• Published 24th Dec 2019
  • 755 Views, 4 Comments

Silver Bells - TheWingman

There's a reason why one mare from Ponyville seems so sad during the holidays.

  • ...

The Precious Gift

“Ah, just a few stitches here and there and I should be all done.”

Sitting in front of her sewing station, Golden Brooch, a kind-hearted unicorn mare from Ponyville, was stitching together a new coat for the winter season. Taking care to not overlook the slightest detail, she made sure every seam was sewn shut. Eyes diligently fixed to the coat she threaded the needle through the material, keeping with the pattern and rhythm. She had a knack for being a seamstress as she picked up on it at an early age with the only thing matching her skill was her warm personality.

“And… done!” Golden Brooch said, tying the thread on the right sleeve. She took a moment to marvel at her completed work, comfy, cozy, and heavy enough to withstand the colder temperatures of the season. Though she’s no Rarity, she’s considered to be a remarkable seamstress in her own right. She gave her new coat a light kiss, leaving a bit of lipstick behind. “Golden Brooch, your hoofwork is truly something special.”

Hooking the coat on a rack, Golden walked around her house and admiring all the Hearth’s Warming decor she had set up. From the tree to the lights and the miniature village she arranged, it was like a canvas dedicated to her artistic vision. Her smile was as bright as her personality that one would consider as motherly. Having one daughter, Silver Draw, she’s kept that motherly side even after her daughter moved out.

When her eyes drifted to a shelf full of various pictures, one such photo caught her eye. It was one she fondly remembered, even when she slept. It was of her and her husband, Copper Plate, and an infant Silver Draw, moments after she was born. She remembered him rushing from work early to witness the birth of their daughter. The moment he held Silver in his hooves and the smile he wore was a memory that Golden would never forget, ever. Such a recollection brought tears to her eyes as she remembered happier times.

“My dearest Copper,” Golden said as she tenderly stroked the frame, “if things went differently, I’d still be in your hooves. I loved you and I miss you so much. That day really broke my heart” As she stood there, deep in thought, she was snapped out of her trance with a few short knocks on the door. Turning her head, she quickly regained her composure and wore her signature bright smile. “Come in!”

Through the door came none other than her very own daughter, Silver Draw, wearing a scarf and a heavy coat. The second she closed the door, she lunged at her mother and wrapped her hooves around her. Golden smiled warmly as she returned the hug, running a hoof through her mane, “It’s so good to see you, mom.” Silver took a better glance around the living room, admiring her mother’s creativity on display. “Wow, you did it again. Looks amazing!”

“That it does, dear.” Golden gave Silver a light peck on her forehead, much to her embarrassment, “It’s so good to see you too.”Golden then turned to the kitchen as her horn began to glow, “You must be famished or cold trotting through the snow. May I interest you in some cookies, tea, hot cocoa?” Silver Draw nodded with a smile at her mother’s hospitality, a familiar fixture when she was growing up. Bringing her friends or a coltfriend, her mother made sure they felt right at home.

“Just some tea would be good for now.” Silver answered as she sat down on the couch. Taking a look at the picture of her younger self and her parents, her sharp eyes noticed a small bit of distortion on the glass pane. She always knew her mother to cry over that particular photo during the Hearth’s Warming season. She knew the reason why she does and it hurt her as much as it did her mom. Golden soon walked back in with a teapot and cups on a tray, levitated by her magic. “Oh, thank you.” Silver said as she poured a cup and took a sip, “Oh yeah, nice!”

“Peach Herbal, just the way you like it.” Golden sang as she sat down, pouring her own cup, “You know, dear, not long after you moved out with your coltfriend, things got lonely for me around here.” She sighed as she took a sip, “I know that at some point, a child has to leave the nest to seek out their own path. It’s just that... I miss having you and Eclipse around here. You both were always such good company.”

“I know, mom.” Silver answered with another sip, “You shouldn’t have to worry about me. I mean, we both have our own place and we each got jobs that pay some decent bits. You shouldn’t worry about me so much.” Her words were met with a sigh from Golden. Yet, she didn’t wear a frown, but a smile.

“I know, dearie.” Golden replied, “It’s always a parent’s duty to worry about their children, no matter how old they are.” Golden laughed, trying her hardest to hold back her inner sorrow, “But, I’m nonetheless proud of the mare you’ve become. I know I’ve already said this but I’m glad he proposed to you last month. He’s a good stallion and really does treat you right.”

