“W-well… I know you don’t know many ponies yet and Princess Celestia said you spend a lot of time in the castle so… I just thought that…” She trailed off, losing her train of thought. Luna just smiled and nodded her head slowly, understanding what she was trying to say.

“So you agreed to be in a relationship so I would not be so… lonely, is it?” The blush on the lavender mare’s face slightly darkened. She slowly nodded her head, her eyes doing their best to avoid looking at the teal ones right in front of them. Luna’s smile grew a bit. “I appreciate that Twilight Sparkle. I appreciate it very much. But I will not force you to be in something that makes you uncomfortable for my benefit alone.”

“Well, I-I mean, we can still try it…” Luna gave a confused look to the unicorn. “Well, we already agreed… and besides, I don’t want my friends to start trying to find somepony else for me to date” Luna laughed at that and even Twilight gave a slight giggle.

“Very well Twilight, we shall remain in our “relationship” as long as you are comfortable” Twilight nodded her head, if only a little hesitantly.

“I am, Luna” She gave a small smile and Luna happily returned it.

“Very well Twilight Sparkle, very well”

When they made it to the library they were greeted by Spike, who had been waiting for them.

“There you are Twilight!” He ran over and wrapped his claws around one of her hooves. “I was wondering where you were!” Twilight let out a slight giggle.

“Sorry Spike, I had some unexpected company last night.”

“What do you mea-”As soon as he saw Luna he let go of Twilight’s hoof and stared surprised with a little bit of shock. “P-P-Princess Luna?”

“Oh, this is Spike correct?”

“Yes, he’s my number one assistant”

“U-uh, nice to see you Princess. Um, do I need to make tea or clean up more or-” Twilight let out a little chuckle and shook her head.

“No Spike everything looks fine. Besides, I think you’ve worked enough, it is getting close to the holiday. And since everypony had breakfast and you didn’t come, why don’t you go help yourself to some gems?” At the mere mention of gems Spike’s mouth drooled a little. Twilight just giggled at him and gave him a little push towards the kitchen where he happily went to.

“He is the one who helps you?” Luna asked, watching the dragon make his way to the kitchen.

“Mhm, as I said, he’s my number one assistant. He helps me sort my books and notes, helps clean and delivers my letters. He can be a little full of himself sometimes, but he’s sweet.” Both Twilight and Luna smiled. “Uh, so what do you feel like doing today?” Twilight asked to try and stir a conversation and try and get an idea of what to do. After all, she had never had a princess as a house guest. A student to one, yes. Had one as an informal, or as close as you could get to informal, guest, no.

Luna pondered a moment, trying to think of something she’d actually want to do. To her surprise she actually couldn’t think of anything. She had expected Twilight to have things planned. And it wasn’t a situation like last time where activities had been set up because of Nightmare Night. As she tried to think of something to do her eyes drifted to the many books that lined the shelves of the library. “How about we read together?” Twilight’s eyes immediately lit up at the mere mention of reading.

“Really? Okay, let’s read together! What do you want to read, I have a lot of books so we can read fiction, adventure, mystery, maybe a historical book!” Luna chuckled at the unicorn’s enthusiasm. She could tell she had made a very good choice for their activity.

Tia wasn’t kidding when she said Twilight loved to read. She let out another chuckle. “Do you have a nice adventure story? I always enjoyed hearing those kinds of stories when I was little.”

“Of course. Have you read any of the Daring Do books?”

“Daring who?”

“Spike!” At the mention of his name the small dragon ran into the room.

“Yes Twilight?”

“Can you please go get me Daring Do and the Quest for the Sapphire Stone?”

“You got it!” With that he ran off upstairs to the book’s location. Less than a minute later he was back with the book in his claws. “Here you go Twilight”

“Thanks Spike”

“That’s what I’m here for” With that he went back to the kitchen to help himself to a few more gems.

“Have a look Luna” Twilight smiled and handed over the book to her. Luna looked it over closely, a bit intrigued by the mare that was dangling from a vine with crocodiles snapping bellow her.

“I take it that this mare is the so called Daring Do?”

“Yep! It’s a great read if I do say so myself.” Twi gave a small smile and Luna returned it.

“So… would you like to start reading first?” Luna offered, and Twilight happily agreed. She went and laid down on the rug in the center of the room and patted the ground next to her for Luna to join her. The princess accepted and laid down next to her, making sure not to get too close. Even though Twilight had said that they could stay in their “relationship” Luna could tell that the unicorn was still hesitant to the idea. To be quite honest so was she. She knew Twilight was indeed a very nice mare and a great friend; however a marefriend was a different story. And Luna also felt that she couldn’t really be a good marefriend to Twilight in return, especially with her duties. But she could at least see where it went. Perhaps she would help Twilight find somepony she actually liked, maybe even loved. Though Luna couldn’t deny that she did find her quite cute.

As Twilight began reading Luna tuned her ears to hear only her voice. She let the words journey into her mind and form pictures of the world within the book. She saw the tropical jungle that Daring was journeying through; she felt the heat press on her and heard the buzzing of insects and the many sounds of the jungle echo through her head. It reminded her of when Celestia had told her stories when they were very young. It would always comfort her, no matter what… well… almost. However that incident was in the past, and there it would remain. Luna focused back on Twilight’s words, letting herself visualize the jungle around her once again and feeling the wind rush past her as she was following this Daring Do character running from a bunch of big, rather unfriendly cats. As she listened in, lost in the world she had visualized, she failed to realize that she was beginning to lean her head towards Twilight, and Twilight, caught up in reading, failed to notice as well.

Soon enough, Luna’s head was lying on Twi’s shoulder, her eyes closed and a content smile on her face. She barely noticed, thinking the soft thing she was lying on was simply the carpet. Twilight, however, soon realized and her face went crimson in an instant. She was about to say something, until she saw the look on Luna’s face. It was one of comfort and safety, much like that of a young filly when they are held by their loving mother. So, she simply sighed and continued reading, the blush never leaving her face.

Halfway through the book, Twilight looked back at Luna to find her asleep, a very small smile on her face. She couldn’t help but smile as well. She gently closed the book and laid her own head down on her hooves. She could use a little nap too, after all what’s the harm? Almost all her decorations were up, she was far ahead in her studies and she had company, royal company at that. She let her eyes slowly drift close and let her mind wander. “Maybe this relationship thing isn’t the worst idea after all…” With that she drifted off to sleep.

“Sleep well Twilight… and sleep well Luna. I believe this is going to be an interesting few days” Nightmare Moon said to herself, a smile on her face. “Perhaps you have finally found somepony you can call a friend Luna… or maybe even perhaps, marefriend” She smiled to herself at the thought. “Sweet dreams”

Author's Note:

Yes this took me forever to update but... here's chapter 4! I hope you enjoy. Also please tell me if you see any errors or feel that something can be improved. Thanks for reading and have a great day. And also, can anyone tell me how to get the Author's notes to the top...?