• Published 24th Feb 2020
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Spike The Brony Dragon - red4567

A human in Spike's body will do whatever he can to change the future for the better.

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Chapter 94 (Newbie Dash)


“Spike! Spike!”

“What?! What?!” I shot up from my bed and tossed my comic book aside.

“It’s Rainbow Dash!” Twilight exclaimed. “She said we need to head to her house immediately for some exciting news!”

“She’s becoming a Wonderbolt?”

“Probably! We have to hurry and see if it’s true!”

As Twilight and I left the castle, I had a feeling this was the infamous “Newbie Dash” episode. In the show, Rainbow Dash achieves her dream of becoming a Wonderbolt. But sadly, this milestone was overshadowed by the fact that the Wonderbolts kept calling her “Crash,” an embarrassing nickname Dashie had during her days at flight school. It didn’t help that Rainbow tried various ways to get them to stop calling her that, like imitating the Mane 6 or trying to pull a dangerous stunt, and failing each time.

One method I could try doing is warning Rainbow Dash how the Wonderbolts get their nicknames. I could also remind her to be cautious when crossing the runway. While I wouldn’t guarantee that it will prevent Rainbow Dash from getting an embarrassing nickname altogether, it should prevent her from being named “Crash.”

The Mane 6 and I arrived at Rainbow’s house. Those without wings had a cloud-walking spell cast on them. Once we went in, Rainbow Dash zoomed around the house collecting items and shoving them into a suitcase.

“Anypony seen my wing balm?!” Dashie frantically asked. “I don't want to be stiff when I show up at Wonderbolt headquarters!”

“Here it is.” I picked it up from the couch and tossed it into the air. “Catch!”

Rainbow caught the balm and slammed it into her case.

“Do you have time to tell us what happened, Rainbow Dash?” Twilight asked.

“Oh, yes, we must know every detail!” Rarity added.

“Start from when you were a foal and you first knew your destiny was to become a Wonderbolt!” Pinkie declared.

Just like in the show, Rainbow announced she’ll be doing a show with the other Wonderbolts after one of the members retired. She had to leave for the Wonderbolts headquarters this afternoon, and she would have to go through training for the next two days for the show. The girls wished her luck, and I wished she didn’t brush it off.

“Hey, Dash, could I say something real quick?” I asked.

“As long as it doesn’t take too long,” Rainbow replied.

“I know you’re excited that you’ve become a Wonderbolt. In fact, we all are, but be careful out there. Obey what your superiors say, look both ways on the runway, and all that stuff.”

“What are you, my Uncle Blaze?” Rainbow put her goggles on. “I know the Wonderbolts are tough fliers, but I didn’t let that stop me from going through all those hoops to get to who I was today.”

“What hoops?” Pinkie looked out the window. “I didn’t see any on the way here.”

I continued, “Okay, but I just want to let you know that the Wonderbolts have a tendency to give nicknames based on rookie mistakes, at least that’s what I heard.” I watched Rainbow open the doors. “Don’t want you to get an embarrassing nickname like ‘Rainbow Crash.’”

Rainbow froze like a deer in headlights. Fluttershy gasped like I just insulted Daring Do.

“Who told you that part of my past?!” Rainbow zipped up to me. “I want names!”

“Rainbow, stop!” Fluttershy pushed her away. “He didn’t know any better. He was just trying to look after you.”

Rainbow looked at me.

She then sighed. “Okay, fine. I’ll be careful…and maybe see if they can give me a cool nickname.”

“Rainbow,” Fluttershy said sternly.

“Right, sorry.”

Rainbow took her suitcase, put her goggles on, and flew off to the Wonderbolts headquarters.

“Why did Rainbow snap at Spike like that, Fluttershy?” Twilight asked.

Fluttershy looked out the window until Rainbow was no longer in sight. “Rainbow Dash was called ‘Crash’ before. She had a flying accident one time at our flight school, and everypony, including some of the teachers, started calling her that at least once. In fact, I may have been the only pony to never call her that. Since then, she hated that nickname.”

“If I recall correctly,” Rarity said, “her former bullies used that sobriquet back during the Best Young Flyer Competition, and yet she showed no signs of rage like she did with Spikey-Wikey.”

“Well,” Fluttershy rubbed her hooves. “She was used to those bullies calling her that, so she was expecting the nickname to be used then.”

“I’m sorry for making Rainbow angry like that,” I said. “I was trying to warn her.”

“You’re fine, Spike. For now, we have to hope that the Wonderbolts don’t start calling her that nickname, too.”

The next day, I was in Sugarcube Corner with Rumble and Button Mash.

“Uh, Spike?” Rumble asked. “You’re supposed to drink your milkshake, not stare at it.”

