• Published 16th Mar 2020
  • 652 Views, 10 Comments

The Seed of Hope - Meadow_Dawn

A pair of unexpected mirror travelers appear in Canterlot castle as Celestia's daughter returns from Zebrican hunting celebrations. Nothing seems quite right as Dusk investigates. Something is ahoof in Equestria, and she is going to find out what.

  • ...

5 - Adjusting to differences

Dawn settled into her room, feeling anxiety build as she knew that all the things she was going to need to cover couldn’t possibly be handled in one day. She wanted to do her best to help them get whatever they invest in her back, at least, assuming magic isn’t just an easy ‘will it into existence’ type of thing. Her biggest fear is that the little understanding she had regarding the concepts wouldn’t be enough and make it useless and a waste of time.

It was another hour into the early night when a knock came to Dawn’s door. Dawn yawned, having taken a short nap and called out as she started to get up, “Come in!”

The door opened to admit a mare dressed in a suit jacket over a white shirt, complete with a bowtie and mane done up in a bun. She spoke formally, asking, "Dinner will be served within the half-hour. Will you be taking it here or within the main dining hall?"

"Let’s go with the main dining hall." She said, borrowing a brush that was left in the room to get herself in order quickly, grateful her hair and tail were still serviceable.

"I will show you the way." She said and waited beside the door

Dawn nodded, checking the mirror to be sure she didn’t miss anything before following the pony. She barely left the room with the maid and she saw Nightfall down the hall being led out of his room by another, both of them being led by their respective guides.

The four ponies descended the stairs to the lower levels just above the museum. A door opened at the end of their trek and displayed a large dining hall. A table ran along the middle and clearly could feed far more than the two that currently sat at it. Dusk sat at the head of the table, but on her left was a dull orange colored pegasus mare in a short, unkempt brown mane while wearing a rather scorched and stained garment. Dawn could only guess what it was since it was so hard to tell under all the scorches and stains, maybe a lab coat.

Dawn approached, asking, "Should we sit anywhere in particular?"

"As you wish," Dusk said with a slight wave.

The pegasus stared at Dawn, getting a large smile and a strange look to her eyes that bordered on the crazed or obsessed in Dawn’s eyes. A small pit of anxiety started to well up as she realized that mare was probably here for her and her ‘wild’ ideas on how the world worked. Dawn tried to calm herself and stood next to a chair beside them, trying to focus enough magic to scoot it out on her own and flex that ‘muscle.’

Nightfall simply approached the opposite side, leaving a chair empty between himself and Dusk, across from Dawn, and slid his seat out with a hoof before awkwardly sitting on it, shifting as he tried to get accustomed to the position while keenly aware that Dusk was watching them both, even if the strange pegasus was only watching Dawn.

Dawn eventually pulled the chair out and sat down at it, trying to hide her nervousness, staring at the table before looking over to Dusk, then the crazed mare.

"Right. So then, introductions are in order. Nightfall, Dawn, This is Dr. Blast, the head of the Royal Institute of Science and Royal Scientific Advisor." Dusk said and the mare waved.

"Hello! I must say it is such a pleasure to meet you both!" She said rather excitedly.

Dawn nodded a greeting in reply. "Pleasure to meet you. I take it Princess Dusk relayed some of what I had told her about?"

She nodded vigorously while her smile seemed to continue as if plastered on her face.

Dawn chuckled nervously, "Well, I'll explain as best I can. I’m nowhere near an expert and only remember what was covered in school, but more importantly, its possible the same things might not work here, so if nothing else, maybe it can help with some lateral thinking for progression."

"No, not till tomorrow,” Dusk said with a hint of firmness. “Dr. Blast insisted on meeting you tonight though."

"Oh, sorry. Didn’t mean to jump the gun." Dawn blushed, ears going slightly red on the inside.

"Oh, she is just adorable!" Blast nearly squealed.

"No experimenting on her, Dr. Blast." Dusk reminded her, still keeping a nearly even tone throughout.

"Yes, yes. I know you'll pull my funding if I do that again without your approval." The mare waved a hoof.

