• Published 15th Mar 2020
  • 1,653 Views, 261 Comments

The Titans' Orb: Breaking Dawn - Mister Horncastle

In the third instalment to the Titan's Orb saga, the stakes grow higher as Callum's newfound destiny is woven into his already treacherous mission, to protect his pony friends while they locate the remaining shards of The Titan's Orb...

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Chapter Fourteen: Firebird - Part Two

After some time alone, Phoenix returned with the drinks, and instead of the Smirnoff Ice he’d been drinking all night, he instead possessed a brightly coloured cocktail of sorts.

“Sorry I took so long, my friend Alex just started working the bar and wanted to catch up with me.”

“No problem, I take it he’s in league with Sammy?” I guessed.

“Yeah, they’re best friends and are basically married to each other with how inseparable they are, they work together, drink together, and although they consistently deny it, I wouldn’t be surprised for a second if they slept together too.” he laughed, sitting back down.

Chuckling as well at the implied connection between the two bartenders, I waited for Phoenix to get comfortable before pointing to his drink, inquiring as to what it was.

“This, Mister Hardcastle, is a Strawberry Daiquiri.” he announced.

“Looks interesting. Also, it’s Horncastle, by the way.” I corrected, smiling.

“Oh shoot, I’m sorry!”

“It’s all good. You’d actually be amazed at how many people have called me Hardcastle over the years, it’s surprisingly quite common.” I chuckled.


“Yeah, I although can’t fathom why. The words horn and hard are barely alike.”

“I guess it’s just because it’s such an uncommon name. People probably forget the first part and try to fill in the gap with another word beginning with H.” Phoenix theorised.

Humming in agreement, I asked again what his drink was called as I hadn’t fully memorised the name.

“A Strawberry Daiquiri.”

“Uh huh.” I mumbled, analysing the beverage.

Not well-versed in the world of cocktails whatsoever, I was dumbfounded by the drink; the only Daiquiri I’d ever heard of was the Deadshot Daiquiri in Call of Duty Black Ops, so needless to say, I was completely unaware of what a Daiquiri really was, nor how it tasted.
Phoenix explained to me that it’s a cocktail whose main ingredients are rum, citrus juice, and sugar, and in this case, strawberries too.

“Fancy a taste?” he offered.

Nodding, I took the glass from Phoenix and took a little sip; the drink was very strong and the pungent fruity flavour was almost too sweet for me, especially after drinking Guinness all night. I blinked a few times and shook my head as the explosion of flavour heartily shook my senses; there was no doubt that if Pinkie Pie ever got into drinking in the future, a daiquiri would be the right drink for her.

“Your thoughts?” said Phoenix.

“Zingy. Very zingy.” I chuckled.

“Is that a good thing or a bad thing?”

“I’d say good, but not right after a Guinness.” I admitted.

“Well good thing it’s mine then.”

We both laughed, and with one last clink of the glasses, we sipped away at our final drinks of the night, continuing to exchange tales from our lives and learn more about one another. Where this evening was going to lead beyond the Pickles Pub was still unknown to me, but so long as it was with Phoenix Storm, I knew that I was going to enjoy myself.

“So, shall we?” I asked, finishing my drink at last.

“We shall.” he answered with a grin, finishing his own.

Getting up from the table, Phoenix and I went over to the bar and he got out his wallet to pay; what followed was the most unexpected phenomenon from the bartender.

“Get lost, both of you.” Sammy ordered, winking at Phoenix.

“Uh uh. No way am I letting you pay for all those drinks!” Phoenix argued.

“I’ve not seen you this happy with someone, ever. Seeing that smile of yours all evening was all the payment I needed from you tonight, now get out of my bar and enjoy yourselves.”

“Sammy, I can’t let you do this.”

“Phoenix, yes you can.”

“Seriously, I can’t!”

“Seriously, you can!”

This went on for some time, before Phoenix eventually admitted defeat to, as it happened, the nicest bartender on the face of the Earth.

“I’m getting you back for this, just you wait…” Phoenix growled, sticking his tongue out.

“Oh, how I tremble with fear!” Sammy wailed back dramatically.


We started to walk away from the bar and towards the front door, when Sammy decided to publicly embarrass the both of us in front of all his patrons.

Don’t forget to use protection!” he hollered at the top of his lungs.

Blushing more than ever before, a beetroot red Phoenix whipped around and scowled at the barman.

“Sammy, I hate you so damn much!”

