• Published 18th Mar 2020
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The Fresh Apple And Pear Love - Lonely Fanboy48

Applejack and Pear Butter spend the day together at Appleloosa as mother and daughter.

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The Fresh Apple And Pear Love

Applejack woke up from her bed in a daze she barely has any other day. After helping her family with the daily work on the farm, while also helping her friends in any situation, today is her day off.

She got out of her bed, yawning. “Never thought I would have this day again.” She said to herself. “So many options, yet for one day, can’t do them all.” She put on her hat and left her bedroom. When she heads into the basement, she notices her parents are still on the farm while Granny Smith is sleeping in her rocking chair.

“Morning Applejack.” Bright Mac smiled while eating his breakfast.

“Morning. Where’s Apple Bloom?”

“She’s with Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle at their treehouse.” Pear Butter answered. “What are you going to do on your day off?”

“No idea.” Applejack sitting by the table. “I don’t usually take days off.”

“Still in the mood to work huh?” Bright smiled. “Your brother may need help gathering purple grapes.”

The country girl looked out the window and saw her brother Big Mac placing buckets in his wagon. “I would take the time to stomp on grapes with four of my hooves. But I already did the apple picking yesterday.”

Applejack then saw Winona once she entered the kitchen, jumping all over from her excitement. She hasn't played with her over the past week because of her daily work getting in the way.

“Maybe I might take Winona on a walk once I’m done eating.”

“Good idea.” Pear Butter smiled.

“But other than that, I still have nothing to do.”

Her parents spent so many decades away from Sweet Apple Acres, they still couldn’t believe how much of a worker Applejack is. Over the past two months since they’ve returned, their first daughter always helped all the work in the ranch they now live.

Then Pear Butter thought of an idea for her daughter’s day off. Just like the day she had with Apple Bloom a month and a half ago, she wanted to hang out with Applejack while also going to a town she hadn’t been to in such a long time.

“Applejack!” She turned around. “How about we go to Appleloosa together!”

“Oh, I almost forgot about that.” Applejack replied with both of her eyes shot open.

“You mean telling us what happened there?”


“Seems we all keep forgetting things we wanted to do for each other.” Bright smiled which caused Pear and Applejack to blush.

“You know, you always being right at times like this, makes us mostly regretful for not doing it earlier.” Pear looking away from her husband.

“Guess our reunion was too special for us to spend our time outside of Sweet Apple Acres.” Applejack recalled.

“Hey what can I say, folks like us always stay together on the ranch we spent most of our lives at.” Bright picking up his plate after finishing his breakfast.

After Pear got out of the way, her husband began washing his dish in the sink. Pear sits by the table with her daughter, liking her idea. “You wouldn’t believe how many things have happened in Appleloosa.”

“Oh please, after the many years Bright and me have spent outside of Ponyville, we always expect to see big events we’ve missed.” Pear replied.

Applejack found so many options she can show her mother at Appleloosa. Not only that, all of the folks she met will surprise Pear, like the old days when she was a filly. “We should also take Winona so she can be part of our day. Granny Smith always falls asleep whenever she’s taking care of Winona.”

“Well she isn’t young anymore.” Pear looked at her mother in law still sleeping. “At least Big Mac and Bright will keep her company.”

“Works for me.” Applejack got off her chair. “After breakfast, I’m ready to hit the road to Appleloosa!” Pear Butter can only smile from her daughter’s new plans for her day off, not to mention it’s also her day off as well.

After having a proper breakfast, Applejack and Pear Butter left Sweet Apple Acres along with Winona. They arrived at Appleloosa with tons of other city folk. As they looked from the distance, Applejack’s mother was more than ready. As they enter the streets of Appleloosa, Applejack is enger to pick what activity to start with.

“So, where do you want to go?” Pear asked.

“So many options, yet I can’t decide on the first pick.” Applejack smiled. Winona began to bark in happiness. “Calm down, we just only got here.”

Pear placed her hoof on her dog’s head to calm Winona down. Before they headed to the first building, Braeburn just came out from the nearest cantina in the town of Appleloosa. When he saw his cousin along with her mother and dog by her side, it made him thrilled. He did hear of the news about his cousin’s parents returning and he was vying for this day to happen. He ran past most of the citizens and stopped right in front of Applejack, much to her surprise.

