• Published 20th Aug 2012
  • 14,179 Views, 633 Comments

Mission: Improbable - The card holder

A certain handsome rogue lives in plain sight in Equestria, with no one the wiser.

  • ...

A Wretched Hive of Scum and Villainy

If you were to ask him later about his search for the hive, the Spy would say that he found it with little problem. In reality, however, it took him the better part of three hours. Of those three hours, at least ten minutes were spent hunting some wild animals for food, something the Spy would rather forget. Regardless, he had finally found what appeared to be the changeling hive: a large cave with various green masses of unknown purpose waiting just inside. If he listened closely, the Spy could hear the sound of chattering coming from deep inside.

Erring on the side of caution, he applies a changeling disguise before heading inside, still cloaked. Soon after, he had to wait a few moments for his eyes to adjust to the darkness. With his night-vision now slightly better, he pushes forward. As he progressed, the sound of many, many changelings grew louder and louder. Eventually, he managed to find the source of the noise: a huge cavern, filled to the brim with chattering changelings. Even the walls were cluttered with the insectoid creatures. Amidst all the commotion, none of them noticed when one more changeling appeared seemingly out of nowhere at the back of the pack.

After a few minutes of constant noise and movement, they were all silenced by a loud, commanding voice.


After the constant noise, the following silence was deafening. At the front of the cavern was the changeling queen herself, who had bellowed the command.

"Only a few months ago, we were forcibly ejected from the pony capital that is Canterlot. Now... It is time that we strike back!"

The assembled changelings cheered loudly before quieting down again.

"We have agents all over the areas surrounding Canterlot, who could not make it to this gathering, for they were too deep undercover." At the back of the crowd, a single changeling smirked. "Regardless, they know what the plan is, and we shall carry out that plan in only a few short days, and we will have all the love we can eat!"

The crowd applauds again, save for a single changeling near the front who raises its hoof. Seeing this, Chrysalis's expression grows bored. "Yes, what is it?"

The offending creature timidly steps forward. "Uh... How exactly does, umm, taking over Equestria let us feed on all the love in it? And w- why do we go straight for Canterlot? Just because the c- capital falls doesn't mean that the rest of the country falls apart... r- right?"

Chrysalis seems to think this over for a few moments, then speaks. "While those are valid points, I want you to answer a question for me."

"Anything, my queen!"

"Do you know what the difference between choking and strangulation is?"

After giving the crowd a quick demonstration on the difference between choking someone and strangling someone ("Choking is when they get a piece of food stuck in their throat."), the queen returned to giving rousing speeches to her subjects. This continued for half an hour, the Spy subtly making his way to the front the whole time.

Apparently, he may have gone too far to the front, as Chrysalis picked him out of the crowd. "You there, step forward!"

The Spy does so, hoping against hope that he wouldn't be found out. "Y- Yes, my queen?" He finds it hard to speak in the same scratchy tone of voice as the changelings.

"You seem... different. Why is that?"

While it appeared that he was shuffling nervously, the Spy was really moving his hand a bit closer to his vest pocket. "What do you mean?"

"It's simple, really." She grins. "Just who were you hoping to fool with that disguise?"

What happened next occurred in only one second. The Spy removed his disguise while withdrawing his revolver, and Chrysalis levitated that same revolver from his hand the same moment a shot was fired, the bullet hitting the ceiling uselessly. Immediately after, the Spy flicked open his knife and held it in a ready stance. Around them, the changelings chittered angrily at the newly-discovered intruder.

"I must say, you did well to avoid detection this long," Chrysalis spoke.

The Spy smirked menacingly. "If only your changelings weren't so pathetic at staying hidden."

The queen's expression went dark. "So it was you who had been exterminating my children?"

"You could say that."

Around them, changelings started moving towards the human intruder. Chrysalis tossed the revolver away unceremoniously to the ground, as the Spy watched it, unmoving.

"So tell me, what were you hoping to accomplish by coming here?"

"To be quite honest, I'm not sure. I just want to find a way to go home."

"Well, then, allow us to escort you back home... to Tartarus."

All at once, the assembled changelings lunge at the Spy. He quickly gets to his revolver and grabs it just in time to blow the head off an attacking changeling. In a matter of three seconds, all six cylinders were emptied, forcing the Spy to hastily reload. He didn't have much ammo with him, so he flicked his knife back out and began stabbing.

Meanwhile, Chrysalis sent a telepathic message to all her children, and began casting a spell. A simple spell, that would get rid of this strange creature for good.

As soon as they had attacked, the changelings were leaving. The slightly injured Spy was wondering why, when he looked up to see a large collection of rocks falling towards him.

"Mon dieu..."

Now that he was dealt with, Chrysalis began working to set her plan into motion. Due to this little... altercation, she decided to move her plan up a couple of days. She may have lost a few more changelings to that creature, but at least now it was dead.

The queen laughed evilly as she and her children headed out of the hive, thinking about what to do once she had taken over the kingdom...

Amidst the rubble, an electronic noise could be heard within the new giant pile of rocks on the floor. Soon after, a badly beaten, but still breathing, Spy managed to push his way out of the rubble. Out of habit more than anything, he whimpered a single word:


"Doctor! Eyes forward!"

"Oh, sorry, I thought I heard somezing."

"Now, as I was saying, the robots are coming yet again! We've killed plenty of them, but I have reason to believe that they will be stronger this time! With this in mind, I task each and every one of you maggots to do these things! Engi, build your sentries! Pyro, burn those metal bastards! Scout, collect that money! Medic, heal me and Heavy! Heavy, keep your gun spitting lead!"

"Uh, I'm pretty sure that's th' same thing that we've been doin' for the past-"

"Don't give me back talk, you cowardin' Canadian! Now, any questions? Yes, Pyro?"

"Mmph mmmmphmph mph mph?"

"Yes, your job is to burn things."

"No, dumbass, I'm pretty sure 'e was askin' why the hell you're wearin' your Halloween get-up."

"There is a perfectly reasonable and not insane reason for that, city boy! Since that French coward still hasn't shown up, I have taken the liberty of being our team's new Spy!"

"...That is the dumbest thing I have ever-"

"The robots are here! Defend Mann Co.!"

"Look alive, people! We got incoming! I will get into position now! Beep. Beep. Boop. Bleep. Bloop. I am a robot. I have come to take American jobs."