“Mwah!” he replied, blowing the kiss over to us.

We left in a hurry, now both aware of the various eyes in the room that were now fixed on us.

The cool, fresh evening air was one hell of a refreshment after the toasty and somewhat humid environment of the Pickles Pub. Phoenix and I, almost in perfect sync, took a gasp of fresh air and then creased up laughing together over the sheer embarrassment of our exit.

“Sorry about Sammy, he’s a nightmare sometimes.”

“I gathered. Still, I can’t believe he put all our drinks on the house.” I hummed in response.

“Me neither, but I’ll get him back for that though, don’t worry.”

“How will you do that?”

“I’ll leave him a hundred dollar tip or something, and run away before he can do anything about it.”

“Sounds like a solid plan.” I hummed.

After another deep lungful of fresh air, Phoenix stretched.

“So, beach?” he suggested with a loud exhale.

“What did you just call me?” I gasped dramatically, implying that he had called me a bitch.

“N-no! I meant, do you still want to go to the beach?” he stammered.

“I know what you meant, I’m just being an asshole. Lead the way.” I snickered.

“You’re so mean…” he whined.

Now giggling amongst ourselves, we merrily made our way to the soft sands of Ocean City’s beach, and along the way, Phoenix tentatively asked if he could hold my hand. The sheer fact he felt the need to ask was one of the most adorable things that I’d witnessed in a long while. Without uttering a word, I answered his question by taking his hand, locking our fingers together and giving a light squeeze; Phoenix emitted a sigh of happiness and we continued walking. As we went, I took a moment to glance over at Phoenix and noticed that he hadn’t stopped smiling since I had taken his hand, it was then that I came to a wonderful realisation. For all the hardships I had faced, for as many terrible people that I had fought and killed, and for as hard as losing Bunnie was, not all humans were monsters.
And someday, when all this was over, I would come to love again…

When we arrived, we found the beach almost completely isolated, after all, who would come to the seaside at almost eleven o’clock at night? Not many, that’s for sure. We took off our socks and shoes and ran out to the where the waves came in, laughing as we went.

“That’s a bit nippy, ey?” I exclaimed as the water rushed over my feet.

“Your British accent is so damn cute!” he laughed in response.

He danced around playfully before the next wave came in, to which he then performed the worst mock British accent I’d ever heard, it was worse than Applejack’s!

“Cor blimey, that’s a bit nippy eh?”

I couldn’t help but burst into laughter and point out his terrible attempt at mimicry.

“How did you end up sounding both Australian, Indian, and Russian all in one go?” I cackled.

“Shut up! I’m not good at impressions, okay?” he laughed back.

He kicked some seawater at me, to which I playfully gave chase, he squealed like a girl and ran off. I easily caught up to him and pounced, latching onto the lad as we cascaded into the sand together. I wrestled with him until I ended up on top, pinning him down and staring at him. It was then that we both immediately froze, suddenly aware of the tension that hung in the air. Panting heavily from the play-fight, we gazed into one another’s eyes; even in the low light, the brilliant blue of his irises was perfectly visible to me, as the stars above twinkled across the reflection of his lenses.
Without thinking, I leaned forward and kissed him…

My former self would have been shocked, horrified even, I was kissing another guy! Even just yesterday, I’d have been in complete and utter disbelief, perhaps even disgust. But in this moment, and with this person, it just felt right; his lips felt so good against mine, they were warm and soft, and slightly fruity after his recent Strawberry Daiquiri. Phoenix too, seemed to be revelling in the kiss, as his lips lightly quivered in both anxiety and bliss.

We eventually broke apart and pulled back, to which we both grinned anxiously at one another, before going back in for another, much calmer kiss, now completely relaxed and adoring of one another. As we made out against those cool sands, I felt what little of his patchy stubble existed, rubbing against my jawline; the sensation threw me off initially, but I soon grew used to it and eagerly continued.

And then, very abruptly, Phoenix shifted uncomfortably, causing me to pull away. I got off him and allowed him to sit up, to which I asked him what the matter was. Looking at me with troubled eyes, he let loose a very heavy sigh, one filled with remorse, and shame.

“I’ve not… I’ve not been totally honest with you, Callum.” he spoke softly.

“Go on?” I replied slowly.

Taking a deep breath, Phoenix shut his eyes and began to nervously run his fingernails against the seams of his jeans. He exhaled, before opening his eyes and staring into mine.

