• Published 1st Mar 2020
  • 574 Views, 4 Comments

The Zebra King - PioneerofImagination

Mage Meadowbrook Mist Mane, and Rarity meet the Zebra King

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Baltimare, a beautiful city on the eastern coast of Equestria, was about to become the cradle of one of Rarity’s newest boutiques.

It’d been a long time coming. The first of Rarity’s boutiques to open was of course in Ponyville, and it was still the store Rarity ran her business from. The next two to open were in Canterlot and Manehattan. While there had been some problems on the opening night of the Manehattan one, she and her friends had been able to pull it off successfully. Now that she’d found the perfect spot (and funds), she was planning to open a Baltimare store—Completely unaware of the adventure that was going to come with it.

"Ah yes,” Rarity said to herself, anticipating the day of cleaning to come, “this just might be perfect." She was distracted for a moment as she admired her bloodstone necklace. Suddenly though, she saw two familiar faces on the street ahead of her. "Are those who I think they are?" she murmured.

"He should be arriving soon," the pillar, Mistmane said as she walked alongside Mage Meadowbrook, another ancient pillar.

“Sure hope we know which one it is," Meadowbrook said.

"I concur. Do you think he knows which harbor it is?" Mistmane asked.

"That is you!" Rarity exclaimed, galloping up to the pillars. "What a nice surprise to see you~"

"Rarity, what are you doing here?" Mistmane asked.

"Why, I could ask the same to you."

"Well, if you follow us, we'll tell you," Meadowbrook waved for Rarity to follow.

As the three mares walked together, the pillars explained they were here to meet the king of the zebras.

"King of the zebras, you don't say.” Rarity had never heard there was a zebra king, let alone more zebras than Zecora. “That is quite interesting, tell me more!"

"Well,” Meadowbrook started, “From what we can tell, it's like the time when you and your friends greeted the yak prince, sealing your friendship for one thousand moons. Mistmane and I are gonna do something similar with the zebras. Starswirl arranged for us to meet with their king today."

"I see. Well… I hope befriending the zebra king isn't quite as difficult as the yaks were.” Rarity pondered, “Don’t zebras live in a far off land though? How was Starswirl able to convince their king to come here?"

"Well, I…,” Mistmane shrugged, “I didn’t think to ask."

“Because he’s Starswirl,” Meadowbrook said as if that explained everything."He always was such an expectational stallion…"

Before long, the trio of mares made it to one of Baltimare’s outer harbors. They could smell the sea salt from the vast ocean, as well as see several seagulls flying about the harbor. Said harbor had numerous yachts and schooners docked around the boardwalk. Rarity, with her keen eye for fashion, noticed several ponies on the ships wearing similar clothing. She figured it was most likely because they were part of some sort of club. As the trio walked down the boardwalk, they saw a medium sized boat –Mistmane called it “some kind of longship”– operated by several zebras. One of the zebras, dressed in a hooded cloak, exited the boat. The onyx outfit covered almost his entire body so the mares were only able to see the bottom of the zebra's legs along with the end of his tail and muzzle.

Mistmane and Meadowbrook, politely bowed.

Rarity followed a second later. "Do we have the honor of greeting the king of the zebras?" she asked.

"Indeed you do, oh pony fair,” greeted the mysterious zebra. “Now raise your eyes, but please don't stare."

"Oh, so I guess they all do that," Rarity whispered to herself as she and the pillars raised their heads to face the hooded king.

Rarity looked from the plain robes of the king to the austere longship. "Forgive my bluntness,” she said, “but I thought that a king would have arrived in something a little, well, fancier."

If the zebra king was offended, he didn’t show it. "This boat, while small, still works well. And provides views while traveling that are all around swell."

"It is nice to see all the little things. You miss out on so much when you hurry," Mistmane agreed. "My name is Mistmane, and beside me is Mage Meadowbrook. Starswirl sent us"

“Mistmane is a fabulous artist, keeper of the Crystal Empire’s beauty,” Rarity added. “Meadowbrook is a fantastic healer who can solve just about any health issue.”

"Oh please,” Mage Meadowbrook drawled, “you're making me redder than a rosebud. But I do take great pride in my work. And speaking of ponies that take pride in their work,” Meadowbrook pulled Rarity to her side, “this here is Rarity, an expert in just about all things clothes. And the element of generosity."