"Wait, what?" Dawn squeaked, looking at them in surprise, both at the experimenting and the compliment. She wasn’t sure whether to feel worried or happy.

Nightfall quietly snorted, thinking, 'seriously? The airhead is the one who gets to have magic?'

Dr. Blast looked at him and looked him up and down.

"No experimenting on him either." Dusk warned.

"Yes, yes. I am just looking… and thinking."

"Yes, well, quit it. I know what your ‘thinking’ often leads to." Dusk warned again.

"Oh phooey. You are no fun." The mare said crossing her forelegs.

"I have fun in my own way.” Dusk countered. “Most people don't find what you find fun, fun."

"May I ask what they find fun?" Dawn asked.

Nightfall merely eyed the leader and the crazy doctor, wondering what kind of ‘thinking’ this creature would be doing and whether there were laws being broken.

"Oh… this and that and the one thing." Dr. Blast evaded, still smiling wide.

"With all due respect," Dawn said, "I consider that a complete non-answer."

"You wouldn't understand," Dusk said, "but her lab coat should give you some idea."

"Maybe." Dawn hummed.

"Maybe I could show you sometime?" Blast offered.

"Dr. Blast, we are still renovating from the last time you had fun."

Dawn blinked, "Did they do some kind of chemistry and discovered a volatile mix?"

"Something like that."

"It was a big boom!" Dr. Blast said happily

Dawn sighed. "Ah. As long as it can be recreated in a controlled environment for later use in clearing a landblock I guess."

"I have no idea. I was just tossing things together to see what happened." Dr Blast said with a grin. "Don't remember much of what I did and all my notes seem to have blown up along with the lab. Apparently, I was unconscious for a few days, but seeing the lab, I know it was a big boom!"

Dawn facehoofed before wincing, "Ok, that hurts more than I expected… Dr. Blast, I guess your name was quite apt."

"Yup!" She said cheerfully.

Dawn chuckled mildly, "Well, if you keep that recipe, perhaps it'll make tunnelling or land clearing easier."

"Not a clue." She said. "Only remember starting. Everything else got knocked out of my head after that."

"Right..." Dawn sighed, "all it takes is the right mixture in the air for fuel, oxygen to burn, and an ignition source and it can happen..."

"What can happen?" Blast asked, blinking but interested until Dusk cleared her throat.

"We can discuss that later." Dawn said, taking the throat clearing for a signal.

"Aww… okay." she pouted and looked at Night. "You’ve been quiet, Mr. Brooding."

"Not much to say." Nightfall answered.

"Oh, come on. I’m sure you have something to say."

"I don’t." Nightfall said.

"Not yet anyway." Dawn said with a small smile.

"I'd rather observe for a bit." Nightfall finally admitted.

"Oh, that can be fun." She said and reached into her lab coat and pulled out a scroll, inkwell, and quill and slid them across the table to him. "For note-taking, makes watching things sooooo much easier."

Nightfall looked at the pad and then shook his head, "I'll manage."

Blast left it there as a servant arrived to take orders on dinner, dressed the same as all the others.

Dawn realized what was happening and mildly panicked on the inside for not knowing what was normal to eat around here. She opted for staying quiet, and her body posture became stiff and small.

Dusk ordered a simple omelet while Dr. Blast ordered a salad. The servant looked at the other two at the table and Dawn decided to echo the omelet order while Nightfall asked for oatmeal with a little brown sugar. Dawn flinched briefly at the order.

"I trust the rooms were adequate?" Dusk asked the two guests as the servant left.

"Definitely. I miss some things from home, but the sudden move meant leaving them behind." Dawn nodded.

"It is fine. Thank you for providing them." Nightfall said.

Dusk nodded. "I'll have someone look for suitable alternatives tomorrow if you wish."

"No, thank you." Dawn declined, "Many were sentimental, and others wouldn’t run till we get some of what we talked about on the train up and running."

Dusk blinked at her, as did Dr. Blast, who also showed confusion.

Dawn shook her head, "Nevermind. Suffice to say it’s fine. I will do well without them."