“I like you, I really like you. But before we go any further, I need to tell you something, it wouldn’t be fair otherwise. And I’m scared that when I tell you the truth, tonight’s going to end, and I really don’t want tonight to end, because this is the best night I’ve had in a very, very long time…”

Remaining silent, I gave Phoenix the opportunity to gather himself.


He took a deep breath, before finally breaking the news to me.

“I’m trans…”

My first impression was to ask him ‘You’re what?’ Truth be told, I had never heard of this phrase, I had started my journey with the six almost a year ago now, without a shred of the internet to educate me on the ins and outs of life in Twenty-Sixteen. Did I make a joke about it to lighten the mood? Trans, what? Transformer? Did I ask if he was with the Autobots or the Decepticons? No, judging from how anxious he was, joking could make the situation worse, so I decided to be straight forward about it.

“Could you, uh… elaborate?”

“I’m… transgender.”

“Oh…? Oh!” I exclaimed, finally understanding the situation.

He went on to explain that he had been born as a girl, but ever since he could remember, Phoenix felt like a boy trapped in the wrong body. He spent many years suppressing those feelings, but not a day went by where he didn’t feel enraged and sickened by the sight of himself in the mirror; he had been grievously self-harming since he was just thirteen years old, perpetually in emotional turmoil due to the physical form he had been cursed with. One day it all came to a breaking point and he ran away from home. He came to Ocean City, and met Sammy the bartender, who housed him for a while and helped him get some therapy to process everything. The therapist diagnosed him with an extreme case of gender dysphoria, and under the pretext that it had been a lifelong condition, recommended he undergo gender reassignment.
After changing his first name, beginning hormone treatment, and undergoing a double mastectomy, he came out to his family as Phoenix, which obviously didn’t go well. The poor guy was expunged from his family, and so he changed his surname to Storm, and remained in Ocean City to begin his life anew.

“Blimey. That’s quite a lot to take in.” I breathed.

“I know, I’m really sorry I didn’t tell you sooner." he sniffed, "But I was so scared that you’d run off, and I’ve really needed a night like this. It was selfish of me, and I'm truly sorry. If you want to leave, just do, I completely understand.”

Never had I expected to find myself in a situation such as this, but at the same time, was it really that big of an issue? Sure, it was a little startling at first, but as Pinkie Pie had said earlier, it didn’t matter if Phoenix was a boy or a girl, what mattered was the person. I had enjoyed tonight, very much, and it was solely because Phoenix had been such a wonderful person to be around. He was fun, engaging, witty, poetic, and emotionally invested with our conversations. He had made a really good impression on me, and I was unashamed to admit that I liked him very much, and that perhaps in another life, I could see myself getting into a relationship with him.
As for the whole transgender thing, what leg could I possibly stand on to judge when I’m the one who had slept with Rainbow Dash, an alien equine? So truly, what concern was a guy with a female origin, to the interplanetary pony-pounder?

{Write that down! Write that down!} I joked to myself in thought.

Bringing my attention back to Phoenix, I cupped his face with one of my hands.

“Thank you for being honest with me, that must’ve been pretty hard for you.” I spoke softly.

“I’m just a freak to you now, aren’t I?” he murmured, looking down.

“No…” I said, pausing.

Waiting until he returned eye contact, I stroked across his cheek with my thumb and smiled warmly.

“You’re just a guy to me.”

His eyes immediately began to well up with tears, and before he could start the waterworks, I leaned in and kissed him once again; he burst into the biggest grin and kissed me back. After a few moments of gayly snogging (pun intended), we sat side by side and talked things over some more, to which I clarified that I had absolutely no quarrels with him being the way he was, although I appreciated that he had told me.

After some time watching the flickers of moonlight dancing upon the waves, we eventually got up and decided to move on to his client’s house.

“It’s only like a twenty-minute walk, hope you don’t mind?”

“Not at all.” I assured him.

We left the beach and got walking, and along the way Phoenix continued to thank me for being so accepting of him, adding that the only people who openly accepted him for the truth were just Sammy, Alex, and his housemate, Kimberly.

“Sounds lonely.”

“A little, I guess." he hummed, "But trust me, it’s nothing compared to the loneliness I felt back in my old life.”

“Makes sense… So who is this Kimberly anyway?” I inquired, changing the subject.