Rarity then offered her hoof to the king, as it seemed appropriate.

"You may call me simply Zimbabwe,” said the king. “No need to be formal. I request to be treated like a guest: normal." Zimbabwe shook Rarity's hoof and did the same to Mistmane and Meadowbrook when they offered theirs.

"Sire, shall we come with you in case something dangerous happens?" One of the zebras in the boat asked.

"Huh? So not all of them do it," Rarity puzzled.

"What?" King Zimbabwe asked.

"Nothing," Rarity replied quickly.

Zimbabwe turned back to the zebra sailor. "No need, I shall not be too long in accomplishing this deed: I'll be quite fine. Now,” Zimbabwe then removed a bag of kola beans from a large pocket within his cloak, “would you care to dine? This is traditionally one of the things we do when we come as guests, of the various Hors d’oeuvres, these are the best.”

Rarity, at first, was hesitant to try it as they looked like they were just pulled out of the dirt, and figured the pillars would be as well. But Meadowbrook quickly grabbed several nuts and ate them.

"Just like ma used to make. You zebras sure know how to farm." Meadowbrook then took a little more, enjoying what the king had offered. Mistmane tried it as well. After she did, she looked at Rarity.

Rarity flinched.

"Now, Rarity, haven't you learned by now not to judge anything by appearance?" Mistmane asked, still chewing.

Rarity remembered learning this lesson quite a long time ago. Ironically, that lesson had also involved a zebra. She was rather embarrassed to be told this by Mistmane who growing up was her favorite story, and of course that story centered around looking deeper as well. Rarity tried some. While she didn't think it was gourmet cuisine, she liked it just fine. While rather crunchy and bitter , it turned chewy and also strangely sweet.

"Thank you, your highness,” Rarity said, “Er, Zimbabwe. Now please, allow us to show you some quality pony cuisine. Think of it as part of an exchange of our cultures.”

"Lead the way, but I hope it won't take long; I plan to board my boat and leave at dawn."

"Dawn!" Meadowbrook squaked. "But that's hardly enough time to show you anything! Can't you stay longer?"

"I'm sure that within that time you can prove your point. Now let's get moving and find what you'd call a burger joint."

The mares decided to not waste any time and brought King Zimbabwe to a nearby restaurant. There the counter pony was able to open a table for them almost right away and asked for a waiter to show them the way.

“Oh my gosh!” The waiter pony said almost jumping for joy. “An actual zebra, that’s so cool,” the waiter added as the counter pony just shook her head. The counter pony was so focused on her work, she didn’t get a good look at Zimbabwe, thinking it was just another pony.

“May we see our table please?” Rarity asked.

“Oh yes of course, I apologize,” the waiter said, having calmed down. After taking them to the table the waiter went to the counter pony.

“Did you see that zebra?” The waiter asked.

“Will you stop acting like a foal,” the counter pony replied. “It’s just a pony in a hood and robe.”

“No it’s a zebra, come see for yourself. I think he might even be royalty.”

“You figured that out in the two seconds you saw the “zebra”, give me a break.”

“No come on you gotta see.”

“Just go back into the kitchen,” the counter pony ordered, pointing her hoof to the kitchen. So the waiter did just that feeling rather exasperated.

Meanwhile the three ponies and one zebra ate at their table, Rarity decided this would be a great time to tell the king all about Equestria, starting with Baltimare since that's where they were.

"Well you see, Ki– I mean, Zimbabwe, Baltimare has quite a long history of being used as a seaport. In fact, it was a seaport before it was a city."

"Oh yes, I remember that," Mistmane added. "Rarity, do you mind if I tell him this part?"

"Oh, by all means be my guest, darling."

"You see Zimbabwe, Baltimare, as Rarity pointed out, was a small port first, founded by Equestrian colonialists. As the Equestrian colonies grew, so too did the port's confluence. Before long, numerous ponies from cultures all around the eastern coast and islands immigrated to live and work here. Thus, the city of Baltimare was born. Eventually, the city of Baltimare was founded since there were more than enough ponies already living here.

"Quite an interesting tale my dear,” Zimbabwe smiled, “and your eloquent way of speaking made the details quite clear."

