• Published 31st Jan 2020
  • 1,212 Views, 31 Comments

An Unexpected Journey - DRWolf

What was supposed to be a short stroll through the Everfree Forest turned into a bigger adventure then the two little friends hoped for...

  • ...

Chapter 4

Bliss sat in silence as Doc laid out what happened after she passed out. How Scorpan came out of the dark and carried her while leading him back to his cave. How he fixed up her wing and offered them food, then explained how he knew who Scorpan was based off a therapy visit he did with Tirek. Admittingly she was saddened by the facts he gave her, and how they were once close brothers, only to be separated by different goals and ambitions. She couldn’t imagine if Doc and Teric were to fight and separate like that with how close they are. She couldn’t help but relate to Scorpan’s situation since it was starting to remind her of past incidents with her siblings, though she didn’t feel now was the time to go into it.

“I see…” Bliss stated after a while, “So he’s been out here all this time, alone?”

“It looks to be that way…” Doc replied. “I can’t imagine what that life must be like. But then again…”

“You...kinda do know what that’s like don’t you?”

Doc leaned back as if deep in thought, reflecting on his past from years ago before he came to Ponyville.

“When I was with my Master in that Enchanted Library, Blissy…” the Equestrian wolf replied. “I can’t remember how long I must have waited for his return. At least I had a hope that he would return one day. That’s why I didn’t leave...and probably never would have if it weren’t for Teric. After I met him, he helped me come to terms that Master may be forever lost, no matter how long I kept my head in those books and waited. No amount of research would bring him back to me I realized...For all I know he’s probably still there, searching in that endless sea of books and shelves of knowledge...for something I will never know…”

Bliss lowered her head down on a pillow, sensing painful memories from her older wolf bro.

“I can’t imagine being isolated like that.” She spoke quietly but that he could still hear. “It hurts to think about. I feel so sorry for your Master...and for Scorpan too. I...I wish there was something we could do, at least to help Scorpan.”

“Well…since you mentioned, “ Doc smiled and scooted closer to her. “If you’re feeling up for it, maybe go and say thank you for helping with your wing, and giving us a place to stay to recuperate. Perhaps share some rainbows to make him smile.”

“Very funny…” she shrugged.

“No, really I’m serious,“ he placed a friendly hand on her head. “You do have your own way of making others smile. After all, it’s in your talent.”

Bliss looked up and smiled at him, but her ears drooped back in fear.

“What if he yells at me again?”

“Hmm,” Doc patted her head reassuringly. “Well, then at least you tried. But it’s up to you Lightning, I won’t force you to do anything you’re not comfortable with. I just figured it was worth a shot.”

“Hmm… that’s fair,” she sighed and slowly got up. “Alright, I’ll go... Ouchy…” she grunted as she took a step, “I really hope this won’t hurt forever.”

“I’m sure it won’t. Good luck!”

Bliss slowly made her way to the tunnel Scorpan had left through an hour ago, and crept inside. Lighting her horn to guide the way in the dark unknown, she picked her hooves up one at a time as she walked while slowly touching them down on the hard ground to avoid making clapping sounds. Fear was slowly picking up as she descended into the void, not knowing what she’ll find at it’s end, other than the possibility of an angry creature much more powerful than she was.

Finally, after a few seconds that felt like several minutes, the rainbow alicorn spotted a dancing orange warm light at the end of the tunnel. There she could see Scorpan, sitting on a stool hunched over, intently reading a book he was holding. He hadn’t yet spotted her to her relief and she slowly made her way up to him, wondering how to get his attention.

'A simple “Hello” or “Thank You” to catch his attention would have sufficed Bliss..'.she thought to herself. But just as she was close enough to make out the title of the book he was reading, her curiosity got the best of her and she blurted out:

“'Star Swirl the Bearded's Magic Book'? You have a copy?”

“WHO DARES?!!!” Scorpan roared out leaping to his feet, his wings out and teeth bared ready to attack. Lightning squeaked in terror and cowered at his feet.

“Oh- it’s you…” the gargoyle sighed, lowering his fists. “What are you doing out of bed?”

“I’m…” Bliss managed to squeak up at him, “I’m feeling much better now? And I...I just wanted to say-”

“Spit it out!”

“Gah I...I…” she tried to say the words, but admittedly Scorpan’s booming face and demanding presence kept her submissive.

The massive gargoyle glared down at the mare, noticing her shaking demeanor, and in that he sighed before attempting to speak in a softer tone. “I’m...No...I apologize for snapping,” he said sitting back down. “I have little patience and I’m not used to having company…You don’t need to be frightened of me...I am just a little new to socializing with others.”

He watched her look up to him, still nervous but at least it was a change,

“So what is it that you want to say to me, little pony?