“You aren’t going to start nagging at me about grandfoals, are you?” Silver said with an annoyed tone.

“Oh harmony, no!” Golden laughed, “Though I adore that thought, I want to see you and Eclipse get in a proper position to do so.” Golden poured her and Silver some more cups, “In life, it’s better to take things slow and plan. But, I can’t wait for that when the time comes. Go at your own pace with Eclipse and it’ll work out in the end.”

Silver breathed a sigh of relief as she avoided an argument with her mother. Though it’s a rare occurrence, neither wanted to go at for any reason. As she sipped from her second cup, Silver noticed a tear falling down Golden’s cheek. Seeing that happening during every winter season and close to the holidays always made her feel the same sting. However, she had a plan in mind to make Hearth’s Warming Eve special for her mother.

“Mom,” Silver sighed, putting her cup on the tray, “You always seem so down during this time of year.” Golden sighed at her daughter’s observation, “I know that what happened years ago made you upset and believe me… I share your pain.”

“I know.” Golden sniffed, “It’s been that way for over twenty years and I’ll never forget that day for as long as I live.” Golden remembered the day when Copper Plate left her. On one hoof, she thought it was fortune that Silver Draw was too young to remember but also felt heartbroken that she never got to know her father. It was only when she reached the age of ten that Silver was told about her father. “My dearest Copper Plate…” Silver placed a hoof on her mother’s shoulder as she prepared to set her plan into motion.

“Hey mom,” Silver asked, “have you eaten anything tonight?” Golden was puzzled by her daughter’s question.

“N-no, dear.” Golden answered, “Why?”

“I want to take you out to dinner tonight, my treat!”

“What?” Golden gasped, “Silver, dear, you don’t have to do that. Save your bits for yourself!”

“I’ve actually gotten a raise last month with a bonus. Please, I’ve been planning on this day all year and I want to make this Hearth’s Warming Eve special for you.” Silver still sensed her mother’s resistance. There were times that despite being generous, Golden Brooch was somewhat reluctant about accepting things from others after lending a helping hoof. Silver anticipated that reaction, “Mom, I know how you feel about this but I really want to make today special for you. Please, I found a restaurant downtown that I know you’ll like.”

Golden thought to herself for a moment. Usually, during the holiday seasons since her daughter moved out, she would spend it alone until Hearth’s Warming Day when Silver would show. Being the 26th time she spent the holidays without her husband around, part of her wanted to spend time with anypony, whether it be with friends or family. With her daughter, Golden thought that maybe being treated for once by Silver wouldn’t hurt much.

“Okay, dearie.” Golden sighed as she sat up, “I know you mean well so I guess a little treat once in a blue moon sounds nice.” Silver Draw drew a bright smile on her face as she lunged at her mother, wrapping her hooves around her for the tightest of hugs only a daughter could give. The air was silent for a few moments before Golden Brooch broke the hug to put on her newly made coat. “Ooohh, nice and comfy.”

“Nice coat you made there.” Silver remarked as they walked out the door to the cold outside, “Should keep you nice and toasty.”

“I finished it not too long ago. Maybe I should make Eclipse one as well.”
“If that’s what you want, mom.”

Walking through the snow-lined streets of downtown Ponyville, Golden and Silver looked on at the lights illuminating the area. In the shapes of trees, wreaths, stars and gift boxes, the downtown area was never completely without any light. Some townsponies would stop to marvel at the various displays and decor. Whether it be alone or with their special somepony, everypony in town at night kept the streets busy and alive as they go to enjoy the night.

Walking towards an intersection, Silver saw her destination with Hearth’s Warming lights in the formation of a star. Oregano’s Kitchen was the place that Eclipse took Silver Draw on the night he popped the question to her. Nicely made pasta dishes and desserts that bordered on indulgent, many ponies dreamed of having at least one meal there. For a small-scale fancy eatery, they offer a lot on any given plate, worth the bits.

After a few minutes of waiting, Golden and Silver were taken to their table where an earth mare began taking their orders. “Hello, I’m Garden Chop and I’ll be your waitress for tonight. Can I start you out with some drinks?” Silver and Golden browsed through the menu for a short minute for what drink seemed appealing. Then, Silver remembered some refreshing raspberry tea she had before. Suggesting it to her mother, they ordered the same thing. “Excellent choices! I’ll be back with your drinks soon.”