"I… what?" Dr. Blast asked, staring at Dawn in open confusion. "You can’t live on the street! That would be improper and I know Dusk wouldn't throw you out of the castle if you didn’t have somewhere to go."

"No no, I'm sorry if I've confused." Dawn said, mildly panicking at her misunderstanding. "I’m glad for the room, and interpreted the question about me missing things to try and replace what I had. Replacing my belongings is impossible at the moment, so I can live without them. I very much do not want to live on the streets."

"I know we can’t replace your things, however, I told you before I’d be finding you both other lodgings if you wish it outside of the castle." Dusk said simply.

"Then I’m sorry I misunderstood." Dawn apologized, "No, the room in the castle is lovely."

Dusk, looked to Nightfall, who replied, "It’s good.”

Dusk nodded, mentally canceling the plan to have someone look for alternative lodging.

Dawn sat in embarrassed silence as she stared at the table nervously. Fortunately for her, food arrived a few minutes later on a cart and was placed before everyone with a bow from the servant before they left.

Dawn smiled at the meal and began to use her magic to move the utensils like she would with hands, wanting to continue practicing using the magic for anything she could.

Dusk watched out the corner of her eyes as she used magic to serve herself, Dr. Blast using her hooves.

Dawn cut her omelet, scooping it up and lifting it to her mouth, only to hit her snout with it. She gave a small squeak of surprise before readjusting and getting the food in. She tried to suppress her embarrassment so she wouldn't stand out, but the inside of her ears started to redden to a light pink.

Nightfall watched Dr. Blast and tried to imitate their use of hooves, quickly becoming surprised at how the utensil stayed in his hoof and defied what he expected.

Dusk’s ear swiveled around to the quiet squeak she heard and she glanced at Dawn as she ate. She saw Dawn using a telekinesis spell to move the fork, maneuver to her muzzle, only to take it too high and bump her snout and elicit another squeak before her inner ears became more noticeably pink.

Dusk continued to watch for a little longer, noticing Dawn managed to correct it further after the third bite and the meal went on with less interruptions.

Nightfall was the first to finish, Dawn and Dr. Blast finished at about the same time from sharing similar basic table manners. Dusk was continuing to eat at her slow methodical manner, and noticed Dawn sitting quietly at the table.

“Does anyone desire dessert?” Dusk offered, answering Dawn’s request for a cue on if she should depart or wait to be excused.

"No, thank you." Dawn said with a small bow of her head.

"I'm good." Nightfall answered.

"I do!" Dr. Blast said happily.

"The usual?" Dusk asked and the pegasus mare nodded

Dawn blinked, curious but not saying anything while having a tinge of regret for having said no.

Dusk nodded and clapped her hooves, summoning a servant. "Dr. Blast would like her usual dessert and I’d like a strawberry upside-down cake."

The servant bowed and departed, Dawn chuckling mildly.

"What is it?" Dusk asked

"I half expected something mildly explosive or carbonated for Dr Blast I guess." Dawn chuckled.

"Why would I want something explosive?" Dusk asked

"There were certain candies that would pop in your mouth because of the mixing of its kind of sugar and saliva." Dawn said, feeling sheepish.

"Pop rocks? Never a fan of them." Dusk said.

"Ah. I wasn’t either, but I wasn’t sure you had them here." Dawn said, her ears showing her blush once more.

Dusk just blinked at her. "If you wish to go since you are done, you two may depart. This is not a formal dinner."

"Ah. I wasn't sure, and with the presence of a doctor, I half wondered if it was partly to have me talk more on things." Dawn said as Nightfall nodded and departed.

"No, she just insisted on being here." Dusk said. "You two will meet in that capacity tomorrow if you don't mind."

"I understand." Dawn nodded, giving a brief bow before walking off toward her room, Nightfall already having almost exited.

Servants were there to guide them back as Dusk and Dr. Blast remained behind to have desert and discuss matters of unimportance, one might even mistake them for friends if one didn’t know Dusk.