“Um,” she stuttered, “Th-th-thank you...f-f-for helping me and my friend Doc...Th-that-ssss...all I wanted to say…I’m...I’m sorry for disturbing you.”

With that Bliss bowed her head and turned on her back hooves to leave, clearly not wanting to be yelled at anymore. Scorpan’s face seemed to droop even more as she turned, and placed his book back on the shelf.

“Wait…” the gargoyle called out to her, “I...don’t really want to be alone right now. If you wanted to talk to me...You can.”

The rainbow alicorn stopped and looked back at him.

“It’s been a while since I had someone to talk to...So… you know of 'Star Swirl’s Magic Book' and its lessons I’m guessing?”

Hesitantly Bliss turned back towards him, taking a cautious step forward.

“Well...not really, no sir,” she took a seat in front of him a few feet away, “I’ve just heard about it. I know Princess Twilight completed a spell of his that he couldn’t finish. It’s what helped her become an alicorn in the first place. A part of me was kinda curious if his book might be able to help me with...my magic one day. But with all the changes going on in Equestria-”

“What changes?” Scorpan asked her, but she continued.

“-after Tirek, Chrysalis and Cozy Glow attacked,” her words began to ramble, “and there was a large battle to fight them off with the help of all Equestrians, dragons, gryphons, changelings, hippogryphs and-”

“Wait what?”

“-and Princess Celestia, Luna and Discord imprisoning them in stone, followed by Twilight’s coronation to become the new ruler of Equestria and-”

“STOP!” Scorpan slammed his fist on the shelf making her leap from her flanks, “Tirek is trapped in STONE?!!! EXPLAIN THIS TO ME!”

“I’m...I’m sorry...I didn’t think…” she squeaked at his anger, “Tirek...he...He escaped Tartarus...joined forces with two other villains in another attempt to take over Equestria...but he and his comrades were stopped…”

She watched the hulking mountain of a gargoyle as his mouth hung open for several seconds before recoiling back, his eyes filling with tears. Abruptly he placed a clawed hand to cover his eyes.

“So...he’s been turned to stone has he?”

“Y-yes, sir.”

A dark and eerie silence filled the cave as Bliss waited for a response. The tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife. She could sense he was hurting, but wasn’t quite sure how to address his anger or sadness until finally she approached him cautiously.

“S-Scorpan?” she chirped “Are you...okay?” No response so she continued, “I’m...I’m so sorry…”

Sensing not much else she could do, Bliss lowered her head figuring it best to leave him be, but as she took a step back, she felt a gentle arm wrap around her neck that held her in place. She could hear muffled tears trying to be held back by his efforts.

“Forgive me...please don’t leave,” Scorpan choked back a sob, “I’m...I’m actually relieved. Relieved that my brother can no longer hurt others anymore...but at the same time...I wish he...I just wish he could have…” He felt the pony turn and place a friendly hoof on his knee.

“You wish he could have seen things differently?”

He nodded.

“If Tirek had been victorious,” the gargoyle continued, “he would have doomed everything we know...It’s good that he’s in a place where he’ll never be able to enact harm on Equestrians anymore...but...I cannot help but admit that it still hurts...because he is my brother. I pity him more than anything, I’m glad he’s in stone...but at the same time, ...I wish I could have helped him...Why couldn’t I have encouraged him to stop what he was doing...I just...GAAAAAAAAH!” He rubbed his head in frustration, “why is this so hard to explain to you!?”

She watched him rub his head, letting him get out his conflict and confusion. In that moment of clarity and hearing how he felt, she realized something unique about Scorpan. For once she felt like she met someone who in a way experienced a familiar pain that she had felt before. Her eyes opened wide in realization and placed a hoof in his hand.

“I wish things could have been different for him,” she calmly spoke, “a part of me wishes that...maybe if he could remember there was someone out there, waiting for him to come home...a family member like you. But… If it helps you Mr. Scorpan… none of what he did was ever your fault. His choices were his own, not yours.”

He slowly nodded at her.

“I’m aware…” Scorpan sighed then asked, “Did...did it hurt him...when he was turned to stone?”

“I honestly do not know sir,” Bliss lowered her head, “I wasn’t there when it happened. I think it was quick though. But… if you ever wanted to see him… I believe they are putting him and his comrade’s statue in the Canterlot Gardens where he’ll be safe. You...could potentially see him if you...wanted to?”

He placed a hand on her head, stroking it in what seemed to be an effort to calm his nerves.

“I’m...not sure I want to at this point,” Scorpan replied. “Knowing what he tried to do, not once, not twice but three times...I’m not sure I want to see him again. Though that does sound cruel to say out loud.”

“Funny you mention that…” she patted his knee, “I actually understand what you mean.”