Gleeful that I wanted to know, Phoenix told me a little more about his best friend and housemate. Kimberly Henry was an old college friend of Phoenix’s back in South Carolina, and was the first person to know the truth about him, and the only one to accept him. They were the closest of friends, and shared a love for arts and crafts, thus dubbing one another as 'Artners in Crime', which I found to be greatly amusing. They had been inseparable for years, with Phoenix regularly staying over to watch movies, play videogames, and craft decorations for upcoming holidays; he shamelessly added that they would often start making Christmas decorations as early as July. Upon hearing this, my lips raised into a disgusted snarl.

“I won’t judge you for being trans, but that, I am judging you for.”

The both of us laughed hysterically, and Phoenix continued to explain that the two of them thrived off creativity, there was something about making something new and colourful that helped calm Phoenix’s ever-turbulent mind, with the colours of Christmas being the most soothing for him.

“Fine, it’s an outlet for you, so I’ll forgive you.” I teased.

“Much appreciated.” he chuckled.

Continuing to educate me about his housemate, Phoenix told me that upon being basically banished from his family and fleeing to Ocean City, Kimberly decided to move there too, ever loyal to her Artner in Crime. They moved in together to split rent and bill costs, and have been happily living together ever since.

“That’s really sweet, it sounds like you’ve got yourself a true friend there." I said warmly, "I’m really glad you’ve had someone like that to help you through the darker times.”

“Yeah, I don’t know if I could’ve got through all this without her. Although I may never say it to her face, I’ve needed her friendship to survive.” he confessed.

“Well, you know what they say, Friendship is Magic…” I replied, winking.

Sadly he didn’t catch the reference, instead he simply chuckled and agreed with me, continuing in his stride. After a moment, he thanked me for listening to so much of his life story, to which I assured him that I didn’t mind. I went on to add that my life has been filled with a lot of unfortunate events with a lot of bad endings, and it was refreshing to hear someone’s tale where it turned out okay in the end.

“Huh, I hadn’t thought about it like that.” Phoenix hummed, mostly to himself.

“Well maybe you should.” I began encouragingly, “Although your story doesn’t have the best beginning, you’re now living your best life, with your best friend, with the support of the world’s best bartender.”

Phoenix grinned like a gibbon and playfully nudged me with his elbow.

“And, for tonight, I’m being accompanied by the best guy.”

“Oh stop it, you.” I droned.

Chuckling, we continued onward, until we finally reached the house.

“This is the place!” Phoenix announced, stopping.

He pulled out a house key from his pocket and unlocked the front door. I then almost jumped out of my damn skin as the client’s dog started barking inside. Noting my surprise, Phoenix assured me that the dog wasn't vicious, it was just a little over-protective, as most German Shepherds were. He called out to the dog to calm it down, but the barking continued until Phoenix pushed his way inside, I followed him in and was immediately bombarded by the animal as it jumped up and planted its front paws on my chest, sniffing me intensely and glaring at me with immense caution.

“Well, hi there.” I greeted anxiously, raising the pitch of my voice to appear friendlier.

“Saxon, get off him! He’s a friend!” Phoenix commanded urgently.

Sniffing me some more, the dog eventually decided that I wasn’t a threat. Dropping down to greet his sitter, Saxon went and headbutted Phoenix in the leg, who started scratching him behind the ears.

“Well done Saxon! Who’s a good boy? Who’s a good boy?”

Phoenix then went to a nearby countertop and took a treat out of the jar that sat there, before commanding Saxon to sit, then lie down, and then sit again, before finally tossing him the treat and praising him once more.

“He’s well trained, I see.” I observed, impressed.

Phoenix led me into the kitchen while explaining that he’d been looking after Saxon for the past two years, and had done plenty of training together, the dog was just as obedient to him as it was to its owners. Saxon came up to me and lifted his paw for me to shake, panting excitedly. I took his paw and gave it a hearty shake and patted him on the head, to which he wagged his tail and then turned around, backing into me and pressing his rear against my shin.

“Aww, he’s giving you a butt-hug!”

“A what?” I snorted in surprise.

“It’s a thing German Shepherds do if they really like you. They press their butts against you and give you a hip nudge, it’s a huge compliment that means they trust you and acknowledge you as a friend!”

Responding with an emphatic hum of understanding, I bent down and gave the Shepherd a scratch behind the ear as well, appreciating the furry friend’s immediate trusting of me.

“I’ve never seen him bond with someone so quickly before, it normally takes him hours to adjust to a new person. You weren’t kidding when you said you’re a dog lover.” Phoenix muttered, astounded.

“What can I say? I have a knack for making friends with those of the furred variety.” I chuckled.

