• Published 21st Jan 2020
  • 374 Views, 4 Comments

The Siren song - keithsterling

Another one of my case files from Canterlot

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Chapter 3

8:00 am Canterlot Royal Palace, Royal ward, City of Canterlot, Capital City of Equestria, Palace Hospital, Patient's belongings storerooms, first floor of the palace hospital.

'I wonder what that doctor was looking for in the patient's belongings storeroom' Melinda thought as she searched through the many boxes full of patient's belongings in the room closely watched by a Corporal from the Solar Guard unit.

Went she arrive this morning to the hospital, she was surprised to find a small unit of Solar Guard personnel at the hospital. After talking to a few of Solar Guard troopers, she learned that Somnus's mother sent them to the hospital. The princess didn't give them any more details another than to protect the lay-up Prince and watch any personal medical working with him.

"Huh?" Melinda exclaimed as she was going through the box mark with the letter S on it. Inside the box was the personal belonging of the patients whose names started with the letter S, out of all the items inside the box. Only the items belonging to Prince Somnus Silverlight were touch and look through.

'Why the doctor would be going through Somnus belongings, I have no idea. But still, he was going through them.' Melinda thought as she discovers two worn brown books inside Somnus's saddlebags with the name Swan Song on it.

"Excuse me, Corporal; do you know what these books are?" Melinda inquiry as she floats the two books over to the Solar Guard Corporal. Who takes hold of the two books with his magic aura and looks them over.

"Well, Miss White heart, these books are what you call logbooks from airship called the Swan song (pointing with his hoof at cloud mark in the center of the book)." The corporal explains as he floats the books back to Melinda.

"An airship logbook? What are they used for?" Melinda inquiry.

"Any airships flown in Equestria's skies must have a set of logbooks. Be it privately owned or military-owned must have these. The captain that commands the airship keeps records in the logbooks for just about anything from how long he or she been flying where they are going or come from what their cargo is and so on and so on. If, for any reason, the airship crashes, these logs are the last records of that airship and its crew." The corporal explains.

"If you really what to know about airships, go talk to the Prince about it, Miss White heart. Out of all the royal foals, the Prince has the most flying time in the air than any of his siblings. The only other member of the main royal family that has more flying time would be his mother, the Princess." The Corporal explains as Melinda floats the logbooks into her saddlebags and leaves the storeroom with the Corporal in tow. An hour later, Melinda arrives at Somnus private hospital room and walks in; looking out the window was prince Somnus.

"Somnus, may I ask you something?" Melinda inquiry.

"Sure, Melinda, what?" Somnus reply as Melinda floats the logbooks over to Somnus and sets them on a table in front of him.

"I am wondering where you got these airship logbooks from." Melinda inquiry as he flips through the pages of the book with his hoof, as his unicorn magic is still too weak to use his typical telekinesis spell.

"It was these log books that put me in the hospital in the first place. My airship was on routine patrol around storm peak went we came upon the wreck of a schooner airship. The normal procedure for finding new wrecks on the peak is to aboard the airship and finds the logbooks, that what I did as we were leaving storm peak. We came under a sneak attack by an air pirate raiding party. I guess the raiding party wanted to test the metal against a royal airship fleet. I feel if we didn't find the wreck, one of my airships and its crew wouldn't have been sunk." Somnus said, bitterly slamming the cover of the logbook closed with his hoof.

"Anyway, why do you want to know Melinda?" Somnus inquiry calm himself down.

"I am trying to figure out why that new doctor was going through your belongings in the storeroom. The only unusual item was these two logbooks." Melinda explains as Somnus gape in stunned silence, learning that some pony was going through his private things.

"Huh?" Somnus exclaims.

"Who is this new doctor, Melinda?" Somnus inquiry, his eyes are sharpening as he looks at Melinda.

"His name is Doctor Egon Good Heart, the palace hospital board hire him a few weeks ago," Melinda explains as a rose of indignation form on Somnus' face.

"Does Blueberry know about this new Doctor?" Somnus inquiry with a crafty smile.

"Unfortunately, no, went the big pony away the board will play." Melinda comment.

"I see, will you write something for me, Melinda?" Somnus inquiry as Melinda agrees to write something for Somnus.

3:00 pm that same day, Canterlot Royal Palace, Royal ward, City of Canterlot, Capital city of Equestria, Hospital board meeting room, Palace Hospital.

The Palace hospital board meeting room is located on the ground floor of the Palace Hospital. A large round table sits in the center of the room for the board members to sit at. Very angry Princess Blueberry stomps about the meeting room upon receive a personal letter from her brother Prince Somnus about what happen why she was gone. Princess Blueberry took the first train back to the City of Canterlot from the Town of Appleloosa.

"Once again, the board violated my rules! By hiring this new doctor without informing me of this!" Princess Blueberry said sharply, slamming the file folder of the new doctor on the table with her magic.

"And to add on to your transgressions talking with some of these ponies he listed they have never heard of Doctor Good Heart and search in the medical records there has never been a Doctor Good Heart in practice in Equestria who in Tartarus did you bring into the Palace!" Princess Blueberry said fiercely as she looks over piercingly at each member of the board.

