• Published 22nd Dec 2019
  • 293 Views, 7 Comments

Shimmering Stars - Nailah

In a last minute panic, Celestia discovers something truly special about the holidays, that she almost forgot in her struggle to find the perfect gift for her sister.

  • ...

The one and only chapter

It was the eve before Hearth's Warming, and Celestia is panicking.

“Oh dear...whatever am I going to do? I haven't even gotten Luna a gift yet. I'm just been so busy with my Canterlot duties.” Celestia panted heavily as she paced back and forth.

The two Canterlot guards standing by the Princess of the Sun just shrugged their shoulders. This was typical at this time of year. They were sure, the Princess would be able to figure it out, and it wasn't there place to say anything.

Celestia took a deep breath in, and then out as she knew there was only one thing to do. She had to go out and find something for her sister. Celestia considered going to see how her favorite student was doing, but she knew it was best she spend her time with family and friends right now, and she didn't want to get involved in it. Celestia grabbed a saddle and put it over her back, and flew down into Canterlot.

The city of Canterlot was busy, bubbling and booming with lots of ponies going to and fro. A lot of them stopping Celestia and bowing to her out of respect. Celestia waved and smiled gently before continuing on. She knew Luna would be taking over for her tonight, so she had to find a gift before the sun set into the evening sky.

Celestia trotted into one of the many local shops located right in the heart of Canterlot.

“Princess Celestia...greetings, how might I help you today?” questioned a young unicorn with light pink mane and tail, a white body, and a bottle with a wave of swirls coming out of it as her cutie mark.

Celestia couldn't help noticing how panicked the worked seemed to be by her appearance. She sighed heavily.

“Well, it seems I am in quite the puzzle, for I have to get a gift for my sister Luna. And well I am honestly in quite the bind as I'm not sure what I could even get for someone like her that she would appreciate as much as I value and love her each and every day.”

The white unicorn couldn't help chuckling, lifting a forehoof against her lips.

“Oh my. I apologize Princess, but there is no gift like that. The love you feel for your sister isn't something you can put in a box.” Minty Frost stated with certainty.

“You are telling me there is no gift good enough for my sister? But I have to give her something. Surely...you must have something here she would like.

“I am sure we do. We have all sorts of trinkets, odds and ends, blankets, and even collectibles. What I am saying is love isn't something you can put in a box, but you can put your heart into what you give. Princess Luna is often a fan of the night, so why not get her something related to that.” suggested Minty Frost with a genuine smile. Hoping she had aided the Princess in some fashion. After all it was her job to help every customer, but she really wanted to show her talents to the Princess and aid her in her quest.

Celestia trotted throughout the shop, looking at all the various types of items, trinkets, toys, and collectibles, and yet nothing seemed good enough for her sister. All of it was very well made and as Celestia starred at a glass angel, she knew the merchant was right. There was nothing here that could capture the way she felt about Luna, however she needed to get Luna a gift. Something she could treasure and remind her of the love that Celestia felt for her with each and every day.
That’s when she saw it, a mural painting of the night sky, with stars and snow falling down onto a small village of ponies. It was perfect.

Then Celestia glanced at the price tag, and drew her head back, in disgust. She knew she could use her pull as the Princess to get a discount on the price, but she hated using her royalty in such a fashion. What could she give for something so...charming. She thought about it, and removed the necklace around her neck and brought it up to the merchant.

“Could I offer this to your shop to get a discount on that painting?”

“Um...Sure.” smiled the unicorn sheepishly. She couldn’t believe Celestia was giving her necklace up and for a simple painting. She wrapped up the mural and took the bits and handed Celestia the receipt. After that Celestia turned to leave the shop. She had Luna’s gift now all she had to do was wait for her reaction and hope that she loved it.


Hearth’s warming approached and all was quiet under the night sky, Luna watched as her sister lay upon her bed, slumbering away. She looked so peaceful, calm even. Luna sighed slightly. She knew it was too late to change what had happened in the past, but she had truly changed since then. She saw the presents underneath the tree placed there with care. Then she realized in a fright that something wasn’t there. Her gift for her sister. What had she done with it? Then she realized in a frantic, that her gift of her beloved sister was left at the shop! Luna rushed out of the Castle in a terror, flying down to the shop and hoping it was still open, despite the late hour.

The same white unicorn from earlier was just about to put the closing sign upon her door, when she saw Luna descend right in front of her. Immediately she tensed up and bowed before the might of the Princess.

“Princess Luna, what brings you here to my humble shop?” she asked gently, tilting her head up to gaze into the Princess’s eyes with curiosity and wonder.

“I have made a grave mistake on my part, for I fear I left the gift that I had gotten with such care here. Do you still have it?” spoke Luna, a look of concern spreading on her cheeks.

“What was it?” questioned Minty Frost as she couldn’t really help if she didn’t know what the item looked like.

“It was a pendant of the sun, a long beautiful golden chain over it. I figured my sister could wear it with her necklace so that she might always think of me, even when I'm not around. I remember I didn’t have quite enough so I offered you my favorite game as a discount. Please, tell me you still have it.”

“Of course I do. It’s right here. Though I must say your sister was quite concerned that she wouldn’t be able to find a gift worthy of you. She spoke to me that she wanted to give you something worthy of the love she feels for you. I informed her something like that you couldn’t put in a box, but seeing how both of you sacfriced something to make the other happy, shows how deep a bond you two have. It’s quite something really. I can’t deny, I’m a bit jealous. My own family is quite the mess. I rarely talk to my father much, and my mother is so busy between jobs that I hardly see her, and don’t even get me started on my lazy brother. Oh, here I am talking my mouth off and you have your own things to attend too. Sorry for being a bother, here is your gift. I do hope your sister loves it as much as she loves you. You two are both great Princesses, and it’s an honor to serve you both.”

Luna pondered for a few moments, before speaking up to the friiendly merchant.

“What is your name young mare?” she asked in her soft voice.

“Minty Frost, it’s a pleasure to meet you finally, Luna. I’ve always watched you and Celestia raise and lowering the sun and you rising and lowering the moon each night it’s quite a sight to behold, and I’m grateful I could help you both.”

“You aided us both in our struggles with no thoughts of benefitting from it, this shows quite the compassion. Why don’t you join us for Hearth’s warming. I am sure my sister will not mind an extra seat at our table, and I assure you we won’t annoy you nearly as much as your “no good brother” Luna chuckled slighlty. Minty Frost chuckled, nodding before following Luna back to the castle. The road ahead was long and winding, but Minty knew as long as she believed in herself everything would work out okay.

Merry Christmas

Author's Note:

To Carabas: I plan on expanding this when I have the time to do so and truly making this better, but as mentioned I hadn't expected my laptop to break so I apologize if this feels rushed.

Comments ( 7 )

Cute story!

Much obliged for this! This is a bonny piece of work. The affection Celestia and Luna feel for one another comes across clearly, and Minty getting a seat at their Hearth's Warming table for her trouble's a good denouement.

Nae worries about the rushedness - laptop shenanigans happen to the best of us. :twilightsmile:

Very good story, I really liked the portrayal of Celestia and Luna's affection for one another and Luna repaying Minty by having her joining them for Hearth's Warming.

Short, but very sweet. Quite nicely done. :)

This was cute! Sucks to hear about your laptop. I noticed some grammar and spelling errors, but you having to rush the story explains that.

Aww, cute! I thought it was sweet how Celestia gave up her necklace and Luna gave up her game all to get a gift for the other. :heart:

thanks for the comment, glad you enjoyed it!

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