Mistmane then blushed a little at the complement. "Oh, thank you, Zimbabwe. Perhaps you'd like to tell us a bit about your homeland."

Zimbabwe looked at the table and, seeing that the mares had finished their food and that everything was accounted for, he nodded to Mistmane's request.

“Okay I need to check on a few things in the kitchen, so you're in charge out here,” The counter pony said to the waiter having come back out. “Don’t bug the customers, especially the “zebra.”

“It is a zebra I’m telling you,” the waiter replied. “He’s sitting right over there at the table. Come look.”

“Just watch the tables,” the counter pony said as she went into the kitchen. Not noticing Zimbabwe pouring sand on to the ground.

“What are you doing exactly?” Rarity asked.

"Your request I would very much like to do, for not just one, all three of you. But I believe it would be best not to tell but show. So now get ready, because here we go." Suddenly, the sand below Rarity, the two pillars, and King Zimbabwe began to glow a bright gold under the table, and before any of the mares could ask, they and the king vanished, scaring the waiter.

Just then the counter pony came back from the kitchen, making her way to the waiter.

“What happened to the ponies at this table?”

“They, they vanished. Like phantoms.”

“Oh sure how convenient. Hoof over the bits.”


Zimbabwe and the three mares suddenly appeared in an open field, and when the mares looked down, they found that they were standing over a seal made of sand that didn't seem to move, even when touched.

“Wha-What in Equestria is going on?! Where in Equestria are we?" Rarity asked as she looked around, almost in a panic.

"No need to be alarmed, this is a friend's farm–just beyond our capital city, Farasi," Zimbabwe answered. "You three have been taken to the zebra lands, a task completed by means of magic sand. Although this place we are are at, I would name ‘Zebrat.’"

"You mean you took us all. the. way. to where the zebras live?" Mage Meadowbrook asked, almost as shocked as Rarity. "But from what Starswirl told us, that's on the other side of the planet from Equestria."

"He teleported us all the way to the other side of the world?" Mistmane asked, shocked as well. "Not even the princesses can do that."

"Yes, many things are possible with what you call zebra magic. Though something a long time ago led to events quite tragic."

"What do you mean?" Rarity asked.

Zimbabwe gestured for her and the pillars to follow him. The three of them did just that, walking around the native land of the zebras. Most zebras lived in small huts made of wood and stone with grass on the top. In the abundant fields, many zebras could be seen gathering crops. Not only that, they were helping each other build new huts while many of the young zebras were playing together.

"My oh my, the zebras seem very close don't they?" Mage Meadowbrook said as she admired the land of Farasi. Huts and towers of sun baked stone, earthen streets and tall adobe buildings. Buildings were numerous and surprisingly massive with grass roofs and sand seal-patterned windows.

"Yes, it rather reminds me of Equestria in a way," Rarity said. "So Zimbabwe, what were you saying about a tragedy?"

“Long ago we befriended creatures so our kind wouldn’t be so alone, but eventually some would try to take what we call our own.”

"You mean your zebra magic?" Mistmane asked.

"Yes, we used it to help all around, helping nature grow and bringing in food pound by pound. But then some came to covet our magic for their own, leading to a war where we were overthrown. Even though in battles we were almost always victorious, recovering from the engagements was very laborious. We grew sick of all the fighting, so we agreed to go into hiding."

"Oh darling, I'm so sorry to hear that. Some creatures, ponies included, can be so selfish. Though this actually does beg the question, if you and all zebras are in hiding, how did Starswirl manage to find you?"

"Because he's Starswirl," Mistmane answered, a little offended.

"Oh yes,” Rarity facehooved, “I'll have to try harder to remember that."

Zimbabwe cleared his throat. "When we managed to hide, we lived in peace once more, but there was a problem with our isolation. It, well, became a bore. Yeah, uh, so when the unicorn elder entered our domain, we felt the time could be right for our isolation not to remain. Although some found us and tried to steal what we had, he offered us only friendship, for which we were most glad."

"So now you want to see if it's safe for you and your subjects to come out of hiding.” Mistmane concluded. “Well, I can assure you that in Equestria things will be much more hospitable. Especially with Meadowbrook and the other pillars here to help!”

