• Published 24th Jan 2020
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Equestria’s Changeling Princesses and the Kinsbane - vren55

Alternia's daughters are forced into an unexpected adventure that will challenge their relationship, their understanding of their family’s history, and their wits in order to protect those most dear to them.

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Chapter 4: A Posse of Queens

Sleep had not come easily to either Mirage or Kyria. It did come easier to the older changeling queen as she was used to getting sleep in tense situations. Still, the thought that her mother nearly fell into the hooves of some unknown changeling queen didn’t help.

The next day, after a quick breakfast, Chamelia had shown the pair to the hive’s armory. Which… well, Mirage couldn’t help but grimace at. The armory was fantastic, and just plain weird.

Oh, every weapon was polished, stored properly in a dry environment, and clearly well-kept, but to the young changeling queen, they all looked like... brilliant museum pieces.

“Is everything here to your satisfaction, young queens?” asked the changeling guard that had accompanied them, and stayed behind as Chamelia left.

“Kind of, I’m familiar with these, but I’m not sure what to choose,” said Mirage, examining a sword.

The changeling nodded, buzzed over and looked at it, before frowning. “What do you normally use.”

Mirage was about to say that she normally carried a Wingcolt revolver and a Lilyfield Carbine, but that would not have gone over well. It would probably blow this poor changeling’s mind.

Luckily, she did have her cutlass and taking it out from her peytral, she hoofed it over to him.

The changeling took one in his magic and stared at them, eyes wide. “Astounding craftsmanship and… it’s entirely of one steel piece. Some very nice spells too.” He glanced up. “I suppose this will be your main weapon.”

“Yes. I’m looking for something… to augment my arsenal. I mainly use spells and the cutlass, but something… a little more defensive perhaps?” asked Mirage.

“Why not wear more armor?” asked the changeling.

Mirage shook her head. “No time to get a set crafted. Besides, my peytral has got an emergency shield spell that wards against physical, temperature, mind control, and teleportation spells. But since it’s an emergency use only… I need something to help me protect others.”

“Well then, I have only one answer.” The changeling flew off for a moment, buzzing through the vast collection of weapons, he picked something up from the back and returned.

Mirage narrowed her eyes. “A shield.”

“Steel construction, with rawhide covering. It’ll deflect most crossbows and keep you safe. It’s also enchanted to resist damaging spells,” said the changeling brightly.

Mirage thought about it and nodded, taking the kite-shield in her magic and fastening it to her back. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. And what about you, young queen? You seem very interested in that halberd,” said the changeling.

Kyria nodded. “My… my mother uses one. I’m alright with it, but…” She levitated it and whirled it. “I’m not sure about the balance.”

“Hmm, why don’t you try this?” The changeling hefted over a short-hafted poleaxe, which Kyria gave an experimental twirl.

“Oh. Much better. Thank you very much! What’s your name by the way?”

“Facere, your highness.”

Both queens did a double-take.

“Sorry, did you say Facere?” asked Mirage.

“Mm-hmm. I’m Chamelia’s consort,” said the changeling.

Kyria stared. “How… how are you so… calm? Someone tried to kidnap your daughters.”

“Why thank you… That being said, I’m not taking this well at all. It’s why I’m smiling so widely,” said Facere.

Mirage and Kyria both glanced at each other, and back to the smiling changeling. He… He looked almost average, but his smile… his fanged smile, was just far too set. And once they focused their senses, they realized that the air in the armory wasn’t the chill they were feeling. It was Facere’s cold rage.

“That being said, my daughters are safe, and I’m very happy that Alternia’s daughters are such beautiful changeling queens,” said Facere, sincerely.

Kyria frowned. “How did you-, Oh, grandmother told you over your mental link?”

“Communication is the key to any relationship. Do tell me my daughter taught you that at least,” said Facere.

“Oh she did,” said Mirage. She gingerly flew closer to Facere and wrapped her hooves around him. “I’m very glad to finally meet you, grandfather.”

