• Published 24th Dec 2019
  • 2,524 Views, 237 Comments

Pinkie Pie goes to Hogwarts - WoomyWobble

Drama, mystery and funny stuff all wrapped in an epic adventure! Follow Pinkie Pie as she finds herself in the magical world of wizarding Britain. Here she will find new friends, new baked goods and new parties!

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Chapter 9: Party at Slytherin

It hadn't been a great week for Pinkie Pie. Her magic was on the fritz, her Slytherin housemates were bullying her, a fact she could no longer ignore.

But the absolute worst thing, the single most terrible thing, was that she couldn't find the bloody kitchen!

She was starting to show signs of baking withdrawal. Signs which were obvious in hindsight. The incident at the start of the week was a clear indication.


"Can I sit here for a bit?" Pinkie was looking for some camaraderie after having yet another row with Pansy. She needed a place to sort of deflate.

"No you can't." Ron said. "You're a traitor! You made us like you, but now it turns out you're a Slytherin!"

Pinkie looked shocked. Was this house thing really so important?

Harry wanted to say something but he looked like he'd never seen two friends fight before and was utterly lost. He wished Hermione was here but she was currently in the library.

He was about to say something to Ron when he shouted something really mean and Pinkie started to cry.

For a short moment Pinkie looked utterly frightening to Harry. Maybe it was a trick of the light because of the setting sun but it looked like her hair was on fire.

He got distracted however by a bout of accidental magic flinging Ron's food in his face.

When he looked up Pinkie had ran away.

"Oh, well done mate!" He said to Ron sarcastically feeling anger towards his friend for the first time.

"That was a real class act."

Harry left to try to find Pinkie but couldn't find her.


Yup baking withdrawal. That's what that was. Irritability, imagined smells that weren't there.

Cinnamon, baking bread, different kinds of fruit…

Pinkie walked through some abandoned corridor when she couldn't take it any more.

"Where are the stupid kitchens in this stupid place?!"


A soft crack just beyond the intersection removed Pinkie from her funk.

She went to investigate and found one of the oddest creatures she'd ever seen. It had enormous ears, big bulbous eyes that currently looked a little frightened and it wore what Pinkie thought was a tea towel toga.

"Hi, I'm Pinkie Pie." She tried hoping to maybe calm the creature down. "What's your name?"

"The Grand Mistress wants to know Blubber's name! O Blubber is truly blessed! Blubber's not worthy." He made a very deep deferential bow.

Pinkie was mistaken, it wasn't fear she saw in his eyes but some sort of weird devotion.

"So… Blubber then?"

"Yes! Oh The Grand Mistress is so smart to figure that out!"

"I'm not your mistress silly filly. I'm Pinkie Pie." she tapped her chest twice. "Pinkie Pie." she said more slowly.

For some reason this made him look very sad but Pinkie didn't know why.

"Did you lose your mistress somewhere?"

"Blubber never had a mistress, Grand Mistress. Blubber was born without a family."

Pinkie felt genuine compassion for this little creature.

"Well we've got something in common then. I'm an orphan too." She said and petted him on top of his bald head right between the ears.

"Blubber can help The Grand Mistress towards the kitchens if The Grand Mistress wants. Blubber would be honoured."

"Thanks Blubber I appreciate it."

As they made their way toward the kitchens Blubber explained that he was a house elf and responsible for maintenance and laundry in Slytherin house.

"Can you teleport clothes?" Pinkie asked remembering her moving stuff on the first day.

"Yes Grand Mistress Blubber can."

"Even when another person is wearing them?"

"Blubber doesn't like where this conversation is going. Blubber wants to be a good elf."

"Just wondering if you could."

Before he could respond they had arrived at a painting of a pear. Blubber told Pinkie to tickle the pear and that would allow the human entrance to appear.

She raised her hand to start tickling but before she could the door swung open eagerly.

The impression occurred in Pinkie that the castle was waiting for her to come here which was kinda silly but it made her feel welcome. A feeling which she was missing as of late.

Pinkie and Blubber entered a room where a lot of activity was going on.

A cavalcade of house elves were about to make tonight's dinner. Elves were running around to and fro with pots and pans looking eager to get started.

One of them was wearing a makeshift chef's hat made out of some old parchment that a student had doodled on. He looked very busy indeed orchestrating the elves with an old spoon.

"Nitwit! What have I told you about overworking the dough?"