“Do you now? You have a sibling encased in stone for crimes against Equestria?”

“No, sir. But…” She bit her lip, seeming hesitant to share. “I do know what it's like not wanting to see a sibling anymore...My older sister.”

“Ha,” he shrugged and took his hand off her head, “Don’t make me laugh, I’m sure you pony folk are incapable of abandoning one of your own no matter what.”

“Actually Cozy Glow was a pony,” she retorted back with a snort, sitting down in front of him, “She helped Tirek a few times to accomplish his goals, and is one of the villains encased in stone with him.”

Again Scorpan shrugged, huffing in disbelief.

“I’m just saying…” she continued, “if you’d take the time to listen and not grunt at me. It’s true my sister didn’t commit a crime against Equestria, but she did so against me and my family.”

His eyebrows raised at her mentioning the word family, and listened in as she continued.

“When I was a filly, me and my siblings lost our father. And when this happened...my sister, being the eldest pony, did try to help when things got hard for the rest of us. But then one day she ended up taking all his bits and fleeing, abandoning us to struggle to make ends meet. My mother did her best with my stepfather to raise us despite not being well off themselves, and we somehow managed to get by. It’s been years now and... I never saw her again...and honestly,” she looked up to him with her eyes red and forming tears, “I don't want to find her.”

Scorpan was surprised to hear a pony, for the first time, stating that they were unwilling to rekindle a bond with family. 'An older sibling betraying the others? Taking their money and abandoning them at the worst of times after losing their father? But how? I thought ponies were all about family and friendship?'

“It does hurt to say that,” Scorpan heard her continue, snapping him from his shock, “But...after everything she did to me and my family...I just can’t force myself to seek her out. Some believe that it would do me some good to see her and let go of the past...I'd argue that she cannot hurt me anymore if she’s no longer a part of my life. And...So…” she placed her hoof back on his knee, tearing up a bit, “It’s okay to feel this way...if they hurt you so much that you wish to cut them from your life… There’s...there’s no shame in that. There shouldn’t be shame in that. You can’t be angry at someone who isn’t a part of your life anymore…”

“Hey ...hey, hey, hey there…” Scorpan frantically scooped her up with heavy concern in his voice, “If you cry you’re gonna make yourself sick again.”

“I’m so sorry…” she hung in his hands, sniffing loudly, “I just… I...I admit it hurts to say these things and I just...hate to see someone else hurt like this. Our stories might be different but the outcome is the same...It hurts to lose a family member...but sometimes they leave us no choice...And I’m…” she sobbed, “I’m so sorry Scorpan…”

“Are...are you…” he held her up higher as if to inspect her face, “Are you crying...over me?

She looked down at him for a moment then looked away seeming embarrassed of her tears but said nothing.

“But why are you crying for me?” he asked gently. “We’ve only met today, why are you sad for me?”

“W-why not?” she cried out. “You’re hurting aren’t you? No one should...should ever have to feel this way. I just wish I could...do something to help...make the pain and sadness stop for you...”

As if on cue to her request, her horn began to glow involuntarily...it sparkled and flickered, emitting a beautiful soft rainbow light, glittering all over the cave walls. Scorpan looked at the dazzling soft display in awe. He had not seen a rainbow in many decades, not since he left the Equestrian lands. He had honestly thought he would never see one again after he left, and was happy to be proven wrong. He smiled and brought her down to his eye level.

“Heh…you know something little, Lightning Bliss?” He lifted her chin up so she looked back at him. “You’re getting cute on me.”

“I’m not cute…” she sputtered trying to clean up her face.

“Those rainbows you’re making aren’t exactly helping your claim on that my dear.” He wiped a tear out of her eye. “Lovely display of magic by the way.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she huffed, wiggling in his arms, not even noticing her horn was acting out. “I’m not cute and I demand you put me down please!”

“You’re a brave one too.” He chuckled, “You remind me of a General I met long ago.”

“A general? Who?” She asked as he placed her down.

“She was the general of a pegasus team...Fire Flat? Firefly? I think that’s what her name was.”

“Firefly… I remember her!” She exclaimed in excitement, “Wow, you must be really erm...Well heh, I wasn’t around when she was that’s for sure.”

“Were you just about to say I’m old?”

She squeaked and remained silent at the accusation.

“Heh…” He grinned showing his teeth. “Be that as it may… you really should still be resting. Come, let’s get you back to the fire.”

“Oh, oh okay,” she followed him as he led the way out. “But before I forget: thank you.”


“That’s what I really wanted to come down to talk to you for. Thank you for saving my life, and saving my friend.” She smiled reflecting on her friendship with Doc. “He’s… like a brother to me if you can believe it.”