“Glad to meet you too, Mirage.” He glanced over his shoulder and extended a hoof, beckoning Kyria over. She didn’t hesitate.

“I must be very very dead in the future, right?” asked Facere, releasing the two.

Mirage and Kyria glanced at one another and sighed, simultaneously.

“Well, we were born… a long time after you died.”

“Well, yeah. Your cutlass and regalia are forged in a way I simply can’t pinpoint, and the enchantments are so advanced, it’s like looking at a different language,” said Facere. He shrugged. “That and considering how long changeling queens live… well my chances don’t look so good.”

“All the same, we’re really glad to have met you, grandfather,” said Kyria smiling.

“I can tell. Come here,” said Facere, looping his much smaller legs around the pair again.

Mirage and Kyria sat quietly behind Chamelia. They were disguised as ordinary drones, but they were in full “notice-me-not” mode.

Mirage had a “boulder” act was in full swing and was doing her best to remain completely forgettable. Kyria was smiling, acting a little more natural, but mostly just listening to those talking around her.

After all, they were witnessing… a council meeting of legends.

In their time, Chrysalis, Alternia, Simulacris, Belladonna, Murmillar, Retariusil, and six other queens that were daughters of Belladonna and Chrysalis (including Lamia), had formed the Queens Summit. They were all queens of hives that were part of the Commonwealth of Equestria, or affiliated with them. And they had all formed this new Queens Summit because the friction between her mother and her aunts and other relatives had grown so fierce that a separate council had been formed In total, they sported twelve members.

The Queens Council of the future, composed of the old guard of changeling queens, was composed of about twenty different queens, led by the elderly queen Sarar. It had once been a very powerful and influential body, but with the split, and the founding of the Queens Summit, the Council’s influence had waned. This wasn’t helped by the increased prosperity of the members of the Queens Summit, thanks to Equestrian backing. From what Kyria heard, the Council was on the verge of collapse and were constantly bickering.

Yet, in complete contrast to the present day, the current gathering was marked by a mutual respect that the sisters had never seen before. Yes, Chamelia was seated at the head of only around fifteen queens. According to their grandmother, their rivals didn’t often attend, though, they knew of the meeting. This could have explained the atmosphere.

Still, the gathering seemed intimate, a group of friends having a get-together. It was a serious one, but a get together regardless. Rather than the constant bickering that plagued the future Queens Council, they were quietly chatting with one another and partaking in the honeyed fruit bats, and other changeling snacks that were served.

“I call this meeting to session,” declared Chamelia.

Instantly, all the queens quieted and regarded her with silent respect. Mirage and Kyria had at first, wondered how was it possible for the Queens Council to meet so quickly. That was when they found out that the queens all traveled together, helping each other teleport across the vast distances through pre-set meeting points where they could combine their magic and travel together.

It was basically a massive teleportation carriage-pool that crisscrossed Equestria until all the queens who wanted to attend had arrived at Chamelia’s hive. A cooperative effort the future Queens Council would have been incapable of pulling off due to the mistrust between the members.

Both sisters listened quietly as Chamelia took a breath and glanced at the white-carapaced, pink-eyed changeling queen beside her.

Kyria frowned. The pink-eyed queen looked… familiar.

“I have terrible news. As I mentioned in the communication crystal. There was an attack on my hive and four of my newest queen-daughters were nearly killed. I am sure though that you all have noticed that I neglected to mention who was responsible.”

“Who was responsible, sister?” asked an older queen, who looked almost identical to Chamelia, aside from having black hair.

Chamelia grimaced. “That’s the problem Tomoe, I’m afraid we don’t know the answer. All I know is that I’ve yet to see this queen before.” Focusing her magic, she created a fiery image of the queen with blue hair.

The council broke out in whispers, but… oddly enough, there was no shouting. The room now reeked of muddled and swirling confusion.