"I want to believe that the time is right for us to come out once again. We don't wish to continue to battle even though I'm sure we can still win."

"Oh Zimbabwe,” Rarity placed a hoof over her heart, “I understand how you feel— to a degree anyway. Just recently there was a pony that tried to steal all of the magic within Equestria."

Zimbabwe stared at Rarity, shocked.

Rarity cleared her throat. "I know it's hard to believe, and it was a very dire situation for quite a while, but it was all because one pony wanted to have it all for herself. There's a good chance that there are still a few other creatures that want to take your zebra magic, but that shouldn't stop you from living the way you and your kingdom want to live."

"Rarity’s right,” Mage Meadowbrook said. “The hippogriffs hid themselves away to avoid the Storm King, but since they came out from under the sea, their lives have never been better," .

Rarity looked back to where they arrived, then looked back to King Zimbabwe. "By the way, something I've been wondering about– that sand that took us here? There's something unusual about it. I mean, well, besides the whole taking us all the way to the other side of the world in a second. We all stepped on it, but it didn't move even a little bit."

"The sand during and a little after working is as strong as steel, but then it acts more or less like normal when you touch and feel." Zimbabwe removed some more sand from his saddle bag and poured it right in front of him. "These sands carry more magic within them to help if facing someone nefarious. They can be truly helpful when one's situation is precarious."

"It can do even more?" Mistmane asked surprised, quickly becoming even more surprised along with Rarity and Mage Meadowbrook when the sand started to move on its own until it was the shape and size of the seal that had brought the three mares to the zebra lands.

"Stallion alive!” Rarity said. “The sand can move all on it's own. This must have been how you were able to make the seal from the restaurant appear without us knowing. These zebras are just full of surprises aren't they, Meadowbrook?"

Meadowbrook scoffed, "I think it would be more than fair to say that would be putting it mildly at this point. Though, couldn't you just have used this to appear in Baltimare? It would have been much quicker."

"The Seal Sand must be made in two different places to effectively have you and your company vanish without any traces. Besides, I wished to see more that the world had to offer. Mostly I’ve only heard tales told to me by my mother, father, and rather adventurous younger brother."

"Did that last one even count as a rhyme?" Mistmane whispered to Meadowbrook.

"Well, I'm still wondering a little if he's doin’ it on purpose or not. But I'm pretty sure he is. I mean, he's gotta be, right?" Meadowbrook whispered back to Mistmane.

Zimbabwe cleared his throat, "I was to look around Baltimare and have a good time. And if I say so myself, I think we can discount my rather loose rhyme."

Mistmane and Mage Meadowbrook both turned a little red.

"My, such excellent hearing you have your highness," Mistmane said.

Zimbabwe chuckled a little bit and the mares joined in.

"Think nothing of it my new friends,” Zimbabwe dismissed. “It is a trivial matter in the end. I understand our ways may seem quite strange to those who have only recently come in our range."

"Their range?" Rarity asked.

"Perhaps that wasn't quite the best word to use at this time, but it is not always easy to make a proper rhyme."

"Uh yes, of course, I suppose.” Rarity tapped her lips. “No I don't suppose actually, it makes a lot of sense."

"Now then,” Zimbabwe stamped a hoof, “perhaps you'd like to learn more of our way before we return to the city by the bay."

The three mares thought that they weren't really in that much of a hurry and decided to stay in the Farasi a little longer. Before long though, Mistmane, Meadowbrook, and Rarity wished to return to Equestria along with King Zimbabwe. Zimbabwe escorted them back to the seal sand, and once again they were all gone in a flash.


Back at the restaurant, the three ponies and one zebra king appeared once again! And, as before, scared the waiter. Even more than last time, as he jumped back and fell at seeing their spontaneous return. Luckily he wasn't carrying any plates or cups. "Will you all please stop doing that!"

"Sorry darling," Rarity said as she helped the waiter up. The little group walked out and looked around Baltimore a little more.

"So, Zimbabwe,” Rarity asked, “What else would you like to see?"

"I'm up for going anywhere that's near. Anything that you'd like to do, my dear."

Rarity thought. "Well now that you mention it, there is something you might be able to help me with."

"Well, what might that be, Rarity?" Mage Meadowbrook asked.