{Ain’t that the truth…?} I remarked in thought.

“Well, it might also be because you’re a bit like a German Shepherd yourself.” said Phoenix.

“Um, how so?”

“Well, for starters, you’re evidently very self-assured in wearing a collar. Not only that, but you’re also a loyal protector for a living. Perhaps he’s resonated with that?”

“That’s most certainly, a theory.”

To be fair, I quite liked the analogy. My loyalty to the girls was unparalleled, I would give my life for them at a moment’s notice, and I wouldn’t hesitate to rip anyone apart who would do them harm. As far as dog breeds went, a German Shepherd certainly did fit that bill. The subject changed as I began to realise just how itchy my head and neck was, thanks to all the sand from our tumble on the beach; and after my exploits in the desert with the girls, I knew that sand and one’s orifices most certainly did not mix.

“So uh, I don’t know about you, but I’m still pretty sandy. Does this place have a shower?” I inquired.

“Well you’re awfully eager aren’t you? You’ve not been here for five minutes and you already want to get your clothes off?” Phoenix jested in response.

“Oh har har. No, I’m just itchy.”

“Itching to get naked, more like.”

“Definitely.” I deadpanned.

“Well, let me sort out feeding the dog and putting him to bed, and then I’ll show you where everything is. Help yourself to anything in the kitchen, I won’t be long.”

Dipping my head in understanding, I let him do his job and wandered around the kitchen until I found something to munch on; delving into a packet of Doritos and relaxing in the living room, I patiently waited until Phoenix returned.

“I see you found the Deenos.”

“The what?” I asked.

“It’s what I call Doritos.” he giggled.

“You’re a numpty.”

Both laughing, Phoenix guided me through the bedroom and showed me where the shower was, along with a spare towel to dry off.

“You know… seeing as we’re both sandy and in need of a shower…” I suggested, smirking.

“I was wondering if you were going to ask.” he chuckled back.

Plucking up the confidence to take off my shirt first, I began to strip down, which was when Phoenix noticed the handle of Vitra ‘Aku lashed to my chest.

“What the heck is that!?”


“Uh…” I began.

Thinking on the fly, I blurted out that it was a one-of-a-kind piece of equipment that belonged to my employer, and that I had been tasked with protecting it, so I kept it tightly secured to me at all times.

“It’s actually one of the main reasons why I’ve been so secretive about my job tonight, nobody’s really supposed to know about it.” I finalised, trying to look poised in my answer.

“Can I see it?”

{Ugh, great.}

“Fine, you can look, but you absolutely cannot touch it. Okay?” I said firmly.

“We’re still talking about this, right?” he asked teasingly, pointing to the relic.

“Oh shut up!” I laughed.

After getting Phoenix's word that he would only look, I unbound the handle from me and showed him the void sheath, before grasping the handle and unsheathing Vitra ‘Aku. The bright blue glow of the crystal blade illuminated the room, and Phoenix’s eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets.

“Wha… woah… that’s… that’s incredible!” he exclaimed.

“It sure is.” I agreed, allowing him to closely observe the sword.

“How did you get this? And how the heck does it fit inside that?”

Quickly coming up with a half-truth, I explained to him that my employer was an explorer of sorts, and that we had stumbled upon the sword in an underground ruin, deep within the most inhospitable part of the Sahara Desert, close to the border of Libya.

“Until we perfectly understand how it works, I’ve been charged with safeguarding it and keeping it hidden away from the world.” I spoke, sheathing the weapon once again.

“That makes sense, a whole lot of people would lose their minds over something like this, I can barely believe it myself. Bet my bottom dollar that it’s an alien artefact or something.” Phoenix hummed.

{That is… literally what it is.} I thought with amusement.

“So you’re one of those people who think aliens helped build the pyramids then?” I quizzed.

“Not the pyramids, no." he clarified, "But I totally believe that aliens exist, and that they had a part to play in some ancient civilisations at least. There’s no possible way we’re alone in this universe.”

“Well, with where I found the damn thing, and its seemingly impossible qualities, I’m very much inclined to agree with you.” I said, playing along.

“Hm, well, if you happen to make any discoveries about it, you'd better give me a call.”

“You’ll have to let me leave with your number then.” I replied with a wink.

“Then prove to me that you’re worth giving my number to.” he retorted, biting his lip.