"Your?" The board members said as Blueberry shot a keep-your-mouth-shut look toward them with that Princess Blueberry leaves the board meeting room and walk to her brother's hospital room.

(A few minutes later in Somnus hospital room)

"I am so sorry about this big brother," Blueberry said very apologetically as her ear droop sitting in front of Somnus.

"It not your fault, little sister you didn't know that the board would do something like that," Somnus said not blaming his little sister for this as he lifts her chin with his hoof.

"Anyway, what are you going to do about that fake doctor walking around the palace hospital?" Somnus inquiry as Blueberry walks over to the table with the logbooks on them.

"I have already told the Solar Guard and the Royal Guard personnel here at the hospital to find that fake doctor and arrest him for pretending to be a doctor," Blueberry explains as her eyes blink with surprise went she noticed the name on the two books in front of her; she picked up the books with her magic aura.

"Somnus, where did you get these two books from?" Blueberry inquiry as Somnus' eyes blinks with the incredulity with another mare asking about the books he resent for putting him in the hospital.

"What with these books that you mare's are so interested in! I hate them for put me in the hospital!" Somnus said caustically as Blueberry's mouth quirks in annoyances with her brother.

"Prince Somnus Justice Silverlight I simply want to know how two books from Captain Sailor's hitch who lives in the Town of Appleloosa ended up in the hoofs of a Prince of Equestria and Canterlot, plus who is the other mare that was interested," Blueberry said very calmly as her brother begins to calm down.

"I recovered the logbooks from a crashed schooner airship on Storm peak. As for the other mare, it was Nurse Melinda White heart. She believes the fake doctor was after these very logbooks. But I have no idea why?" Somnus explain as Blueberry flip thought the book with her magic and on the last page of the book was writing the directions to the Siren Song.

"Brother, do you remember the story of the Siren Song you told me?" Blueberry inquiry.

"Of course I do, Blueberry you were the only one interested in the story of Siren Song, why?" Somnus inquiry a bit puzzled as Blueberry chuckle playfully with childlike glee.

"Because inside the pages of this very logbook are the directions to Siren Song, and it lost treasure!" Blueberry said tremendously excites as she floats the logbook in front of Somnus and uses her hoof to point at the page with the directions. Somnus stood in stun silence, looking at the instructions in the book to missing Siren Song and its treasure.

1:00 pm the following day an aboard the royal cruiser airship Solar Prominence, near the boarder of the Crystal Empire in an area called Snow peak, nearing the crash site of Siren Song airship.

The mood aboard the Solar Prominence is high with excitement, the closer they come to the crash site. Commanding the vessel was Princess Celestia Silverlight; she was not alone aboard the ship joining her on this expedition to recover the lost treasure of the Siren Song where her three royal foals, her sister Princess Luna and her niece Princess Cadence, the ruler of the Crystal Empire.

As her warship will be entering the skies of the Crystal Empire near snow peak, standing on the deck near the rails look toward snow peak was troubled Princess Luna. She is soon joined near the rails by her nephew Prince Somnus Silverlight who was still recovering; after quickly nuzzle her snout into Somnus' mane, she returns to being uneasy.

"Is something troubling you, Auntie?" Somnus inquiry returning nuzzle.

"Do you not feel it, my dear Somnus?" Princess Luna inquiry sitting down on the deck beside Somnus.

"The heaviness and uneasiness in the air as we near the crash site of Siren Song," Somnus explains as Luna shook her head.

"It feels like we are going to enter a storm of dark feelings. Like we should leave the crash site alone." Princess Luna comments, looking toward her sister Celestia and niece Cadence.

"But unfortunately, Auntie we cannot. We are too deep into it to stop now." Somnus comments as he rubs a worried snout against Luna's neck.

Not since he was a small colt has Somnus rub his aunt's neck in that fashion, instinctive Luna rests her chin on his shoulders and caresses his back with her hoof to reassure him that everything will be ok and alleviate his worry.

"Feel better?" Luna inquiry loving as Somnus shook his head and wraps his front hoofs around his aunt in a firm hug.

Slowly the crash site of Siren Song carrack airship comes into view, half-obscured by the fresh falling white snow was the battered, beautiful wooden hull of the missing airship. Its great balloon deflates to one side of the vessel bury under several layers of snow. The torn flag with the royal Equestria seal whip in the little wind on the stern of the airship.

As the Solar Prominence near the crash site, a whirlwind suddenly appears out of the clear blue sky made up of bits of snow and ice. It begins to pummel the airship with chunks of frozen water, till their scream as a small piece of ice strikes Celestia on the side of her head, knocking her unconscious. Quickly Luna orders the Solar Prominence to fall back, once away from the site. The whirlwind stops and returns to clear blue sky.