“Wow”, Golden said, “quite fancy for such a small place.” Golden stuck to more small-scale diners that were geared toward comfort food, places where everypony knew one another. “I can see why you brought me here. I can smell the spices from here and good heavens does it smell good.” Golden scanned through the menu and she was amazed at how appetizing the food looked and how pricey it was. “This all looks so good dearie. I hope you can afford it.”

“Don’t worry about that, mom.” Silver giggled as she turned to her menu, “As I mentioned, I’ve been saving my bits for this occasion and I think you deserve something nice for a change.” Scanning through its contents, Silver Draw spotted something that caught her eye. “Oooh, that looks good. Cheesy-garlic pasta bake topped with candied sunflower seeds, that will do it for me. What’ll you have, mom?” Golden Brooch looked through the menu as her eyes lit up.

“Hmmm, braised hay steak with tortellini.” Golden mused, licking her lips, “Oh my, that looks heavenly. Guess I’ll have that.” Nodding, Golden and Silver set their menus as Garden Chop returned to take their orders with their drinks in tow. She took their orders one by one before leaving for the kitchen, leaving mother and daughter alone while they wait for their food. “Silver, I don’t know what to say but… thank you. You really didn’t have to do this but I appreciate what you’re doing.”

“I’m glad you do.” Silver smiled, taking a sip of her tea, “A good mother deserves a nice day.” She fidgeted with the engagement ring on her horn, “I’ve thought of this since mid-January with you in mind. It’s just that you always seem to keep to yourself during this time of year and it kind of worries me a bit.” Golden sighed as she knew her daughter had a point. Despite her generous and kind personality, the events of twenty-six years ago still weighed heavily on her. “I just want to give you something nice for a change.”

“I suppose so, dear.” Golden looked out the window at the snowy landscape outside as flakes of cold white fell down to earth. It looked almost tranquil with the exception of the busy streets. Maybe it was the sight of the snow reflecting all the lights or the aesthetic of the cold winter it brings to the night. Everypony has their own reasons for liking or hating the snow. Regardless, it was a sight that attracts many eyes, cameras, or artists. For Golden Brooch, it reminded her of a pleasant memory from many years ago with Copper Plate.

On one of their many dates, Copper took Golden out for ice skating while the night was still young. Holding each others hooves, they skated across the thin icy surface, smiling and occasionally kissing. Their love only grew from the three years of being together since they first met at an event in Sweetapple Acres. Though shy at first, Copper Plate gradually helped Golden Brooch out of her shell, turning her into the mare with her famously bubbly personality.

In the midst of their fun, Golden was caught off guard when Copper knelt down, looking her dead in the eyes. Reaching into his pack, he pulled out a small box with a ring inside. With the following four-word question, he brought her to tears of unbridled joy as they held each other tightly. Then came the kisses that were witnessed by many onlookers and skaters. It was a night that Golden Brooch always treasured, even in the darkest of times as a reminder that happiness exists.

“Mom,” Golden was snapped out of her daydreaming by Silver’s words, “are you alright?” Golden shook her head, reassuring her daughter that she was alright, “Are you sure? You were staring out the window for seven minutes straight and our food just arrived.” Refocusing her mind, Golden Brooch saw their entrees had arrived, piping hot and smelling delicious. Golden nervously chuckled after her realizing she’d let her mind drift, “It’s alright, mom. Let’s enjoy our meals and we can talk when you feel ready.”

Golden Brooch nodded as she began twirling her meal around her plate, stopping occasionally to take a bite. Silver sighed at the sight of her mother looking so down but she also felt the same pain she feels. Though she was too young to remember any of what happened, her mother’s recounting of the events that led to her father becoming scarce. She never got to know him and the way her mother worded it made it sound like he would’ve wanted to see her. Silver couldn’t agree more and wished to talk to Copper Plate at least once, even if only for a short time.

Bit by bit, Golden was able to open up and become more lively during dinner, sharing jokes and recounting stories, casual chatter. Moreover, it provided a much-needed distraction from the negative emotions that plagued her throughout the day. When her dinner was done, she was about to get up when Silver brought up dessert. Remembering that it was a treat, she saw no point in protesting but still chose a cheap item out of consideration. She smiled at how generous her daughter was, rivaling that of Rarity.

“So mom,” Silver Draw said, taking a bite from her apple crumble, “Eclipse and I are looking to have the ceremony by May when the weather is mild. His sister, Persephone, would like to have you on the planning team. I mean, you my mother and I want you in on this regardless.” Golden smiled, “She hopes to see your famous cookies at the wedding reception. Plus, with the way you did your Heart’s Warming decor… I can see you handling that part quite well.”