Rarity did not respond, instead she suddenly took King Zimbabwe by the hoof and quickly guided him to where she'd like to have her boutique. Mistmane and Meadowbrook not too far behind.

"What is this?" Mistmane asked.

Rarity smiled, "Well you see Mistmane, I –being the prime pony of fashion– seek to expand my clothing empire by putting my latest boutique here." Rarity led them all into the boutique to be.

"I admire the passion you put into your work,” Zimbabwe said, “but this begs the question of why I'm here. Is it just to lurk?"

"Far from it, Zimbabwe. You just might be the perfect one to help with what I'm about to do." Rarity then produced a tuxedo for Zimbabwe, who looked at it rather strangely as he still knew little to nothing of pony clothing.

"This is a tuxedo,” Rarity said, “and a rather dashing one if I do say so myself. I'd like you to model in it so I can show the ponies around here the type of clothing they can expect from me when I get this place up and running."

"Rarity?!" Mistmane said, shocked at her behavior. "You can't honestly expect our royal visiting guest to be okay with just going along with this." But, as she looked at Zimbabwe he took off his robe and replaced it with the tuxedo,somewhat admiring himself in the mirror.

"I thought he'd like to wear that," Rarity said, turning to Mistmane and Meadowbrook. "Perhaps you two would like to help out as well?"

"Oh I don't know about that Rarity," Mistmane said as she looked around the place and saw it still needed a lot of cleaning up. "Then again, perhaps I can help you out in a different way."

"Well I suppose I could lend a helping hoof," Mage Meadowbrook added. "If Misty Isn't afraid to try something new, neither should I."

The quartet got to work. Mistmane, with her talent for bringing out beauty, cleaned up the boutique with Meadowbrook helping her. Rarity, with her generous enthusiasm, went about telling ponies around Baltimare of an upcoming boutique. She had King Zimbabwe “strut his stuff.” King Zimbabwe, while normally a humble and graceful zebra, was rather enjoying the attention.

After a couple hours, Rarity and Zimbabwe found their way to a secluded gazebo in a tree lined park. Rarity hadn’t even realized Baltimare had places like this. Especially not with, Rarity gasped, a fainting couch! Rarity seized the couch with zeal! Then made space for Zimbabwe. They rested a while before either spoke.

Rarity broke the silence. "Thank you so much for helping me spread the word of my soon to be opening day."

"It was no problem at all.” Zimbabwe replied, “I’m glad to help whenever I have the wherewithal. It gives me memories like doves from when I was deeply in love."

"Love you say?" Rarity scooted closer so that she was right next to Zimbabwe, attention ensnared. "I know a thing or two about that."

"You do, do you?"

"Yes, I've caught the eye of more than my fair share of stallions, and a dragon."

"You claim to know when in love what to do, but what can you tell of love most true?"

"Oh," Rarity teetered, nearly fainting. "It's that serious? I haven't gotten that far, though I have been on a few dates, but I haven't really gotten past that. Plus I kind of always had to keep my dates a secret cause I didn't want my friend, Spike –the dragon I mentioned– to get jealous.” As she repositioned on the fainting couch she added, “He was smitten the very second he saw me."

"I know how that feels more than you could know.” Zimbabwe took a contemplative breath, “We met on a rare day that our land received snow. I was but a prince back when we first met, but we formed the most powerful connection that day, on that you can bet."

Rarity leaned forward, eager for more.

"As I said, we met when we were rather young, but in no time at all, it was as if we were sand in a seal. After a while I thought for sure that the wedding bells would peal. But suddenly out of nowhere, it was as if by the winds she was slung. And my heart was hung."

Rarity gasped and jumped to console Zimbabwe. "Oh, you poor thing! such a tragic story of completely losing your love before you could even get married."

"You misunderstand my tale! she did not perish. While I wish it was longer… our time together I do cherish."

"She didn't die? Then what happened to your fiancé?"

"For reasons I still do not know, she left our land. And perhaps it's best to stop now before this story gets rather out of hoof."

Rarity then placed her hoof on King Zimbabwe as an act of comfort. He seemed to appreciate it as he gently began tapping his hoof on Rarity's.

"Perhaps we should head back now and see how the others are doing," Rarity said.