“Oh, sorry.” I quickly sipped my half-melted mint shake. “I was just thinking about Rainbow Dash.”

“Oh, yeah! I heard from Thunderlane that Miss Dash became a Wonderbolt. She must’ve been so excited to hear that.”

“Heh, you don’t know the half of it.” I stared at my glass. “But…I’m a bit worried about what might happen. To be specific, they might give her a nickname she doesn’t like.”

“Well…maybe she’ll get used to it. After all, it’s just a name.”

“Not if the nickname constantly reminds you of your past mistakes and the endless bullying due to your past mistakes.”

“Oh…well, then I don’t know what to say about that. Oh, I know! I’m going to take a tour with Thunderlane around the headquarters later today. You could join us and find Miss Dash. And make her feel better if she’s sad about her new name.”

I sat up. “Okay, sounds great!”

Rumble told me where and when to meet him and his brother.

After I got Twilight to cast me a cloud-walking spell, I met with the two pegasus brothers, and we flew to the Wonderbolts’ base. We met with a tour guide, and she showed us around.

A short while later, we got the most important part of the base.

“And this here’s the runway,” the tour guide announced. “Hopefully, I don’t have to remind you three that you should always look both ways before crossing it. Especially in a place like this.”

“I’m pretty sure everypony knows that,” Rumble said.

Except for a particular light-blue-colored pegasus in the show.

“Ah, looks like Captain Spitfire is here,” the tour guide pointed to the sky and waved.

Spitfire took note and made a quick landing.

“You must be the private tour group,” Spitfire said. “I hope you guys will enjoy your trip around the headquarters. I’m supposed to help train the Wonderbolts for our show in a couple of days, but I have time for a few quick questions, if you have any.”

“Actually, I have one,” I said. “Is it possible for a non-pegasus to join the Wonderbolts? Like a dragon, or a griffon for example?”

Spitfire stood silently, adjusting her goggles.

“Well…it would be unlikely, I’m sure. But I’m not saying that the Wonderbolts forbid non-ponies, mind you. It’s just that most of our flight patterns are usually made for pegasus ponies. The non-pony can join the Wonderbolts, but they would have to understand that it would be…difficult for them.”

That’s when I saw Rainbow Dash and another Wonderbolt fly by.

“Keep it up, Flatfoot and Birdwing!” Spitfire called out.

Rainbow squeezed her eyes shut.

“Uh, Spitfire, one of them was Rainbow Dash,” Rumble pointed out.

“Oh, that’s the new nickname that we gave Dash.”

Dashie’s new nickname is “Birdwing”? Well, it’s a better alternative to “Crash,” but why that name?

We continued the rest of the tour, concluding our stop at the mess hall to eat.

“I have to say, if this is what they feed the Wonderbolts, I should’ve signed up years ago!” Thunderlane rubbed his hooves as he eyed his cafeteria tray.

“Mine could’ve used a bit more salt,” Rumble said.

“Ah, it’s not for everypony.” Thunderlane looked at me. “...or nonpony. Come on, Spike, eat. Are you waiting for it to be your midnight snack?”

“Oops.” I snapped out of it and ate my food. “I was lost in thought again.”

“Is this about Dash’s new nickname?” Rumble asked. “I thought it sounded pretty cool.” He grabbed the spoon like a microphone. “Presenting the newest and most awesomest flier: Rainbow ‘Birdwing’ Dash!”

I chuckled. “Yeah, but she doesn’t see it the same way. I know I came here to comfort her, but I think I'll wait until she comes back home.”

After our meal, we returned to Ponyville. I hurried back to the castle just to see Twilight leaving.

“Spike, you’re back!” Twilight exclaimed. “Did you see Rainbow Dash at all on your tour with Rumble and Thunderlane?”

“Yes, but only briefly,” I replied.

“Well, you’ll be seeing her more soon. Pinkie wanted to throw her a party, so she invited the girls and the Cutie Mark Crusaders to Dash’s house. You’re welcome to come as well.”

“Sure thing.”

We got to Rainbow Dash’s house. Everypony else sans Rainbow was already there. We quickly set everything up. Within the hour, Rainbow Dash showed up.

“SURPRISE!!” We all shouted as Rainbow got covered in confetti.

“Hooray, Rainbow Dash!” the CMC announced. “Our favorite Wonderbolt!” They pointed to a banner they drew of Rainbow Dash.

“We know you're probably tired, Rainbow Dash,” said Twilight, “but Pinkie wanted to throw you a real party.”

Surprisingly, Rainbow actually joined the festivities this time. We mingled and ate the snacks Pinkie provided. With all that she’s done, it was like she was celebrating Rainbow’s birthday.