“Well, there’s nothing special to how I do it, dear.” Golden took a bite of her chocolate cake, smiling at her treat, “Oh heavens, that tastes good. Anywho, I just take my time to make sure everything looks fine. I usually don’t plan things out. I just look around as I’m setting things up and go where my mind takes me, nothing fancy or anything. To me, it’s like doing a quick cleaning around the house.”

“I know, but that’s why I want you for planning the decorations.” Silver answered, finishing off her dessert, “Not to mention, you’re pretty good at baking.”

“I know, dearie.”

Sharing a laugh with her mother, Silver looked back at her saddlebag she brought with her. Down to every last detail, from taking her to dinner and opening her up emotionally, she had also spent a fair amount of bits and time to get Golden a present. It wasn’t like something one could buy at a store and be done with. Silver had thought of it since the beginning of the year and went to great lengths to ensure it would be the one present her mother would cherish for years to come. “Hey, mom?”

“Yes?” Golden asked back.

“Is it… alright if we visited dad?” Silver’s question caught her mother off guard. Her eyes lit up with anxiety over the idea.

“Silver, I-I~ I don’t know.” Golden stuttered, her heart racing, “It’s just that I… oh dear. Silver, can’t we just go home and we can spend the night?” Silver shook her head in disapproval over her mother’s words. She thought her mother would agree to it despite it being a very sensitive topic for her. But, she had a feeling her unease would cause her to object. “You know that I…” Silver Draw put her hooves on her mother’s, locking eyes with her.

“Mom, look, I get it.” Silver sighed in a mild tone, “The whole thing about father upsets you but guess what, I’m also upset about it. I was only two weeks old when it happened as you told me but I’m old enough now to comprehend what it means.” At the corner of her eye, Silver noticed a small tear flowing down her mother’s cheek. “I miss dad and I know you do. I wanted him in my life as much as you do. If it’ll put you at ease, I’ll come with you.”

Golden retreated into her mind for a moment to deliberate on what to do. Since it was also a desire, part of her wanted to go through with it but the trauma of what transpired made her afraid of facing those emotions. She remembered the day it happened, down to the last detail. With life, for every happy moment, there would always come a time where it all comes crashing down. From the sadness came her daughter, a sign that perhaps all’s right with the world. Perhaps, just a few moments of grief to make both of them happy would work.

Golden Brooch nodded with a heavy sigh. “I… guess we can do that, dear.” Silver’s eyes lit up but she restrained her excitement, keeping her cool. Instead, she gave her mother a short hug as Garden Chop came by with the bill. Silver hummed with amusement at the amount before turning her attention back to her mother, “We both miss him.” Silver nodded in agreement as they put their coats back on. Golden took a deep breath, bracing herself to face something uncomfortable, “Come on, let’s get going, dear.”

Stepping back into the cold outside, Golden and Silver walked toward the west side of town. The snow showed signs of slowing down, making visibility much more clear for navigation. As for the streets, there were fewer ponies roaming around since more than an hour prior. The rest were either wandering with loved ones or scrambling for a bit of last-minute shopping. For them, they had one place in mind to go before the clock struck midnight.

Soon, they arrived at their destination, Tranquility Grove Cemetery. Nopony except them were around, almost completely quiet like the winter landscape they tread. The area, as to be expected, was lined with rows upon rows of tombstones, all bearing the names of those lost to Equestria. Residual sorrow still lingered in the air, carried on only by Golden and Silver’s emotions. Yet, try as they might, their hearts weren’t prepared for what they’ll see.

Like many times in the past, they stopped at a lone headstone underneath a snow-covered tree long bereft of its leaves. On the headstone was a picture of a stallion, smiling contently with the following words:

Copper Plate



“Well, here he is, mother.” Silver sighed as she and her mother knelt down in front of Copper’s grave, “Despite coming here many times a year, I still can’t get used to this and I know you can’t.” Silver sighed as she brushed a hoof over the marble surface, shuddering internally while holding back tears. “I never really got to know him and I never got a hug from him when I graduated. Oh father…”

“My dearest Copper,” Golden Brooch sniffed as she stared at her late husband’s resting place, “has it been so long since that accident?” Seeing a semi-visible reflection of herself, she reached out to touch it, startled at how cold it felt. “Your daughter was barely over two-weeks old when it happened... and it broke my heart that I had to tell her what happened. Oh harmony, why?!”