Suddenly, Zimbabwe noticed the bloodstone that Rarity had around her neck. While he’d noticed the necklace before, this was the first time he had taken a good look at it. "I think we can hold off heading there for just a sec. I'd like you to tell me about what's around your neck."

"Oh this?" Rarity then held the stone in her hoof admiring it. "Yes, it's lovely isn't it? It was a gift from a friend of mine, who coincidentally is also a zebra."

"It makes sense that you'd get this from one of my own. It is from my land. It is known as a bloodstone."

"Bloodstone… Isn’t that a terribly ominous name? How in the world does it get a name like that?"

"No need to be alarmed, it is not made in any way that involves harm. Quite the opposite in fact, it is an object of healing and things such as that. While no substitute for a doctor, it can act as medicine’s proctor. Sometimes it feels like a shove, but it also symbolizes powerful feelings of love."

"Oh that is rather romantic, perhaps we should have stayed in the zebra lands a little longer. Your culture has quite a few interesting things to it."

"Yes, but I'm glad that you chose not to have stayed, otherwise I might not have had the chance to parade."

Rarity couldn't help but chuckle at Zimbabwe's choice of words. "You really like that tuxedo, don't you?"

"Wearing this wasn't exactly a dare, and now I've seen even more of Baltimare. And from what I can tell, it's overall quite the affair."

"Well it's no Canterlot or Manehattan, but it has its good parts."

"Even if this is the worst part of your land, what it has to offer is still quite grand."

Rarity smiled, "I take it that means you've been enjoying your stay?"

"Through my recent walk about, and the others before, I've come to admire the land you ponies adore. There are many things that you work hard to have created and enjoyed, endeavoring just as much to not see them destroyed.”

Rarity entered the boutique with Zimbabwe following, seeing that Mistmane and Meadowbrook were just finishing up.

Rarity fanned herself, "Those two got a lot done while we were away."

"They wished to help and did not fail,” Zimbabwe said. “You can admire all the attention to detail."

“You certainly have a way with words,” Rarity said as they made their way to the two pillars. "I must say, well done you two."

"Oh shucks,” Meadowbrook flicked her dreadlocks self consciously, “most of the credit for this goes to Mistmane. I'm just the one that assisted."

"Now now, Meadowbrook,” Mistmane reprimanded, “you did more than assist. Don't give me all the glory."

"Well,” Rarity looked around the pristine lobby, “I guess I shouldn't be surprised since you are my favorite legend, Mistmane. No offense Meadowbrook."

"None taken," Meadowbrook said, giving a little wave. "To each their own."

"Though I think there's more than a chance that you're Fluttershy's favorite," Rarity added.

"Yeah, that makes sense. We’re both pretty close to animals."

"Well yes, but also there was this time that you helped a friend of hers and mine by using your notes to cure her from becoming a tree."

"Well now really?” Meadowbrook said. “By all means, continue,"

Rarity would’ve continued, if she hadn’t noticed the sun wasn't that far from setting. With a little pang, she remembered that Zimbabwe planned to leave at dawn. But, with Zimbabwe’s blessing, she decided to give the abridged version. Rarity quickly told about how Fluttershy went all out trying to find a cure to a dangerous disease, and while it took a while and was overly dirty, and muddy, and sweaty, and grimy, and laborious at times, mostly the problem was when they had to get some honey from flash bees. The flash bees of course just might’ve been the most vicious animals in Equestria.

"And after that,” Rarity concluded, “Fluttershy and Twilight made it back to Ponyville and found a cure for Zecora."

Zimbabwe perked up.

"Who?" he asked.

"Oh right, Zecora is the name of our friend who got sick, silly me. I was so focused on finishing the story quickly I forgot to tell you her name."

"Well” Meadowbrook shrugged contently, “it's certainly nice to know that even when I wasn't around I was still able to help ponies out anyway. Perhaps that could be said for all of us pillars in a way."

"I think you're probably right about that," Mistmane said. "In fact, there's a nearby library that has a book somepony wrote about us. If I remember correctly,” she raised an eyebrow emphatically, “Baltimare has one of the largest libraries in all of Equestria. Zimbabwe, perhaps you would like to see that, if you haven't already."

"I think I'd very much like to see it for myself, and maybe borrow one or two books from a shelf."