Dawn relaxed in her room, falling asleep without anything better to do, sleeping in the following morning where Nightfall slept fitfully with a lot of frustrations.

At 9am the next day, the pair were visited by a knock on the door and a servant asking about breakfast. Dawn opted to join in the dining hall, while Nightfall chose to eat in his room, unable to sleep well the prior night.

Dawn took only a couple minutes to brush her mane and tail before joining the pegasus maid down to the dining hall. This time, Dusk sat with an orange-red pegasus mare in light armor and was talking with them as Dawn approached before she sat across from the pegasus.

"Morning." Dawn said politely.

The pegasus looked over to Dawn at this, then asked Dusk, "So that's newbie number one, where's the new Keeper?"

"Most likely in his room. I figure he should get some fighting lessons before he meets Gold Shield." Dusk answered, then looked at Dawn. "Dawn, this is Captain Fire Storm, Captain of the Twilight Guard."

"Nice to meet you." Dawn said with a small, timid smile.

"Likewise." She said, then turned to Dusk "I'll see what he can do down there later then."

Dusk nodded. "I honestly don't expect a lot. From what I understand, he didn’t use to be able to fly in his old world."

"Nothing for it but to see. For all we know he could make up for it in other ways." Storm countered, "I still remember what you taught me about underestimating an opponent."

"I believe your words were, ‘no way some pampered rich mare could ever beat me.’" Dusk quoted.

Dawn tilted her head, curious at the story.

"I mean, it was good enough you wanted me in your guard and work up from there, wasn’t it?" Storm smirked.

"Yes, not every day I don’t knock someone out at that level of strength… .you did act drunk though," She said.

"Yeah, concussion’ll do that." Storm said, subtly watching Dawn and thinking she really didn’t have any fighting experience based on their naive responses.

"Still, the fact you were still standing was what piqued my interest."

"Damn right." Storm grinned, "it paid off I'd say."

"Oh yeah. I got someone Storm Guard could feel comfortable leaving in command." Dusk commented, “As good as he was, he was far past retirement age."

"Poor guy. Taught me plenty though." Storm agreed.

"Yes he did. I still get letters from him asking how things are going and giving me updates on his time in Zebrica."

"Right, right. How’d that contest go?" Storm asked

Dawn simply watched and listened politely, intrigued by the discussion, only to get mildly surprised by a ghost-like pony walking into plain sight, standing next to Dusk with a grin.

"We kicked some major tail and got lots of reputation down there!" Starry said, smiling.

"Oh!" Dawn said in surprise, "you have an other-self too?"

Starlight Dusk started to form, curious at this development, and took a seat by Dawn despite not needing one.

Dusk and Starry blinked at the comment. Starry looked at Dusk, a hint of sadness in her voice and expression.

"Ah…” Starry said, “So you too, huh?"

"You too?" Starlight blinked, "What are you talking about?"

"You died didn’t you? And got somewhat fused with Dawn here?" Starry asked, confusion spread over her light green muzzle.

"Noooo…” Starlight said hesitantly before asking, “I’m guessing Celestia didn’t explain our situation?"

"Uhm, so what in Tartarus did happen if you didn’t die and merge with Dawn like Starry did with Dusk?" Storm asked.

Starry winced. As much as she didn’t regret being with her best friend forever, that still didn’t mean she was happy about dying or the implications of living the way she did now. It may be fact, but it was still a touchy subject once a year.

"To make a long story short," Dawn started to explain, "I was born male, kinda went through a period of self-discovery and somehow we split, despite not being two ponies or anything before that. You could say that he is the kind of person I was required to be before my transformation, and I am who I was meant to be or something... I don't fully get it either, it's what Celestia told me when we met, and I only have her answer at the moment."

"No,” Dusk corrected, “She hadn’t shared that, just that you couldn't go home. Mother has a habit of keeping secrets. … Odd… I’ve heard of this, but never seen it."

"Yeah, she called me an ‘otherself,’ so I guess that's what it is." Starlight shrugged. "I mean, we'd call me a Persona because of a set of games we played, but that's more an in-joke than a label."