However, while Rainbow did join the party, I noticed something off. Everytime somepony asked about her time at the Wonderbolts, she would give a vague answer and change the subject. Only a few others besides me picked up on that, but I was the only one who didn’t shrug it off.

Hours later, the party was over, and everypony left Rainbow’s house.

Almost everypony.

“Alright, Spike, party’s over,” Rainbow said. “I gotta get up early tomorrow and get back to base.”

I replied, “You probably already know why I’m really here, 'Birdwing'.”

“Ugh!” Rainbow covered her face. “You heard that, didn’t you?”

“It’s kind of hard not to when the captain yells it out loud. So tell me, Rainbow Dash, how did you get that name and why are you so embarrassed about it?”

Rainbow sat on the couch. “I was crossing the runway while looking both ways (like what everypony and non-pony keeps telling me to do). Right after that, Soarin and Fleetfoot flew by, and I’ll admit I was a bit too amazed by their flying skills.”

“A bit?”

“Okay, I was over-the-top amazed. I got so distracted, I didn’t hear Spitfire until she blew a whistle right in my ears. I jumped into a tree and hit my head on one of the branches. Then I landed on another branch and while I was rubbing my head with my wings, one of the Wonderbolts said I looked like a preening bird. Now they’re calling me ‘Birdwing’ because of that. I wanted a cooler nickname like ‘Rainbow Lighting’ or ‘Fast Past’ or something else other than what they gave me.”

“I warned you of how they give each other nicknames. At least it’s not…your other nickname.”

“But still, ‘Birdwing’? How am I going to get them to stop calling me that? I can’t just tell Spitfire because it’ll sound like I’m complaining on my first day.”

“Well, then try not to let it get to you. You're still a Wonderbolt, and you can’t let one embarrassing nickname take that away.”

Knock! Knock! Knock!

“Huh? Who is it?!” Rainbow called out.

Twilight opened the doors. “Hey, Rainbow, is Spike…oh, he’s here. I was wondering where you were.”

“Sorry, Twilight. I was just leaving.” I turned to Rainbow Dash. “Be sure to remember my advice.”

Twilight flew to the castle with me on her back.

“Hey, Spike,” Twilight said, “I…heard your conversation with Rainbow Dash, and what her new nickname was…and that she's not taking it well.”

I replied, “I don’t want her to be discouraged and let all that build-up to become a Wonderbolt go to waste. Plus, ‘Birdwing’ isn’t a bad nickname compared to ‘Crash.’”

“Well, you know Rainbow Dash. She may have taken some lessons in humility, but her ego’s not going to go away like that.” She clapped her hooves together.

“Even still, I hope she can keep it in check during her time as the Wonderbolts.”

And hopefully not imitate all her friends.

Two days have passed since Rainbow’s house party. I don’t know what she did when she returned to the base, but I hoped she didn't poorly impersonated her friends.

The girls, the CMC, and I were in the outskirts of town, eagerly waiting for the Wonderbolts to perform.

“This is gonna be so amazing!” Scootaloo exclaimed.

Pinkie added, “I can't wait to see Rainbow Dash's first performance as an honest-to-goodness Wonderbolt! I hope there's cotton candy!”

She instantly zipped away.

“We should all remember to be extra supportive for Rainbow Dash too,” said Fluttershy. “I can't be the only one who noticed how strangely Rainbow behaved back at the party.”

“I noticed it, too,” I said.

“That will make three of us,” said Rarity. “You don’t suppose they started calling her 'Crash' as well, do you?”

“I’m pretty sure she would be a lot more upset if that were the case,” Twilight replied. “Even then, Rainbow Dash is a pretty resilient pony. I'm sure she's shaken off whatever was bothering her and turned it around by now.”

Applejack looked up in the sky. “Speakin' of...Hey, Dash!”

Rainbow Dash flew in and picked up Scootaloo. I raised my eyebrows.

“Perfect! Hey, can I borrow Scootaloo?” Rainbow asked.

“Me? What for?” Scootaloo questioned.

Just like in the show, Rainbow needed Scootaloo for assistance, and it was something that the Wonderbolts Reserves couldn't do at the moment. I knew what that something was.

After Rainbow and Scoots flew off, I got up from my seat.

“Where are you going, Spike?” Twilight sat up. “The show's about to start at any minute.”

“I'll be right back,” I replied. “I need to use the restroom.”

Once I was out of sight, I scaled the steep hills behind me. In no time, I got to the cliff where Dashie and Scootaloo were. There was a ramp to the side of them with a giant, black thundercloud at the end.