"Uhm..." He looked like he was really thinking about it. "Not to do it?"

"Yes, not to do it! Now make it again."

The elf ran away giddily to start anew with his task.

"…Silly elf worked the dough so hard it started demanding overtime..."

Suddenly an elf dropped a pan with a loud clatter silencing everything in the room.

"It's her..." The one who dropped the pan said and promptly fainted.

Some elves quickly carried him of, waving a kerchief in his face while the elf with the chefs hat turned towards Pinkie.

"How may we assist The Grand Mistress." He gave her a bow just like Blubber did taking his hat off in deference.

Pinkie feeling really nervous with all this sudden attention resorting to her standard greeting #23.

"Uhm... Hi? I'm Pinkie Pie. I wanted to... You know what? I can see you're all very busy. I shouldn't add more work. I'll just leave you guys to it."

One of the elves burst into tears.

"There there, I'm sure she didn't mean it." An elf said patting the crying one on the back.

Pinkie expression went from nervousness to mortified very quickly.

"I'm sorry?"

"And she's so-ho-ho-rry We're not worthy. Not worthy-hy-hy-hy!" He was bawling his eyes out on the shoulder of another elf.

Pinkie really didn't know what to do with all this awkwardness decided perhaps wisely to keep quiet.

The elf with the chefs hat motioned towards Pinkie. "Perhaps it would be best if we speak in private."

"Is he going to be alright?"

The crying elf's voice had reached a pitch only audible by dogs.

"He's fine." He pointed at a door on the side. "Please, Grand Mistress."

The room had a cosy rustic feeling though the furniture was rather small. It seemed to be one meant for elves with one chair sort of enlarged. Probably meant for human sitters.

"So how can the house elves of Hogwarts help The Grand Mistress?"

The Grand Mistress again. Pinkie thought they must call everyone something like that to make them feel special or something.

Now that the opportunity to bake popped around maybe something else could be arranged. She made a split second decision and changed her plans.

"I need to organise a party in the Slytherin common room. A classy one. I want to use it as an opportunity to make some friends and bury some hatchets."

"Hmm, you should talk to the Sommelier he knows a lot about high end parties. We usually do what he tells us to do."

Pinkie knew a thing or two about parties. She wasn't about to let some upstart house elf tell her how to throw one. Still someone to bounce ideas of off was never a bad thing. Perhaps she needed to test him a little bit.

"Is he in?"

"I've never known him not to be."

He guided her to another room in the back. When she was about to enter he bowed again and opened the door for her.

The room was cosily dark with interesting bottles which turned out to be elvish wine. She wondered what that would taste like when she heard a voice.

"Good afternoon miss Pie. We've waited a long time."

She turned around and found an elf that appeared different from the others. He had a suave looking suite on with a bow tie and had a very deep voice. Much deeper then the squeaky sound of the other elves.

"I'd like a tasting." She found herself saying. He could talk the talk, let's see if he could walk the walk.

The elf merrily nodded as he glided to a nearby cupboard and grabbed two plates.

"We are aware of your past fondness for the German varietals but I can wholeheartedly endorse our new breed of Austrians."

He placed the food in front of Pinkie along with a fork.

"Strudel whipped-cream and vanilla sauce."

Pinkie took a bite out of one, rolling it around in her mouth making sure that it didn't leave a powdery texture at the roof of it, which can happen with pastry like this.

"Light puffy dough. Soft juicy filling for easier chewing, and I know you'll appreciate our crunchy coating."

Pinkie swallowed and nodded to the elf. He knew his stuff. It was exactly as described.

"What's next?" He asked.

"I'll need something robust...precise."

"...Robust...Precise…" He raised and eyebrow like he just had an idea and reached over a nearby shelf to grab a box of chocolates.

He opened the box and presented them to Pinkie.

She took one and started sucking on it and then chewed it testing both methods of consumption.

"Cocoa Tangerine: Shaped like a blue finch. Toffee type candy with an optional pepper-up carrier. Citrus fruit filling with 1-6 fermentation."

Pinkie swallowed and approved.

"Could you recommend something for the end of the night? Something big, bold?"

The sommelier reached underneath the bar and pulled out a plate that looked like dinner.

"May I suggest: our Tortellini Roquefort?"

Pinkie inspected a tortellini with her fingers making sure the sauce was not to sticky and took a bite. Taste-buds were checking if the flavours were well in balance and the cheese was not overpowering.