“I figured as much,” he patted her head again as they walked, “and it’s no trouble at all. But, don’t thank me yet, you still need to get better. Um...and just between you and me.” He stopped and leaned down to whisper into her ear. “I really don’t want you getting sicker, otherwise your so-called ‘wolf brother’ might get cross with me again...I noticed how scary he got when I treated you a little rough back there. Sorry again for that.”

“Doc scared you?” She giggled, “The little pupper?”

“For a little 'pupper' he’s got a big bark…”

She let out a laugh just as they made it back to the main part of the cavern where Doc was waiting. He breathed a sigh of relief seeing them entering out together and stood up to meet them.

“Oh, Scorpan!” Doc approached, “I’m glad to see you return.”

“You are?” Scorpan asked genuinely confused before feeling Bliss elbow him in the leg. “I mean erm...I would like to apologize for the rude exit before, Doctor Wolf. I believe it’s what you would call, getting some air. Your mare sister here was kind enough to cheer me up.”

“Did she now?” Doc grinned at Bliss, who promptly stuck her tongue out at him. “Charming.”

“Well,” she retorted playfully, “I had a good mentor who encouraged me to try. After all..”

“It’s good to be helping.” Both Bliss and Doc said together before chuckling to each other.

Scorpan looked between the two in confusion. Scratching his head and placing his hand on his hip, wondering if he should laugh with them or wait till they were finished. After an awkward moment of them giggling to each other, he spoke up.

“Well,” Scorpan interrupted, “it’s nice to have company at home for once. Maybe one of these days I’ll try to make it back to Equestria someday. See what I have missed. Thank you both for being my first guests regardless. Hopefully next time it won’t be under harsh circumstances.”

“It’s never too late to visit Mr. Scorpan,” Doc replied back. “Equestria is a warm and welcoming place. In fact, I remember when my brother and I traveled there, and when I gave it a chance, I discovered my calling to help and serve others. It’s also where I met all these wonderful ponies I call my dearest friends…” He smiled, placing a paw on Bliss’s shoulder to make his point.

“It’s also the least we can do,” Bliss added in wrapping her good wing in a hug around Doc. “Thank you for helping us.”

“Indeed.” Doc choked out from the hug. “But I hope you can one day be at peace despite all that’s happened to you and your brother. I am....sad to say that his choices in life have left him in a state where...well…”

“No need to explain his current circumstances Doctor,” Scorpan said lifting his hand up, “Lightning more or less bluntly spoiled that part.”

Doc’s mouth dropped at this sudden announcement and turned to Bliss frowning at her as if to say ‘Could you have been more tactful about that?’

“Please don’t be too hard on her,” Scorpan cut in before Doc could have words. “It may have been better I found out this way then beat around the bush. I accept that my brother is in a place now where he can’t hurt anyone else, and should I decide to, maybe one day I will return to Equestria, and confront him one on one, even if he's made of stone.”

“I understand,” Doc nodded in response before giving out a rather loud wolf yawn. “Goodness...excuse me…”

“Not a problem, here,” Scorpan headed to another shelf and pulled out another blanket and pillow for Doc. “Both of you should get some rest. I’ll work on a better splint tonight to help make that wing more stable for your journey tomorrow, Lightning Bliss. But for now, you two should get some rest.”

“Tomorrow?” Bliss yawned as well just as obnoxiously loud as Doc did.

“Yes,” Scorpan replied while encouraging her back to the rugs. “You're healing fast and the fever appears to have broken, but I cannot mend your wing with the tools and ointments I have. I think it’s best that once I stabilize you in the morning, you two can make a journey back to see a proper doctor in your home. I also figured you both are missing them by now.”

“Hmm,” Doc reflected. “My Lady is bound to be wondering where I am…”

“Not to mention Twink and Subby…” Bliss agreed. “They must be really worried."

“Hmm…” Doc nodded in agreement.

“That’s what I thought,” Scorpan nodded before pouring some water over the fireplace, further dimming the light out of the cave so they could properly sleep. “So rest up you two. In the morning I’ll take you to the edge of my territory. From there if you travel an hour down the road I point you on, you’ll find a desert town in the badlands. You can charter a Sky Ferrier to take you back to Equestria. Here…” He handed Doc some bits. “That should be enough for the both of you.”

“But...but how can we pay you back Mr. Scorpan?” Doc resisted, but Scorpan waved his hand absently.

“Consider it a gift, for being a friendly ear, Doctor Wolf.” The brown aged being smiled back, his voice seeming calmer than before.

“I...well,” Doc looked down at the bits, then to Bliss who was grinning back at him. He sighed but smiled back at the generous donation. “Very well. Thank you kindly Scorpan.”

“Think nothing of it. Good night you two.”

“Good night!” Both Bliss and Doc replied before curling up in their rug nests for the night.