I knew what was going to happen. Rainbow wanted Scootaloo to roll down the ramp with her scooter. Then she would kick the cloud to summon a lightning bolt for Rainbow to use for her tricks. Unfortunately, the stunt would go more downhill than Scootaloo’s ride, and Rainbow would not only make a fool out of herself, she would be put on probation for a month. I needed to put a stop to it.

“...and then I'll do some incredible Rainbow Dash flying with it to create the coolest, show-stoppingest, lightning-tastic light show anypony has ever seen!” Rainbow concluded.

“HALT!!” I screamed.

Rainbow immediately tensed up.

“Hi, Spike!” Scootaloo greeted.

Rainbow turned around. “Oh, phew. I thought it was one of the members.”

“I might very well be.” I marched up to Rainbow. “What are you doing, Rainbow Dash?”

“Uh…the Wonderbolts wanted me to…improvise on the finale. Yeah, they were looking for that Rainbow Dash flare, heh.”

“I know you’re lying. You’re doing all this because of your nickname, aren’t you?”

Rainbow bit her lip and covered her eyes.

“What nickname? ‘Dashie’?” Scootaloo asked.

“‘Birdwing,’” Rainbow and I said simultaneously.

Scootaloo looked around. “That’s it?”

“Come on!” Rainbow exclaimed. “Can’t you see how bad it is?!”


“See?” I motioned to Scootaloo. “You’re blowing this way out of proportion, Dashie. There are far worse nicknames than ‘Birdwing’.”

“Name a few.” Rainbow crossed her arms.

“Chicken, Dodo, Blank Flank,” Scootaloo counted.

I continued, “Clipper, Flatfoot, Dizzy, Slowpoke, Hoof-in-Mouth,…Crash?”

Rainbow’s eyes widened slowly.

“Honestly, Rainbow, you’ve finally accomplished your dream of being a Wonderbolt, and yet you let one slip-up cloud your judgment. Are you seriously going to risk your one true dream just to get ponies to call you something else?”

Rainbow stared at the ramp and cloud. She hung her head.

“I guess I took things too far,” she whimpered. “Maybe I’m not Wonderbolt material after all…”

“Don’t be ridiculous!”

From underneath the ramp appeared…

“Captain Spitfire!” Rainbow quickly saluted.

Scootaloo did the same.

“At ease, you two,” Spitfire said. “So what’s this talk about you not being Wonderbolt material, Rainbow Dash? You're the most talented flier we've ever had! And you saved all of Equestria almost a dozen times...not to mention three of us that one time…

Rainbow rubbed her hooves. “Uh, I…”

“Of course you're supposed to be a Wonderbolt. We've been waiting for a spot to open up ever since you joined the Reserves! And trust me, you’re not the only one with an embarrassing nickname. The young dragon pretty much nailed most of the other member's names except mine.”

“What was yours?”

Spitfire whispered in Rainbow’s ear, “Burnt-bun.”

“Whoa! That is so much worse than Crash. So does this mean I'm...still on the team?”

“Do you think you can be part of this team and not try to showboat?”

Rainbow stood firm. “I promise! I spent my whole life trying to be a standout flier, but now that I'm a Wonderbolt, it's time to be okay with fitting in.”

“Good, but…we’re also going to have a talk after the show since we were supposed to perform fifteen minutes ago. Got a problem with that?”

“No, ma'am!” Rainbow saluted.

Aside from the quarter-hour setback, the Wonderbolts’ show went off without a hitch. We watched as Rainbow performed spectacular stunts with all her Wonderbolt members.


“Pinkie, what’s wrong?” Rarity asked.

“I accidentally bit into my tail instead of the cotton candy.” Pinkie rubbed her fluffy tail. “Would you believe me this wasn’t the first time it happened?”

“Well, that’s what you get for having such a massive treat with you.”

Pinkie spat out some hair.

After the show ended, Rainbow stayed to clean everything up.

“Hey. Rainbow Dash.” Twilight greeted as the girls, the CMC, and I approached her. “We just wanted to check on you. Are you doing okay?”

“I'm doing great, thanks,” Rainbow happily replied.

“No more attempts to have your name changed?” I asked.

“Nope. I’m perfectly fine with ‘Birdwing.’”

“Sure you don't need any help?” Scootaloo requested.

“Nah.” Rainbow threw some banners in the trash can. “It was my responsibility that the Wonderbolts started so late, so I've gotta clean up myself. And after this, Spitfire's got me cleaning the Wonderbolts' compound for the next few days.”

“So why are you in such a good mood?”

“Duh! Because I'm a Wonderbolt!”

I was relieved how this episode ended. Rainbow got a better nickname than “Crash,” and she never pulled off that humiliating stunt. Also, I learned Spitfire’s nickname, and I didn’t have to guess how she got it, or why Hasbro didn’t reveal it in the show.

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