"Molten rich cheese and glace-herbal. Cheering charms should your guests get...cold."

Pinkie swallowed loudly.

"An Italian classic."

He winked. Roquefort was French.

He seemed to know exactly what Pinkie was planning with this party if the food was anything to go by.


He smiled. "Dessert."

He opened the bar like a trapdoor to show a myriad flavours of ice-cream.

"The finest dairy. All freshly mixed."

He gave Pinkie a spoon who held it up.

"Shall I have everything send to the common room?"

"Yes, thank you."


Pinkie was about to leave the room.

"Oh and miss Pie?"

She turned around with her hand on the door handle.

"Do enjoy your party..."


Millicent Bullstrode sat in a corner watching the party and listening with one ear to the smooth music played by the elves, with the other to the gossip discussing who could've organised this particular soiree. The amount of snobbery on display really made her stomach churn.

It was all so vapid.

She saw Daphne in her element shmoozing with Blaise and Pansy. Millicent could see that Pansy was trying to get Blaise's attention but not doing a good job of it.

And all of them were completely phoney.

Millicent was never very good at the phoney bit and everyone knew it. They would call her boorish and vulgar behind her back and she would pretend not to hear to keep the status quo.

Honestly sometimes she could just scream and punch something.

Vulgar… Right.

She took one of the chocolates presented by the elves. It tasted kind of fruity and afterwards she felt a little better so she tried to do a bit of mingling of her own.

Talking with Draco was always such a chore though so she ignored him. Maybe the light was on at Crabbe or Goyle today. If nothing else it could be funny to hear their theories about this party and it's mysterious host.


Pinkie was about to make her grand entrance. The elves gave her a pretty dress for the occasion and right now she was holding the sides tightly mentally preparing herself for some proper snobby partying.

She was greeted by stares when she entered the Slytherin common room but only for a moment. Pinkie noticed that the closest group. Daphne, Blaise and Pansy were talking animatedly.

A good opening act to introduce the new Pinkie.

"Hello is everyone here having a good time?"

Pansy looked at her with utter disdain. "What's it to you? Don't you have to roll in the mud somewhere or whatever your kind does? Why don't you leave us be."

Pinkie just about had it with Pansy's mean attitude. She was just have to outclass her with more class. She turned towards Blaise.

"I'm so sorry it has been awhile for my to be in such exemplary company such as yourselves but isn't it considered bad manners to insult your host in an event such as this?"

You could hear a pin drop. It was in fact very bad manners to insult your host and everyone knew it, except for Pinkie ironically. It was the sort of situation that forced Pansy to make her excuses and leave the common room altogether. Before she left though she gave Draco the heads up on their hosts identity.

Ten points to Pinkie Pie. Daphne thought as she sipped her butter-beer.

"You organised all this?" Blaise asked "How did you swing that?"

"Oh, I met this charming little fellow called the Sommelier this morning."

A lot of pins could be heard dropping after that little bombshell. Daphne was one of the few who knew of the legend. It was said that the Sommelier represented the key to Hogwarts. Or something of that nature she couldn't really remember.

"We planned this little party together" Pinkie continued. She wanted to elaborate more on the subject but the elf who was playing the alto sax in the corner was shaking his head furiously indicating that she really shouldn't. Perhaps the Sommelier didn't like the attention or maybe something else was going on. In any case Pinkie decided to respect his privacy.

"And we had great fun doing that."

Quick to change the subject she indicated the dinner tables that had appeared conveniently to do so.

"Shall we get started on dinner everyone?" Pinkie asked as she clapped her hands together.

Millicent sat down opposite Pinkie with Draco on her left and Goyle on her right with Crabbe next to him. Pinkie had Blaise on her left and Daphne on her right.

Once everyone was seated the food appeared with a magical flourish to the delight of many. The smell was heavenly with a strong herbal note that was just to die for.

"My favourite!" Blaise exclaimed as he attacked the food with as much gusto that decorum would allow.

All around conversations started picking up and the mood at the table was very pleasant indeed. People were talking about quidditch. A sport which Pinkie knew nothing about.

Surprisingly it was Crabbe and Goyle who explained things for her. They were remarkably gentle souls despite their bullish countenance though they didn't seem overly bright to Pinkie. They'd probably follow whoever was the loudest.

Draco didn't seem impressed by their show of camaraderie and started asking Pinkie snippy questions.