“Holy!” Pear reacted.

“Braeburn?” Applejack blinked.

“Howdy cousin!” He grinned. “Didn’t expect you to be here.”

“Did you have to jump out like a lizard from getting captured?”

“Come on Applejack, remember back in the old days when he jumped out to have fun?” Pear smiled. “Even you liked that when you were younger.”

Applejack then turned to her mother after hearing that statement. She did remember her times playing with her cousin with Pear Butter watching at the farm while her brother and father did most of the hard work outside. With her mother keeping her happy, she felt happy to see her cousin more than last time.

“Well, you're not wrong when I think about it.” Applejack giggled.

“It always feels like the old days when your mother and father are around.” Braeburn smiled.

“Yeah…” The country girl turned around. “By the way, what are you planning to do today?”

“I’m starting a new buckball team for the playoffs. We’re going to practice after lunch. Wanna join?” He offered.

Applejack would accept the offer from her cousin but the day she’s having with her mother, she doesn’t have the time. “Sorry cousin, but maybe next time. I’m taking a day off from Sweet Apple Acres.”

“It was my idea to come here.” Pear said. “Today is the first time I’ve come back to Appleloosa since me and Bright returned.”

“Okay then. But I really hope you watch my team compete tonight.”

“Don’t worry, we’re going to be here all day.”

“And to show our support to all the city folk who live here.” Applejack giving her cousin a hug to which he accepts it. “Now if you’ll excuse us, I’m going to show my mother something.”

“No prob!” Braeburn breaking the hug. “See you later.”

Applejack, Pear Butter and Winona left their cousin, while Braeburn gets ready for the Buckball competition. As for Applejack, her sister Apple Bloom and her friends despite disobeying her orders, show her that some outlaws have misunderstandings with their actions.

“Where are you taking me?” Pear asked.

“To a rodeo arena.” Applejack explained. “For a very big pony.”

This confused her mother and dog until they arrived at their first destination of their activities. During the middle of the day, citizens practice their skills at the rodeo arena while sometimes other city folk decide to watch them, looking forward to the show they enjoyed from time to time.

“What do you mean a very big pony?” Pear asked again. “I’m sure there’s no other pony who can be bigger than us. Well except Princess Celestia that is.”

Applejack admires her mother’s knowledge. After all the times she missed being with her, she’ll love the look on her face once she sees the rodeo clown. “Mom.” She replied as she pointed at the biggest earth pony in Appleloosa. “Meet, Troubleshoes!”

When Pear Butter along with her dog saw Troubleshoes for the first time, they became shocked. It caused Winona to hide behind her mother due to the size of the rodeo clown.

Troubleshoes is getting some help with the other city folk to put clown makeup on his face. He’s about to juggle some balls as part of his performance in the rodeo show, something he took months to master.

Applejack’s mother had no words from what she’s seeing in her eyes. “Do you want to meet him?” Applejack asked.

“I I I I…..Don’t think we’re supposed to be near ponies like him.” She replied.

“He’s not going to hurt us. He was an outlaw but after what I heard from him, I trust him.” Applejack jumped over the gate, making her way to Troubleshoes. “Troubleshoes!”

The rodeo clown’s ears perked up when someone called his name. “Apple Bloom’s sister?” He responded.

“How are you doing?”

“I’m getting ready for the next rodeo show.”

Applejack then turned around to see her mother again. “There’s somepony I think you should meet.”

Both of Pear Butter’s ears perked up from the way her daughter looked at her. “Applejack, what are you doing!?” She thought.

Once Applejack pointed at her mother for Troubleshoes to see, Troubleshoes makes his way to Pear Butter. Due to his weight, the ground shook which scares Winona more. Applejack’s mother refused to run away, she doesn't want her daughter to feel disappointed but at the same time, she keeps reminding herself to stay out of harm's way. Her legs begin to vibrate more once Troubleshoes stopped right in front of her.

“Relax mom, he’s not going to hurt you.” Applejack walking by the rodeo clown. “Troubleshoes, this is my mother, Pear Butter.”

