• Published 23rd Aug 2012
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VDV in Equestria - An A10 Warthog

VDV In Equestra due to a cliche conicidence.

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Chapter 2

It took twenty minutes for the company to arrive in what was left of the unidentified town. The men were to look for the pilots, as well as watch out for any armored locals, which were deemed to be hostile by the Captain and to be shot on sight. The massive wreck of the Il-76 was littered across what the Vladamir assumed was once a medieval era looking town. What was left was burning rubble, chunks of cement and burning craters in the dirt roads that ran throughout the village.

"Company," Vladimir said, "We'll split apart and check the wreckage, first platoon, I want you to go off to the west, second platoon, to the north, third platoon on me to the east."

As the first two platoons obeyed their orders and proceeded to check the fuselage, the third platoon followed the Captain to the east. After 3 minutes, third platoon found the nose cone, and checked its contents. Inside they found the pilot and copilot, the pilot had several broken limbs and was covered in blood, but was alive. The copilot didn't fare so well, to say the least. He had been crushed under his control panel.

The Captain ushered a medic to the front to help the pilot, his face visibly displayed his rage. He knew the copilot, and he also knew his wife and children. There had been some men who had been wounded in the previous engagement near the forest, but those were not serious injuries, the worst being a broken arm from the blunt trauma of a javelin. Vladimir's expression turned bitter with hatred as he walked over to what was probably once a shop, and opened a pack of cigarettes. Smoking relived the stress from situations like the one he was currently in.

He was pondering if any of the shops that were in this town carried alcohol, when he heard a feminine voice cry out. He wasn't sure what it said, but it was English, just like all the other bastards here. Sighing, he picked up his assault rifle, gestured for a squad to come with him and walked towards the voice's source. As they moved closer, towards a small house, more reminiscent of a cottage then anything that Vladimir had seen. On the doorstep was a small sea-foam green unicorn.

"Oh sweet Celestia!" It shouted, "I can't believe humans are real! They'll never believe me-"

The Captain decided he should cut her off, otherwise he would probably never get the opportunity to speak. "Um, yeah, we're real, and it looks like you're not in danger or anything so we'll just get go-"

"NO!" The pony shouted, much to the surprise of the Captain and his troops, who had pulled their AK-74's in her direction, as well as the Captain's now upholstered MP-443. "Oh sorry. It's just that I didn't want to ruin the first chance I get to meet humans."

The Captain huffed and walked away, his men in tow. The pony continued to beg for the humans to stay with her, but to little avail. She began blubbering eventually revealing her name as 'Lyra' and then inquiring about his. The Captain did not inform her of his name, and asked her to leave again. It took him twenty minutes and two more cigarettes in an attempt to cause her to lose interest and leave. He smiled. He was happy he didn't have to shoot her.

Vladimir gave the order to dig in around the town; heavy machine gun nests at key access points, Kornet AT launchers in case the enemy does have armor, and an AA-Flak gun in what was presumably a park. The Captain knew there were still ponies in the town's houses, hiding from them, but he was unsure of how to deal with them. Odds are they won't be friendly like 'Lyra'. They'll probably be hostile like the armored soldiers, and that rainbow-maned pegasus.

Then again, Vladimir mused, they probably will just hide like little cowards no matter what we do. He preferred alone time then being around other people even his friends, like Nikolai Vazov. He needed to talk to him later, he made a mental note of that. He tossed his cigarette butt into the dirt street. He suddenly realized that they were going to have to find resources, and fast.

"Lieutenant Savrasov!" The Captain shouted, "Get a scouting party out and look for food and water. There's probably a well somewhere near the town center. Get some guys on it, stat." He finished with another puff on his cigarette.

The Lieutenant acknowledged with a salute and began to gather his men. Vladimir smiled. With that out of the way, he could worry about more important things, like getting out of 'Equestria' he wondered if the nervous looking ponies they left in the forest told him the truth, then if they were still alive. If it weren't for carrying heavy weaponry, there is no certainty he'd still be alive. Hell, these were just two ponies there's no way they're still alive.

He frowned; this was short lived however when he heard a message come through the radio. It was from the aircraft that were still airborne. They had found a suitable strip right outside of the town they were in, and were going to land on it.

Princess Celestia looked out at the damage that had been to Canterlot. She wondered how these creatures had done so much damage, and how the Royal Guard thought it would be a good idea to shoot first, then ask questions later. They learned the hard way that it wasn't a smart move. Casualties were in the upper hundreds, no exact estimates had came in at this point. According to Shining Armor, they had also lost the better part of a platoon to what survivors claimed were unknown 'bipedal' creatures. Celestia shivered.

She could see smoke billowing up in the distance from where one of the 'airships' crashed about two hours earlier. Ponyville. Her star student lived there, as well as the Elements of Harmony, Equestria's best line of defense. Celestia, of course had a super weapon, that was unrelated to the Elements she believed she could use to liberate Ponyville, rescue the Elements, and wipe out what ever force had taken over.