Storm blinked and shrugged at the label, looking to Dusk for guidance, but even they just stared at the unusual pair.

"I see." Dusk commented neutrally.

"You hear, but don’t get it." Starlight shrugged, "it’s all right. It’s a niche bit of knowledge."

"No, I do. As I said, the phenomenon is no secret, just rare… Though I wonder why you’d split." Dusk countered. "Or create a persona rather than just be yourself like before."

"My best guess?" Dawn said, "is that I want to both be myself, like I seem to be now, yet don’t want to let go of the past and what is familiar… That issue has constantly torn me on the inside, so perhaps it manifested in a more literal tear until I come to an understanding."

"Hard to say." Starlight said, "It’s more guesswork for us than anything."

"That’s pretty much what the information in the records say. It’s rare, but it’s happened a few times, enough to be documented and studied somewhat." Dusk repeated.

"Well, more than we know." Starlight shrugged.

"So, any info on what this otherself stuff can do?" Storm asked.

"More or less what you’re looking at. It’s like… a shadow so to speak. A separate person that exists in the background, almost, but not quite. Not similar to dissociative identity disorder, but unlike that the other person is… well… another person… A full manifestation of an alter ego, and not just mental illness." Dusk said. "They semi-have their own magic, thoughts, feelings, memories, etcetera, and can somewhat exist without the other. Think of it as two minds in one body."

"Sounds about what we were told." Starlight said.

"So, that’s what Starry is for you then. Is there a difference beyond how you both came to be?" Storm asked, referring to Starry and Starlight.

"No, not like Starry. Starry is a soul bound to me through some… things we won’t talk about here." Dusk said, looking around with ears swiveling. "She was an entirely separate entity from me who became one with me. Dawn and Starlight at their core are the same entity, just like a tree struck by lightning is split, but the roots are still one. Me and Starry are like two separate trees that got tangled together."

"But what you both can do is the same it sounds like." Storm said.

"I mean, we wouldn’t know yet what we can do." Starlight said.

"Our separation was… kinda recent." Dawn said.

"Ah. Guess it’ll mean some research. So, what’s your name stallion?" Storm asked.

"For now? Starlight Dusk."

"For now, huh?" Storm asked.

Dusk remained silent, Starry doing similar and seemed to shrink herself to sit on Dusk’s shoulder comfortably.

Starlight shrugged.

"Well, whatever floats your boat, I guess." Storm shrugged.

Dawn waited, fully expecting to go over what she knew again at some point.

Storm waited, "So what'll we be having this morning?"

A servant took that as their cue and entered to take orders

Storm started their orders, starting out with a heavy muffin and berry breakfast to have energy for the day. Dawn took a moment to think, then decided on french toast, only to be surprised they knew what that meant. She didn’t react just in case that was still normal, even if for a different reason. Dusk ordered pancakes, and no sooner than the servant left than Storm spoke up again.

"So, what sorta stuff are you good for?" Storm asked.

"Most of my skills require tools that don't exist." Dawn shook her head. "I hope to learn magic and use it as a new skill that I didn't… couldn't… use before. Just have to find out what I can do."

"Don’t look like much for combat, I'll say that much." Storm said flatly.

"She’s not here to join the guard Storm." Dusk warned.

"We have use of strong defensive magic casters though." Storm said, "Let her decide that."

"I might consider it, but I suspect not." Dawn said with a shake of the head.

Dusk remained quiet. Storm was always on the lookout for new recruits for the Twilight Guard. Dusk suspected she had ideas on how this otherself could be useful in a way that no one else could duplicate.

"If I show any proficiency for what might be useful, let me know since I don’t know what you’re looking for. I still might not mind helping in other ways or might change my mind." Dawn offered neutrally.

"We'll see. I make no promises, looking for results. Talk big, but no results? You get worse than nowhere, you run yourself lower than dirt." Storm warned.

"A mare's word is huge, got it." Dawn nodded, understanding the warning.

The group waited for the food to arrive before Starlight volunteered a new subject, "Got any strategy games?"

"Chess is the most popular one, as is Conquest."