"So how did someone of your...stature acquire the aid of the Hogwarts elves?"

"Don't worry about it Draco. The elves don't really care how tall you are. I'm certain they'll help someone as vertically challenged as you if you just ask them nicely."

Daphne had to hide her smirk behind her glass but Blaise had no compunction to hide anything and laughed out loud. Millicent who caught Draco's mopey expression couldn't contain herself either.

Millicent always appreciated Blaise's candour. He didn't seem as phoney as the others and he was well liked by everyone anyway. A true slytherin… Or more like a human capybara.

"I'm glad we can all sit at the same table now. I always knew that friendships were made at parties. You just need to find the right kind." Pinkie said trying to make sure that Draco wouldn't feel to bullied.

Although most at the table did not agree with that at all civility dictated they kept their peace. If the goal of the party was to cease hostility towards her she really couldn't have played it better and they respected that at least. The glasses were raised and the butter-beer was drunk.

"Everyone, may I have your attention for a little while longer?" Pinkie stood up from her chair so she was easily visible for everyone.

"I'm sure by now you're all clamouring for some dessert."

A chorus of yeah's and sure's barrelled through the room.

"Well ladies and gentleman, for that we're going to have to go for a little walk."

She walked towards the common room exit.

"If you would follow me?"

The gaggle of first year Slytherins were lead all the way up the astronomy tower where warming charms were placed to keep the brisk Scottish weather at bay.

Here elves were passing around small crystal cups of ice-cream. Everyone got a flavour they'd never had before and many found a new favourite.

Still, questions started to rise what the whole point of having them walk all the way up the astronomy tower was when a loud explosion turned their heads.


They lit up the faces of the children and for a moment all masks fell away as they all stared in wonder.

The magical fireworks exploded at eye level and was visible for everyone. It was clear that Slytherin had the best seats in the house.

Except for Pansy who was stuck in her room currently wondering what that racket was.

They were basking in the moment majesty with a sense of peace. Lovely ice-cream with second helpings and a show as well was a real treat and everyone knew it.

Sadly like all fireworks shows this one ended all to briefly and the way down the tower had a distinct different vibe. The mood was oddly...contemplative and relaxed. There wasn't a lot of talking going on. Except for a few.

Pinkie and Daphne were talking though unlike the other Slytherins Daphne had her mask on and was in full shmoozing mode. Trying to figure out how exactly this whole thing got organized.

They rounded a corner when both of them and Millicent as well were covered in a bucket of weird slime that turned their hair bright orange.

The Weasley twins jumped from behind a nearby a decorative piece of armour and started jeering.

"Well now the Slytherins really are slimy." One said.

The other one looked a bit concerned "Brother of mine I do believe we've missed our target."

"Indeed? Well in my defence when you've seen one blond Slytherin boy you've seen them all."

Daphne looked at them with utter loathing. "I'm a girl you pair of absolute pillocks!" she said as the other firsties were rounding the corner.

Slytherin brotherhood being what it was the twins were soon outnumbered.

"Well as funny as this is I do believe it's time for us to leave this dungeon."

"Tata." The other one said as he threw something on the ground as they disappeared in a poof of smoke. Leaving nothing but laughter in their wake.

Pinkie looked outraged "They've ruined the dress the elves made for me!"

The Hogwarts elves did not dispense pretty dresses willy-nilly. Not to mention organise fireworks. What in Merlins name was up with Pinkie? Daphne thought.

"They've ruined my party's aftervibes!… Nobody ruins my party and gets away with it!"

"Daphne and Millicent looked at each other shocked by the shear waves of anger running of the normally so gentle girl. Not even Pansy warranted this kind of reaction.

"This means war!" Pinkie shouted towards the heavens with a fist raised to the sky.

"Daphne, Milly I know you don't like me but I hope you guys are willing to negotiate a truce for the insult they have given to our hair, our clothes and our house. Those Weasley twins need to be brought low!"

Daphne was shocked by Pinkie's assessment. She didn't...not like Pinkie, though she did sometimes laugh at Pansy's insults. It was all fair… Wasn't it?

She found herself slowly extending her hand as was Millicent.

Pinkie shook their hands with rigorous enthusiasm.

As the rest of the first year contingent was wondering what in Merlin's name just happened. Pinkie was looking towards the future.

"Now." She said. "I need an accordion."

Author's Note:

Smooth jazz played by the elves at the dinner party