• Published 5th Jan 2020
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My Little Pony: Enter The Ice Dragon - Ocellus The Changeling

A Ice Dragon name Cross will explore the magic of friendship

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Chapter 1 The Meeting

“Now then Queen Juniper,” Princess Celestia started. “Tell us the reason why you want to form this treaty between our nations?”

Queen Juniper smiled a bit.

“Well,” She started “I have a few reasons, so it won't take long.”

As Queen Juniper listed off many reasons why they should form an alliance, Cross let out a small sigh before moving away from his adopted mother's side. Cross was not the type of dragon that attends meetings. So he went over to look at some windows that were in the throne room. He had to admit that these windows are well done here. Each had their own meaning and story behind them. It reminded him of some that he saw before entering the throne room. Like the one window of six ponies defeating a draconequus. He couldn't remember the name but he knew about the history of the draconequus.

“And we could teach some ponies and none ice dragons how to use Ice magic during the cold season,” Juniper finishes getting Cross attention.

Twilight, who was writing the information, was very amazed by what she heard from the ice dragon queen. Using ice to keep warm in cold weather can be very useful for those who are going to travel in cold areas like Yakyakistan.

“Wow, I didn't know you could use ice to keep warm from the cold. Then again they are not a lot of ice users in equestria that use this skill,” Spike commented

“Yea, it's like how fire dragons use their flame to keep warm but in the other way around,” Ember said.

“Thank you for the comment Spike, Ember,” Juniper said to them as they, smiling in return.

“Also, I agree with Spike, there have not been a lot of ice magic users since equestria was founded. But you teaching some of my subjects how to use it can be useful when we need it,” Celestia said. “The last pony I knew that used ice magic lived before the fall of the crystal empire.”

“I think I heard a story about that pony. I think my grandfather knew that pony before he passed,” Jupier said

“Really?” Celestia ask as Juniper nodded

“Yes and my granddad is no liar. He was one of those who don’t lie to the children or grandchildren,” Juniper said

“Same here but with my mom,” Celetia said

Twilight, along with Spike and Ember, looked as the two rulers talked about each other. They saw two rulers getting along instead of fighting. But for Cross, he just rolled his eyes.

“Well Queen Juniper. I think these are great ideas,” Twilight said. “I don’t know what to give in return. But I think I have an idea that will help both nations. Before I say them, do you have anything to give to Queen Juniper, Ember?”

Ember just shrugged. “I do but it may take some time since. I am the lord of the fire dragons and she is the queen of ice dragons. There are tons of things we need to talk about between our nations.”

“I agree, ice and fire tend not to get allowed since they are completely opposite from each other. But then again, I heard and probably saw some ice flame dragon,” Juniper said.

This made Twilight’s eyes widen a bit when she said ice flame dragon. She read a book about dragons having a single element, but a dragon having dual elements is a rare and interesting thing to write down. “So you're saying there is a dragon that has both ice and fire?” Twilight asked.

Juniper nodded. “Yes, but we are getting off topic. What are you gonna ask me to return to my kingdom?”

Twilight realizes she is getting off topic and blush in embarrassment. She cleared her throat and gave her notes to Spike. “Well, we make allies and friendship with other nations over the years and as the Princess of Friendship it is my job to teach and spread friendship. So to make my job easier I opened a school that teaches all creatures to take in friendship and tell their nation how powerful friendship really is.”

Juniper looks at her with a pleased look knowing where she is taking this. “So you are asking me to send one of my subjects to your school?” Juniper ask

Twilight nods as Princess Celestia smiles at her former student. “She’s correct. Thanks to her, we have many allies from Yak to Hippogriff. So if it’s not too much trouble to send a young ice dragon to her school,” Celestia said as juniper thought for a minute

Cross, who was behind Juniper, stepped up beside her. “So you are asking some ice dragon around my age to go to your school?” Cross ask

Twilight nodded with a smile. “Yes I am. Are you interested in joining the school?”

Cross pointed his tail at his adopted mother. “Ask her, She mostly decides what's best for me. Besides, why would I willingly join a school of weaklings?”

Twilight was taken a back by Cross comment and about to make a comeback before hearing Juniper sighs as she pulled Cross by his tail. “Cross is right. You need to ask me before Cross can do something.”

“So you answer is?” Twilight asked with a hopeful look.

“I think it is a good idea for Cross to go. It can help with his social skills and personality. And can help the bond between our nations,” Juniper said as Cross just scoffed.

“Yeah. Don’t get your hopes up,” Cross whispers as Juniper smacked him on the head with her tail.

Twilight has a big smile and is glad to have another creature attend her school. “ Thank you, I won’t fail you, Queen Juniper.”

“I'm sure that you won't,” Juniper said.

Cross nudged Juniper side, getting her attraction.“ Yes Cross?”

“If it's ok I can go now, like to the pony school. It makes no sense for me to be heard and you know the saying `early birds get the worm.’” Cross said.

Juniper thought for a minute before looking at Twilight and asked, “Is that ok? I mean Cross it not the type to be in a meeting for a long time. So is it fine for Cross to look around your school.”

Twilight scratched her chin as she thought. She wanted to give the tour of the school to Cross personally, but then again she is helping with the treaty between three nations. She looked at Cross who has a bored look on his face and can tell he is getting bored from this meeting.

“I don't see why not. Spike would take him to Ponyville to show him where the school is and where they will be starting. Is there anything we need to know beforehand?” Twilight asks with Juniper just smiling at her.

“No, just let Cross eat ice and any cold food and he should be fine.” Juniper said

“So no hot food?” Spike ask

“No hot food. Warm, yes. Hot, no.”

Spike nodded as he looked at Ember. “ Ok Ember see ya.” Spike said.

“See yea Spike and tell Smolder I said hi.” Ember said.

Spike smiles as he looks at Twilight. “So you want me to take him to school and to class or to the castle?”

“If the school is still in by the time you get there, he can watch the class, but if not then take him to the castle and show him to his room.”

“Ok I will. Come on, Cross. Let’s get the next train to Ponyville,” Spike said as he walked past Cross.

Cross follows right behind the young dragon as the thorne door opens and closes behind them. Juniper let out a sigh.

“I hope we are doing the right thing Princess Twilight. I know you can handle a dragon but I worry that you can't handle an ice dragon like Cross,” Juniper said.

Twilight smiled to reassure her. “Don't worry I'm sure that he would make many more friends in equestria than in the ice kingdom.”

‘Only wish you knew,’ Juniper thought as they continued the meeting

Author's Note:

Here the next Chapter. I not very good of writing meetings so it may not be very good. But the next Chapter Spike would show Cross around the School of Friendship before he started class there.