"Chess gets old after a while. What’s Conquest?" Starlight asked.

"You have a board with the current counties on it and you pick a nation and get pieces representing your armies, the point is to take over the world through carefully planned strategy and thinking both short and long term."

"Oh, so another name for Risk." He nodded. "Ok, any others, like Dungeons and Dragons or tactics games like Fire Emblem or whatever?"

"Starlight, they might not know those." Dawn frowned.

"Are you saying you want to go dungeon raiding in the Dragonlands?" Starry said with a dumbfounded expression. "That… is very much not recommended. Dragons are not known for being welcoming."

"They are more known for being rude and generally unpleasant." Dusk said

"Considering we came from an area that thought dragons were myths, no." Dawn said.

"Its meant to be a fantasy setting, with different races, classes and skillsets to go off on an adventure, whether to save a prince or princess, kick some evil villain's butt, or rule a kingdom depending on the scenario." Starlight explained. "And fire emblem is a turn based tactical game series set around specific campaigns and stories in its respective world's history."

"Oh! Ogres and Oubliettes." Starry answered.

"And not sure how you can get story out of a turn based game. It sounds like you’re talking about Conquest, only somehow fitting a story into it." Dusk said.

Starlight snorted. "I'll have to see if I can recreate it. You'll see when it’s in action. It’s nothing like risk. Individual units and stats are involved, like hero units.

"Now it sounds like you are talking about something that combines Ogres and Oubliettes with a board game… and just sounds needlessly complicated. I really can't see anyone wanting to play it with the level of rules, parchment, and other aspects. Plus the pieces sound like it would become expensive."

Starlight sighed in frustration and shrugged, sulking as they waited on food.

It arrived soon after. Dawn wasted little time digging into the meal, and began smiling at the food being cooked to excellence.

"Well, looks like somepony is easy to please." Storm commented.

"Yup, good food will take you far." Dawn agreed. "Especially when life is hell enough to keep you from having any at all sometimes.

Dusk looked at her, tilting her head at the comment as she ate.

"We might have endured some times where we were homeless already and had about a meal a week for three weeks a year or so ago." Dawn said quietly with a mild blush.

Storm gave a low whistle. "Ok, well you've got some guts then, ‘specially with how cheerful you’ve been."

"Why didn't the kingdom help?" Dusk asked.

"Had to have an address to get help… and mom.. " Dawn said, getting a faraway look briefly, hints of sadness still visible before Starlight took over the answer.

"She didn't want our mail going to her anymore… didn’t want much of anything to do with us after our split and I became her otherself and she became a mare." Starlight said bluntly, more anger showing in his expression, though still mild and kept in check. He knew it wasn’t exact truth, but they knew she was trying to hide the full details.

Dusk blinked at her. "I see." Was all she said then went back to eating

Storm hummed, keeping an eye on them as she ate.

"We will live, and it’s why we don’t care much about going back yet. Not much to go back to other than grandparents." Starlight said.

"Oh? Where'd you move from?" Storm asked.

"I… it’s hard to explain." Dawn said.

"Why?" Storm asked.

"We figured out we had a lot of miseducation growing up." Starlight explained with the truth, though not on that subject, then moving on to the lie, "We had a lot of city names wrong, no magic lessons outside of one figure I got to see while Dawn handled other things. We are trying to correct that, and Dusk and the rest of the crown are also helping, but it’s making relaying that kind of thing hard. Not exactly something you want just anyone knowing."

Dusk remained silent as she watched things play out, observing when they seemed to tell the truth and when they lied. They play a dangerous game already.

"I see, so your from some isolated and apparently extremist group from who knows where, most likely some anti-magic cult, and you and the other one escaped somehow and the Crown is overseeing your integration into society." Storm said watching Dawn.

"Close enough." Dawn nodded with a mild frown. "I will do what I can though. Only if we give up trying do we really lose anything."

"Mmm…” Storm hummed before shaking her head mildly, “Yeah, I'd avoid telling anyone that. I really doubt anyone would believe it. There’s not much reason the crown would take interest in educating some ex-cult members with how busy they get. Better to just leave out that part and avoid situations you need magic till you’re able to use it at a basic level."