The group galloped to the library as they were worried it might be closing, but to their relief, it would stay open for a while longer, allowing King Zimbabwe perhaps not to read, but at least peruse quite a few books about Equestria.”

"ook here, Meadowbrook!” Mistmane scrunched her eyebrows. “Apparently they have a copy of.. that book Star Swirl wrote when he traveled to the zebra lands and back?"

"Oh yes I've looked into that, it's rather insightful."

"Wait,” Rarity held out a hoof, “how could Star Swirl have found the time to write an entire book while he was traveling?"

Meadowbrook was about to answer but Rarity cut her off: "Oh because he's Star Swirl, got it."

Zimbabwe checked out several books, including the book Star Swirl recently wrote, as well as one about trying to get the affection of the opposite sex.

Zimbabwe clarified, "Because of our isolation, much of the rest of the world is a mystery, but with some of these books I can learn more about pony history. From what I've already learned, I'm already hooked. So I've decided to read similar subjects from these books."

"I take it that means you've enjoyed your short stay here?" Mistmane asked.

"Yes. While I'd like to stay in hiding a little longer, I hope on making more visits to your land, and with them, become fonder."

After leaving the library and fixing up the boutique a little more, King Zimbabwe was taken to a hotel, leaving it very early the next day to make it to his boat, even before the sun was rising. Mistmane, Meadowbrook, and Rarity came to bid the zebra king farewel. He said goodbye to his new friends, and departed shortly thereafter..


Zecora was working in her hut when there was a knock at her door. She didn't get visitors often, so she was eager to answer. To her surprise it was King Zimbabwe wearing the tuxedo he bought from Rarity when she’d finally opened her Baltimare boutique.

Zecora was shocked by this, but backed up a little, allowing Zimbabwe to enter and look around her hut. "It's quite a surprise to find you at my door, I nearly fainted and hit the floor."

"My Zecora,” Zimbabwe’s eyes teared, “at last we are together, I will do all in my power to make it last forever." Zimbabwe then held a hoof to Zecora's cheek, she rubbed against it, finding the action rather pleasant.

"From where I was once a prince, I am now a king. I've protected our land, but still wish for our wedding bells to ring."

Zecora sighed, "I trust you've done all you can to keep the zebras from harm, and it's nice to know after all this time you haven't lost your charm."

"Then come with me on a pleasant boat ride, return at last and become my bride."

"It is a very tempting thing to do, but I must refuse to go with you."

"But Zecora, my heart! Why do you wish to keep us apart?"

"I've always in many ways admired you, but getting married right away was not something I wanted to do. While becoming a princess at the time sounded quite fine, it seemed you were focused on continuing the royal line. I wasn't sure that you truly loved me for me. Plus I dreamed of traveling beyond our Farasi and finding things wondrous to see. Please understand I didn't mean to leave you in a way that's tragic, I simply wished to learn more about magic."

"Perhaps I was rash and I acted too fast, but even after all this time, my love has not passed. I've wanted to look for and find you, but it seemed premature. I had to watch over my kingdom, improving our lives while we were protectably obscure."

"I can tell you quite care for others,” Zecorra said, “a noble quality nicely shared between our sisters and brothers. While I still have feelings for you, returning isn't something I'm yet ready to do. This is all happening far too fast, so for your offer I must pass. Though it must be said I adore your tux: your new choice of clothing makes you look deluxe."

"Our mutual friend Rarity gave it to me. I wished to give you something nice to see."

"Oh Rarity, another who cares for others and has quite a powerful endeavor. I recently gave her a stone from our land, a good luck charm for good measure." Zecora then remembered her time in her land and her time with Zimbabwe. "Perhaps I shouldn't have left so quick. Maybe we can try to see if our old relationship can stick”. Suddenly, Zimbabwe gave Zecora a gentle yet firm kiss, and when their lips parted, Zecora returned Zimbabwe's kiss with one of her own. "I'm not quite convinced that a marital union will be our fate, but for now, I'll settle for a date."

The End

Author's Note:

A while back I mentioned all the stories I planned on making for this site this one is a bonus story I made for this Season 10 Bingo Writing Contest wish me luck. Also do you want to know something funny? My story for the contest involves the zebra lands and in the official season 10 comics the 1st story are the characters going to the zebra lands, isn't that funny?