“So, to confirm, nobody recognizes her?” Chamelia asked.

Every queen “ayed.”

“Thank you,” said Chamelia, without questioning or oddly enough to Mirage and Kyria, any hint of suspicion.

One of the queens raised her hoof. To Mirage, who had attended one of the Queens Council meetings before, she looked oddly like Kleis Patra, one of the other queens in her time. Perhaps she was an ancestor


“What aid can we lend you, cousin? I can mobilize a company of my best chevaliers, ready to move out at your request.”

“Here here! If you need the Horde, then you only need to ask,” yelled a muscular queen.

Chamelia smiled, and raised her hoof, quieting the group. “Borte, I don’t doubt that you would muster your hive.” She turned to the rest of the council. “As with all of you, friends, family, thank you. Your aid would be most welcome. However, since the threat seems to be from but one queen, I will only ask that Sarar and Thera assist me in tracking this queen down. In the meantime, you all should put your hives on alert, in case this queen switches targets.”

Sarar? Current leader of the Queens Council, Sarar? She’s here? Thought Mirage, searching the room. But before she could find her, a red-haired queen raised her hoof.


The queen nodded in thanks. “With respect, Chamelia, Queen Sarar is…she tried to kill you once. Queen Thera is beyond reproach and skilled, but would Sarar be able to help you with such a delicate task?”

I heard something about Sarar not being trusted from aunty Chrysalis and mom… thought Kyria, her eyes searching the room. But try as she might, she couldn’t see any changeling that might resemble her.

“Which is why she serves under me, Hatshepsut. But I thank you for your concern.”

A white queen with pink eyes raised her hoof. She was seated directly to Chamelia’s right, and while she seemed shorter, and more slender than the other queens, Mirage found herself admiring her poise.

“Thera?” asked Chamelia.

Mirage and Kyria nearly started.

“Is that…” murmured Mirage.

“That’s Thera, the Great Hive Mother Atracina's daughter! Queen Kagura’s mother, and apparently one of grandmother’s best friends!” hissed Kyria.

“If it would comfort you, Hatshepsut, Queen Sarar has been a very willing vassal and has been working very hard to deal with the Diamond Dog incursions near the Ghastly Gorge. It’s why she couldn’t make it to this meeting.”

“And likely because she didn’t want to see your ugly mug, Hatshepsut!” cackled an even older queen with orange hair.

“Vittoria!” gasped Chamelia, in mock outrage.

“Whaaat,” whined Vittoria, “Hatshepsut knows I don’t mean it.” She batted her eyelashes at the red-haired queen.

“No goodbye kiss,” said Hatshepsut, in a mock pout.

The other queens snorted, chuckling to themselves.

After a moment, Borte raised her hoof. “Alright then, Chamelia, unless there is anything further to discuss, I vote that we shall mobilize our forces immediately and leave Chamelia to her preparations.”

All the other council members quickly and firmly said Yay. There were no abstentions or nays.

“So, Queen Chamelia, what is the plan?” Kyria asked, once they were alone in Chamelia’s private chambers.

The older queen chuckled. “All in good time. But first, I will be introducing you to Queen Thera and Queen Sarar, who are going to be integral parts of my strategy.”

Mirage blinked. “Would we be introduced as queens or drones? We… we know of Sarar from where we are from.”

Chamelia nodded, looking rather thoughtful. “As queens, but if that’s the case, you should remain in your drone disguise when in front of Sarar. I think the best cover story would be for you to say you are my granddaughters from one of my chevaliers, and were thrown out from your mother’s hive. Let’s call her… Queen Belinda.”

“Wait, thrown out? That seems oddly convenient,” Mirage said, frowning.

The expression, full of suppressed regret, that Chamelia showed the two sisters was not one they’d ever thought they would see. “It’s a far more common practice for less talented queen daughters than one might expect. After all, queen daughters do take a part of their mother’s hive with them when they ascend. They don’t have to, but changelings will undoubtedly swear their loyalty to even a talentless daughter in hopes of finding new feeding grounds and new positions of power.”