"That’s the plan anyway." Starlight nodded.

"Could have fooled me since that was the story you came up with.” Storm smirked, calling them out, “Granted, I did put you on the spot, so for making it up on the fly, that was rather good."

Dawn and starlight blinked. They had no idea Storm was filled in, then Dawn hesitantly asked, "So… was that bad somehow?"

"As I said, there is no conceivable reason the Princesses would oversee some random ex-cult members reeducation and introduction into society." Storm explained. "That story would effectively make you the talk of the town and put a big spotlight on you both as people would wonder why the interest."

"Oh." Dawn frowned.

"Yeah, I couldn’t think of anything else in the moment that seemed more plausible." Starlight explained. “Best choice we had without knowing better was to adapt our actual history as close as possible.”

"That's fine.” Storm shrugged. “As I said, I put you on the spot so I could see how you reacted. It’s best you avoid talking about such things with anyone outside of your tutors till you know enough to seem educated, but most people do not recall all the details you learned."

"We will try." Starlight said.

"Better do better than try." Storm warned.

"We will avoid it as best we can. Only other way around it is to come up with a cover story together." Dawn offered.

"If our other knowledge pans out, perhaps that can be the excuse for why the crown is interested in our development?" Starlight offered.

"There really isn’t much reason." Dusk corrected. "Outside of you being rather high ranking nobles, there isn’t much reason for us to have an interest in you. So it is best that, till later on, our connection has to remain undisclosed till such time you can pass as a regular citizen and then we can use your knowledge as a reason for our proximity."

"Very well." Starlight nodded. "We can go that route. I’m guessing that’s why the guard got relocated? To keep an eye and ear on us so we don't slip up?"

"What do you mean, ‘relocated?’" Dusk asked. "They are stationed where they usually are."

"Stalwart Shield." Starlight said. "He came with for the trip to be stationed here."

"He is your guide." Dusk said. "I believe Mother explained this to you before we left."

"Hm." Starlight frowned.

"Star, you're overreacting." Dawn said, missing how Starlight rolled his eyes.

"Also, to avoid attention it would be a good idea if you did not manifest or speak in public Starlight." Dusk said simply.

"I figured as much." He frowned, but gave a shrug of acceptance. "It’s unfortunate, but it’s worse if I show."

"Yes, while we have records of ones such as you, it is not common and most people wouldn't be aware of it. The last recorded otherself was about four centuries ago."

"And once again, the press would be curious." Starlight nodded, gaining a nod in return.

"I suspect we won't be going out of the castle much, not without Stalwart or another to help out then." Dawn hummed thoughtfully.

"For now yes, least not till you know the basics of things."

"Well, hopefully we will avoid cabin fever then." Dawn said wryly.

"You have free rein of the castle and its grounds after 20:00. and before 08:00" Dusk said. "Between those times, you have to stay above the lower three levels."

"Oh. All right." Dawn said, subdued at the idea of being so constrained. She might turn into a night owl in that event. She hoped some would visit, like Stalwart, to break the monotony some too.

"Outside of the lower levels, you can go anywhere you’d like in the castle and its balconies unless a guard says otherwise, as those areas you aren’t allowed are guarded."

"All right." Dawn said, still feeling cowed at the idea of being confined, even though she knew she wasn’t.

Dusk nodded, still displaying minimal emotion, and returned to her meal.

Dawn finished the rest of her meal in peace, sitting still for a minute before asking, "So when will I see your researcher?"

"Within the hour if you do not mind."

"I don't. It'll help with the education you're trying to give me at least." Dawn said, getting up from the table. "I'm ready now then."

Dusk horn glowed and a servant appeared.

"Have you finished your meal Princess?" The servant asked.

"No. Please take Ms. Dawn here to see Dr. Blast."

"As you wish Princess." The servant said and looked at Dawn as Dusk returned to eating.

Dawn turned to follow, feeling some anxiety at not knowing what to expect, but trying to bury it as she walked.