In the Captain's Quarter of ship lying on the bed was Celestia, her youngest daughter Blueberry was tending to her mother's bump on her head. A small pin floated in the air in a dark blue magic aura as Blueberry held her mother's bare front hoof, exposing the underside of her hoof; without warning, she jabs the pin into the bottom of the hoof. Soon tears filled Celestia's light purple eyes, and she cries out in pain as a pitiful look of appeal appear on her face what did she do to cause her youngest daughter to hurt her more. After clicking her mother's golden horseshoe back onto her hoof, Blueberry explains she was making sure it was only the bump and nothing else.

Meanwhile, standing at the foot of the boarding plank in ankle-deep snow was Princess Luna she was watching a group of four pegasi scouts flying toward the crash site, the moment they neared the outer edge of the site the whirlwind kick-up again sending a storm of snow and ice toward them.

Forcing the pegasi scouts to retreat to the airship, on their return to the airship Luna instructs one of the pegasi scouts to fly toward the site till the whirlwind kick-up again and quickly withdraw.

As the pegasi scout flies towards the crash site, Luna's switch from her normal vision to eerie green-tinted sight allows her to view the unseen of the world. Once in range of the outer edge of the site on cue, the whirlwind kick-up once again. Luna's gape in stunned silence controlling the whirlwind was the ghostly figure of a unicorn wearing battered gold armor of her sister's royal guard. Once the scout withdraws, the ghostly unicorn ends the whirlwind and floats toward the crash site.

"Somnus, Adrian. Come here!" Luna yells.

"Yes, Auntie" Somnus answers as he joins her in ankle-deep snow.

"Yes, Your highness." Adrian answer bowing to both Luna and Somnus.

"Only the three of us can get to the crash site on the hoof." Luna explains as both Somnus and Adrian reel with astonishment with what Luna said.

"What? How Auntie?" Somnus inquiry looks at Luna a bit puzzled.

"How is the easy part went we get there will be the hard part," Luna explains as she looks toward Adrian and Somnus.

Before setting out to the crash site Luna explains to Somnus that he must see the world through unseeing eyes, the light bulb goes off above his head, and he switches from his normal vision to the same eerie green-tinted vision Luna taught him went he was very young colt to alleviate his fear of the unknown and the dark. As for Adrian she might not be able to see the unseen, but she can surely sense them being part bat pony. With that the three ponies set off toward the crash site. The moment they enter the outer edge of the crash site, the whirlwind whip-up again stronger than ever the further they press into the storm, the stronger the winds get ripping off the helmet and tiara from Luna's and Adrian's heads.

Once through the worst of the blizzard, the three ponies find themselves in an area of no winds as they collapse to the snow hysterically laughing as they made it through the blizzard alive. The tension is soon broke by a snowball hitting Luna in the face with that a snowball fight breaks out between the three ponies. Watching the snowball fight was the ghostly figure of an earth pony wearing the tricorne hat of an airship captain as a smile forms on the ghostly face of the earth pony captain.

"They have come." The earth pony captain said with a hollow voice.

"Now, my crew and ship eternal duty is now over, and we may rest in peace forever." The earth pony captain said with saddens but a hollow voice.

Several hours' later, standing in the ankle-deep snow at the foot of the boarding plank was Princess Celestia Silverlight and her two daughters, along with her niece Princess Cadence. The four ponies strain they sight watching for the return of Luna's team as the sunlight reflecting off the white snow in front of them. Soon the four ponies' faces flush with happiness flying ahead of her son pulling a sled with the treasure chest on it was Luna and Adrian both have recovered their lost headwear.

From the location, both Luna and Adrian land to either side of Princess Celestia, why her son pulls the sled in front of his mother. She uses her magic to unfasten the harness holding the sled to Somnus with him free of sled her eyes moisten with joy as she wraps her front legs and wings around him in an Alicorn hug.

"You might think of me?" Celestia said before Somnus stop her from finish her thought.

"I think you an Alicorn mother who knew her foals will always return to her no matter what, Mother," Somnus said as he had two earth pony turn the treasure chest around with the rusted lock toward Celestia.

Without being told, Celestia lifts one of her front legs and slams the bottom of her golden horseshoe against the rusted lock breaking it into two pieces. As the bottom half of the lock falls away, she floats the top half of the bolt out of the holes. She opens the chest inside was the princess's ransom in bits, but what surprised her was the several small hooks on the inside part of the lid of the chest, each baring a small metal tag with the names of a crew member of the Siren Song. Only one hook was empty that belong to the Captain of Siren song. A moment later, Luna remembered, she removes her right front silver horseshoe from her hoof and floats the missing metal tag onto the hook.

A sudden flash lit up the whole area it has come from the site of the crash airship, every pony watched as a ghostly airship lifted off from the peak and disappeared into the sky. Princess Celestia and the royal family look toward heaven.

"Thank you, Captain Reynard Windward. The treasure will be a return to Canterlot, your home, and your ship and brave crew will be remembered for protecting the treasure until it could be recovered and returned." Princess Celestia is thankful as they load the chest aboard her airship and return home.

Comments ( 4 )

Excellent story .

Loved the search for the ship

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