“What. Are you serious?” squeaked Kyria.

“I am afraid so. It would have been my first theory on why I have not heard of this blue-haired queen, but it would have been difficult for her to survive the first few years on her own,” said Chamelia.

There was a knock on the door, and Kyria and Mirage swallowed.

“Come in,” said Chamelia.

A changeling queen pushed through the door and stalked, much like a cat does to a mouse, into the room. Kyria shuffled behind her sister, whilst Mirage stiffened at the far younger future head of the Queens Council. To her surprise, she seemed just as large in size as she was in the future, but far younger. Her mane was cropped short, just under her jaw really. Her large wings looked far less ragged. Still, her carapace bore several white lines, old scars.

Chamelia smiled. “Sarar.”

“Queen Chamelia,” said Sarar, her tone unreadable. “You should ask these two to leave.”

“Sarar, these two changelings will be assisting us for this,” Chamelia said.

The queen fixed Mirage and Kyria with a glare. “These two grubs?”

Kyria merely averted her gaze, whilst Mirage couldn’t help but meet Sarar’s glare. Sometimes she really wished she had her sister’s disposition of laying low.

The older queen sighed. “I shall explain when Thera arrives.”

At that, Sarar nodded respectfully, just as there was another knock on the door.

“Thera, is that you?” Chamelia asked.

The white queen trotted in, shaking her pink hair out of her eyes. “Who else?” She met Chamelia with a tight embrace.

“So now that Thera is here, can you finally tell us why you have decided to include two drones in our discussion?” Sarar asked, glaring at the sisters.

Mirage bit the inside of her lip to keep her mouth shut, while she glanced at both queens. To be honest, she was more worried about Queen Thera. They would be spending the most time with her. To make matters worse, from the little their aunts and mother remembered about her, Thera was notoriously smart.

The old queen gestured to the two. “Thera, Sarar, these are my granddaughters, Mirage and Kyria. They were banished from their hive and in return for safe passage, will be assisting me.”

“It is very nice to meet you both,” said Kyria, bowing.

Mirage also bowed, she actually bowed so low she nearly kissed the ground, but she thought it was appropriate. Kyria, noticing her sister was doing so, mirrored her.

“How do you know you can trust them?” Sarar asked, frowning at the sisters.

“They helped me fight off the unknown queen and protected my daughters from her minions,” said Chamelia.

“Are they queen daughters?” Thera asked. “I suppose you disguised yourselves as drones to ensure you do not get spotted by the other queens.”

“Yes, Your Majesty,” said Mirage, raising her head, just a little.

Sarar narrowed her eyes briefly at the pair, but turned her attention back to Chamelia. “So, what is the plan, Chamelia?”

“You and I will lead a force to search the unknown queen. I managed a last tracking spell on her. It will wear off in time, but given how young she seems to be, the portal exit she made couldn’t have been made too far away.” She turned to Mirage and Kyria. “You both in the meantime will stay with Queen Thera to guard my daughters.”

“Are you sure, grandmother? Would it not be safer to at least take me along?” Mirage asked.

“What can you do that Sarar would not be able to, Mirage?” Chamelia asked.

Mirage swallowed at the stern expression on her grandmother’s features and bowed her head. She could fight, but all of her training, it was for a war that would not be fought until more than a thousand years later.

“Sorry. I’m just worried.”

“And I appreciate that, but while I may be old, I have many, many years of combat experience, Mirage,” said Chamelia. She glanced at Sarar and Thera. “Are we in agreement, ladies?”

“I am,” said Sarar.

“I am,” said Thera.

Chamelia smirked, a smirk rather familiar to Mirage and Kyria, who for a moment, wondered if they were looking at their mother.

“Then we shall make this queen regret crossing us.”