Despite it being so long ago, Golden Brooch remembered the tragic day that took her husband from her like it was a scar. Not long after he welcomed their daughter into the world, Copper Plate was called in to aid in the construction of a new statue in Canterlot, dedicated to Celestia. Due to a malfunction of some of the equipment, a part of the statue fell, due to crush a freshly hired worker. Due to his quick thinking, Copper Plate pushed the recruit out of the way, saving his life. However, through his act, he paid a high price.

Instead, the part landed on Copper Plate, crushing him beneath its weight. Paramedics were called to the scene and rushed him to a hospital post-haste. The second that Golden Brooch was made aware, she wasted no time in rushing to Canterlot, praying her husband would be okay. The moment she arrived, she was delivered the worst news she got in her life. Her husband we pronounced dead on arrival. She was utterly inconsolable, having been widowed just weeks after bringing her daughter into the world. Her heart was in ruins, forever scarred.

Grief overtaking her, Golden wrapped her hooves around the tombstone, quietly sobbing to herself. Being Hearth’s Warming Eve, it made her feel worse. It was the twenty-seventh anniversary of Copper proposing to her. Since the accident, that day was forever marred by grief. There were times that Silver Draw found her mother crying to herself while holding the picture of their first date. Today, Silver wanted to bring some happiness back to her.

“Mother,” Silver sighed as she rummaged through her saddlebag, “I’ve put a lot of thought into this since the beginning of the year.” She pulled out a small gift-wrapped package. Golden Brooch crooked an eyebrow, momentarily pulling her from her grieving, “I know it’s not Hearth’s Warming yet but I know this will mean the world to you.”

Silver handed the present over to Golden, never taking her sight from her mother for even a moment. Golden looked at the package for one minute before opening it with her horn. It was a little black box, lined with streaks of gold. Giving it a few short shakes, Golden determines it to contain some sort of jewelry. She opened the box, thinking it to be another necklace with some gems lining it. However, she was half right.

It was a necklace for sure but it was something else, something more than a mere metal chain. It was a silver locket with various markings on it. One thing that stood out about it was a colored etching on the lid that depicted Golden Brooch and Copper Plate, snout to snout and looking lovingly at one another as if they formed a heart. Golden was left without words, stunned by the sudden influx of emotions. Snapping back briefly, she opened the locket but wasn’t prepared to see what was inside.

Apart from a watch-like device, there was a picture that she remembered, one she thought to have been lost when she moved. It was of hers and Copper’s wedding day, both dressed their best. It was taken the moment they kissed when they were pronounced husband and wife. She had no words to say, not even a whisper or a gasp. All she heard were the memories of that day as if she were reliving that moment. All she could do was silently sob.

"Mother,” Silver sighed, “the reason why I'm not as upset as you are is that... I have at least one parent: you.” She scooched closer to her mother, placing a hoof on her shoulder, “I just don't want you to be sad anymore on Hearth's Warming because you mean the world to me. I love you, mother."

Before Silver Draw could say anything else, Golden Brooch pulled her into a tight motherly hug. Burying her snout in her daughter’s shoulders, she sobbed uncontrollably, staining her coat with her tears. Silver wasn’t uncomfortable in the slightest as she returned the hug smiling, knowing her mother’s tears were the product of joy. Against the cold weather, their collective body heat from their embrace and their coats had kept them warm. Using her magic, Silver put the locket around Golden’s neck as she comforted her.

“I love you too, dear.” Golden croaked as her crying died down. Using her scarf, Silver Draw wiped the tears from her mother’s face. For the first time in years, she saw her mother wear a genuine smile on Hearth’s Warming Eve, a sight that was a holiday gift in and of itself. “You are very much his daughter. I’m so proud to have brought you into this world because you remind me very much of him. You truly are my precious little Silver Draw.” The hug resumed as the snow had stopped falling. At peace from the tragic memory for the first time, Golden was ready to spend the holiday with her daughter, happy as she always was.

“Happy Hearth’s Warming, mother.”

Author's Note:

God, I've been trying to motivate myself to make this story for quite some time. Since Christmas is right around the corner, I decided to make it Hearth's Warming themed and managed to get it finished within a matter of a few days as a present for the creator of the original characters depicted in this story. I hope you'll enjoy reading this and have a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.

Comments ( 4 )

This was touching. =)

That.... that was so sweet.

I poured a lot of heart, soul, and time into this to make it great. Thank you. :)

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