Her very own airship, The Rising Dawn, over 40 meters long, equipped with twenty-four, four inch black powder cannons on each side of the vessel, it was sure to do damage capable of wiping a city the size of Las Pegasus off the map. Its balloon was armored with a quarter inch of steel. It could survive an army hitting it with everything and still kill the entire army. Equestria's brightest young officer, Captain Shining Armor, was to be put in command of the behemoth. It was the only hope for saving Ponyville and the Elements, and thus, Equestria's only hope.

Lieutenant Alexander Repin, pilot of the last of the jets (His being an SU-24) , followed suit of the first two aircraft to land on a clear strip of a field near the crash site of the first paratrooper aircraft. The town, if one could call it that anymore, was about 150 meters from the strip, allowing the troops in the town to quickly defend it and build a hasty operations area for protecting the aircraft.

The aircraft bounced on the grassy runway as the wheels made contact. The aircraft slowed to a halt, and the pilot eased the flaps down, and gently pushed the thrusters forward. He used the rudder pedals to taxi to a make-shift parking spot for the plane, and shut the engines down. After double-checking everything, he stepped out from the plane and on to the wing, from there he jumped to the ground.

Satisfied with the day's events, he started towards the town, where the other pilots and officers were waiting. He wondered why the occupants of the town hadn't put up a resistance. It seemed likely they would, but after quickly defeating their actual military, they took the town without a shot being fired.Other then a 93 thousand kilogram plane crashing into it! He knew whatever types of forces this nation had would come back for the town, or if they were smart, would try to negotiate with them.

Alexander knew the latter wasn't plausible, but he could hope that he wouldn't have to slaughter every one of them. He sighed. He knew what it would likely come down to. But he had a job to do now, and that was figure out how to get home.

"Look who decided to join us," His wingman joking said to him, exerting a laugh from the others.

"Let's just get right to it," The Captain gave a glare to the other fighter pilot before continuing their conversation about how to get out of wherever they were.

"Those 'ponies', in the forest, must have had something to do with it," one of the platoon leaders concluded.

The Captain appeared to have a revelation. "He's right. There's no other reason they would go into a forest with such dangers, presumably ones they knew about too, other then to do something along those lines. And the unicorn could do magic, so they must have done something that sent us here."

"What about the stealth device we brought with us? That surely has something to do with it." The Il-76 pilot noted.

"So what if the unicorn was responsible?" Alexander finally piped up, "How are we going to find them?"

"Well, there is a town here, they presumably lived here, and maybe they had friends."

"What are you saying, Captain?"

The Captain gave him the glare of a man with a 'genius' idea, "I am saying we find their buddies, and make them find them for us."

The group of eight,(nine if you include the Captain) glanced at each other nervously. Reluctantly, with no better ideas, the officers decided it was worth a shot. A shadow suddenly cast over their meeting point; it was The Rising Dawn. The massive ship moved closer towards the town, causing the gunners to point their weapons at the craft, waiting until it entered the range of their weapons.

The cannons on one side of the untested ship fired, none of the projectiles hitting, or causing fragmentation damage to the troops. The ship was so surprised by this, they barely were able to reload before the AA-Cannon fired at their 'armored' balloon. The ship quickly sank towards the ground, even though a sudden flash appeared across the deck before another, this time on the ground twenty meters away from the 'sunken' ship.

It was a white unicorn with a blue mane wearing golden armor, as if to signify his importance in the group. This pony was flanked by four more unicorns, attempting to attack the humans. He bellowed a cry that most of the Russians couldn't understand; "You attacked my sister, a move that you'll regret before you die!"

He fired a couple of bolts of magic, this was stronger then that of the earlier ponies and managed to take out one solider. The Russian soldiers hit the ground, before quickly shooting down the ponies. The Commander threw down a shield effectively not allowing himself to shoot, but holding back rounds from the Russians. Vladimir walked up to the spectacle, told his men to cease fire, but still be at the ready. He pressed his hand against the cracked barrier, as the imprisoned pony spat the wall.

"What do you want?" Vladimir asked him in a relatively sincere tone.

"To rescue my sister and stop you evil vermin!"

"And who attacked first?" Vladimir grinned.

The pony faltered. Bingo. "Y-you did my sister sent a distress message to me, so we tried to destroy that flying machine. We assumed it was associated with the danger of my sister."

"Shouldn't make those kinds of assumptions. Who is your sister anyway?" He asked as the question reached the front of his mind.

"Purple unicorn, element of magic, amazing in every possible way..."

The white pony droned on, but the Russian officer ignored him after purple unicorn. He saw a purple unicorn in the forest, it might be a coincidence, but he had to be sure.

"Does she have a rainbow maned, uh," Vladimir drew a blank. He didn't remember the word for 'horse with wings' but he was sure there was one. He began pressing his fingers to his temples in thought. This was short lived as the pony interrupted him.

"Pegasus friend? Yes, have you seen her?" He said with great interest.

Fuck. He knew where she was, and she was quite possibly the reason they were even in this situation. He rubbed his temples again as he realized how screwed up it was to be fighting colorful little ponies.

Vladimir needed a drink.