• Published 21st Feb 2020
  • 322 Views, 10 Comments

Friendship, Always and Forever - Somber Concerto

Twilight is hurt. She's in the hospital, and nopony knows when or if she will wake up. But they must stay strong, for Twilight!

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Chapter 6: slip

Months passed, and Twilight just kept getting better, and better. Eventually, she even begin to talk. With a slur, but still talk. It came to a point where it seemed as if nothing could ever go wrong again. Key word: seemed.

"Hey Twilight, I brought you a cupcake! Grape with vanilla frosting, your favorite!" Exclaimed Pinkie Pie, bouncing into the room with a delicious smelling purple cupcake.

"Fannk you piingie! It wooks dewishoos!" Said Twilight, annoyed with her own improper pronunciation.

"Anything for you Twilight! Sorry I haven't visited in a while, apparently it's a popular month for marriage and baby showers. Five in one week! Two of them related!" Exclaimed Pinkie, jumping up and down in place.

"Weww iv I got mawied, I wowed wand it to be in da summor two. Siw... I mss you vewy muj when yowr gone. And nowt jusd you. Awll ov ouwr fweinds. I juvft wij dat none ov dis evor habbend. And I wij dat I could jusd tawlk wite!" Said Twilight, talking so fast it took Pinkie a minute to decipher what she was trying to say.

"I know Twilight, nopony likes it, but you just can't think like that. You have to keep smiling on! Think of the positives!" Said Pinkie, still trying to salvage what was left of her friends joy.

"Wike What?!"

"Like... free food! Uhh.. no taxes to deal with! No cooking and cleaning. You don't have to get out of bed to use toilet!."

"okay pingie, virsd ov awll, I can wak to da bafwoom myselv, and senend ov awll, even iv I couldnt I considow dat a negidive."

"Well, there's still all of those other positives!" Said Pinkie, she too beginning to lose her ecstatic mood.

Suddenly, Twilight begain to seize for several seconds, meanwhile Pinkie was freaking out, franticly pushing the call button like a maniac. When Twilight stoped after what seemed to Pinkie like ages, she lie still with her eyes shut. Pinkies eyes quickly shifted to the heart moniter whitch was slowly, but still beeping. She looked at the BPM: 15. Half of what it should be. Twilights eyes slowly opened.

"Pingie..." Said Twilight, her voice weak and frail.

"Yes Twilight?" Said Pinie, holding back tears.

"I want youu to know dat I wove you vewy much. And I want youu to tew owr fwiends how muj I wuv dem to. Tew my famowy toow. And awso tew Cewestia and Woona I'm sowy. Goowd bye Pingie."

Just then the nurse came into the room immediately understanding the situation, and taking evasive action. "I need some help in here!" Nurse Red Heart yelled out the door. That's when the heart monitor let out a loud beeeeeeeeeeep. Twilight's eyes closed. Pinkie looked to the monitor to find the cause of the beep; flat line.

More nurses and doctors rushed into the room. "TWILIGHT! TWILIGHT NO! TWILIGHT STAY, YOU CAN'T GO, NOT NOW! TWILIGHT! NO, NO, TWILIGHT! WHY?!" Pinkie burst out screaming and crying.

"Mam, please step back so we can work." Said the nurse.

"NO, NO! THAT'S TWILIGHT IN THAT BED, SHE'S MY FRIEND!" Screamed Pinkie, still hysterical.

"Mam, where going to have to ask you to leave!" Said the nurse, starting to raise her voice.

"NO, NO! NO, NO, NO! NO! NO! SHE'S MY FRIEND!" Said Pinkie, completely losing it.

"Security!" The nurse yelled. Just seconds later Pinkie was dragged out of the room screaming, yelling and kicking.

"Goodbye Twilight, *sniff* I love you too!" Said Pinkie, kneeling over a small wooden casket containing a pale violet alicorn with a goldmerry between her hooves. And Pinkie could have sworn on her life that she heard somepony faintly whisper in her ears; "Don't be sad, you just have to keep smiling on."

Comments ( 10 )

Is there going to be a part two

Yes, after I finish the next two stories I'm currently working on I plan on writing a sequel. I have some great ideas on how Pinkie and the others will cope.

Can I please make a suggestion for your sequel

Sure, I'm always open to suggestions!:pinkiehappy:

Can shining armor be a alicorn

Yah, I think I can do that. What were you thinking he could be prince/princess of?

The prince of courage and the new future leader of Equestria

Wow that's a great idea! The sequel could go over his switch to the ruler of equestria, move to canterlot, and especially coping with living in the home of his dead sister! Maybe even insanity...

Thank you. So when would it be out

Somewhere between a week and a month. Hopefully sooner rather than later.

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