“Really nice to meet you.” He lifted his hoof up for a hoofshake but this caused Pear Butter to back up. She never saw hooves that big in her life.

“Ummm....it’s nice to meet you too.” She shook his hoof while trying to keep a smile on her face. “So...you're going to be part of the rodeo show?”

“Yes.” He nodded. “Are you going to watch it?”


Troubleshoes titled his head as he’s confused from the way Pear answered his question. “What do you mean maybe?”

“It’s probably because she’s aware of your size.” Applejack replied. “No offense.”

“No no, it’s not because of that, it’s just that it feels off to have a rodeo...with…” Pear Butter tried to continue but at the same time, might hurt the earth pony’s feelings. “With a pony so different than the other city folk I’ve seen.”

However this didn’t convince Troubleshoes. “Is it because I’m big right?” He guessed.

“Yes…” Pear sighed as she lowered her head. “Do you take offense by that?”

“I was when I was an outlaw.”


“Let’s just say what I’ve been through, they felt the same way as you did.”

The country girl felt happy that her mother is getting used to the events that occurred, but it would take time for her to understand ponies like Troubleshoes. “Don’t feel that way.” She said to the rodeo clown. “Sometimes, ponies like my mother haven't seen everything of your true colors.”

“That is true.” Pear replied. “If it makes you feel any better, maybe I’ll take my family to the rodeo show so we can watch you perform.”

“Thanks.” He smiled. “Now if you don’t mind, I need to get back to practicing.” Troubleshoes turned around as he headed back to the other ponies. Applejack jumped over the gate while placing her hoof on Winona who’s still scared.

“I think watching him perform with his rodeo group would help him appreciate us.” She said, “Just like I did the same when my sister and her friends tried to help.”

“Seems there’s so much for me and Bright Mac to see in the family we raised.” Pear giggled.

“Give it a few more months if you want, we’re patient.”

Their next destination in Appleloosa is one of the round up clubs they have for any city folk to not only have apple cider, but also dance. A place for everypony to have a great time. Applejack and her mother head inside the club however due to the rule of animals banned from almost all of the buildings, Winona is forced to stay outside despite listening to the music from inside.

“This is the perfect place for you mom.” Applejack enjoying the music. “Dad told me you love country music when he took you to Appleloosa for the first time.”

“You’re right.” Pear replied as she and her daughter sat behind the bar. “But it’s been a long time since I’ve danced. Those years of being away from the Apple Family really made me sacrifice my dancing hobby.”

“Wait, you stopped dancing when you left?”

All that Pear did was nodded from her daughter’s response. “Every one of our hobbies needed to be dropped when we were on our own.”

Bright Mac didn’t even tell Applejack nor the others about his wife’s tough times when he and she were away from Sweet Apple Acres. The country girl wanted to do more with her mother when she took her to the club, but after hearing the depressing stress her mother went through, she can only imagine what it felt like.

Then two elderly ponies arrived inside the club. They saw a familiar hat they recognize during their times in family reunions. Not to mention the pony that’s by her side.

“Well I’ll be!” Apple Rose cheered.

“Looks like our day has gotten better.” Goldie Delicious added.

They all took a seat to the left of Applejack and Pear Butter which took them by surprise. “Apple Rose?” Applejack recalled.

“Goldie Delicious?” Pear Butter blinked.

“You think it was a long time coming to see you again.” Goldie smiled.

“Especially in a place like Appleloosa.” Apple Rose added.

Applejack would feel happy to meet two more members of the Apple Family. but she’s down due to Pear’s disappointment.

“So, are you going to join the city folk at the dance floor?”

“I would but my mother isn’t the type of dancer of the country-style anymore.”

This causes both Apple Rose and Goldie to be stunned in disbelief. After their years of knowing Pear for so long, they didn’t expect her to be such a downer. “Well that’s a shame.” Rose replied.

“Come one Pear, lighten up.” Goldie smiled. “Remember when you began dancing in clubs when Bright Mac showed you Appleloosa?”

Pear’s ear perked up from listening to Goldie’s question. “Yes but that was in the past. I can’t even remember the right dance moves anymore.”