I didn’t hesitate to lean in and kiss him, immediately reigniting the tension that had been brewing all night, he broke it off briefly to turn the shower on, and for the two of us to undress fully. The first thing I noticed about his upper body was the obvious, two evenly sized scars across his chest from where he’d had his top surgery, but otherwise, his broad shoulders and muscular build was no different from any other man; in actual fact, (and quite reluctantly to admit), his chest was hairier than mine.

{Damn, maybe I need some of that extra testosterone!} I joked in thought.

Now both fully nude, we got into the shower together and it very quickly became difficult to know what was causing more steam, the hot water, or us? Although neither of us were confident enough to get straight to the business, there was a lot of heavy petting involved…
Exploring a trans man’s body was definitely a confusing experience at first. For all intents and purposes, Phoenix was a man, as much was certainly true from head to waist, but I would be lying if I didn’t admit that it took me a little while to adjust to some of him. Although, having been undeniably straight up until tonight, it actually made things easier for me.
At least here, I was in familiar territory… mostly…

One incredibly passionate shower later, Phoenix and I decided to move things to the bedroom, the tension between us now burned so intensely that unlike jet fuel, it could most certainly melt steel beams.

“Ooh, I have an idea!” Phoenix emitted.

“Please tell me this isn’t going to end in ropes and ball-gags…” I grumbled anxiously.

“No, I’m not into that sort of thing." he giggled, "I was going to say, what if we use your sword as a mood light? That damn thing has some serious luminescence to it!”

“You know, that’s actually not a bad shout.” I murmured, impressed.

Grabbing the void sheathe, I slowly pulled out the sword and the whole room began to faintly shimmer in the relic’s bright blue brilliance.

{Am I seriously about to use a sacred holy relic from Equus, wielded by the Champions of Old for tens of thousands of years, as a mood light for my first night sleeping with a guy?} I thought to myself.

Looking at the light dancing in Phoenix’s mesmerised eyes, I smirked.


Phoenix went to the light switch and turned the dial until the room was just dim enough to add some burlesque to the mood, but still allowing us to see clearly. I placed the blade onto the bedside table and then gently pushed Phoenix back onto the bed. Straddling on top of him, I gripped his shoulders and pinned him down. Straining to control my desire, I lowered my lips towards his until I could feel his warm breath against them. Then, in a gentle instant, we were joined. His lips were so much softer and smoother since our foreplay in the shower, I wanted more, I needed more. Something had awakened in me, it was the same passion I had felt for Bunnie during our first night together.
It was the spark of love.

I pressed harder against him, deepening our kiss and caressing his lips with my own. And then, quite unexpectedly, Phoenix wrestled me for dominance and somehow wound up on top. He then proceeded to plant little kisses along my jawline, and then down the side of my neck, sending small bolts of electricity down my spine, causing me to involuntarily arch my back.

“Sensitive neck?” he growled, grinning.

“Mhmm…” I quietly mewed back, gulping.


Tenaciously plunging back down into my neck, Phoenix kissed and nibbled into me until I was lightheaded, seeing stars, and littered with love-bites that ranged from beneath my earlobes, all the way down to my collarbones. Reaching forward after regaining my senses, I placed my hands on his waist, and then eventually plucked up the courage to reach even further. I slid my hands onto Phoenix’s backside and gripped him firmly, which brought forth an enfeebled moan, putting an end to his authority over me. I seized the moment to claim back dominance and flipped him over, taking back my original position and letting him know that he belonged to me tonight, and not the other way around. Hesitating only for a second, I got to work on returning the favour and painted his upper body with love-bites of my own, ensuring that he became just as lightheaded and breathless as I had been. After giving Phoenix a moment to catch his breath, I cupped his cheek and searched his deep blue eyes for the answer to my unspoken question, and in the form of an almost imperceptible nod, I received my answer, and my permission…

At long last, I would have the prize that we had both been building towards through the entire night.

Without breaking eye contact, I leaned in, and claimed the Firebird…

Author's Note:

And thus concludes the Firebird chapters, both lovingly dedicated to my husband, Phoenix Horncastle.
I have uploaded a blog post going into further detail as to why I wrote these chapters and what meaning they have for me, I very much hope you enjoyed the change of pace, lightly reflecting on the same tones as the 'Bunnie x Callum' arc, but this time based on true events, and true love.

Writing a softcore erotica is bloody hard when you're trying to remain out of the Mature rating, I'll tell you that for sure! As you could probably tell, I was being a vague in certain areas of this chapter... :rainbowlaugh: