• Published 24th Jan 2020
  • 10,486 Views, 499 Comments

Mind Over Matter - Boopy Doopy

I got one wish. So what did my drugged mind come up with? To be a pony in Equestria.

  • ...

Field Trip

Leo didn't sleep much the night before. He was too excited. He’d been in Equestria for weeks now, and finally, he was going to see the place he wanted to see. Two places actually. While most of the trip would take place in Canterlot, they would stop in Ponyville briefly to meet up the class there and travel together. He’d get to see two of the most important cities in all of Equestria, and maybe even get to meet some of the ponies there, too.

He was already awake when Herbal Essence and Thundetail came to get him out of bed, and smiled brightly at the couple when he saw them. “I am so excited!” he called to her before she could greet him.

“Are you?” Thundetail asked as the two smiled back at him. “I couldn’t tell.”

“It’s going to be amazing!” he told them. “We’re going to see the princess, and the castle, and Rarity’s boutique, and-”

“I’m sure it’s going to be fantastic,” Herbal Essence interrupted with a chuckle. “But we have to leave now. Mrs. Leap wants you there early.”

“I’m ready to leave!” he said excitedly as he was taken out of bed.

He was absolutely ready. While he might not have watched the show for years like Mandy had, he was just as excited as she would have been to see Canterlot, maybe more so. As bad as he felt over the last few weeks, he was happy, ecstatic even, that he would finally see what he had been wanting to see since he first came to Equestria.

“Well, why don’t we get going then?” Thundertail suggested.

With that, the three set off on the familiar journey to the schoolhouse. It was still dark outside, with the first light of dawn just starting to break in. While Leo hadn’t gotten much sleep, he was still wide awake as they got to Cheery Leap’s classroom. Normally, he was the first pony there, or one of the first at least, but as he made his way in, there were already several students waiting in the room with the teacher. The colt wasn’t surprised, though. Everypony was excited to go to Canterlot. Of course, though, they weren’t anywhere near as excited as he was.

“Good morning, Leo” Cheery Leap greeted with a smile. “Are you excited about today?”

He couldn’t stop grinning, and hadn’t let down his smile since he woke up. “Absolutely! It’s going to be the best day ever!” He quickly took a seat at his desk, asking, "When are we going to leave?"

"In a little while," she explained. "We just need to wait for the rest of your classmates to show up, okay?"

“Okay!” he said excitedly, suppressing his urge to jump around. While there were many times recently that he felt like a child, for the first time, he felt like a kid again. He was excited, as excited as he was when he first found himself a pony. It was the first genuine excitement he’d had in quite a long time, and couldn’t remember when in his old life he’d felt that way. As well, although he was still having a little bit of trouble connecting with his classmates, he did realize he had more to care about than just visiting Canterlot, Herbal Essence, Thundertail, and, to an extent, Ivory Spark, coming to mind. He couldn’t help but feel happy to look forward to telling them about his visit.

He was glad, so glad, that his wish was granted. While it was difficult at first, he felt better about his situation with each passing day. His itching had long since passed, as well as that old voice that told him to do what was wrong for him. And while he still felt as though it was his fault he felt the way he did about this body's mother, and about how he had ruined his life, he was very slowly working on building up his self confidence, as well as stopping himself from bullying himself.

“Have fun, Leo!” Herbal Essence called as she and Thundertail left the schoolhouse. “We’ll come to pick you up when you get back, okay?”

He didn’t speak, but he did give them a wide smile and waved a hoof goodbye at them. They returned his gesture, smiling, almost beaming, as they exited, happy to see him happy. Leo sat waiting for a few minutes for the rest of his classmates to make their way to the school. Once they did, Cheery Leap got their attention.

“Now class,” she started once they’d all taken their seats, stopping their chattering, “as you all know, today we’re visiting Canterlot. What’s going to happen is we’ll take a train to Ponyville and meet up with the class from there. Then we’ll travel to Canterlot with them as one big group. We should get there around ten, and we’ll leave from there around four so we can be back here by eight for your parents to pick you up. Does anypony have any questions?”

Leo immediately shot his hoof in the air, asking, “Are we going to see the princess?”

“Maybe,” Cheery Leap answered with a smile. “If we’re lucky. Anypony else?” Nopony else raised their hoof, so she asked, “Is everypony ready to go?”

The train ride to Ponyville was longer than Leo expected, and with every minute, his anticipation built. During the ride, Cheery Leap explained that they would walk to the schoolhouse to meet the other class, although she hadn’t mentioned who the teacher of the class was. The colt briefly wondered who it could be, and tried to think back to see if he could remember if they mentioned it in the finale, but, coming up empty, decided to be patient. Excited to the point where he wanted to yell and run and jump around, but patient. He’d find out in a little while, and settled himself with staring out the window, taking in the rest of Equestria.

It was around a couple of hours later when the colt started to see Ponyville in the distance. It felt like deja vu as it came into view, almost surreal. It was like stepping straight into the tv show. He knew where he was, but seeing Ponyville reconfirmed for him that he was in Equestria. It was a reminder that he had a new opportunity to take advantage of, and that, as bad as he felt about himself, he was getting better, slowly but surely.

The train slowly came to a halt in the station, and Cheery Leap’s class stepped out in an orderly fashion, taking a second to stand quietly and view their surroundings while they waited for their teacher to give them direction. Leo shivered with a big smile on his face, almost unable to believe where he was. This was Ponyville. He was in Ponyville. He’d just stepped off the train onto the platform he watched the heroes of Equestria stand on many times before. It was unbelievable, and he enjoyed every second of it.

It was a direct trip from Baltimare to Ponyville, so this was the first time he was seeing ponies from outside the city. He stood with the rest of his classmates, staring wide eyed as other ponies started to board the train, trying to see if he recognized any of the ponies nearby. However, it was just a few seconds before Cheery Leap interrupted him.

“Okay class,” she started, “I want us to stay together. Like I explained earlier, we’ll head over to the schoolhouse here in Ponyville to meet up with the other class, then head back here to the train station to go to Canterlot. We might even get to do some exploring along the way.”

“That won’t be necessary,” a smiling voice that Leo was familiar with said from behind his teacher. He quickly looked to see who it was, and got the shock of his life. Although Cheery Leap explained that it had been fifteen years since Princess Twilight’s coronation as ruler of Equestria, he was shocked to see Cheerilee standing leading a group of foals no older than the class he was in. He was expecting her to be retired, or at least older looking with gray hair, but she looked virtually unchanged now that she was when she was in the show. She was clearly a lot younger in the show than he had expected.

Although time’s passage was clearly evident to her left, being shown through Pipsqueak, who was standing next to her. Although Leo was quickly able to tell that he was no longer a pipsqueak. He was about as tall as Cheerlilee, a fully grown stallion now, and looking around at the class about him to make sure they were staying put. He looked like Cheerilee’s teacher helper, and Leo figured he was apprenticing under her. He wasn’t expecting it, but decided it made sense enough. He remembered in one episode the stallion, when he was a foal, running for and winning an election for class president. He could see him apprenticing under Cheerilee and being her teacher helper. Actually, he was seeing it.

“We didn’t want to rush your class's getting to us, so we decided to meet your class here instead,” Cheerilee explained to Cheery Leap.

Leo’s teacher gave her a questioning look. “Rush?” she asked. “The train for Canterlot doesn’t leave for another hour.”

“Your message said it leaves at eight-thirty.”

“I’m sorry. I must have written the number down wrong,” Cheery Leap apologized. “It leaves at nine-thirty. I was actually planning on taking my class on a quick little tour of Ponyville in the meantime.”

Leo’s eyes went wide at that. “Really?” he asked in disbelief. “We’re going to tour Ponyville?”

“Sure,” his teacher answered with a kind smile. “As long as it’s okay with Miss Cheerilee.” The colt turned her way, and saw her give a wide smile as well, indicating her answer. He couldn’t believe his luck.

Leo remembered the first time he saw Ponyville. Per Mandy’s request, he watched the first episode sober, and didn’t really know what he was expecting, but was glad that he listened to her. He didn’t know what it was about what he was seeing, but he instantly fell in love with it. He watched the entire first season in a day, and then the next day watched the entirety of seasons two and three. He knew there was something pulling him in as he watched and he didn’t know what it was. Regardless, the more he watched, the more he loved what he saw, and before he knew it, he could safely say that it was the greatest show he'd ever seen. There were times when he watched the show when he wished he could step right in and see Ponyville with his own eyes.

And now, he was standing in it. He was silent as he walked with his class, in complete disbelief that he was in Ponyville. He couldn’t believe he was here, that he was in Equestria at all. Walking through Ponyville and seeing some of the ponies he knew in it once again made it hard to grasp that he was truly here. That a genie gave him a wish and sent him to Equestria. It seemed impossible. And yet, there he was, walking through Ponyville.

He and the two classes visited many sights that he knew. The Carousel Boutique, Sugarcube Corner, the town hall, Twilight Sparkle’s former castle, and they even managed to spot the School of Friendship. As well, he saw many ponies he knew, some of whom, like Cheerliee, seemed like they hadn’t aged a day, like Lyra and Bon Bon, others of whom looked much older, like Mayor Mare and Diamond Tiara. The colt wished he could have gone inside these places and talked to some of them, but decided it would be okay, since there would be another day to do these things. Today, they were going to visit Canterlot.

After the brief tour, the group headed back on the train and took a short trip to the capital of Equestria. He stepped into the city the princess ruled from with the same sense of wonder and awe he had while touring Ponyville. Even though it looked nearly exactly as he expected, with many pristine white building and fancily dressed unicorns trotting around, he thought it was still quite a sight to see, and tried to take in with his eyes every inch of the city he possibly could.

“Alright,” Cheery Leap turned and told the two classes of foals, “our first stop of the day is going to be the castle of Princess Twilight Sparkle.”

Leo smiled at that thought. Seeing the castle was one of the first things he wanted to do since he got to Equestria, and as the group headed over, it did not disappoint. The colt grinned happily as he viewed the picturesque structure in front of him. It towered over the whole city, the sun glistening off of its white walls and golden ceiling. It was quite the sight, the view giving a question to Leo, one that the rest of the group was wondering as well.

“Do we get to go inside?” the colt asked his teacher hopefully.

“It wouldn’t be much of a tour if we didn’t,” Cheery Leap answered with a smile.

The group of foals let out a small cheer and followed the adults into the building, where they got the surprise of their lives. Even Cheery Leap was caught off guard seeing the pony in front of her standing near the entryway just inside, with only Cheerilee and Pipsqueak being unsurprised by her appearance. She was tall, as tall as Celestia, and had hair that flowed like the former ruler's did. She also had armor similar to the armor Celestia used to wear, armor that she started wearing after her coronation. Her coat was purple, just like everything else about her. If there was one word to describe her, it would have been the color purple. She was the element of magic, the Princess of Friendship, the ruler of Equestria, and Leo’s absolute favorite character in the whole show. He once called her a “dumb, purple horsie”, but he hadn’t realized at the time just how wrong he’d been.

The alicorn was never one to pass up the opportunity to appear before visiting classes of foals, and smiled down on the group before her. As she did, Leo felt as though she were looking directly at him. He was in complete awe of her, and stared back with a mouth hanging open in disbelief, taking in Princess Twilight Sparkle, forgetting about everything else he’d been feeling and everything else he had been through for just a moment.

Author's Note:

And... that's it! That's the end, if you could believe it.


Some of you who read this before may remember an additional 10 chapters after this, but those have since been deleted since I don't think they really fit the narrative of the story + I kind of bungled up writing them. Long story short, the ending was very abrupt and I didn't get to do all of what I wanted so the ending was very awkwardly placed with those extra 10 chapters. This is where the ending was originally meant to be anyway. So if you were looking for that, I'm quite sorry.

Comments ( 39 )

Honestly? this was a hell of a trip, but in a really good way.

this was a great story, and im excited to see more from you!

What a sweet ending.
I loved it

This is a good story, despite leaving off on a slight cliffhanger. I look forward to the continuation of this story sometime in the future.

This is a great way to end things, considering the path Leo followed to get here. I'm definitely looking forward to seeing what you do with Thundertail, though. You had some fantastic characterization that kept me hooked the whole way through, so I'll be on the lookout for more of this from you.

Thank you for writing!

He couldn’t stop grinning, and hadn’t let down his smile since he woke up. “Absolutely! It’s going to be the best day ever!” He quickly took a seat at his desk, asking, "When are we going to leave?"

and settled himself to starting to stare out the window, taking in the rest of Equestria.

This story is amazing! I've been following since you first posted it, and I'm glad to see you've been able to finish on a lighter note for Leo. I really hope to see Arc 2 in the future!

Awww... thank you!

All the praise I could think of will do no justice to this story. Though I wish we saw Canterlot with him. Maybe we will see that if and when you do a continuation?

All in all this was a very strong story and well worth the featured box. You should be proud of it and your work. I look forward to any further stories you have, though By all means please take your time on them. It’s never good to rush into something and another story or story arc is no exception.

Please stay safe, and once again, I’m eager to see what other stories you produce. For now? Mind Over Matter is an easy 10/10.

Thank you! : ) You're the absolute best!

This turned out to be a rather good story.

I can't wait to see what else this Auther will bring us.

Very well done.

The Monk
“Puberty was a curse for those inflicted with it, and boundless amusement for others who survived the process.” -Scarheart

Yes, this is a good (and planned) end for this arc. Separate story as a sequel would make the most sense in the current format.
Leo has come a long ways in the month he's been here. Seems the Reformation is proceeding excellently!
It's been fun!
Keep going! ;)

Literally the biggest and best day of his life(s). :pinkiehappy: Wonder how Pinkie Pie and Discord will react to him. Since i expect Discord to be the one granting his wish and because Pinkie Pie is...
Pinkie Pie :derpytongue2:
Maybe Pinkie Pie knows about him and gives him advice. Like: It dont rains all days / you should smile so no day is wasted / Hakuna Matata ... Or so :trollestia::yay:

When can we expect a continuation. Because I can't wait. Also I screamed at the end after I saw how it end. My parent's are now looking at ne weird

Good question. I was thinking between August and October. It'll either be dealing with an older Leo or Thundertail's past. Also, can I ask why you screamed?

Because it ended on a cliff hanger and well I tend to do that when I'm reading something I realy like and it ends like that

Ah, I'm sorry... : (

sorry for not commenting on it for a while ,been very busy. Well we finally get to see Twilight, nice to see all the progres he has done sense the beginning of the story. keep it up, looking forward to see the sequel.

Apparently I missed a chapter, haha! This one is good too. I'm glad to see him happy.

I've seen too much despair, I'm predicting that this tour is gonna turn out to be a complete 180 mood change.

Oooo Buck!
I hope he can control himself so he can enjoy his time

Sweet! There are two or three story like that on Fimfiction!

Wow, what a great story! :twilightsmile: I just binged through it the whole night and it is now just after 7am. :twilightoops:

Given it's my profession, I do have to say, though— this is in desperate need of an editing job... :facehoof:

I honestly feel like you could keep the narrative of and rewrite those last few chapters into a sequel with a bit more content. I really quite enjoyed them, flaws and all, and I get you don't want to touch that stuff, but I was really let down re-reading this and it just dead ending here. If there's somewhere I COULD read them, I'd really appreciate it, but if you don't want me to that's understandable. Have a nice day

well yeah that's sort of a given, on this site lmao. I tend to just ignore that sort of thing, and look more into the content and narrative of the writing. And this one is one of the better stories for that, which makes me happy

Yeah... this was the first story I wrote on this website before I knew what I was doing... God, this was almost two years ago. But thank you for reading it anyway! I appreciate it!

This was enjoyable. The ending was rather abrupt, and I wish we got to see more, but this was very good.

True :scootangel: I've tried writing with my right hand and since I'm left-handed it always comes out worse than if I were to try writing left-handed while drunk with a head injury and blindfolded:rainbowlaugh:
Though since most everyone is right-handed I've grown up using my right hand for stuff like shaking hands or opening a door for someone etc. And it would feel strange if I tried to use my left hand for stuff like that. It's just habit bordering on instinct.
So yeah I totally understand what you are saying. All you'd have to do to know how a Pony would be if they suddenly found they had hands is look at Purple Smart in EQG.:twilightsheepish:

it feels like ending of a manga that got canceled by publisher.

I know it's not exactly the same thing but I wanted to give something of a decent example and disassociative identity disorder was the first thing that came to mind for me.

A good story overall.

Unless you plan to articulate i can only say “I meant and stand by what I wrote”

I've always had a thing for stories about sexual abuse of children in a dark themed and sad context in the plot. I read this like 2 years ago, but I'm getting around to commenting on it now. The vast majority of that kind of thing on this site is done with all the nuance and delivery of getting hit in the face with a space age sledghammer designed to crack open moons. To an extent, I can enjoy those fics for the shock value of them, but the downside is that it's harder to take it seriously as a legit story as opposed to an enternaining albeit simplistic artistic expression of horror. Of all the fics I've read on this site, this fic is the closest thing I've seen to a realistic and accurate depiction of child rape, especially for a T rated fic. I want to use the chapter of the boy's father's reaction as an example. He goes through not one, but MULTIPLE different stages of denial, which is very accurate when it comes to these cases, especially the much rarer irl cases where the perpetrator is a woman, but that's not a discussion I'm gonna get into right now. It takes more than one large red flag for him to even put the idea that his wife was a predator on the table at ALL, and then after that, it kept piling on until he had a guilt induced breakdown. The thing a lot of people fail to understand about this kind if thing irl, is that people are much less willing to believe that someone is a child molester when that person is something they love. That was his wife, of COURSE he didn't even consider the idea. People supress red flags like this because the truth is too scary to imagine. Compare this by contrast to the medical professionals in this fic. One of their first instincts is that the boy was molested, which is the logical conclusion to come to based on the child's behavior. They of course didnt know who he was which helped. And honestly, the whole thing where they confused his drug symptoms with abuse trauma starting as a funny misunderstanding to the ultimate plot twist that the body he inherited WAS abused, was genius. The way their minds were twisted and warped together in a sense was interesting in this regard. Good fic. I can't speak for abuse victims as I am not one, but I would hazard a guess that if they read this, they would be able to relate way more than any other fic on this site.

Actually water does have a taste- if you're basically any animal except a human. We can smell damp earth from a mile away but we can't taste it once we get to that oasis.

Well, that was quite a trip. Interesting story, pretty engaging and an interesting window into a mind that works way differently than my own. Good job : )

What a ride. This was a fantastic story.

I do remember that there was supposed to be some chapters after this one.. it's nice to see why they were deleted.. neverless I am glad that I downloaded a copy before the edit so I can reference back to what the story used to be.

I read this story a good while ago, and I know it's been a while since the last comment here, but I just have to say this is probably the perfect human to foal in Equestria story. It really has everything, and it's been a huge inspiration to me. That's all I have to say about that, take care.

Thank you, I appreciate it.

Сказать, что я не ожидал финала так скоро, значит, ничего не сказать... Я надеялся, что у Лео ещё будут какие-нибудь приключения или проблемы, от повседневной рутины, до того, что его украдут при экскурсии. Но нет, значит нет... жаль, история то хорошая

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