This gave Applejack an idea which caused her to leave her seat. She made her way to the dance floor where the band is in charge of playing the music. She whispered to the pony who’s playing the guitar, she requested him to play one of Pear’s favorite dancing songs.

The pony agreed with the request since it’s also one of his favorites to play in front of the citizens inside of the club. As Applejack headed back to her mother, Rose and Goldie, she knew how to get them into the dancing spirit.

“Where did you go?” Pear asked.

“I went to the ponies who are playing in the club. Let’s just say they’re going to perform a really catchy tone.” The country girl gave a smile to her mother.

The band begins to play the requested song from Applejack as the banjo player starts his part of the tune. Upon hearing it, Pear remembered that banjo tune. Out of all the music she remembers in Appleloosa, she never forgets the dance she loved the most. Soon the other band members played their instruments as the music came to Pear’s full attention. She turned around with both of her ears enjoying the sound from Appleloosa’s band session.

“Applejack, is that what I think I’m hearing?”

“Uh huh.” Applejack replied.

“Hey, I remember this tune.” Apple Rose commented.

“Not to mention really fun to dance to.” Goldie is trying her best to not dance to the music but it’s too irresistible. “I just want to be at the dance floor right now!”

Pear Butter couldn’t control herself as the music continues to get good. “What’s the matter mom? You wanna dance with some cityfolk who grew up with country style music? Just like us?” Her daughter bobbing her head at the beat of the music.

“As a matter of fact, I should probably get back to what I love the most in life. And that’s dancing with my daughter.” Pear smiled.

This made the mother and daughter head to the dance floor, feeling the adrenaline at full gear as they dance together with fillies and ponies around them. As for Apple Rose and Goldie Delicious, they adore how things never change when Pear Butter was alway for so long.

“Bet Bright Mac will be really happy once he hears about this.” Apple Rose smiled.

“Especially when he comes back to Appleloosa eventually.” Goldie giggled as she and Rose joined the dance floor, just like the old days.

After Pear Butter and Applejack left the club, they took Winona with them as they went to other places in Appleloosa. Before the buckball competition begins, the sun sets over the desert lands of the cityfolk town.

With most of the citizens heading inside of the buckball stadium, Pear Butter, Applejack, and Winona are sitting together after the day they had today. Applejack’s day off was never the same in a way she usually has with her best friends. Taking time off from her work at Sweet Apple Acres while hanging out with her mother was an amazing experience.

“Mom.” She spoke to her mother’s attention. “You wouldn’t believe how long I waited for this day to pass.”

“Walking with the only mother you had in your life?” Pear guessed.


Pear’s mother gave a smile to her daughter. After she helped her getting back into the countrystyle of music, she thinks she decides to give Applejack her feelings, just like she did for Apple Bloom.

With only three minutes until the buckball game begins, she placed her hoof on Applejack’s shoulder which caught her by surprise. “Do you remember why I called you Applejack?”

The country girl blinked from her mother’s question. “Did you?” She said, with Winona also confused.

“Well you were too young to remember, but I still remember so here’s what I said.” She looked into her daughter’s eyes to put her full focus on. “When I gave your brother his name when he was born, it was a way to know if he could handle the ranch when he got older but when I was pregnant again, I was thinking that my next child will do the job better.”

“Like making the Apple Family much better for the society?” Applejack asked.

“Yes in case ponies arrive at Sweet Apple Acres for the first time.” Pear replied. “Three children Bright Mac and I raised and everytime we thought about them when we were gone, we expected you to do tons of extraordinary things. Your name to me represents what this family can do in the future like making new pie ingredients and such. But most importantly, to show Ponyville who we really are.”

This caused Applejack to tear up for hearing that for the first time since she was young. She did everything from the times her family went through tough situations or great moments. “Mom, if you never came back to Sweet Apple Acres, I would never remember that for the rest of my life.” She gave her mother a hug while Winona barked happily.

“I’m always by your side when you forget important things at a younger age.” Pear smiled. “I think we should head inside so we can watch your cousin’s team play.”

Applejack, Pear Butter and Winona head to the stadium to enjoy a great game of Buckball. Today was a long time coming, as it will forever remain in Applejack’s and her mother’s mind until the end of time, along with more moments coming in their way in the Apple Family.

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