• Published 19th Aug 2012
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Of Earth Ponies and Their Magicks - bahatumay

Twilight Sparkle reopens her study on Pinkius Piecus and her strange, chaotic abilities.

  • ...

Explanation, attempt 2

Twilight burst into Sugarcube Corner, yelling madly. “Pinkie Pie! I know you lied to... me...”

She stopped short, seeing all her friends there and all the elements of a party. Well, she only saw three of her friends, but the quivering punch table and pink hair sticking out from underneath the tablecloth was obviously Fluttershy, and Pinkie was nowhere to be seen (no surprise there).

Twilight raised an eyebrow. “So... I take it I missed something?”

“Twilight!” Pinkie shouted from behind Twilight. “I'm glad you're here!”

Twilight jumped and her mane flared in fright. Her mouth fell open in confusion. “But...”

Pinkie leaned in close, violating all of Twilight's personal space. One of her bright blue eyes bulged out accusingly. “You're late! Didn't you get your invitation?”

Twilight had no such recollection. Then again, when she got into research, she often forgot to take care of basic functions, such as eating, so losing an invitation wasn't all too farfetched.


“That's great! I'm so glad you finally showed up! We weren't going to start without you, but then somepony started eating the cupcakes! I was watching them and there were less and less every time I looked! So I started a little investigation, and it turns out that it was me the whole time! I was eating my own cupcakes!”

Twilight blinked.

“So then we just started the party and it was fun! We pinned tails on ponies and that worked well until Fluttershy pinned a tail on Rarity on accident and then she was apologizing for like ten minutes and then...”


“Oh, right! I lied to you.”

Twilight sighed in relief. Finally, some answers!

Pinkie Pie pulled up a chair from... somewhere... and sat down. “There is no such thing as deep magic. Well, there is, but that's part of another story and we ponies don't have it (1). But pegasi and earth ponies have inherent magic, right?"

"How do you know that word?" Rainbow Dash asked.

Twilight, desperate for an answer, overrode Rainbow with a, "Yes, that's how they fly and grow things; please, please go on."

"Some things make you carry more magic, right? Like if you hang around some places, you kindof pick up magic, right?"

"Magic essence, or residue, technically, but theoretically, yes. What does that have to do with you?"

Pinkie smiled broadly. “Earth ponies can pick that up, too. I just happen to be able to use it.”

Twilight thought about this. That seemed to make sense.... Every unicorn knew that it was possible to feel the presence of magic (usually felt in the base of the horn), and pick up magic residue. It was the next logical step to channel it.

Unfortunately, magic seems to enjoy defying logic.

Extract from the Journal of Twilight Sparkle
5 Cancer 3980
This just keeps getting more mysterious and mysterious.... When questioned further, Pinkius Piecus mentioned picking up magical residue or leftover essence. That seemed to make sense to everypony else, but not to me. You can't use the magical residue for spellcasting, it's simply impossible. It's like trying to use gravitational potential energy to heat water—it is just incompatible. Although you can use it for physical energy, that is quite inefficient, as it has an 89.6% conversion loss, not even mentioning the magical drain required for such a conversion. This practice is regarded as a novelty and for help in cheating in underground hoofboxing matches, nothing more. If anything, these residues are just like a tag, showing where you've been. The subject is lying! Again! She may have fooled everypony else, but she can't fool me! I must be the last sane pony in this town! Just me!

[Transcriber's note: the "e" in the last sentence is over a gash in the paper, as if a quill had been dragged too deeply into the page.]

I, Twilight Sparkle, am NOT insane! I'm the only sane pony in this whole town! THE ONLY SANE PONY!! And I WILL find the answer to this question! Even if I have to read EVERY book in my library AND the Canterlot Archives!